522 Repositories
PHP google-app-engine Libraries
LaraBooks API - Simple API for iOS SwiftUI app tests.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Simple command-line tool to access HiWeb account information
Simple command-line tool to access HiWeb account information.
A Wordpress plugin that allows you to customize a news feed on your home page
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Noora Chahine Requires at least: 4.0.1 Tested up to: 5.4 Stable tag: 5.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http:/
An in-app database management UI for Laravel applications. ⚡️
:package_description This repo can be used to scaffold a Laravel package. Follow these steps to get started: Press the "Use template" button at the to
⚡️ Simple and fastly template engine for PHP
EasyTpl ⚡️ Simple and fastly template engine for PHP Features It's simple, lightweight and fastly. No learning costs, syntax like PHP template It is s
Simple Google Tts Api Class
Simple Google Tts Api Class
API for flutter app in laravel with sanctum
Flutter APP Flutter: APP with auth in laravel About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe develop
A package to backup your Laravel app
A modern backup solution for Laravel apps This Laravel package creates a backup of your application.
Swap Google Fonts Display
Swap Google Fonts Display
Health Management App for WTM Buea community to work on during the period of Hacktoberfest
Laravel web application developed by WTM Buea community members Health Care Management App An app that enables users and or patients to get consultati
🔪 WordPress + React Starter Kit: Spin up a WordPress-powered React app in one step
Postlight's Headless WordPress + React Starter Kit is an automated toolset that will spin up three things: A WordPress backend that serves its data vi
📇A contacts app for Nextcloud. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online.
Nextcloud Contacts A contacts app for Nextcloud. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online. This app only sup
📆 Calendar app for Nextcloud
Nextcloud Calendar A calendar app for Nextcloud. Easily sync events from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online. 💙 🎉 Why is this s
Laravel 4.* and 5.* service providers to handle PHP errors, dump variables, execute PHP code remotely in Google Chrome
Laravel 4.* service provider for PHP Console See https://github.com/barbushin/php-console-laravel/releases/tag/1.2.1 Use "php-console/laravel-service-
An easy way to integrate Google Maps with Laravel
An easy way to integrate Google Maps with Laravel For Laravel 5.x, check version 2.35.1 For Laravel 4.x, check version 1.27.0 Think of Googlmapper as
Laravel Google Maps Package
Laravel Google Maps This repo aims to use google map features in laravel 5.x. It is easy to use and flexible, you can just install this package and en
Add Webhooks to your Laravel app, arrr
# Captain Hook ## Add Webhooks to your Laravel app, arrr Implement multiple webhooks into your Laravel app using the Laravel Event system. A webhook i
Laravel implementation of the RealWorld app
Laravel implementation of RealWorld app This Laravel app is part of the RealWorld project and implementation of the Laravel best practices. See how th
A Dashboard Panel for Shop Admins to control customers using Hyperstream App
Overview 🪟 Hyperstream is an application that facilitates simple and easy self-service at supermarkets, eliminating long lines for customers and redu
Google-like values converter
Google-like values converter. Support for different types of conversions, for examples: 1 kilometer - meters 1 dollar - THB 1 kilogram - meters ...
Todo App with Laravel 8
Todo App with Laravel 8 Demo: https://phplaravel-664318-2249917.cloudwaysapps.com/ username: demo@todo-app.local password: demodemo Features 2 Models
yii2-app-advanced with Twitter Bootstrap 5
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for developing complex Web applications with multiple tiers.
A good, non-specialized Laravel base site for faster app development
Larastrap This is a non-specialized Laravel base site containing generalized components for faster development of nearly any type of site. It includes
Laravel Enqueue message queue extension. Supports AMQP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Google PubSub, Redis, STOMP, Gearman, Beanstalk and others
Laravel queue package You can use all transports built on top of queue-interop including all supported by Enqueue. It also supports extended AMQP feat
Open App Engine
Open App Engine
apenas um app em laravel pra enviar e-mail pros meus followers
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Make any class queue aware in a Laravel app
Make any class queue aware This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Support us We in
You have just downloaded "Messenger-app" [A lightweight, minimalistic real-time chat application]
MESSENGER-APP You have just downloaded "Messenger-app" [A lightweight, minimalistic real-time chat application] Setup To get it working, follow these
a Google API v3 wrapper for Laravel 4.x
A Google API v3 wrapper for Laravel 4 This package enables a Laravel flavoured way to manage Google services through its API interface (v3) Installati
This package enables you to create and run a fully functioning WebSocket server in your Laravel app.
