2588 Repositories
PHP montecarlo-laravel Libraries
Store outgoing emails in Laravel
Record and view all sent emails Watch a video walkthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj_OF5n4l4k&feature=youtu.be Documentation and install instr
A portfolio management system for Laravel.
Turn a Laravel app into a portfolio site in minutes This project is still under construction. Come back soon! Contents API Developing API Larafolio\Mo
Laravel website prototype with backoffice for content and users management
LaraProto LaraProto is a Laravel website prototype with backoffice for content and users management. Just install and glue your front end views Based
Unleash the expressive power of the natural language in your Laravel application.
jrmajor/laravel-fluent Unleash the expressive power of the natural language in your Laravel application. Read the Fluent Syntax Guide in order to lear
Linnworks Laravel API
linnworks About Wrapper for the Linnworks API, as documented at http://apps.linnworks.net/Api Install composer require onfuro/linnworks Usage $linnwo
Laravel Design Pattern Generator (api generator)
Laravel Design Pattern Generator (api generator) you can create your restful api easily by using this library and you can filter, sort and include elo
Get MYSQL statement from query builder in laravel helper
Get MYSQL statement laravel This package allows to get mysql statement that query builder in laravel made it for debugging purposes. Basic usage Dump
Laravel blade directives and php helpers for serverside rendered content, based on browser window size WITHOUT css. Requires Livewire and AlpineJS.
Laravel Livewire Window Size and Breakpoints Laravel blade directives and php helpers for server side rendered content, based on browser window size W
Auto-generated Interface and Repository file via Repository pattern in Laravel
Auto-generated Repository Pattern in Laravel A repository is a separation between a domain and a persistent layer. The repository provides a collectio
Immanuel Vocational High School's assignments and tests of 'Pemrograman Lanjutan' lesson for 12th grade students.
school-laravel Immanuel Vocational High School's assignments and tests of 'Pemrograman Lanjutan' lesson for 12th grade students. Installation For Wind
Laravel WebGIS with TailwindCSS
Laravel WebGIS with TailwindCSS
Real world Conduit App based on Laravel Livewire stack
Laravel Livewire codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. Demo Github
Laravel-Idempotent 基于 Laravel 的接口幂等组件
Laravel-Idempotent 基于 Laravel 的接口幂等组件
Joy VoyagerApi module adds REST Api end points to Voyager with Passport and Swagger support.
Joy VoyagerApi This Laravel/Voyager module adds REST Api with Passport and Swagger support to Voyager. By 🐼 Ramakant Gangwar. Prerequisites Composer
Files Course Laravel Microservice E-mail
Curso Laravel Microservices com RabbitMQ (micro e-mail) Saiba Mais Sobre o Curso Requisitos Este micro e-mail depende do microservice 01, portanto, pr
Make laravel/passport client cacheable.
Laravel Passport Cache Client Make laravel/passport client cacheable. Installing $ composer require overtrue/laravel-passport-cache-client -vvv Usage
VoteSwiper helps citizens to find a political party that matches their own views in a playful way.
VoteSwiper / WahlSwiper - Website VoteSwiper (in Germany better known as WahlSwiper) is a cross-platform voting advice app for Android, iOS and web br
Sistem Point Of Sales
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate / Starter.
Laravel Angular Admin Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate. Plus Oauth and JWT authenticatio
Laravel 5 boilerplate with front-end and back-end support
Laravel 5 Boilerplate with Skeleton framework Skeleton (as of now) Laravel 5 framework application. Application includes and/or are currently being us
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*)
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: [email protected] Password: secret User: [email protected] Password: secret Offici
Laravel Framework 5 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site is a basic application with news, photo and video galeries.
