A framework for building rich, data-driven applications in PHP and MySQL

  • Xataface not working on php7.4

    Xataface not working on php7.4

    Our service provider is updating to php 7.4 shortly. Testing Xataface (2.2.5?) on 7.4 doesn't provide the login screen and gives multiple deprecated warnings. Are there any plans to update Xataface for php 7.4? Example warnings below:

    Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /.../xataface/public-api.php on line 781
    Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /.../xataface/config.inc.php on line 58
    Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /.../xataface/Dataface/Application.php on line 943
    Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Dataface_ConfigTool has a deprecated constructor in /.../xataface/Dataface/ConfigTool.php on line 33
    Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /.../xataface/Dataface/Table.php on line 2772
    Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /.../xataface/Dataface/Record.php on line 2594
    Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Dataface_Record has a deprecated constructor in /.../xataface/Dataface/Record.php on line 100
    Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Dataface_RecordIterator has a deprecated constructor in /.../xataface/Dataface/Record.php on line 4852
    Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Dataface_RelationshipIterator has a deprecated constructor in /.../xataface/Dataface/Record.php on line 4889
    Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /.../xataface/Dataface/LinkTool.php on line 48
    Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /.../xataface/Dataface/QueryTool.php on line 167
    Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Dataface_QueryTool has a deprecated constructor in /.../xataface/Dataface/QueryTool.php on line 36
    opened by mike-at-acs 4
  • LDAP authentication

    LDAP authentication


    Not sure if this is the primary discussion/issue platform or Google Groups.

    Ref. Google Groups topic https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/xataface/Vsx8Svc0Zak, sorry for the delay in completing this, however I have finally finished work on version 02.00.00; which support some additional features. See (https://bitbucket.org/viharm/xatafaceldapauth/). I am very new to licensing, so split the directory authentication and database authentication into two separate projects and use them as dependencies. The main ldap.php is modified to suit and released under Apache v2. If you feel this is inappropriate or incompatible please advise.

    Best regards, ViHAR

    opened by viharm 4
  • actions.ini: Using $record in url makes new record creation fail

    actions.ini: Using $record in url makes new record creation fail

    If I add following action to actions.ini:

    category = record_actions
    url = "MyActionURL?id={$record->val('TableID')}"

    Then I can't create new records anymore. When I go to create new record and save it, I get 500 Internal Server Error with empty page and no error message. This is somehow related to the use of $record in that action, even through that action is not even visible on the "Record successfully saved" page which fails.

    As a workaround for this bug, adding following condition seems to make this work:

    condition = "isset($record)"
    opened by malaire 4
  • Adding the iCal export to the calendar action

    Adding the iCal export to the calendar action

    So, I've done it (see the original comment that started this stuff), I add the ability to export table as iCal files. This is visible when in the calendar tab of the calendar action, as a action icon (icon in public domain, taken here. I use the iCalCreator lib from KigKonsult which is LGPL'ed. xCal format may be easily supported as iCalCreator seems to support it already, but I did not make it as I don't care.

    opened by taophp 4
  • release recent xataface work?

    release recent xataface work?

    Using Xataface v2.1.3 released Aug 31, 2016 with PHP 7.0.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.1, I'm running into the T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE problem fixed Sep 16, 2016 in a3926792 .

    I would very much appreciate a release that included recent work such as this.

    opened by dckc 3
  • Possible bug in Record->getValue(): it sets $out=null before returning even though $out has a value from e.g.

    Possible bug in Record->getValue(): it sets $out=null before returning even though $out has a value from e.g. "fieldname_init()"

    Hi, I just tried to debug an error and came up on lines 1980/1999 in Record.php. It seems to be wrong to me, to set $out=null after first painstakingly getting it. Also it makes all my transientValues return null the first time getValue is called on them. I would like to fix this or make an PR, but I don't know how I could unittest this for regression, sideeffects to it.

    This is the part I'm taking about: https://github.com/shannah/xataface/blob/32af6da431ccf687cdfd49870040d0308fd30827/Dataface/Record.php#L1980


    1980	$out = null;
    				} else if ( ( $parent =& $this->getParentRecord() ) and $parent->_table->hasField($fieldname) ){
    					return $parent->getValue($fieldname,$index,$where,$sort,$debug);
    				} else {
    					$this->_values[$fieldname] = null;
    					$out = null;
    			} else {
    				$out = $this->_values[$fieldname];
    			if ( isset($out) ){
    				// We only store non-null values in cache.  We were having problems
    				// with segfaulting in PHP5 when groups are used.
    				// This seems to fix the issue, but let's revisit it later.
    				$this->cache[strval(__FUNCTION__)][strval($fieldname)][$index][$where][$sort] = $out;
    1999		return $out;
    opened by TheJoeSchr 3
  • PHP7 Edits

    PHP7 Edits

    Changes to avoid PHP warnings "Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP" when running PHP 7.x on server.

    opened by lemondexter 3
  • Safe to empty dataface__record_mtimes?

    Safe to empty dataface__record_mtimes?

