Manage your own workflows with filament


Filament Workflow Manager

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This package provides a Filament resource where you can configure and manager your workflows, and also provides some functions, helpers, traits, ... to help you attach statuses to your configured models.

Filament Workflow Manager


You can install the package via composer:

composer require heloufir/filament-workflow-manager

The package comes with publishable assets:


php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-workflow-manager-migrations"

Config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-workflow-manager-config"

Quick start

Please read the following steps to understand how to use this package. Quick start steps


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Adding tasks to each Workflow status

    Adding tasks to each Workflow status

    I am new to filament admin.

    However, I have a use case where I need to add a set of pre-created tasks or objectives for each workflow step or status.

    What would be the best approach: 1 - Fork the repo, then add the related models, and migrations? 2 - Try to integrate it using new filament resources?

    help wanted question 
    opened by jigzstar 5
  • Using workflows on Record actions

    Using workflows on Record actions


    I'm trying to add an action to the ViewResource and EditResource that would allow me to change the workflow status outside of the EditRecord. I've managed to change it manually with this: $this->record->workflow_status->workflow_status_id = $data['workflow_status_id']; $this->record->workflow_status->save(); But this isn't clearly the intended way, since history isn't triggered.

    Additionally. Is there any way to use this plugin and disabling the workflow permissions? Do you recommend any compatible user management? I've seen a few that don't see to be easily overridable to add the workflow permissions.

    Thank you for this great plugin.

    help wanted question 
    opened by nosfas 2
  • what's refer like?

    what's refer like?

    Add a Filament resource to manage your model Refer to the Filament documentation:

    opened by sunkangchina 0
  • Missing required parameters for id & model

    Missing required parameters for id & model

    Hi there,

    I did a fresh install of this package by following the quickstart documentation, and then I saw a little bit of an error.

    Missing required parameters for [Route: filament.pages.workflow-history/{id}/{model}] [URI: admin/workflow-history/{id}/{model}] [Missing parameters: id, model].

    After, seeing your code I found the problem came from this line a required parameter of id & model. And I think we need to make it optional like this workflow-history/{id?}/{model?}. Cause when I try to change it into optional on the vendor directory, it works like a charm.


    opened by muhibbudins 0
  • Workflow per model item, opposed to per model?

    Workflow per model item, opposed to per model?

    Wondering if it is possible to adapt it to have a workflow per item? Where we can select the workflow from within the model? Or define the workflow within the model item?

    Loving the idea of this, but we do have a variation of how it can be used, at the moment it seems limiting on it's process.

    opened by TonyPartridgeR 0
  • Error handling on workflow without status

    Error handling on workflow without status

    Attempt to read property "status" on null at /var/www/wbl/vendor/heloufir/filament-workflow-manager/src/Core/WorkflowResource.php

    I believe this occurs when you add the package to an existing table with models without a status. If the status doesn't exist, it should be created using the first status for the workflow rather than an error.

    opened by HeartlandTechie 2
  • Problem with workflow design, adding already used status breaks the page

    Problem with workflow design, adding already used status breaks the page


    Thanks for the great plugin.

    There seems to be a problem with setting reverse flows. Fillament version: 2.15.11 Plugin version: 1.1.8

    As shown in the image.


    Steps to reproduce: Add 3 statusses. Connect the 1st to the 2nd and 3rd. Connect the the 2nd to the 3rd. Page keeps loading until a fatal error is thrown,


    Thank you.

    bug enhancement help wanted 
    opened by OppPMatos 2
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