PHP Web Socket server



⛔️ This project is no longer maintained ⛔️

We urge you to look for a replacement.


WebSocket Server and Client library for PHP. Works with the latest HyBi specifications, as well the older Hixie #76 specification used by older Chrome versions and some Flash fallback solutions.

This project was started to bring more interactive features to



  • Hixie #76 and Hybi #12 protocol versions
  • Flash client support (also serves XML policy file on the same port)
  • Native Firefox, Safari (iPod / iPhone as well), Chrome and IE10 support. With Flash Client every browser supporting Flash works as well (including IE6-9, Opera, Android and other older desktop browsers).
  • Opera (Mobile) supports WebSockets natively but support has been disabled by default. Can be enabled in opera:config.


  • Hybi / Hixie76 support.
  • Event-based Async I/O

Getting started

The easiest way to set up PHPWS is by using it as Composer dependency. Add the following to your composer.json

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "devristo/phpws": "dev-master"

And run php composer.phar install

To verify it is working create a time.php in your project root

use Devristo\Phpws\Server\WebSocketServer;

$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();

// Create a logger which writes everything to the STDOUT
$logger = new \Zend\Log\Logger();
$writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\Stream("php://output");

// Create a WebSocket server using SSL
$server = new WebSocketServer("tcp://", $loop, $logger);

$loop->addPeriodicTimer(0.5, function() use($server, $logger){
    $time = new DateTime();
    $string = $time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $logger->notice("Broadcasting time to all clients: $string");
    foreach($server->getConnections() as $client)

// Bind the server

// Start the event loop

And a client time.html as follows

        <title>WebSocket TEST</title>
        <h1>Server Time</h1>
        <strong id="time"></strong>

            var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:12345/");
            socket.onmessage = function(msg) {
                document.getElementById("time").innerText =;

Now run the time.php from the command line and open time.html in your browser. You should see the current time, broadcasted by phpws at regular intervals. If this works you might be interested in more complicated servers in the examples folder.

Getting started with the Phpws Client

The following is a client for the websocket server hosted at

require_once("vendor/autoload.php");                // Composer autoloader

$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();

$logger = new \Zend\Log\Logger();
$writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\Stream("php://output");

$client = new \Devristo\Phpws\Client\WebSocket("ws://", $loop, $logger);

$client->on("request", function($headers) use ($logger){
    $logger->notice("Request object created!");

$client->on("handshake", function() use ($logger) {
    $logger->notice("Handshake received!");

$client->on("connect", function($headers) use ($logger, $client){
    $client->send("Hello world!");

$client->on("message", function($message) use ($client, $logger){
    $logger->notice("Got message: ".$message->getData());


Known Issues

  • Lacks ORIGIN checking (can be implemented manually in onConnect using getHeaders(), just disconnect the user when you dont like the Origin header)
  • No support for extension data from the HyBi specs.



  • PHP 5.4

  • Open port for the server

  • PHP OpenSSL module to run a server over a encrypted connection

  • as its a dependency of Zend\Uri

  • Composer dependencies * These will be installed automatically when using phpws as a composer package.

  • Reactphp

  • ZF2 Logger


  • PHP 5.4
  • Server that implements the HyBi (#8-#12) draft version
  • PHP OpenSSL module to connect using SSL (wss:// uris)
  • Add close emitter.

    Add close emitter.

    In my application of the WebSocket client, I want to be able to re-open the connection if it has been accidentally closed by the server (lost connection temporarily or something similar). I noticed the stream close emitter is being used, but it's not being forwarded.

    I just added a line that forwards the close emission so that clients can detect when the connection has been closed. #58 references something similar, but I'm not for sure why the issue was closed (or if it has to do with the client implementation).

    opened by sammarks 6
  • Added public function getMessages()

    Added public function getMessages()

    Added the public function getMessages() so that one can test the status of the _messages array without the need to call the readMessage() function (blocking loop).