    Our dataface__record_mtimes table has grown to over 2.8 million lines on our site (in constant use).
    Is it safe to completely empty that table via phpmyadmin or will that cause functionality issues for our users? Is the usage of that table documented somewhere? Thanks in advance.

    opened by mike-at-acs 2
  • Cannot update/delete N:M transient table - Xataface 2.1.2

    Cannot update/delete N:M transient table - Xataface 2.1.2

    Records can be added to the transient / joining table (tbl_FamilySkill) when creating a new record (tbl_Family) or editing an existing (tbl_Family) record by adding related Skills (placing checks in Skills checkboxes). Any attempt to remove related Skills (unchecking the boxes and then saving) will fail. It will also fail upon trying to delete the Family record. The database user has all permissions to the database including delete.

    Error in the apache log (replaced backticks with single quotes to avoid github formatting issue):

    [Tue Sep 08 17:06:59.162881 2020] [:error] [pid 7580] [client x.x.x.x:55618] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'limit 1' at line 1, referer: index.php?-table=tbl_family&-action=edit&-cursor=0&-skip=0&-limit=30&-mode=list&-recordid=tbl_family%3FFamily_ID%3D1&--saved=1&--msg=Record+successfully+saved
    [Tue Sep 08 17:06:59.163132 2020] [:error] [pid 7580] [client x.x.x.x:55618] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'limit 1' at line 1' in xataface/public-api.php:821\nStack trace:\n#0 xataface/Dataface/IO.php(848): df_q('select '', NULL...', Object(mysqli))\n#1 xataface/Dataface/IO.php(1797): Dataface_IO->recordExists(Object(Dataface_Record), NULL, 'tbl_familyskill')\n#2 xataface/Dataface/IO.php(594): Dataface_IO->removeRelatedRecord(Object(Dataface_RelatedRecord), false, true)\n#3 xataface/Dataface/IO.php(702): Dataface_IO->saveTransients(Object(Dataface_Record), Array, NULL, true)\n#4 xataface/Dataface/QuickForm.php(1120): Dataface_IO->write(Object(Dataface_Record), Array, NULL, true, false)\n#5 [internal function]: Dataface_QuickForm->save(Array)\n#6 xataface/lib/HTML/QuickForm.php(1632): call_user_func(Array, Array)\n#7 xataface/actions/e in xataface/public-api.php on line 821, referer: index.php?-table=tbl_family&-action=edit&-cursor=0&-skip=0&-limit=30&-mode=list&-recordid=tbl_family%3FFamily_ID%3D1&--saved=1&--msg=Record+successfully+saved

    Enabling the general log on MariaDB and capturing the query that breaks shows the same query noted in the apache log: (replaced backticks with single quotes to avoid github formatting issue)

    select '', NULL from 'tbl_familyskill' where  limit 1;

    I get the same issue on Ubuntu Server 18.04 (MariaDB 10.5.5, Apache 2.4.29, PHP 5.6.40, Xataface 2.1.2) and 20.04 (MariaDB 10.5.5, Apache 2.4.41, PHP 7.4.3, Xataface 2.1.2)

    Here are the table definitions (replaced backticks with single quotes to avoid github formatting issue):

    CREATE TABLE 'tbl_family' (
      'Family_ID' smallint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Index',
      'FirstName' varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT 'First Name',
      'LastName' varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT 'Last Name',
      'Birthday' date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Birthday',
      'Filename' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Filename of uploaded image',
      'DateCreated' timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() COMMENT 'Date record created',
      'DateModified' datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date record last modified',
      PRIMARY KEY ('Family_ID')
    CREATE TABLE 'tbl_skill' (
      'Skill_ID' smallint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Index',
      'Name' varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of skill',
      'Value' int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Value of skill',
      'DateCreated' timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() COMMENT 'Date record created',
      'DateModified' datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date record last modified',
      PRIMARY KEY ('Skill_ID')
    CREATE TABLE 'tbl_familyskill' (
      'Family_ID' smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Associated Family Member',
      'Skill_ID' smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Associated Skill',
      KEY 'Family_ID' ('Family_ID'),
      KEY 'Skill_ID' ('Skill_ID'),
      CONSTRAINT 'tbl_familyskill_ibfk_1' FOREIGN KEY ('Family_ID') REFERENCES 'tbl_family' ('Family_ID'),
      CONSTRAINT 'tbl_familyskill_ibfk_2' FOREIGN KEY ('Skill_ID') REFERENCES 'tbl_skill' ('Skill_ID')
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='Family Skills';