Laravel Framework 5.1 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site Starter Site based on on Laravel 5.1 and Boostrap 3 Features Requirements How to install Application St
Scaffold generator for Laravel 5.x
Laravel 5.x Scaffold Generator Usage Step 1: Install Through Composer composer require 'laralib/l5scaffold' --dev Step 2: Add the Service Provider Op
Laravel 5 admin starter
Laravel 5 Starter Laravel 5 Admin Starter Site is a sample application for beginning development with Laravel 5. I created this starter app as I neede
A starter package for Laravel 5 mirroring L5 structure
Starter package for Laravel 5 Installation Create packages/yourname folder and cd into it. Clone this repository: git clone git://github.com/andyjesso
Laravel app boilerplate with email verification process on registration
The default master branch is for Laravel 5.4 , for Laravel 5.3 boilerplate switch to the v5.3 branch Laravel app boilerplate with email verification o
Laravel and AngularJS Starter Application Boilerplate featuring Laravel 5.3 and AngularJS 1.5.8
💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to AngularJS 1.5.8. 💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to Laravel 5.3. You can pull
👔 Enterprise Web application starter kit or template using Laravel
Laravel Enterprise Starter Kit (LESK) Description LESK, is a template project based on the Laravel LTS, combining a set of features that can kick star
Laravel Kickstart is a Laravel starter configuration that helps you build Laravel websites faster.
Laravel Kickstart What is Laravel Kickstart? Laravel Kickstart is a Laravel starter configuration that helps you build Laravel websites faster. It com
Laravel 8 + React + Typescript + React Router v4 + Hot Module Reloading
Laravel React Typescript Boilerplate An opinionated boilerplate based on Laravel 8.*, React 16 and Typescript empowering you to get off the ground qui
Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit
About Laravel Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit This starter kit is designed to get you up and running with with react.js with Laravel, built on top o
To add scafold to Laravel 5.1
Scafold Installation Laravel 5.3 To install on Laravel 5.3 go to Scafold 5.3. Installation Laravel 5.1 You can install this package by using Composer,
Project skeleton generator for Laravel & Lumen projects
Skeletor Skeletor is a PHP based CLI tool that has been built to take away the pain of setting up a base project skeleton for Laravel & Lumen projects
An opinionated support package for Laravel, that provides flexible and reusable helper methods and traits for commonly used functionality.
Support An opinionated support package for Laravel, that provides flexible and reusable helper methods and traits for commonly used functionality. Ins
A Laravel UI preset for UIkit and Vue.js
New version: torrix/laravel-uikit This package is for Laravel 6, and is no longer maintained. Please use the Laravel 8 version UIkit frontend UI prese
Analogue ORM : Data Mapper ORM for Laravel/PHP
(this project is looking for a new maintainer) Analogue ORM Analogue is a flexible, easy-to-use ORM for PHP. It is a transposition of the Eloquent ORM
API generator for Laravel 5
Apify API generator for Laravel 5 Table Of Contents Installation Configuration Usage Installation To install apify use composer Download composer requ
Laravel Eloquent BelongsToThrough relationships
Introduction This inverse version of HasManyThrough allows BelongsToThrough relationships with unlimited intermediate models. Supports Laravel 5.0+. I
Make your accessors smarter
Computed properties for Eloquent Laravel 5.4+ Based on this tweet: https://twitter.com/reinink/status/899713609722449920 Some examples for better unde
This is huaweinvr extend for laravel
This is huaweinvr extend for laravel
Let's base your Laravel project with PROS style
Purpose This library is for convenient methods that use to register code base for Laravel project Target We aimed to reduce complexity for real projec
You can handle iOS Application Subscription Server Side with Laravel.
Auto Renewing Subscriptions for iOS Apps with Laravel This repository help you to handle iOS Application Subscription on server side. It provides Save
Simple Arabic Laravel Dashboard , has basic settings and a nice layout . to make it easy for you to create fast dashboard
Simple Arabic Laravel Dashboard ✅ Auto Seo ✅ Optimized Notifications With Images ✅ Smart Alerts ✅ Auto Js Validations ✅ Front End Alert ✅ Nice Image V
Log Laravel application request and response with a unique ID for easy debugging
Flexible and extendable logging of Laravel application request and responses Zero configuration logging of Requests and Responses to database or custo
A modern solution for running Laravel Horizon with a CRON-based supervisor.
A modern solution for running Laravel Horizon with a cron-based supervisor This Laravel package automatically checks every three minutes if your Larav
Repository Pattern implementation for Laravel
This is a Simple Repository Pattern implementation for Laravel Projects and an easily way to build Eloquent queries from API requests.