    Instead of:

    // Wait for an incoming message $msg = $client->readMessage(); // blocking loop

    New usage:

    if($client->getMessages()) // non-blocking ___$msg = $client->readMessage();

    opened by sfranzyshen 6
  • Pull in upstream fix for PHP hostname and SSL when creating new socket

    Pull in upstream fix for PHP hostname and SSL when creating new socket

    PHP 5.6 has a few changes on how SSL is handled; hostnames are now verified during the SSL handshake. This issue was already fixed in react/socket-client here, but the changes didn't cascade since the changed method is overriden in Devristo\Phpws\Client\Connector. This should fix #60 (and maybe other SSL-related bugs).

    opened by sagebind 4
  • Fixed GET header, added Debug functions

    Fixed GET header, added Debug functions

    Basically small fixes, but a setting that needs improvement. I only included it as a "poke the dev"-thing ;). I used this sort of modification to track down the GET issue. I then read on the RFC entry for the WebSocket standarts and figured it expects standart HTTP headers. Well, I know that GET expects a path, not an entire URL. I yet have to figure out how to include a QueryString. But, I think one just appends it to the path... o.o" I have to try and see. I am going to investigate here and use curl -v to do so - it outputs headers too. ^^

    opened by IngwiePhoenix 3
  • Fix for secure connections

    Fix for secure connections

    React\SocketClient\SecureStream does not extend React\Stream\Stream, so this code won't work with secure connections. It should instead look for the interface that both implement.

    opened by alexmace 2
  • fix websocket client reconnection and wss support

    fix websocket client reconnection and wss support

    • Change creation of connector for ReactPHP changes
    • Clean isClosing flag to allow multiple reconnects
    • Default port is now based on protocol (80 or 443)
    opened by linniksa 2
  • Fix for rand parameter

    Fix for rand parameter

    Fix for PHP Warning on 32 bit.

    var_dump(pow(255, 4) - 1);
    // float(4228250624)
    rand(0, pow(255, 4) - 1);
    // PHP Warning:  rand() expects parameter 2 to be integer, float given
    opened by taniko 1
  • Fix for incomplete handshake header

    Fix for incomplete handshake header

    When starting up a Client, the first packet of data received is expected to be a complete header, and no validation of it is performed even for RFC6455 required elements. This addition insures that the entire header has arrived before marking the websocket transport as connected, instead of allowing the late arriving header data to remain in the data stream, resulting in framing synchronization problems and lost data.

    opened by stgnet 1
  • Injection of stream options into websocket client

    Injection of stream options into websocket client

    First of I'd like to say thank you for all your effort you've put into this. I really appreciate it.

    I've had the requirement to authenticate with a client side SSL certificate while connecting to a websocket server. This was not possible in the current master. I've added the possibility to inject stream options into the constructor of the websocket client.

    Additionally, I fixed a small mistake in the $client->on("connected", ...) => $client->on("connect", ...).

    opened by svengerlach 1
  • Update chat.php

    Update chat.php

    The terminal will show a lot of notices and errors related to an inability to route messages from urls other then /chat. By creating a catchall route we can avoid confusing people.

    opened by DannyWilkerson 1
  • Update chat.php

    Update chat.php

    It was not clear that the example required /chat appended to the connection url. It looks like someone used the echo chat as a boilerplate but did not fully convert the comments.

    opened by DannyWilkerson 1
  • Receive server pong by client ping

    Receive server pong by client ping

    Hello! First of all, tnx for Merged #95

    I want to share my idea of improving the library.

    The best way to check socket status(check server alive) - send clients ping:

    $loop->addPeriodicTimer(mc::socketCheckInterval, function() use($client, $logger){
        $frame = WebSocketFrame::create(WebSocketOpcode::PingFrame);
        //DO SOMETHING

    And receive server pong:

    $client->on("pong", function($frame) use ($logger, $client){
        //DO SOMETHING

    Also, it is very important sometimes to look at the server's response:

    $client->on("pong", function($frame) use ($logger, $client){

    Maybe my suggestion needs to be improved or changed, but in the simplest form, PONG is needed

    opened by yura999999999 0
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