This package enables you to create and run a fully functioning WebSocket server in your Laravel app. It can optionally receive messages broadcast over ZeroMQ.
SwitchBlade: Custom Directives for the Laravel Blade templating engine
SwitchBlade: Custom Directives for the Laravel Blade templating engine
Brings Laravel's great template engine, Blade, to WordPress
###This plugin is deprecated in favor of ekandreas/bladerunner WordPress Blade Brings Laravel's great template engine, Blade, to WordPress. Just insta
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine. It's fast with beautiful architecture that allows you to write le
The guide to build a Laravel 5.2 app from a to z.
Laravel Apz The guide to build a Laravel 5.2 app from a to z. Step-by-Step Tutorial (Start Here!) https://github.com/jp7internet/laravel-apz/wiki Scre
This is raw connection between redis server and django python app
Django_Redis This repository contains the code for this blogpost. Running the Application Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/xxl4tomxu9
Convenient tool for speeding up the intern/officer review process.
icpc-app-screen Convenient tool for speeding up the intern/officer applicant review process. Eliminates the pain from reading application responses of
A simple tool that I share with you. This tool serves to make conversions from text to audio Google Translate.
A simple tool that I share with you. This tool serves to make conversions from text to audio Google Translate. You can download this conversion 100% for free. Good luck.
eMarket Online Store. It is a free online store engine. Make the best online shop with us.
eMarket Online Store. It is a free online store engine. Make the best online shop with us. Join our Open Source community. Together we will make the best free e-commerce solution.
Backend repository of libreoupas project, fully written in PHP, using the datas provided by the University.
libreoupas-engine/fst-nancy Description libreoupas est un site Internet permettant aux étudiant de la Faculté des Strasbourg illkirsh d'avoir accès au
Standalone Skeltch templating engine for PHP
SkeltchGo is a standalone version of Glowie Skeltch templating engine for PHP, intented to use from outside the framework.
This is a community-based project designed in the view of R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering hostel mess maintenance.
Hostel-Maintenance-System Introduction This is a community-based project designed in the view of R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering hostel mess mainte
A Powerful Laravel Help Desk and Lead Management App
Handesk Description Handesk has been created by our need (At Revo Systems www.revo.works) to have a powerful yet simple Ticketing system, we needed a
The best squirrel tracker. Ever. (A demo app for LaravelSF meetups)
LaraSqrrl Identify and track squirrels via text, now using AWS Rekognition! Created for the November 10th, 2015; February 9th, 2016; May 10th, 2016; a
A Visual Bookmark App built on top of Laravel 5
Laravel Bookmark Visual bookmark organizer application in Laravel  Working
Laravel web app for signing up for community service opportunities
Community Service A Laravel web app for registering for service opportunities. Installation Make sure the following are installed on your system: Node
Laravel Datatables Package Demo App
#Laravel Datatables Demo App Datatables Package for Laravel 4|5 This package is created to handle server-side works of DataTables jQuery Plugin via AJ
This app aims to benchmark several video/live streaming OTT platforms
video-platform-bench This app aims to benchmark several video/live streaming OTT platforms based on Encoding Time performance and provide also a "Time
Aplikasi Informasi Film Sederhana Ini Adalah Aplikasi yang dikembangkan dari kumpulan materi saat belajar materi laravel di jabar coding camp lalu untuk beberapa fitur saya kembangkan lagi sendiri, walaupun saat masih tahap pengerjaan karena belum selesai.
Aplikasi Film Sederhana Aplikasi Film Sederhana Ini Adalah Aplikasi yang dikembangkan dari kumpulan materi saat belajar materi laravel di jabar coding
Retrieve MySejahtera App's data from MySejahtera API and show to users via web browser. Written in PHP
MySejahtera-PHP-Web Retrieve MySejahtera App's data from MySejahtera API and show to users via web browser. Written in PHP. Disclaimer This web app is
Laravel real-time CRUD using Google Firebase.
Laravel real-time CRUD using Google Firebase.
