Generate interactive OpenAPI documentation for your RESTful API using doctrine annotations


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Generate interactive OpenAPI documentation for your RESTful API using doctrine annotations.

For a full list of supported annotations, please have look at the OpenApi\Annotations namespace or the documentation website.


  • Compatible with the OpenAPI 3.0 and 3.1 specification.
  • Extracts information from code & existing phpdoc annotations.
  • Command-line interface available.
  • Documentation site with a getting started guide.
  • Exceptional error reporting (with hints, context)
  • As of PHP 8.1 all annotations are also available as PHP attributes

OpenAPI version support

swagger-php allows to generate specs either for OpenAPI 3.0.0 or OpenAPI 3.1.0. By default the spec will be in version 3.0.0. The command line option --version may be used to change this to 3.1.0.

Programmatically, the method Generator::setVersion() can be used to change the version.

Installation (with Composer)

composer require zircote/swagger-php

For cli usage from anywhere install swagger-php globally and make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the openapi executable can be located by your system.

composer global require zircote/swagger-php


Add annotations to your php files.

 * @OA\Info(title="My First API", version="0.1")

 * @OA\Get(
 *     path="/api/resource.json",
 *     @OA\Response(response="200", description="An example resource")
 * )

Visit the Documentation website for the Getting started guide or look at the Examples directory for more examples.

Usage from php

Generate always-up-to-date documentation.


$openapi = \OpenApi\Generator::scan(['/path/to/project']);
header('Content-Type: application/x-yaml');
echo $openapi->toYaml();

Documentation of how to use the Generator class can be found in the Generator Migration guide.

Usage from the Command Line Interface

The openapi command line interface can be used to generate the documentation to a static yaml/json file.

./vendor/bin/openapi --help

Starting with version 4 the default analyser used on the command line is the new ReflectionAnalyser.

Using the --legacy flag (-l) the legacy TokenAnalyser can still be used.

Usage from the Deserializer

Generate the OpenApi annotation object from a json string, which makes it easier to manipulate objects programmatically.

use OpenApi\Serializer;

$serializer = new Serializer();
$openapi = $serializer->deserialize($jsonString, 'OpenApi\Annotations\OpenApi');
echo $openapi->toJson();

Usage from docker

Generate the swagger documentation to a static json file.

docker run -v "$PWD":/app -it tico/swagger-php --help

More on OpenApi & Swagger


Feel free to submit Github Issues or pull requests.

The documentation website is build from the docs folder with vuepress.

Make sure pull requests pass PHPUnit and PHP-CS-Fixer (PSR-2) tests.

To run both unit tests and linting execute:

composer test

Running unit tests only:


Running linting only:

composer lint

To make php-cs-fixer fix linting errors:

composer cs
  • Groups support for different model views

    Groups support for different model views

    I'm currently working for a company that uses Symfony 2 for its API. They also use the JMSSerializerBundle to serialize the response, but to also support different views for an entity:

    Let me explain this better with the following example for Doctrine entities. A entity Car has a OneToMany association with the enity Part. With the API "/cars/1.json" I want to ->find() Car entity with ID one that also fetched al its childs like the Part entity. The Car entity can be put in the serializer and it will be returned. The controller for "/cars/1.json" will set the groups "Car" and "CarDetails". Because the Car entity has properties with @SER\Groups("Car") annotation and the Part entity has properties with the @SER\Groups("CarDetails") annotation, they will be returned both in the response.

    But lets say we want to show a list of cars with the API call "/cars.json". Then we only want to display the car name and some other fields, but not all parts. So the controller action that handles that call with set only the group "Car" on the serializer, so only the entities and their properties that have this group will be returned.

    At the moment the discoverer of swagger-php doesn't support this. It would be awesome if besides the responseClass attribute a responseGroups attribute could be added that can contain multiple values. A groups attribute could be added to a model property, to include this property of this model only if the API controller action has this Model ID as responseClass but also corresponding responseGroups.

    Because models are reused in Swagger UI over mulitple APIs and we want to use the same model with different views, I'm not sure yet about how to implement this.

    I hope you understand the issue and have some genius input on this :) Let me know what you think!

    opened by pietervogelaar 33
  • allOf/anyOf/etc. in PHP Attributes

    allOf/anyOf/etc. in PHP Attributes

    Hey all! I've scoured the documentation and I really can't find out the recommended way of implementing something like this:

     * @OA\Parameter(
     *     parameter="station_id_required",
     *     name="station_id",
     *     description="The station ID",
     *     example=1,
     *     in="path",
     *     required=true,
     *     @OA\Schema(
     *         anyOf={@OA\Schema(type="integer", format="int64"), @OA\Schema(type="string", format="string")}
     *     )
     * )

    into PHP attributes.

