69 Repositories
PHP filament-range-field Libraries
Full-screen page preview modal for Filament
Peek A Filament plugin that adds a full-screen preview modal to your Edit pages. The modal can be used before saving to preview a modified record. Ins
Creates a Filament table action.
Filament Action Designed for easy integration and manage of Filament actions. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require
Simple plugin to toggle maintenance mode from Filament.
Filament Maintenance Plugin This plugin allows you to easily toggle maintenance mode from your Filament Admin Panel. You can also set a secret token t
Effortlessly streamline tables and records printing in PDF/XLSX in your FilamentPHP application.
Filament Printables: a package to generate reports and form printables for your app. This is a work in progress thing Installation You can install the
Filament Plugin to help implement Cloudflare turnstile into your forms.
Filament Turnstile Filament Turnstile, is a plugin to help you implement the Cloudflare turnstile. This plugin uses Laravel Turnstile Behind the scene
The All-in-One AI WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities into your WordPress website. This plugin provides a wide range of AI features and functionalities to enhance your website's performance, user experience, and efficiency.
All-in-One AI WordPress Plugin The All-in-One AI WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities into your Wo
Let users pick a color from a fixed list of options.
Let users pick a color from a fixed list of options. This packages implements a new ColorPalette field as described in the mini-series on my blog. It
Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Cloudflare's Turnstile service.
Turnstile for Silverstripe Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Cloudflare's Turnstile service. Maintainer Contact Ed Chipma
A CMS start kit for websites, built on Filament and Laravel.
TrovCMS TrovCMS is a start kit for websites, built on Filament and Laravel. Install globally with composer. composer global require trovcms/installer
Easily add Laravel Telescope and Horizon to Filament admin panel.
Filament Debugger This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Installation You can inst
Allows Filament static assets (css, js) to be served directly from /public
Filament Static Asset Handling This package aims to solve improve the static asset handling of the amazing Laravel package Filament. By default Filame
This Laravel Nova package adds a Trumbowyg field to Nova's arsenal of fields.
Nova Trumbowyg Field This Laravel Nova package adds a Trumbowyg field to Nova's arsenal of fields. Requirements php: =8.0 laravel/nova: ^4.0 Installa
The Popular Datetime, Flatpickr Picker as a Filament Form Field
Flatpickr Date/Time Picker as a Filament Field Flatpickr is one of the most popular js datepickers. This filament plugin allows you to use flatpickr a
Multi-language field export/import tool for ProcessWire
Language field export/import for ProcessWire Typically the way you translate page field values in ProcessWire is to edit a page, view the text in one
Filament Admin Panel application installer.
Filament Installer Install globally with composer. composer global require awcodes/filament-installer Now you can run the new command to quickly set u
A demo of how to use filament/forms to build a user-facing Form Builder which stores fields in JSON.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A collection of easy-to-use filters with clause conditions to Filament
Filament Advanced Filter A collection of easy-to-use filters with clause conditions to Filament Installation Install the package via composer (require
File & Folders & Media Browser With Code Editor
Filament Browser File & Folders & Media Browser With Code Editor Features File Browser Code Editor with highlights Media Viewer .Env Editor Screenshot
Build structured navigation menus in Filament.
Build structured navigation menus in Filament. This plugin for Filament provides a Navigation resource that allows to build structural navigation menu
Manage your own workflows with filament
Filament Workflow Manager This package provides a Filament resource where you can configure and manager your workflows, and also provides some functio
This package provides a Filament resource to view all Laravel sent emails.
This package provides a Filament resource to view all Laravel outgoing emails. It also provides a Model for the database stored emails. Installation Y
A set of filament components with extra functionality & fresh look
Filament Addons A set of filament components with extra functionality & fresh look Pills (Tab Pills) Coming Soon ... Support Filament Installation You
Plugin for Filament Admin that adds a dropdown menu to the header to quickly create new items.
Filament Quick Create Plugin for Filament Admin that adds a dropdown menu to the header to quickly create new items from any page. Installation Instal
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features
Simply define the permission in the filament resource.
Simply define the permissions in the filament resource. Easily define permissions for Filament Resources & Relation Managers Installation You can inst
A mostly useless package to display framework versions at the bottom of the Admin navigation panel.
A mostly useless package to display framework versions at the bottom of the Filament Admin navigation panel and an optional widget to do the same in the dashboard or custom pages.
A media picker plugin for Filament Admin.
Filament Curator A media picker plugin for Filament Admin. ‼️ This package is still in development ‼️ This package does not work with Spatie Media Lib
Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete
Twigfield for Craft CMS 3.x & 4.x Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete Requirements Twigfield requires Craft CMS 3.0 or 4.0
Add a progress bar column to your Filament tables.
Add a progress bar column to your Filament tables. This package provides a ProgessColumn that can be used to display a progress bar in a Filament tabl
Filament Translations - Manage your translation with DB and cache
Filament Translations Manage your translation with DB and cache, you can scan your languages tags like trans(), __(), and get the string inside and tr
Configurable activity logger for filament.
Activity logger for filament Configurable activity logger for filament. Powered by spatie/laravel-activitylog Features You can choose what you want to
Create and Control Page Redirects through Filament
Create and Control Page Redirects through Filament A Filament resource to create and maintain page redirects for your website. Installation You can in
Provides the missing range field for the Filament forms.