    This is in the fields.ini

      section:order = 1
      order = 1
      label = "Primary Fields"
      section:order = 2
      order = 2
      label = "Secondary Fields"
      section:order = 3
      order = 3
      label = "Other Fields"
      group = Other
      widget:type = static
      widget:label = "Index"
      group = Primary
      order = 1
      widget:label = "First Name"
      widget:description = "First Name"
      validators:required = 1
      widget:atts:size = 30
      widget:focus = 1
      group = Primary
      order = 2
      widget:label = "Last Name"
      widget:description = "Last Name"
      validators:required = 1
      widget:atts:size = 30
      group = Primary
      order = 3
      widget:label = "Birthday"
      widget:type = calendar
      validators:required = 0
    ; http://xataface.com/documentation/how-to/how-to-handle-file-uploads
    ; NOTE: Files uploaded with the same name as existing files will overwrite
    ;       the existing files.
      group = Primary
      order = 4
      widget:label = "Image"
      widget:description = "Optional image of family member"
      Type = container
      widget:type = file
      allowed_extensions = png,jpg,jpeg,gif
      validators:required = 0
      group = Primary
      order = 5
      widget:label = "Skills"
      widget:description = "Select skills related to this family member"
      widget:type = checkbox
      transient = 1
      relationship = skills
      group = Other
      date_format = %Y-%m-%d
      widget:type = static
      timestamp = insert
      group = Other
      date_format = %Y-%m-%d
      timestamp = update
      widget:type = static

    And this is the relationships.ini

    tbl_skill.Skill_ID = tbl_familyskill.Skill_ID
    tbl_familyskill.Family_ID = "$Family_ID"
    opened by LHammonds 2
  • Add ability to override getModuleURL

    Add ability to override getModuleURL

    When creating a setup where I want to symlink module directories from DATAFACE_SITE_PATH/modules but keep the actual module directories outside of both DATAFACE_PATH and DATAFACE_SITE_PATH, I got error "Could not find URL for file $file in module tool" from https://github.com/shannah/xataface/blob/74489bab8391921b4cafd4ea6599d5e768afbb46/Dataface/ModuleTool.php#L159

    It would be nice if I could override getModuleURL in Application Delegate Class for special setups like this.

    opened by malaire 2
  • PHP7 dropped mysql-extension

    PHP7 dropped mysql-extension

    PHP7 dropped the mysql-extension [1]

    Hence the latest release of Xataface (2.1.2) won't work on PHP7

    [1] http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.removed-exts-sapis.php

    opened by NeroBurner 2
  • Send e-mail validation

    Send e-mail validation

    Hello, There is a bug in "xataface/actions/register.php" line: 466 PHP Warning: mail() expects parameter 3 to be a string, array given in xataface/actions/register.php on line 464 The error is due to the fact that $info["message"] is an array

    opened by Dydouch 0
  • Defining the description of records

    Defining the description of records


    I have started using the new Xataface 3.0 and it looks good and works as expected. One thing I cannot seem to get running is the mobile list view. The heuristics gets the title field right, but it uses the title field for the description as well. I have tried to change this in the fields.ini and I cannot get it to change.

    I added title=1 to another column and the title changes; however, when I add description=1 to another field it continues to show the presumed title vs the field I am trying to specify as the description.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this solved? I appreciate it in advance.

    opened by tclela20 0
  • No records matched your request.

    No records matched your request.


    I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am that you updated the project. I use it to track the sheep on my farm and I would be lost without it.

    After upgrading form a very old version of the framework to 3.0 I am running into an issue that the data shows up correctly but in the bottom of the grid I get the "No records matched you request" with the record keys repeated. I suspect it is related to the mobile view.

    Please see attached screen shots.

    Screenshot 2021-11-30 111045 Screenshot 2021-11-30 111257

    opened by RCG-SW 9
  • ckeditor widget does not save content when used inside a grid widget

    ckeditor widget does not save content when used inside a grid widget

    In a 1:n relationship managed via a transient field and a grid widget in the main table, like this:

    (table 'Punto': fields.ini)

    widget:columns="Tipologia, TitoloTesto, Testo, CodDelibera, Raccordo, NoteT"

    (table 'Punto': relationships.ini)

    __sql__ = "SELECT * FROM Testo T WHERE T.FKPunto='$KPunto'"

    (table 'Testo': fields.ini)


    everything is rendering as expected when editing a 'Punto' record, but no value is saved in the 'Testi' relationship when clicking the save button, and no new line in the grid appears when clicking on the last cell

    If a textarea widget is used instead of a ckeditor widget, like this:

    (table 'Testo': fields.ini)


    the save button and the new line mechanism in the grid work again as expected.

    ckeditor inside a grid might not be currently supported, but could sometimes be useful

    opened by patrr 1
  • Multiple calculated fields in fields.ini

    Multiple calculated fields in fields.ini

    Hi @shannah , I've always been a fan of Xataface and very much appreciate the work you have been doing for years. I very much enjoyed your guidance whilst creating the LDAP auth plugin.

    I am creating a personal inventory application which has tables for items (tbl__Item) and categories (tbl__Category). I have established a many-to-many relationship between these two tables using relationships.ini.

    I would like to count the number and the total cost of items in a category when I list the categories.

    I have followed the guide at http://xataface.com/documentation/how-to/how-to-add-calculated-fields-to-your-list-and-details-view to add the count using a SQL statement in the beginning of fields.ini for the categories table (tbl__Category).

    However when I add the second SQL statement for cost, the list view shows only the cost. Is there a way to have multiple calculated fields in a list and browse views?

    opened by viharm 6
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