357 Repositories
PHP network-server Libraries
Creating an all in one AI with a web UI to control it. Create your own AI server and/or sell API keys to other people to use your AI.
+ Currently taking an hour or two break to spend some time with the wife. - Then going to work on auto refreshing the chat and document ingestion so y
A Simplistic Plugin to Implement Server Claims to your Minecraft: Bedrock Server.
Claims This plugin allows administrators to create, edit, list, and teleport to land claims on a PocketMine server. These claims have a variety of cus
An advanced plugin to manage events when the player enters the server!
⭐ • Better Join Version Status Date 1.0.0 stable-dev 12/10/2022 📫 • General: Plugin Introduction: This is an advanced player input management plugin
FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server
FrankenPHP: Modern App Server for PHP FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server. FrankenPHP gives superpo
Leaf's very own high-speed, high-performance server
[WIP] Leaf Eien Server Eien is Leaf's implementation of a high-speed, high-performance server based on powerful tools like Open Swoole and Swoole. Eie
PHP Websocket Server that is compatible with socket.io
PHP SocketIO Server PHP Websocket Server that is compatible with socket.io So far the function use in this package is almost same with the naming in s
Code Quiz MonoRepo (API, API Client, App)
Code Quiz Welcome to the Code Quiz Open Source project from How To Code Well. This is an Open Source project that includes an API and an App for the d
Built-in web server.
Deutsch English Svenska Serve 0.8.20 Built-in web server. How to start the built-in web server You can start the built-in web server at the command li
The plugin allows to execute math operations in the server or console.
General The plugin allows to execute math operations in the server or console with /calculator command Arithmetic Operators List of supported arithmet
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
A web application built on PHP for user to view their credit information in their mysql database
TheCreditInfo Table of Content About Inspiration Technologies Client Pages Usage About Credere is a website created to help you track your credit hist
PHP Web Socket server
Important ⛔️ This project is no longer maintained ⛔️ We urge you to look for a replacement. Description WebSocket Server and Client library for PHP. W
This is a small piece of code to steal firefox's cookies and upload to server (Written in VBA)
Steal-firefox-cookies-VBA-macro This is a small piece of code to steal firefox's cookies and upload to server (Written in VBA) Please note For educati
A ready-to-use PHP script for sending Emails with an HTML Template will use a Gmail account as the sender and you will not need any email server. Powered by PHPMailer.
Gmail Email Sender by PHP A ready-to-use PHP script for sending Emails with an HTML Template will use a Gmail account as the sender and you will not n
EXT:server-timing adds Server-Timing Header with usefull information
EXT:server_timing - see your performance installation composer require kanti/server-timing at the moment there is nothing to configure Server timings
Elevator - A simple PocketMine-MP plugin that allows to create elevators on your server
Elevator - A simple PocketMine-MP plugin that allows to create elevators on your server. How to use You just have to setup an id in the config.yml. Plac
Run a script in real time inside your pocketmine server!
Geral PlayScript is a plugin that allows you to run PHP code directly from the server by command. How to use Move your PHP code (must have a .php exte
Syntax to query GraphQL through URL params, which grants a GraphQL API the capability to be cached on the server.
Field Query Syntax to query GraphQL through URL params, which grants a GraphQL API the capability to be cached on the server. Install Via Composer com
yxorP is a PHP-based proxy application that is very lightweight and easily customizable per user needs.
Web Proxy Guzzler + SAAS(y) Cockpit (GUI Dashboard incl.). Feature Rich, Multi-tenancy, Headless, Plug & Play, Augmentation & Content Spinning Web Proxy with Caching - PHP CURL+Composer are Optional. Leveraging SAAS architecture to provide multi-tenancy, multiple threads, caching, and an article spinner service.
Keycloak Web Guard for Laravel allow you authenticate users with Keycloak Server
Keycloak Web Guard for Laravel This packages allow you authenticate users with Keycloak Server. It works on front. For APIs we recommend laravel-keycl
PHP library for sending messages using a ntfy server.
ntfy-php-library PHP library for sending messages using a ntfy server. Supports ntfy server version 1.27.2. Install composer require verifiedjoseph/nt
A router for Amp's HTTP Server.
http-server-router This package provides a routing RequestHandler for Amp's HTTP server based on the request URI and method based on FastRoute. Instal
An anti-inactivity plugin that kicks players who are AFK from server.
AntiAFK » Information This is a plugin that tries to prevent inactivity on your server. » Features Configurable in config.yml Reload command Bypass pe
API server and modernized control panel for PocketMine servers.
WebConsole API server and modernized control panel for PocketMine servers. The WebConsole plugin provides an HTTP API server that can be extended with
This Pocketmine-MP plugin lets you implement the ultimate birthday wishing system on your server.