Shopware 6 app boilerplate + Symfony backend + Dockware docker dev environment 💙
Shopware 6 app boilerplate with Symfony backend This boilerplate template can be used to get up and running with a docker-based dev setup for Shopware
Demo of how you can run your Laravel app with Docker Compose. Look at docker-compose.yml and the docker folder. The rest is just a clean Laravel + Horizon install.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Japanese Cloze App
Requirements Docker Docker Compose Setup Clone the repository. Start the containers by running docker-compose up -d in the project root. Install the c
Quick intro to Laravel using a custom CMS app I made
Quick intro to Laravel using a custom CMS app I made This is mainly to show an example of a small CMS being built in Laravel. CMS (Content Management
An AngularJS / Laravel app - Keyword Based Email forwarder | read/write emails through IMAP
@MailTree Simple mail forwarder. Based on the specific email body/subject keywords forward mails to the list of predefined users. Install Imap Install
An example of OrderMVC as a Laravel Application
OrderMVC - Laravel Application This is the Application implementation of OrderMVC in Laravel. Requirements Laravel requires PHP 5.3 however, PHP 5.4 i
Scrumwala: Your very own Scrum, Agile project management web app - built with Laravel
Scrumwala Your very own Scrum/Agile web app built with Laravel Features Create and manage projects with plan and work views Group issues in a project
A free and open-source Laravel 5.5 and VueJS (SPA) Ticket system
Ticket-conductor A Laravel 5.5 and VueJS (SPA) Ticket system app (This project was mostly for myself to learn Vue Js a bit better, and will not be mai
Simple RESTful Web App to find Real Estate Listings
Unreal Estate is a simple RESTful web app that allows the user to find Real Estate listings they might be interested in. Unreal Estate is built on Laravel 5 and PHP 7.
Genealogy (Silsilah) application to record our family members.
Genealogy Application Development in progress In development progress, any changes of table structure will be updated directly to corresponding migrat
A Laravel Code Generator based on your Models using Blade Template Engine
Laravel Code Generator is a PHP Laravel Package that uses Blade template engine to generate code for you. The difference between other code generators
Official backend for VideoStream Android app.
About VideoStream Backend Official backend for VideoStream Android app, which is the CMS for VideoStream Android app. This backend is public for testi
📒📚Generate beautiful interactive documentation and Open-API 3.0 spec file from your existing Laravel app.
Follow me anywhere @ovac4u | GitHub _________ _________ | Twitter |
🌏 Discover Random Destinations & Cities explored by people on Google Street View.
Random Street View on Steroids 👀 Welcome to the streetviewhub.com codebase. Here lies all the code with all the awesomeness and 🐛 s. Have some ideas
Ormapker is a wordpress plugin to embbed a multilocations map easily.
ORMAPKER Ormapker is a wordpress plugin to embbed a multilocations map easily. License This plugin is released under the GNU General Public License Ve
Google VerifiedSMS Laravel Package
Google VerifiedSMS Laravel Package This is a laravel package developed for google business communication api and verified SMS API. Before we commence
This web app aims to manage alumnus databases.
Aplikasi Database Alumni Aplikasi berbasis web ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendataan alumni. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan framework CodeIgniter d
A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping.
HTG Laravel A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping. Why write yet another login form when you just want to try something out?
Boilerplate for a standard tested resourceful Laravel app
Gold Standard A Laravel boilerplate resource This repo is an example of what I consider to be my "gold standard" of a resource-oritented application w
An open source self hosted notes and bookmarks taking web app.
Benotes An open source self hosted web app for your notes and bookmarks side by side. This project is currently in Beta. You may encounter bugs or err
A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL
✨ Notes-CRUD ✨ A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL 📑 Table of Contents Usage Contribute Screenshots 🤖 Usage Add the project to your envi
Simple web app with laravel build from scratch
Find Me Simple Web Application This "Find Me" matchmaking web-based application is useful for facilitating people who are looking for new relationship
Block malicious scripts using botscout.com protection for your laravel app
Laravel BotScout Protect your website against automated scripts using the botscout.com API. Installation You can install the package via composer: com
A Doctor appointment and Patient history application
An application for Doctor and their staff to manage Appointments, Patient information and other stuff. Built with Laravel, ReactJs, Inertia
Watch your Laravel app for unwanted changes when working with third-party packages.
Project Secure This package installs a Composer plugin that reports unwanted changes to your Laravel project code after installing or updating a third
Google reCAPTCHA Helper
Google reCAPTCHA Helper Simple Google reCAPTCHA Helper Contact & Support If any question & request, please contact following information Name Email Sk
Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and React as a frontend library.