    The closest I've been able to come so far is:

            name: "station_id_required",
            in: "path",
            required: true,
            schema: new OA\Schema(),
            // new OA\Schema(type: "integer", format: "int64"),
            // new OA\Schema(type: "string", format: "string"),

    But I'm not sure how to express the "anyOf" value for the parameter using the attributes. Nothing I'm trying is validating properly. Any ideas?

    opened by BusterNeece 17
  • PHP 8.1 attributes

    PHP 8.1 attributes

    Sneak preview on attributes (requires PHP 8.1).

    In fact, this is now the branch for swagger-php v4!

    Feedback welcome!

    So far:

    • bumps major version to 4.x
    • moved/renamed TokenAnalyserand Analyser
    • introduced a new ReflectionAnalyser and AnnotationFactoryInterface
    • introduced new AnalyserInterface implemented by both TokenAnalyser and ReflectionAnalyser
    • new annotation factories added: DocBlockAnnotationFactory and AttributeAnnotationFactory; ReflectionAnalyser can use either (or possibly both at the same time...)
    • updated all examples to pass with both token analyser and reflection analyser (using DocBlockAnnotationFactory)
      • this required adding classes to lots of stand-alone docblocks....
    • Updated some annotation classes to also work as \Attribute
    • Attribute based fixture intests/Fixtured/Apis/Attributes - this is on parity with the corresponding DocBlock example
    • Allow to mix attributes and annotations
    • Add PHP 8.1 to build matrix (latest deps only)


    • add all supported properties as named ctor parameters to PHP 8.1 constructors
    • add more attribute based tests
    • things I've missed to far :)
    opened by DerManoMann 15
  • Multiple @OA\Response() with the same response=

    Multiple @OA\Response() with the same response="200"

    That issue occurs only on server side. local.ERROR: ErrorException: Multiple @OA\Response() with the same response="200": \App\Http\Controllers\Student\EventsController->update() in /var/www/html/app/Http/Controllers/Student/EventsController.php on line 136 \App\Http\Controllers\Student\EventsController->store() in /var/www/html/app/Http/Controllers/Student/EventsController.php on line 51 in /var/www/html/vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Logger.php:39 I tried api-docs generated on local in and that works very well. How that can be resolved?

    opened by DorelBesliu 15
  • Add support for OpenAPI 3.0

    Add support for OpenAPI 3.0

    Hey there,

    I'm not sure if this is in the works already but after reading this post:

    I wanted to add an issue regarding support for OpenAPI / Swagger 3.0.

    Specifically, the HATEOAS implementation would be very helpful for my team.

    Please let me know if any work has started on this already, otherwise I'd be happy to fork and start contributing.

    Thanks in advance

    opened by prodikl 15
  • Attribute class

    Attribute class "JetBrains\PhpStorm\ArrayShape" not found

    After updating to the new version when I try to generate the documentation I'm getting this:

    [2022-02-03 20:24:22] local.ERROR: Attribute class "JetBrains\PhpStorm\ArrayShape" not found {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Attribute class \"JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\ArrayShape\" not found at vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Analysers/AttributeAnnotationFactory.php:46)
    #0 vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Analysers/AttributeAnnotationFactory.php(46): ReflectionAttribute->newInstance()
    #1 vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Analysers/ReflectionAnalyser.php(128): OpenApi\\Analysers\\AttributeAnnotationFactory->build(Object(ReflectionMethod), Object(OpenApi\\Context))
    #2 vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Analysers/ReflectionAnalyser.php(55): OpenApi\\Analysers\\ReflectionAnalyser->analyzeFqdn('App\\\\Classes\\\\Fin...', Object(OpenApi\\Analysis), Array)
    #3 vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Generator.php(378): OpenApi\\Analysers\\ReflectionAnalyser->fromFile('...', Object(OpenApi\\Context))
    #4 vendor/zircote/swagger-php/src/Generator.php(342): OpenApi\\Generator->scanSources(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Finder), Object(OpenApi\\Analysis), Object(OpenApi\\Context))
    #5 vendor/darkaonline/l5-swagger/src/Generator.php(181): OpenApi\\Generator->generate(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Finder), Object(OpenApi\\Analysis))
    #6 vendor/darkaonline/l5-swagger/src/Generator.php(122): L5Swagger\\Generator->scanFilesForDocumentation()
    #7 vendor/darkaonline/l5-swagger/src/Http/Controllers/SwaggerController.php(60): L5Swagger\\Generator->generateDocs()
    #8 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php(54): L5Swagger\\Http\\Controllers\\SwaggerController->docs(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), 'api-docs.json')
    #9 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php(45): Illuminate\\Routing\\Controller->callAction('docs', Array)
    #10 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php(262): Illuminate\\Routing\\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(Object(Illuminate\\Routing\\Route), Object(L5Swagger\\Http\\Controllers\\SwaggerController), 'docs')
    #11 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php(205): Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->runController()
    #12 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(721): Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->run()
    #13 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(128): Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #14 vendor/darkaonline/l5-swagger/src/Http/Middleware/Config.php(44): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #15 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): L5Swagger\\Http\\Middleware\\Config->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #16 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(103): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #17 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(723): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->then(Object(Closure))
    #18 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(698): Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->runRouteWithinStack(Object(Illuminate\\Routing\\Route), Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #19 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(662): Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->runRoute(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Illuminate\\Routing\\Route))
    #20 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(651): Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->dispatchToRoute(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #21 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php(167): Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->dispatch(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #22 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(128): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel->Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #23 app/Http/Middleware/CorsMiddleware.php(30): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #24 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): App\\Http\\Middleware\\CorsMiddleware->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #25 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TransformsRequest.php(21): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #26 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php(31): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\TransformsRequest->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #27 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #28 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TransformsRequest.php(21): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #29 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TrimStrings.php(40): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\TransformsRequest->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #30 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\TrimStrings->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #31 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/ValidatePostSize.php(27): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #32 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\ValidatePostSize->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #33 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php(86): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #34 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #35 vendor/fruitcake/laravel-cors/src/HandleCors.php(38): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #36 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): Fruitcake\\Cors\\HandleCors->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #37 vendor/fideloper/proxy/src/TrustProxies.php(57): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #38 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(167): Fideloper\\Proxy\\TrustProxies->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
    #39 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(103): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #40 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php(142): Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->then(Object(Closure))
    #41 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php(111): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #42 public/index.php(55): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
    #43 server.php(21): require_once('...')
    #44 {main}
    opened by Messhias 14
  • Error generating JSON for optional security

    Error generating JSON for optional security

    I've an endpoint that has optional security. So I need to generate a JSON like

         *     security={
         *          { },
         *          {"api-key": []},
         *     },

    I put this annotation in my code

         *     security={
         *          { },
         *          {"api-key": {}},
         *     },

    but this JSON is generated

         *     security={
         *          [ ],
         *          {"api-key": [ ] },
         *     },

    instead of

         *     security={
         *          { },
         *          {"api-key": [ ] },
         *     },

    This is because PHP json-serialize this structure

        array(2) {
          [0]=> array(0) {}
          [1]=> array(1) {
            ["api-key"]=> array(0) {}

    Any hint about where to start to fix it ?

    opened by hpatoio 14
  • swagger-php and doctrine annotation not playing nice.

    swagger-php and doctrine annotation not playing nice.


    I currently have swagger-php generating JSON formatted documentation through the commandline util swagger.phar.

    I am trying to do the same now for the models/OM but I am having issues with this. Our project currently uses Doctrine's @ ORM annotation for DB mapping and the two seem to be clashing.

    My main question is (as I am not experienced with this) is @ ORM and @ SWG model annotations compatible? And if they are, do you have an example of them working in harmony?

    If I include both in my annotation, the @ ORM annotation fails, causing my application to error. E.g:

    I've tried swapping their order various other ways but to no avail, it usually results in a "message": "An exception was raised while creating "classnamehere"; no instance returned", error or the @ SWG model annotation above the class being ignored/ commandline error.

    Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

    Regards, Steven

    opened by scoch 14
  • CleanUnusedComponents processor does not filter out all unused components.

    CleanUnusedComponents processor does not filter out all unused components.

    While using the CleanUnusedComponents processor, I kept getting unused schema's in my final documentation. After looking into it a bit, it seems in most cases it includes components that are referencing each other, but that are not used anywhere else. Though some components also still showed up while not being referenced at all in the final documentation.

    I've fixed it for myself by filtering the components passed to the CleanUnusedComponents processor, but I think a better fix could be thought of.

