19 Repositories
PHP field Libraries
Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Cloudflare's Turnstile service.
Turnstile for Silverstripe Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Cloudflare's Turnstile service. Maintainer Contact Ed Chipma
This Laravel Nova package adds a Trumbowyg field to Nova's arsenal of fields.
Nova Trumbowyg Field This Laravel Nova package adds a Trumbowyg field to Nova's arsenal of fields. Requirements php: =8.0 laravel/nova: ^4.0 Installa
The Popular Datetime, Flatpickr Picker as a Filament Form Field
Flatpickr Date/Time Picker as a Filament Field Flatpickr is one of the most popular js datepickers. This filament plugin allows you to use flatpickr a
Multi-language field export/import tool for ProcessWire
Language field export/import for ProcessWire Typically the way you translate page field values in ProcessWire is to edit a page, view the text in one
Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete
Twigfield for Craft CMS 3.x & 4.x Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete Requirements Twigfield requires Craft CMS 3.0 or 4.0
Provides the missing range field for the Filament forms.
The missing range field for the Filament forms. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require yepsua/filament-range-field Pu
Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status
check_sateon Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status Max.Fischer dev@monologic.ru Tested on CentOS GNU/Linux 6.5 with Ici
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category"
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory Magento 2 extension. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category" This exstension will add Category
A Symfony2 bundle that integrates Select2 as a drop-in replacement for a standard entity field on a Symfony form.
select2entity-bundle Introduction This is a Symfony bundle which enables the popular Select2 component to be used as a drop-in replacement for a stand
A single-field repeater for Filament. ⚡️
A single-field repeater for Filament. This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Insta
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
This module integrates Silverstripe CMS with Google Translate API and then allows content editors to use automatic translation for every translatable field.
Autotranslate This module integrates Silverstripe CMS with Google Translate API and then allows content editors to use automatic translation for every
Markdownfield - Markdown field for SilverStripe
MarkdownField This module introduces a new DB field type Markdown & Markdown Editor. It uses github style Markdown style. And uses the simple markdown
A field for editing code in the SilverStripe CMS using Ace Editor
SilverStripe CodeEditorField This module adds a CodeEditorField that uses Ace Editor (http://ace.c9.io/) to let you edit code (mostly HTML or JavaScri
A layout field that forces translations to have the same structure.
Kirby translatedlayout plugin A layout field that forces translations to have anidentical structure to the one of the default language. This is an exp
A measurement field for ProcessWire
Fieldtype Measurement This fieldtype allows a measurement unit to be stored with a corresponding measurement value ('magnitude'). The relevant details
Bundle providing Honeypot field for the Form Builder in Ibexa DXP Experience/Commerce (3.X)
IbexaHoneypot Bundle providing Honeypot field for the Form Builder in Ibexa DXP Experience/Commerce (3.X) What is Honey pot? A honey pot trap involves
A template field for Twill Modules
Twill Form Templates This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help yo