Standalone Skeltch templating engine for PHP



SkeltchGo is a standalone version of Glowie Skeltch templating engine for PHP, intented to use from outside the framework.


  • PHP version 7.4 or higher
  • Composer version 2.0 or higher


composer require glowieframework/skeltchgo


Create an SkeltchGo instance through the static make() method.

use Glowie\SkeltchGo\SkeltchGo;
$skeltch = SkeltchGo::make();

This method returns an instance of ViewRenderer.

The make() method accepts three optional arguments:

  • viewFolder (string) - Folder where the view files are stored, relative to the running script. (Defaults to views)
  • cache (bool) - Enable views caching. Highly recommended in a production environment. (Defaults to true)
  • cacheFolder (string) - View cache folder, relative to the running script. Must have writing permissions. (Defaults to cache)

Rendering views

Views must be .phtml files inside the views folder. Extension is not needed.

From the script


From another view


Rendering layouts

Layouts must be .phtml files inside the views folder. Extension is not needed. The second parameter is an optional view file to render within the layout.

From the script

$skeltch->renderLayout('myLayout', 'myView');

From another view

{@layout('myLayout', 'myView')}

To retrieve the internal view content inside the layout use:


Passing parameters

There are two ways of passing parameters to the views:

// Globally to all views
$skeltch->view->param1 = 'Lorem ipsum';

// Restricted to a single view
$skeltch->renderView('myView', [
    'param2' => 'Hello world'

Then retrieve it in the view as a property of itself:


View helpers

Setup a helper method by passing a name and a closure to the helper() method:

$skeltch->helper('sayHello', function($name){
    return "Hello, $name!";

And call it in your view file using:


Full documentation

To learn how to use all methods and templating syntax, read Skeltch complete documentation.

Note: some Skeltch methods are restricted to the framework environment and are not available in SkeltchGo. Unavailable methods are: babel, url, route, asset and csrf.


SkeltchGo and Glowie are currently being developed by Gabriel Silva.

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