Symfony React Blank Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and
thinkphp6 quickly creates a verification code tool similar to Google verification code
tp-gridCaptcha thinkphp6 quickly creates a verification code tool similar to Google verification code thinkphp6 快速创建一个类似于 Google 点图验证码的本地验证码扩展 介绍 tp-g
An elegant wrapper around Google Vision API
STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION Requires PHP 8.0+ For feedback, please contact me. This package provides an elegant wrapper around
Laravel quickly creates a verification code tool similar to Google verification code
laravel-gridCaptcha Laravel quickly creates a verification code tool similar to Google verification code laravel 快速创建一个类似于 Google 点图验证码的本地验证码扩展 介绍 lar
A2Reviews Client API lets you build apps, extensions or plugins to get reviews from the A2reviews APP
A2Reviews Client API lets you build apps, extensions or plugins to get reviews from the A2reviews APP. Including adding reviews to a store's products. It is used to import and export reviews through the API. This is the official package built and developed by A2Reviews, Inc.
Simple solution for converting excel rows into coordinates using Google Maps API
Package Usage Start by creating a new instance of ExcelToCoorindates class: $excel_to_cordinates = new ExcelToCoordinates(); Methods -setEx
System to control your app from site
ProgramManager System to control your app from site You can add more featutre and develop page you must use DataBase mysql 3 columns , 1 for id ( AI c
Google Drive Api Wrapper by PHP
GoogleDrive Api Wrapper usage at first you need to create oauth client on google cloud platform. so go to the your google console dashboard and create
PHP Markdown Engine Support
PHP Markdown Version v1.x support all PHP version =5.4 v2.x support all PHP version =7.0 Cài đặt thư viện Thư viện này được cài đặt thông qua Compos
ShellHacks 2021 Project: URide is a carpooling app for College students to get to and from campus
ShellHacks 2021 Project: URide is a carpooling app for College students to get to and from campus. Focused on scheduling it matches you to students nearby with similar schedules to alleviate campus parking and emissions.
Connect Nios4 with Google Calendar via PHP
Nios4_Google_Calendar Connect Nios4 with Google Calendar via PHP ISTRUZIONI INTEGRAZIONE GOOGLE CALENDAR CON NIOS4. Guida per l'integrazione del calen
Laravel A2Reviews Client API lets you build apps, extensions, or plugins to get reviews from the A2reviews APP.
Overview Laravel A2Reviews Client API lets you build apps, extensions or plugins to get reviews from the A2reviews APP. Including adding reviews to a
API documentation API SCB EASY APP
SCB-API-EASY V3.0 API documentation SIAM COMMERCIAL BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LTD. API SCB Easy V3 endpoint = https://fasteasy.scbeasy.link 1.0. Get balance
ToDoList With JetStearm. WireUI, LivewireUIModal, SweetAlert2 and Google Socialite Auth.
✔️ DoList DoList - Easy way to manage To Do List. 🖥️ Demo Demo: DoList.ir ScreenShots: ScreenShots 🔌 Requirements PHP version: = 7.4 Composer Node.
AliExpress Clone app built with Laravel 8 And vuejs
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
The official PHP SDK for Webmarketer (app.webmarketer.io)
PHP SDK for Webmarketer The official PHP SDK for Webmarketer (app.webmarketer.io). Install To add this package, your project must meet several require
Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel
Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel. This started as a fork from Superbalist/laravel
This helps with public holiday info using google calendar api
Public Holiday This package uses the Google Calendar API to fetch public holidays. The data always comes with 3 years data; the previous year, the cur
Google PHP API Client Services
Google PHP API Client Services
todolist app with vueJS frontend and laravel backend
todolist-vuejs-laravel A todolist app with vue.js frontend and laravel backend Demo demo Installation To run this locally, you'll need to clone the re
A site search engine
THIS PACKAGE IS IN DEVELOPMENT, DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION YET A site search engine This package can crawl your entire site and index it. Support us We
Use Kafka Producers and Consumers in your laravel app with ease!
Laravel Kafka Do you use Kafka in your laravel packages? All packages I've seen until today, including some built by myself, does not provide a nice s
Web based fantasy sports draft app
Hoot Draft makes running drafts for fantasy sports a real hoot! (dad jokes sold separately) Large color-coded draft board updates live during the draf
Scriptlog is a free and an open source PHP blog software.
Scriptlog is a free and an open source PHP blog software. We're refactoring our legacy weblog code. Making it more simple, secure, modular, fast and robust personal blogging system. Scriptlog runs on PHP 5.6 or higher and uses MySQL.