A field for editing code in the SilverStripe CMS using Ace Editor


SilverStripe CodeEditorField

This module adds a CodeEditorField that uses Ace Editor (http://ace.c9.io/) to let you edit code (mostly HTML or JavaScript). Try it out here. It comes in two forms:

  • A regular CodeEditorField that can be used on an HTMLText field similar to HTMLEditorField
  • An optional replacement code view for TinyMCE that uses a CodeEditorField

Maintainer Contacts

Nathan Cox ([email protected])


  • SilverStripe 3.1+



Installation Instructions

  1. Place the files in a directory called codeeditorfield in the root of your SilverStripe installation. You can most easily do this with composer require nathancox/codeeditorfield
  2. Configure your site's config.yml to define your defaults (optional).
  3. Visit yoursite.com/dev/build to rebuild the database

Usage Overview

Configuration via config.yml:

Name: codeeditorfield

    # These are the pre-defined defaults for dark/light themes
    default_dark_theme: 'monokai'
    default_light_theme: 'github'
    # This will overwrite the above settings
    default_theme: 'tomorrow'

Using CodeEditorField in getCMSFields:

$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content', $codeField = new CodeEditorField('Configuration', 'Configuration'));
// set the field to use the full width of the CMS (optional, not included in screenshot)

// set the height of the field (defaults to 8)

// set the syntax mode to yaml (defaults to html)

// optional - set theme (see codeeditorfield/thirdparty/ace/src-noconflict/theme-xxx.js files for available themes)

produces the following:

example codeeditorfield

Note: If you opt not to set default_theme and don't set the theme specifically on the field, you will have the option to toggle between Dark and Light.

To replace the code editor in TinyMCE:

// copy this into your project's getCMSFields

	'aceeditor' => sprintf('../../../codeeditorfield/javascript/tinymce/editor_plugin_src.js')
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->insertButtonsBefore('fullscreen', 'aceeditor');

Known Issues

Issue Tracker

  • If theme defined in config.yml buttons don't work in modal editor

    If theme defined in config.yml buttons don't work in modal editor

    I've had an issue which took me a while to track down, but eventually I realised that setting theme in config.yml e.g.

      theme: 'myTheme'

    Breaks the word-wrap and theme buttons in the modal editor. Instead, they simply close the modal.

    opened by MattyBalaam 5
  • Feature bumps

    Feature bumps

    Hi Nathan!

    As you can see I forked this a while ago and totally forgot to make the PR back against your module. Rectifying that error now.

    In short - adds a Dark/Light theme switch, a word-wrap toggle button, and touches up the README.

    If this isn't something you maintain or care about any more, just let me know!


    opened by andrewandante 2
  • silverstripe 3.2 problem

    silverstripe 3.2 problem

    hi in silverstripe 3.1 everything works very well I try install silverstripe-codeeditorfield on silverstripe 3.2-dev when I click on show: HTML Editor button on tinyMCE I get next error:

    GET http://webspilka.dev/autopodbor/TinyMCECodeEditor/PopupForm/forTemplate 404 Not Found 772ms jquery....3783829 (рядок 8240) "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://webspilka.dev/autopodbor/TinyMCECodeEditor/PopupForm/forTemplate"

    opened by webspilka 2
  • Fixes, enhancements, tidy ups

    Fixes, enhancements, tidy ups

    Hello, thanks for this great module. I've just used it on one of my clients sites and came across a couple of things..

    I've fixed a bug as described here - http://japhr.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/ace-and-disappearing-text.html, where on saving a page with a codeedtiorfield in the cms, the edit form would reload with the codeeditorfield only showing the first few lines of code inside.

    I've also added the ability to set the editor theme globally or per-instance, and tidied up some of the other configuration code.


    opened by sheadawson 2
  • Converted to PSR-2

    Converted to PSR-2


    I'm helpful robot. I noticed there were some deviations from PSR-2 in your code. The core committer team recently decided to transition SilverStripe Framework and CMS to PSR-2, and the supported module standard recommends following PSR-2. I've gone ahead and converted files in code and tests to PSR-2. If this sounds like something you'd like to merge then go right ahead! Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions for how I can help you more. I've been programmed with a wide range of responses.

    Have a nice day! [gzzzzrrrkt]

    opened by helpfulrobot 0
  • Incompatible with Silverstripe 3.3?

    Incompatible with Silverstripe 3.3?

    Hello @nathancox, I'm a happy user of the codeeditorfield module. Until now it survived every Silverstripe 3-upgrade. But since I upgraded to Silverstripe 3.3 there are some weird things going on here with the codeeditorfield. At the moment I'm debugging my code.

    This is the behaviour I get after the ss3.3 upgrade: The visible cursor is off-sync with the 'real' position in the text (so selections/edits happen on the wrong place in the text). The font of the codeeditorfield also changed from the Arial-like font into a Times-like font.

    To be honoust, I'm getting a littlebit clueless by now on where to look, so just to be sure: should this module be compatible with Silverstripe 3.3? Thanks in advance

    opened by Friksel 6
  • Added standard Scrutinizer config

    Added standard Scrutinizer config


    I'm helpful robot. I noticed you don't have a Scrutinizer config file. This one adds many code quality checks. If you are unsure of how to connect your repository to Scrutinizer, read the guide I wrote for you humans.

    Have a nice day! [brrrrb, click]

    opened by helpfulrobot 0
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