Latihan membuat Blog menggunakan LARAVEL
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Check the health of your Laravel app
Check the health of your Laravel app This repo can be used to scaffold a Laravel package. Follow these steps to get started: Press the "Use template"
Laravel MVC Framework - Toko Distro
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Forked from spatie-laravel-tags
Add tags and taggable behaviour to a Laravel app This package offers taggable behaviour for your models. After the package is installed the only thing
Login & Register using laravel 8
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Blog dengan framework laravel 8 sebagai backend dan tailwind sebagai frontend
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Basic admin panel with authentication and CURD operation..
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Trabajo 06 Laravel y el modelo MVC
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
oman cities package for laravel app
Seed oman governorates and cities This repo can be used to scaffold Oman Governorates and cities. Installation You can install the package via compose
Quickly generate pivot tables for your projects
Laravel Pivot Table Generator Quickly generate pivot tables for your projects! Table of Contents Installation Usage More generator packages Contributi
A simple validator package to check if the given zipcode has a valid Dutch zipcode format
Laravel Dutch Zipcode Validator A simple validator package to check if the given zipcode has a valid Dutch zipcode format Table of Contents Installati
Laravel CRUD Generator This Generator package provides various generators like CRUD, API, Controller, Model, Migration, View for your painless development of your applications.
Laravel CRUD Generator This Generator package provides various generators like CRUD, API, Controller, Model, Migration, View for your painless develop
Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps !
🚀 CRUDBOOSTER - Laravel CRUD Generator Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps ! About CR
Laravel 5 package for reading and writing CSV files.
CSV Laravel 5 package for reading and writing CSV files. Warning The package has been updated to PHP 7. If you can't update to PHP 7 use version 0.6.x
Seed your database with CSV files
CSV Seeder Seed your database with CSV files This package allows CSV based seeds. Installation Require this package in your composer.json and run comp
Datagrid for Laravel v5
Datagrid For Laravel 5+ Package that easily converts collection of models to a datagrid table. The main goal of the package is to build for you a tabl
This is a laravel 4 package for the server and client side of datatables at http://datatables.net/
Datatable Important This package will not receive any new updates! You can still use this package, but be preparared that there is no active developme
Automatically encrypt and decrypt Laravel 5 Eloquent values
Eloquent Encryption/Decryption for Laravel 5 Automatically encrypt and decrypt Laravel 5 Eloquent values. READ THIS FIRST Encrypted values are usually
Eloquent MongoDB Repository Implementation
Eloquent MongoDB Repository Eloquent MongoDB Repository using nilportugues/repository as foundation, using jenssegers/mongodb. Installation Use Compos
Guess attributes for Laravel model factories
Eloquent Populator This package provides default attributes for Laravel model factories by guessing the best Faker formatters from columns' names and
Add transparent versioning to Laravel 5's Eloquent ORM
Eloquent Versioned Adds transparent versioning support to Laravel 5.2's Eloquent ORM. WARNING: This repository is currently super-duper experimental.
Preferences for Laravel Eloquent models
Preferences for Laravel Eloquent models Use this library to bind multiple key/value pair preferences to your application's Eloquent models. Preference
Laracademy Generators - is a tool set that helps speed up the development process of a Laravel application.
Laracademy Generators Laracademy Generators - is a tool set that helps speed up the development process of a Laravel application. Author(s): Laracadem
A wrapper package to run mysqldump from laravel console commands.
A wrapper package to run mysqldump from laravel console commands.
Laravel 5.* package to easily introduce a transformation layer for your data
Laraformer Laraformer is a laravel 5.* package that lets you easily introduce a transformation layer for your data. Laraformer (originated from Larave
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
Project is not being maintained actively. You will most likely find a better more actively maintained fork here https://github.com/yajra/laravel-datat
Firebird Illuminate package for Laravel 5
laravel-firebird Please Note: This package has been abandoned by it's creator, when I created it there were no other decent laravel packages around an
Laravel package to normalize your data before saving into the database.
This package helps you normalize your data in order to save them into the database. The Goal is to having separate classes that handle the data normalization, and thus can be tested independently.
Add settings to any Laravel model.
Laravel Property Bag Simple settings for Laravel apps. Easily give multiple resources settings Simple to add additional settings as your app grows Set
Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain.
Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain.
Laravel 5 Model Factory Generator
Laravel 5 Model Factory Generator This package offers a lazy way to create a new model factory files, since Laravel ( 5.5) have no Artisan command to
Drop-in model references.
Drop-in Model References This Laravel =5.5 package provides a quick and simple way to add unique references to models that can be resolved via route
Cast your Eloquent model attributes to Value Objects with ease.
Laravel Value Objects Cast your Eloquent model attributes to value objects with ease! Requirements This package requires PHP = 5.4. Using the latest
An in-app database management UI for Laravel applications. ⚡️
:package_description This repo can be used to scaffold a Laravel package. Follow these steps to get started: Press the "Use template" button at the to
Laravel Dutch Phone Number Validator
Laravel Dutch Phone Number Validator Validate if the given phone number is a valid Dutch phone number Table of Contents Installation Usage Translation
🛂 Use this package to validate the identity card from your country using laravel validation rules.
Identity Card Checker Laravel Validation Rules Use this package to validate the identity card number from your country Installation You can install th
Project to improve your SOLID skills on Laravel Ecossystem
Try Laravel SOLID About the Project The idea is for you get an application built without worrying about the SOLID principles and apply them.
A make:pivot command to create a pivot table with Laravel
make:pivot for Laravel Installation Requires PHP 8.0.0+ You can install the package via composer: composer require felixdorn/laravel-make-pivot-table
PermissionsMakr is a Laravel package that will help any developer to easily manage the system's users permissions
PermissionsMakr is a Laravel package that will help any developer to easily manage the system's users permissions
This is a visitor management system, developed by the use of Laravel 8 combined with Jetstream, Livewire and Tailwind CSS.
This is a visitor management system, developed by the use of Laravel 8 combined with Jetstream, Livewire and Tailwind CSS.
API for flutter app in laravel with sanctum
Flutter APP Flutter: APP with auth in laravel About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe develop
Data import to excel without any package
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
ODM with inheritance and OOP composition for Laravel 5+
ODM with inheritance and OOP composition for Laravel 5+ Full Documentation | CHANGELOG LODM module is intended to bring the Spiral ODM component funct
For using Laravel with a pre-existing MySQL Database
MySQL to Laravel This is a script to help with mapping an existing MySQL database to a new Laravel build. Place the script in the public folder of you
Laravel 5.1 ODBC Driver
l5-odbc-driver Laravel 5.1 ODBC driver Installation To Install this in your Laravel 5.1 app, open composer.json and add: "require": { "garylocke/odb
Eloquent Repository implementation
Eloquent Repository Eloquent Repository using nilportugues/repository as foundation. Installation Use Composer to install the package: $ composer requ
Simple Laravel 5 package to dump all running queries on the page.
Abandoned: Use this package instead Laravel QueryDumper Introduction Simple Laravel 5 package to dump all running queries on the page. If it's SELECT
A Single Table Inheritance Trait for Eloquent/Laravel
Single Table Inheritance Credit This code is a fork of Nanigans/single-table-inheritance. I've only updated it to work with Laravel 5 Single Table Inh
Custom Laravel Validator for combined unique indexes
unique_with Validator Rule For Laravel This package contains a variant of the validateUnique rule for Laravel, that allows for validation of multi-col
A simple to use query builder for the jQuery QueryBuilder plugin for use with Laravel.
QueryBuilderParser Status Label Status Value Build Insights Code Climate Test Coverage QueryBuilderParser is designed mainly to be used inside Laravel
Contextual Service Providers for Laravel
Laravel Context This simple yet powerful package will help you load different Service Providers depending in which context you are. Contexts can be se
Creates repositories for Laravel models
##Repositories Maker## Repository pattern is an abstraction layer for your models. Instead of writing tones of duplicated queries in your controllers.
Llum illuminates your Laravel projects speeding up your Github/Laravel development workflow
Llum illuminates your Laravel projects speeding up your Github/Laravel development workflow
📝 Artisan Menu - Use Artisan via an elegant console GUI
📝 Artisan Menu Use Artisan via an elegant console GUI Features Run built-in and custom Artisan commands from a console GUI Prompts to enter required