156 Repositories
PHP auto-generate Libraries
Generate robust laravel athorization without writing a single line of code.
Implement robust laravel authorization logic without writing a single line of code This package helps you to quickly create strong policy authorizatio
Generate static map url for maptiler.com
PHP static maps url generator The package is used for static maps (images) URL generate. For now, it works only with maptiler.com. I welcome your comm
Otpify is a Laravel package that provides a simple and elegant way to generate and validate one time passwords.
Laravel Otpify 🔑 Introduction Otpify is a Laravel package that provides a simple and elegant way to generate and validate one time passwords. Install
Free WordPress plugin to generate Admin Settings Page.
ClioWP Settings Page ClioWP Setting Page is a free WordPress Plugin which creates a sample Settings Page. This “test” page contains almost any type of
Cryptocurrency exchange script Codono supports Auto detection of deposits, Each user is assigned with Unique deposit per coin
#Cryptocurrency exchange script Codono supports Auto detection of deposits, Each user is assigned with Unique deposit per coin. Deposits are detected
Generate Sphinx/ReStructured documentation from PHPDoc
PHP-phpdoc-to-rst Forked from Francesco "Abbadon1334" Danti by AeonDigital. In this fork the changes has only visual and superficial effects [ just be
Generate services and contracts in Laravel with the artisan command
What does it do? This package adds a new php artisan make:service {name} {--N|noContract} command. It will create a service file and its contract (int
A helper method to generate absolute asset URL's to Vite assets
Laravel vite() helper method A super simple Laravel helper to fill the void that Laravel Mix left. Mix had a helper, aptly named mix() that would retu
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Javascript-powered auto-completion functionality for your Symfony forms!
Symfony UX Autocomplete Javascript-powered auto-completion functionality for your Symfony forms! EXPERIMENTAL This component is currently experimental
Generate random typed values and in any shape.
PHP Typed Generators Description Generate random typed values and in any shape. Useful for writing your tests, there's no need to write static set of
Generate previous attributes when saving Eloquent models
This package provides a trait that will generate previous attributes when saving any Eloquent model.
An auto software that collects, scans and sends automatic instagram users
Instagram Advanced User Finder V1.0.0 With this PHP script, you can find users on Instagram and message them. Feedback Türkçe Get Key every week, you
Utilities to scan PHP code and generate class maps.
composer/class-map-generator Utilities to generate class maps and scan PHP code. Installation Install the latest version with: $ composer require comp
Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes
InfyOm Laravel Generator Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes. Docum
A reliable, scalable web application for the management of a fictional vehicle rentals company
auto-vendor A reliable, scalable web application for the management of a fictional vehicle rental company. Uses technologies such as: HTML, CSS, PHP,
A package to generate YouTube-like IDs for Eloquent models
Laravel Hashids This package provides a trait that will generate hashids when saving any Eloquent model. Hashids Hashids is a small package to generat
ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows you to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate taxes.
Built by freelancer 🙋♂️, for freelancer 🕺 🤷 💃🏾 - ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows you to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate taxes.
A simple way to generate files from stubs.
STUBBY A simple way to generate files from stubs. Usage For example we have a stub file that looks like this: ?php namespace {{ namespace }}; use A
CSS Exfil helper script to generate injected CSS and corresponding HTML (inspired by mike gualtieri)
The PoC-CSS Exfill Basic Keylogger First of all i was developing bot stuff and i seen attribute=value] [target=_blank] in source code of website. This
BroRelo - Browser Auto Refresh / Reload for Firefox, Chrome & Opera
BroRelo - Browser Auto Refresh / Reload for Firefox, Chrome & Opera Ubuntu 21.10 | Apache/2.4.48 | PHP 8.0.18 This package can reload windows regardle
Middleware to generate access logs for each request using the Apache's access log format
Middleware to generate access logs for each request using the Apache's access log format. This middleware requires a Psr log implementation, for example monolog.
A system for auto-decorating models with presenters
Laravel Auto Presenter 7 This package automatically decorates objects bound to views during the view render process. Features Automatically decorate o
Laravel package to generate sweepstakes using the Round Robin algorithm
Laravel package to generate sweepstakes using the Round Robin algorithm. Supports any number of teams, as long as they are greater than a minimum value specified in the configuration file. Built with Laravel Collections for better handling of arrays.
Laravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema.