BirthdaysPE This Pocketmine-MP plugin will let you wish player(s) a happy birthday and notify others to wish them too. Commands /birthday set/reset
A sample CakePHP api application using CakeDC/cakephp-api and swoole as server
CakePHP Application Skeleton composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app Added sample data using https://github.com/annexare/Countries Created m
Small Library to Serve Images in PHP in a Better Way (Resize, Compress) with Caching Support
A library for serving images and optimizing, changing their sizes, this library uses the caching feature, and in addition, it is very fast and small in size. In addition to these features, this library also optimizes images.
An object oriented wrapper around PHP's built-in server.
Statix Server Requirements PHP 8 minumum Installation composer require statix/server Basic Usage To get started, ensure the vendor autoload script is
The Online Shopping System in PHP using XAMPP as virtual Server.
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or a mobile app.
Add waterlogging to your PocketMine-MP server
Waterlogging Did you ever miss waterlogging on your server? Give your blocks all the H₂O they deserve Features Pretty much like in vanilla, if you wan
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features
Fast friending system for PocketMine server owners!
QuickFriends ✔ Friend requests and /f block ✔ List friends and check if their online ✔ Customize command messages ✔ Configure worlds players can /f jo
The very FIRST ever server sided hack client for the PocketMine-MP API (4.x.x)
PHqx or Phqzing Hacks is a Server Sided Hack "Client" you can use for trolling friends (if you have one) or destroying other people at pvp.
Symfony bundle integrating server-sent native notifications
Symfony UX Notify Symfony UX Notify is a Symfony bundle integrating server-sent native notifications in Symfony applications using Mercure. It is part
A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP
A server software for Minecraft: BE. This is a SPOON of PocketMine-MP Getting started Documentation Installation instructions Docker image Plugin repo
A high-performance license server system service for creating and managing products, major versions, and software licenses for the purpose of selling installable software products.
A high-performance license server system service for creating and managing products, major versions, and software licenses for the purpose of selling installable software products. Comes with a SDK and command-line tool. Works anywhere that PHP runs.
Toxiproxy PHP Client - Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations
Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations. toxiproxy-php-client includes everything needed to get started with configuring Toxiproxy upstream connection and listen endpoints.
A demo application for running an OAuth2 server
OAuth2 Demo PHP This application is designed to demo the workflow between OAuth2.0 Clients and Servers. If this is your first time here, try experimen
Plug & Play [CURL + Composer Optional], Proxy as a Service, Multi-tenant, Multi-Threaded, with Cache & Article Spinner
🦄 .yxorP The SAAS(y), Multitenancy & Augmenting Web Proxy Guzzler is a 100% SAAS(y) plug-and-play (PHP CURL+Composer are Optional) solution that leverages SAAS architecture to provide multi-tenancy, multiple threads, caching, and an article spinner service.
A MCPE server software that backporting new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance.
CoarseMC is a server software that backports new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition versions to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance, while retaining as many features from the new PocketMine-MP versions as possible.
Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use
Introduction Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. Official Documentation Documenta
Routes and Middleware for Using OAuth2 Server within a Slim Framework API
Chadicus\Slim\OAuth2 A collection of OAuth2 Server routes, middleware and utilities for use within a Slim 3 Framework API Requirements Chadicus\Slim\O
A Pocketmine 4.0 Plugin which makes your server query = Current players + 1 Total Slots
The Better-Query Plugin This Plugin implements Better Query System **(i.e. 0/1 as player count)** the server total slots increases by 1 after a player
A simple pocketmine plugin to chat by worlds on your server!
WorldChat Fix Per World Chat plugin for PocketMine-MP API 4.0 Category PocketMine-MP plugins | Php 8 Requirements PocketMine-MP API 4.0.0 and PHP 8 or
Quick start -d/reload/restart/stop hyperf(~2.1.0 & ~2.2.0) server
hyperf-helper 1. quick start -d/reload/restart/stop server 2. support hyperf ~2.1.0 & ~2.2.0 3. support CentOS7+, Ubuntu 18.0.4+, macOS 4. support swo
PocketMine-MP plugin that adds new blocks to the server!
CustomBlockLoader PocketMine-MP plugin that adds new blocks to the server! Reference This plugin is experimental. We are not responsible for any probl
This package provides a trait to run your tests against a MinIO S3 server.
Laravel MinIO Testing Tools This package provides a trait to run your tests against a MinIO S3 server. 📝 Blog post: https://protone.media/en/blog/how
⭐ It is an platform for people to help them get connected with the like minding folks around the globe.