The missing range field for the Filament forms. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require yepsua/filament-range-field Pu
Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status
check_sateon Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status Max.Fischer dev@monologic.ru Tested on CentOS GNU/Linux 6.5 with Ici
Social login for Filament through Laravel Socialite
Social login for Filament through Laravel Socialite Add OAuth login through Laravel Socialite to Filament. Installation You can install the package vi
A collection of reusable components for Filament.
A collection of reusable components for Filament. This package is a collection of handy components for you to use in all your Filament projects. It pr
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel Features Syntax highlighting Quickly jump between start and end of the file Refresh log contents Clear
With dadjokes every time you load your control panel you'll be greeted by an epic dad joke on the dashboard.
Filament Dad Jokes Widget With DadJokes every time you load your control panel you'll be greeted by an epic dad joke on the dashboard. Installation Yo
Build structured navigation menus in Filament.
Build structured navigation menus in Filament. This plugin for Filament provides a Navigation resource that allows to build structural navigation menu
Admin user, role and permission management for Laravel Filament
Filament Access Control Opinionated setup for managing admin users, roles and permissions within Laravel Filament Features Separate database table for
Import data from and export data to a range of different file formats and media
Ddeboer Data Import library This library has been renamed to PortPHP and will be deprecated. Please use PortPHP instead. Introduction This PHP library
An enhanced Yii 2 widget encapsulating the HTML 5 range input (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
yii2-widget-rangeinput The RangeInput widget is a customized range slider control widget based on HTML5 range input. The widget enhances the default H
Easily interact and control your feature flags from Filament
Easily interact and control your feature flags from Filament
A convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
Combine the power of Laravel SEO and Filament PHP. This package is a convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
Manage your Sanctum tokens inside of Filament. ✨
:package_description This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Installation You can i
This package provides a Logs page that allows you to view your Laravel log files in a simple UI
A simplistics log viewer for your Filament apps. This package provides a Logs page that allows you to view your Laravel log files in a simple UI. Inst
Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack.
Fukigen Filament Starterpack Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack. Usually, many of us are confused about where to start a new p
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category"
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory Magento 2 extension. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category" This exstension will add Category
A Symfony2 bundle that integrates Select2 as a drop-in replacement for a standard entity field on a Symfony form.
select2entity-bundle Introduction This is a Symfony bundle which enables the popular Select2 component to be used as a drop-in replacement for a stand
A single-field repeater for Filament. ⚡️
A single-field repeater for Filament. This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Insta
This is a simple Expense Tracker app.
Expense Tracker This is a simple Expense Tracker app build with Filament Admin (TALL Stack). Demo hosted on Heroku Demo Filament Expense Tracker Featu
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
A PHP hold'em range parser
mattjmattj/holdem-range-parser A PHP hold'em range parser Installation No published package yet, so you'll have to clone the project manually, or add
The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget 💛
The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget 💛 Features Accepts all configurations from FullCalendar Event click and drop events Upcomin
Add a general-purpose tools page to your Filament project. 🛠
Add a general-purpose tools page to your Filament project. Installation You can install the package via Composer: composer require ryangjchandler/fila
A simple profile management page for Filament. ✨
A simple profile page for Filament. This package provides a very simple Profile page that allows the current user to manage their name, email address
The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models through `spatie/laravel-permission`
Filament Shield The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models (more coming soon 😎 ) One Plugin to rule
My personal uptime checker powered by Filament. ⚡️
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This module integrates Silverstripe CMS with Google Translate API and then allows content editors to use automatic translation for every translatable field.
Autotranslate This module integrates Silverstripe CMS with Google Translate API and then allows content editors to use automatic translation for every
Markdownfield - Markdown field for SilverStripe
MarkdownField This module introduces a new DB field type Markdown & Markdown Editor. It uses github style Markdown style. And uses the simple markdown
A field for editing code in the SilverStripe CMS using Ace Editor
SilverStripe CodeEditorField This module adds a CodeEditorField that uses Ace Editor (http://ace.c9.io/) to let you edit code (mostly HTML or JavaScri
Filament-spatie-laravel-activitylog - View your activity logs inside of Filament. ⚡️
View your activity logs inside of Filament. This package provides a Filament resource that shows you all of the activity logs created using the spatie
A layout field that forces translations to have the same structure.
Kirby translatedlayout plugin A layout field that forces translations to have anidentical structure to the one of the default language. This is an exp
A measurement field for ProcessWire
Fieldtype Measurement This fieldtype allows a measurement unit to be stored with a corresponding measurement value ('magnitude'). The relevant details
Bundle providing Honeypot field for the Form Builder in Ibexa DXP Experience/Commerce (3.X)
IbexaHoneypot Bundle providing Honeypot field for the Form Builder in Ibexa DXP Experience/Commerce (3.X) What is Honey pot? A honey pot trap involves
A template field for Twill Modules
Twill Form Templates This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help yo
Track the memory usage of your workers and display them in Filament.
Filament Memory Tracker Track the memory usage of your workers and display them in Filament. Installation Install the package via composer: composer r
A Magento 1.9's module to export products informations, inside a chosen date range, to a .XLSX file.
Magento 1.9 Export products module A magento 1.9 module to export products informations to a .XLSX file. Module informations Package/Namespace: "Mathe