Laravel Migrations Generator Generate Laravel Migrations from an existing database, including indexes and foreign keys! This package is cloned from ht
The plugin generates posts/pages. Useful to generate millions of records in wp_posts table
KAGG Generator The plugin generates posts/pages. Useful to generate millions of records in wp_posts table. In WordPress development, sometimes it is n
Generate GitHub pull request preview deployments with Laravel Forge
Forge Previewer WARNING: This package is not ready for production usage. Use at your own risk. This package provides a forge-previewer command that ca
Emmet like Abbreviation to generate and wrap Laravel Blade Component with markup
Laravel Blade Emerald Emmet like Abbreviation to generate and wrap Laravel Blade Component with markup 🌈 Features Generate HTML in a Blade file via p
Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes
TCPDF PHP PDF Library Please consider supporting this project by making a donation via PayPal category Library author Nicola Asuni info@tecnick.com co
ICSGenerator - The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files
ICSGenerator The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files. The module simply extends WireData. It has these properties and default val
Generate UUID for a Laravel Eloquent model attribute
Generate a UUIDv4 for the primary key or any other attribute on an Eloquent model.
This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer.
Laravel Module Create This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer Installation Simply install t
Melakukan generate "heatmap" dari merah ke hijau dengan skala yang dapat di atur
Heatmap-Generator-with-Scale-SC Melakukan generate "heatmap" dari merah ke hijau dengan skala yang dapat di atur How to Use Gunakan value default agar
Plugin for WordPress Full Site Editing That Sets Smart CSS defaults & Removes Auto generated classes.
WazFrame Enhanced This plugin removes autogenerated classes from WordPress that comes from theme layout support for contentSize and wideSize in theme.
CMS auto detect and exploit.
BadMod auto exploit tool Version 2.0 Fixed colors bug Fixed permissions bug Added new option to scan single target Added new option to scan joomla & w
The NelmioApiDocBundle bundle allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs
NelmioApiDocBundle The NelmioApiDocBundle bundle allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs. Migrate from 3.x to 4.0 To migrate from
A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc Drupal Console Required PHP version Drupal Console documentation Download Drupal Console Run Drupal Console Co
instagrambot ,it’s a console-based script created for autovoting (auto poll voting) and auto looking stories
instagrambot instagram bot for auto story view 3 instagrambot ,it’s a console-based script created for autovoting (auto poll voting) and auto looking
SlimJim was born out of a need for a simple auto update script which would update multiple development/test environments every time someone
SlimJim WHY? SlimJim was born out of a need for a simple auto update script which would update multiple development/test environments every time someo
phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to generate a complete set of API Documentation
phpDocumentor What is phpDocumentor? phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to genera
Generate interactive OpenAPI documentation for your RESTful API using doctrine annotations
Generate interactive OpenAPI documentation for your RESTful API using doctrine annotations
PHP class to generate and verify Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication
Google Authenticator PHP class Copyright (c) 2012-2016, http://www.phpgangsta.de Author: Michael Kliewe, @PHPGangsta and contributors Licensed under t
A small PHP library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers.
A small PHP library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use it when you don't want to expose your database ids to the user.
Auto RELOAD dan "live server" untuk PHP file
PHP BrowserSync Auto Reload your Browser and PHP file ini adalah auto reload php file atau browser, jika ada perubahan di file php atau di file js dan
Silverstripe-ideannotator - Generate docblocks for DataObjects, Page, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions
silverstripe-ideannotator This module generates @property, @method and @mixin tags for DataObjects, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions, so ide's lik
Simple-podcast-generator - 👉 A very simple way to host your podcast files and generate the RSS Podcast feed 🎙
Podcast RSS Feed Generator A very simple way to host your podcast files and generate the RSS Podcast feed 🎙 📖 Contents Summary Requirements Installa
Mediator - CQRS Symfony bundle. Auto Command/Query routing to corresponding handlers.
Installation $ composer require whsv26/mediator Bundle configuration // config/packages/mediator.php return static function (MediatorConfig $config)
The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules
Contao 4 maker bundle The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules, event listener, callbacks and hooks using interacti
Laravel package allows you to generate a YouTube player from a video link.
Youtube Frame Generator Laravel package allows you to generate an iframe tag with a video player depending on a youtube URL. 1 - Dependency The first
Laravel generator with GUI. Generate crud / scaffold.
Laravel generator with GUI. Generate crud / scaffold.
Generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel codebase.✍
Scribe v3 is out now! Scribe helps you generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel/Lumen/Dingo codebase. See a live example at demo.scribe
Generate Data Transfer Objects directly from JSON objects
Json 2 DTO Spatie's Data Transfer Object library is awesome, but typing out DTOs can quickly become a chore. Inspired by Json2Typescript style tools,
Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app.
Laravel TestTools Check out the introduction post about the chrome extension. Installation git clone git@github.com:mpociot/laravel-testtools.git # i
Helps to generate participation Certificate to clubs, chapter or any organisation
Certificate_Generator Helps to generate participation Certificate to clubs, chapter or any organisation. Has PHP as a backend and FPHP class for pdf c
Laravel File Generators with config and publishable stubs
Laravel File Generators Custom Laravel File Generators with a config file and publishable stubs. You can publish the stubs. You can add your own stubs
Optional package for Laravel to generate social share links.
Laravel Share Share links exist on almost every page in every project, creating the code for these share links over and over again can be a pain in th
Simple way to auto load modules without complicate definition of routes
Phalcon-autorouter Version 2.0 Example full application with various libraries included in this example Change log Structure have been changed and upd
💡 Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete for Sublime Text
SublimeCodeIntel This Code Intelligence plugin for Sublime Text provides an interface to CodeIntel. CodeIntel is a code intelligence engine that was p
Automatically generate ERD Diagrams from Model's relations in Laravel
Laravel ERD Generator Automatically generate interactive ERD from Models relationships in Laravel. This package provides a CLI to automatically genera
Laravel package a helper to Generate the QR code and signed it for ZATCA E-invoicing
Laravel ZATCA E-invoicing Introduction Laravel package a helper to Generate the QR code and signed it for ZATCA E-invoicing Installation To get the la
Enables auto-blocking of NFT artists and cryptobros on Twitter.
NFT Artist & Cryptobro blocker for Twitter Enables auto-blocking of NFT artists and cryptobros on Twitter. You can block a list of NFT artists and als
PHP Simple Response, XML, JSON,... auto response with accept in request's header
simple-response Simple package to handle response properly in your API. This package does not include any dependency. Install Via Composer $ composer
Laravel helper to generate the QRcode for ZATCA E-Invoicing system
Laravel-ZATCA Unofficial package to implement ZATCA QRcode for E-Invoicing. Requirements PHP = 7.4 An mbstring extension Dependencies chillerlan/php-
A simple package that helps PHP developers to generate the QR code signature as per Zakat authority (ZATCA) requirements of Saudi Arabia.
A PHP package that implements the e-invoice QR code signature requirements as designed by the Zakat authority of Saudi Arabia. How to install? compose
Generate auto numbers for your Laravel Model.
Generate Autonumbers for your Laravel Model This package can help you in creating autonumbers for your laravel model. You can create autonumbers using
A package that allows you to generate simple and fast Docker configurations for your Laravel application!
A package that allows you to generate simple and fast Docker configurations for your Laravel application!
Tool Berbasis Web Untuk membuat Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan Version 1.0
PKL-AUTO Tool Berbasis Web Untuk membuat Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan Version 1.0 Features : Online/Offline Mode Laporan langsung aja Tinggal Select
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf, CSV, & Excel Report Package on Laravel
Laravel Report Generators (PDF, CSV & Excel) Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf Report on Laravel (Using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf or barryvdh/laravel-snappy)
Auto register services aliases in the Symfony container.
Service Alias Auto Register A bundle for Symfony 5. Description The S.O.L.I.D. principles are a set of five design principles intended to make softwar
Generate PDF invoices for your customers in laravel
What is Invoices? Invoices is a Laravel library that generates a PDF invoice for your customers. The PDF can be either downloaded or streamed in the b
🏭 An easy way to generate populated factories for models.
Laravel Populated Factory provides an easy way to generate populated factories for models according to types & names of their columns. Install You can
Laravel and Lumen Auto Hard Deleter
Laravel Auto Hard Deleter This package deletes soft deleted rows automatically after a time interval that you define. For Laravel and Lumen 6, 7, 8 In
Generate a CMS element scaffolding within seconds.