Meetups It is an Platform for people to help them get connected with the like minded folks around the globe. Live on Web: Cick here 🥇 Meet and Connec
Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status
check_sateon Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status Max.Fischer dev@monologic.ru Tested on CentOS GNU/Linux 6.5 with Ici
Plateforme de la communauté Devscast dans le but d'apprendre, échanger et réseauter
Devscast Community Platform The Devscast Community Platform is for those who want to impact the community by creating content around their passions, s
DataTables server-side for CodeIgniter, supported both for CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4.
CodeIgniter DataTables DataTables server-side for CodeIgniter, supported both for CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4. Note: This library only handle the
PHP-Queue: A unified front-end for different queuing backends. Includes a REST server, CLI interface and daemon runners.
A unified front-end for different queuing backends. Includes a REST server, CLI interface and daemon runners. Why PHP-Queue? Implementing a
Download this Plugin and you will have Hive MC server in your own!
Your-Own-Hive Version: v1.9.0 Murder Mystery Update Next Update: Survival Games This Plugin has all the essentials with HiveMC! Updates Every Day! Pla
Voice Quickstart Server in PHP
Programmable Voice: Quickstart Application Server - PHP This repository contains the server-side web application required to run the Twilio Programmab
MaxPHP HTTP project skeleton.
轻量 • 简单 • 快速 一款基于swoole的组件化的轻量PHP框架,可以用作API开发,方便快速。 主要特性 组件和框架核心分离 基于 Psr7 的 HTTP-Message 基于 Psr11 的容器 基于 Psr14 的事件 基于 Psr15 的中间件 基于 Psr16 的缓存组件,支持 Fi
RageFrame 2.0 重量级全栖框架,为二次开发而生 前言 这是一款现代化、快速、高效、便捷、灵活、方便扩展的应用开发骨架。 RageFrame 创建于 2016 年 4 月 16 日,一个基于 Yii2 高级框架的快速开发引擎,目前正在成长中,目的是为了集成更多的基础功能,不再为相同的基础功
Async HTTP proxy connector, tunnel any TCP/IP-based protocol through an HTTP CONNECT proxy server, built on top of ReactPHP.
clue/reactphp-http-proxy Async HTTP proxy connector, tunnel any TCP/IP-based protocol through an HTTP CONNECT proxy server, built on top of ReactPHP.
WebPush can be used to send notifications to endpoints which server delivers Web Push
WebPush can be used to send notifications to endpoints which server delivers Web Push notifications as described in the Web Push protocol. As it is standardized, you don't have to worry about what server type it relies on.
Copy2cloud-server is a universal clipboard service
copy2cloud-server is a universal clipboard service.
AlphaholicCore is a fork of PocketMine-MP for 0.14.3
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the F
Cruuzr is a social network with a target demographic of motor vehicle enthusiasts.
Cruuzr Social Network Cruuzr is a social network with a target demographic of motor enthusiasts. The website was designed using bootstrap to allow for
A custom update API for WordPress plugins and themes
A custom update API for WordPress plugins and themes. Intended to be used in conjunction with my plugin-update-checker library.
A PocketMine-MP plugin for logging Exceptions to a Sentry server
Sentry A PocketMine-MP plugin for logging Exceptions to a Sentry server. Asynchronous logging If you want to log exceptions in a thread-safe way, you
Prevent players from passing a certain point in your server worlds
WorldBorder Info ~ Prevent players from passing a certain point in your server worlds! Stops glitchers trying to get past the border locking them in a
Laravel Custom Response Messages from Passport Oauth2 Server
This is a sample repository showing how to install Oauth2 server using Laravel's passport package and customize its responses.
This prj we have two NODEMCU ( ESP8266) and two RFID_RC522 and some rfid tags we used ARDUINO IDE on NODEMCU and running server with XAMPP
This prj we have two NODEMCU ( ESP8266) and two RFID_RC522 and some rfid tags we used ARDUINO IDE on NODEMCU and running server with XAMPP
Data Table package with server-side processing, unlimited exporting and VueJS components
Data Table package with server-side processing, unlimited exporting and VueJS components. Quickly build any complex table based on a JSON template.
Use Permify in server-side PHP Projects.
Permify Php Library Use Permify in server-side PHP Projects. What is Permify? Permify is a plug-&-play authorization API that helps dev teams create g
Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP
HTTP Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP. This HTTP library provides re-usable implementations for an HTTP clie
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
Centralized dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, stats and data, including the server.
Centralized dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, stats and data, including the server.
The image server plugin allows you to add responsive images via config without extra elements
Grav image server plugin adds picture tag with loading, responsive, high density images
Painless OAuth 2.0 Server for CodeIgniter 4 🔥
Inspired from the Norse mythology, Heimdallr, modernly anglicized as Heimdall is the gatekeeper of Bifröst, the rainbow road connecting Midgard, realm
A full-featured home hosted Cloud Drive, Personal Assistant, App Launcher, File Converter, Streamer, Share Tool & More!