Generate CMS elements or blocks Tired of creating the whole folder structure for a CMS block or element? With this plugin you can create the scaffoldi
Auto-generated Interface and Repository file via Repository pattern in Laravel
Auto-generated Repository Pattern in Laravel A repository is a separation between a domain and a persistent layer. The repository provides a collectio
A simple script i made that generate a valid http(s) proxy in json format with its geo-location info
Gev Proxy Generator GPG is a simple PHP script that generate a proxy using free services on the web, the proxy is HTTP(s) and it generate it in json f
Quickly generate pivot tables for your projects
Laravel Pivot Table Generator Quickly generate pivot tables for your projects! Table of Contents Installation Usage More generator packages Contributi
MainWP Child Plugin Auto Downloader.
This plugin checks to see if the MainWP Child plugin is installed and activated; If not, it will download it and install it.
Generate services in Laravel with the artisan command
Laravel Service Generator Quickly generate services for your projects! Table of Contents Features Installation Usage Generate services Generate servic
NUEiP auto clock
NUEiP 自動打卡系統 本作品僅為研究及練習使用。 demo 行事曆工作日使用公共 API : 政府行政機關辦公日曆表 Install run copy .env.example .env run php artisan key:generate 設定 env,DB 連線資訊、Mailer 設定、
Generate and display maps without external services or compromising on privacy.
Generate and display maps without external services or compromising on privacy.
Simple telegram auto reminder BOT with PHP
Telebot Script Telegram BOT Auto Reminder Dibuat pake PHP OOP Sebenernya bukan buat dipublish sih, ini cuma buat praktek PHP OOP sama praktek Commit &
A system for auto-decorating models with presenters
Laravel Auto Presenter 7 This package automatically decorates objects bound to views during the view render process. Features Automatically decorate o
Generate form validators for Laravel: an extension of way/generators
Laravel Form Validator Contents Introduction Installation Usage Example Tests Introduction After using Jeffrey Way's Generator and his Validator packa
Allows generate class files parse from json and map json to php object, including multi-level and complex objects;
nixihz/php-object Allows generate class files parse from json and map json to php object, including multi-level and complex objects; Installation You
Generate routes documentation
Laravel Route Documentation Maybe we are wondering where these routes lead or what could be their purpose? This package decides to solve this solution
A prototype generator to quickly generate prototypes based on Neos nodetype definitions.
UpAssist.PrototypeGenerator What does this package do? This package lets you create scaffolding for prototypes for Neos using the commandline. Why did
Generate Avatars using Initials, Bears or Kittens
Avatary Simple avatar generator Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Sta
A laravel package to generate class files from stub files.
Laravel Stub Generator A php laravel package to generate useable php files from given stub files . Installation Require the package using composer: co
A laravel package to generate model hashid based on model id column.
Laravel Model Hashid A package to generate model hash id from the model auto increment id for laravel models Installation Require the package using co
An easy and elegant way to generate gravatars 🖼
pH2Gravatar The simplest Gravatar PHP package An easy and elegant way to generate gravatar profile photos from email addresses 🪄 ⛏ Requirements PHP 7
Pretty, simple and easy gallery
Auto Generating Gallery This is build with the awesome php framework Laravel 4. See the demo Pretty, simple and easy gallery. Upload albumfolder via f
A PHP README File Generator, to generate easily your GitHub README files 🎉
Readme Generator 🚀 Requiremennts 📙 Make sure you have PHP 8.0 or higher installed. Steup ⚙️ Install Composer v2 or higher (https://getcomposer.org)
Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports.
Laravel Trend Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports. Support us Like our work? You can support us by purchasing one of ou
📒📚Generate beautiful interactive documentation and Open-API 3.0 spec file from your existing Laravel app.
Follow me anywhere @ovac4u | GitHub _________ _________ | Twitter |
Generate PDFs in Laravel with Mpdf.
Laravel Mpdf: Using Mpdf in Laravel for generate Pdfs Easily generate PDF documents from HTML right inside of Laravel using this mpdf wrapper. Importa
The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management
Stock-Management The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management Items / purchases, Sales Stock Client Provider Sales Management Purchas
This package provides a trait that will generate a unique uuid when saving any Eloquent model.
Generate slugs when saving Eloquent models This package provides a trait that will generate a unique uuid when saving any Eloquent model. $model = new
Auto Generate laravel api Documentation
Laravel Dark Documentation Generator 💥 You can create Documentation for your api easily by using this library Installation: Require this package with
Generate pretty release changelogs using the commit log and Github API.
zenstruck/changelog Generate pretty release changelogs using the commit log and Github API. Changelog entries are in the following format: {short hash