A Fully Featured home-hosted Cloud Storage platform and Personal Assistant that Converts files, OCR's images & documents, Creates archives, Scans for viruses, Protects your server, Keeps itself up-to-date, and Runs your own AppLauncher!
xcron - the souped up, modernized cron/Task Scheduler for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and FreeBSD server and desktop operating systems.
xcron is the souped up, modernized cron/Task Scheduler for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and FreeBSD server and desktop operating systems. MIT or LGPL.
CoarseMC Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server Software
CoarseMC is a server software that backports new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition versions to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance, while retaining as many features from the new PocketMine-MP versions as possible.
Protect your server from griefer
A Simple anti grief PocketMine-MP Plugin
SteadFast3 Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server Software
Steadfast3 is a server software that backports new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition versions to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance, while retaining as many features from the new PocketMine-MP versions as possible.
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests Instalation composer require libresign/behat-builtin-extension Configuration Add the extension to
Create warp for your PocketMine-MP Server
WarpSystem Features Warps are registered as commands Warps can require permissions Warps are easy to setup Commands /warp (see all warps name) /warp (
OAuth server implementation for WP API
WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server Connect applications to your WordPress site without ever giving away your password. This plugin uses the OAuth 1.0a pr
Jump is yet another self-hosted startpage for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure.
Jump Jump is yet another self-hosted startpage for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure. Features Fast, easy to deploy, secure
PHP JSON-RPC 2.0 Server/Client Implementation with Automatic Client Class Generation via SMD
PHP JSON-RPC 2.0 Server/Client Implementation with Automatic Client Class Generation via SMD
A pure PHP implementation of the open Language Server Protocol. Provides static code analysis for PHP for any IDE.
A pure PHP implementation of the open Language Server Protocol. Provides static code analysis for PHP for any IDE.
How to use indirect download file with multi-server on PHP
indirect-download-with-multi-server how to use indirect download file with multi-server on PHP Server 1 (main) Create A folder in Server 1 (folder nam
Blessing Skin update server, written in PHP.
Blessing Skin update server, written in PHP.
Hashtopolis is a multi-platform client-server tool for distributing hashcat tasks to multiple computers.
Hashtopolis is a multi-platform client-server tool for distributing hashcat tasks to multiple computers. The main goals for Hashtopolis's development are portability, robustness, multi-user support, and multiple groups management.
Xplico is a Network Forensic Analisys Tool NFAT, for Unix and Unix-like operating systems
Xplico is a Network Forensic Analisys Tool NFAT, for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It uses libpcap, a packet capture and filtering library.
Static utilitiy classes to bridge PSR-7 http messages to OAuth2 Server requests and responses.
Static utilitiy classes to bridge PSR-7 http messages to OAuth2 Server requests and responses. While this libray is entended for use with Slim 3, it should work with any PSR-7 compatible framework.
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP server
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server which transmits the messages into codes or numbers.
Friendica is a decentralised communications platform that integrates social communication
Friendica is a decentralised communications platform that integrates social communication. Our platform links to independent social projects and corporate services.
phpCAS is an authentication library that allows PHP applications to easily authenticate users via a Central Authentication Service (CAS) server.
phpCAS is an authentication library that allows PHP applications to easily authenticate users via a Central Authentication Service (CAS) server.
Clear all your logs in [linux/windows] servers 🛡️
Log-killer Log Killer is tool for [Linux/Windows] Servers This tool will delete all your logs just download the tool and run it on the server if your
HelpBook - Add manuals to your server!
HelpBook - Add manuals to your server!
The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
API Platform Core API Platform Core is an easy to use and powerful system to create hypermedia-driven REST and GraphQL APIs. It is a component of the
Symfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities
Symfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities. The authorization and resource server actors are implemented using the thephpleague/oauth2-server library.
Server side analytics for Magento 2
Server Side Analytics for Magento 2 This extension aims to solve the problem of discrepancies between Magento revenue reports and the revenue reports
A plugin for implementing an OAuth2 server in CakePHP 3
OAuth2 Server for CakePHP 3 A plugin for implementing an OAuth2 server in CakePHP 3. Built on top of the PHP League's OAuth2 Server. Currently we supp
A simple HTTP server behaving as proxy between webhooks and Appwrite Functions.
A simple HTTP server behaving as proxy between webhooks and Appwrite Functions, allowing for instance Stripe payments integration into Appwrite.
Starless Sky is a network protocol for secure identities, providing the use of assymetric identities, public information, end-to-end messaging and smart contracts
Descentralized network protocol providing smart identity over an secure layer. What is the Starless Sky Protocol? Starless Sky is a network protocol f