    Filtering code example
    class CleanUnusedComponentsExtended
        public function __invoke(Analysis $analysis)
    	    if (Generator::isDefault($analysis->openapi->components)) {
        public function cleanup(Analysis $analysis): void
    	    $filtered_annotations = new SplObjectStorage();
    	    /** @var AbstractAnnotation $annotation */
    	    foreach ($analysis->annotations as $annotation) {
    		    $this->filterAnnotations($annotation, $filtered_annotations);
    	    $cleanup_unused_components = new CleanUnusedComponents();
    	    $analysis->annotations = $filtered_annotations;
        private function filterAnnotations(AbstractAnnotation $annotation, SplObjectStorage $storage): void
    	    if (
    		    $annotation instanceof PathItem ||
    		    $annotation instanceof SecurityScheme ||
    		    $annotation instanceof Info ||
    		    $annotation instanceof Server ||
    		    $annotation instanceof Tag ||
    		    $annotation instanceof ExternalDocumentation
    	    ) {
    		    $this->traverseAnnotation($annotation, $storage);
        private function traverseAnnotation(AbstractAnnotation $annotation, SplObjectStorage $storage): void
    	    foreach (array_merge($annotation::$_nested, ['allOf', 'anyOf', 'oneOff']) as $nested) {
    		    if (is_array($nested)) {
    			    foreach ($nested as $field_name) {
    				    if (isset($annotation->{$field_name})) {
    					    $this->innerTraverseAnnotation($annotation->{$field_name}, $storage);
    		    } else if (isset($annotation->{$nested})) {
    			    $this->innerTraverseAnnotation($annotation->{$nested}, $storage);
        private function innerTraverseAnnotation($obj, SplObjectStorage $storage): void
    	    if ($obj !== null && !is_string($obj)) {
    		    if (is_array($obj)) {
    			    foreach ($obj as $value) {
    				    $this->innerTraverseAnnotation($value, $storage);
    		    } else if (!$storage->contains($obj)) {
    			    $this->traverseAnnotation($obj, $storage);
    opened by Prusias 13
  • Allow attributes' enums to be specified with an enum class string

    Allow attributes' enums to be specified with an enum class string


    When using Attribute to describe specifications, we would like to synchronize the enum property with the Enum class.

    I thought it would be a good idea to have the enum value automatically expanded from the Enum class name.

    #[Property('status', type: 'string', enum: StatusEnum::class, example: StatusEnum::DRAFT)]
    public StatusEnum status;

    What we dare not do

    • Allowing UnitEnum arrays to be specified. In PHP8.1, IDE and linter warn when calling EnumClass::cases() in Attribute, so it was decided not to support it at this time. For example, here are some warnings

      • Constant expression contains invalid operations
      • Cannot call abstract static method UnitEnum::cases().

    Could be a problem with the PHP version, but do you have any knowledge of this issue?

    opened by k2tzumi 13
  • User Notice: Required @OA\PathItem() not found

    User Notice: Required @OA\PathItem() not found

    Hi, I m using symfony 4.4 / nelmio api doc bundle 4.0 / swagger-php 3.0. When i try with a first example i get this error : User Notice: Required @OA\PathItem() not found

    ` namespace App\Controller;

    use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;


    • @OA\PathItem(
    • path="/products/{product_id}",
    • @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/product_id_in_path_required")
    • ) */

    class ProductController {

     * @OA\Get(
     *   tags={"Products"},
     *   path="/products/{product_id}",
     *   @OA\Response(
     *       response="default",
     *       description="successful operation",
     *       @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/responses/product")
     *   )
     * )
    public function getProduct($id)
    opened by mohamed-jebri 13
  • [bug] Unknown named property

    [bug] Unknown named property "minProperties"

    I use the schema:

    #[OA\Schema(schema: 'SchemaName', properties: [
        new OA\Property(property: 'property1', type: 'object', minProperties: 1, properties: [
            new OA\Property(property: 'property2', type: 'string'),
            new OA\Property(property: 'property3', type: 'string'),
    ], additionalProperties: false)]

    "minProperties" is ignored and says it's unknown.

    The same, describing with the annotations works fine.

    opened by Danbka 0
  • DeprecatedCreation of dynamic property OpenApi\Context showing when generating the openapi.yaml file

    DeprecatedCreation of dynamic property OpenApi\Context showing when generating the openapi.yaml file

    I have a Laravel 9 project that I updated to PHP 8.2 After the update when I run this command

    php ./vendor/bin/openapi --bootstrap ./tools/swagger-constants.php --output ./public/swagger ./config/swagger.php ./app

    I got a lot of error messages: image

    How can I fix those error messages?

    The package version installed is 3.3.6

    opened by WendellAdriel 0
  • Feature request: combine Attribute and Annotation classes

    Feature request: combine Attribute and Annotation classes

    Hard way

    Using doctrine @NamedArgumentConstructor

    What are the benefits?

    • Removing all attribute classes (or vice versa, keep the attribute classes and remove the annotation classes)
    • The whole structure will be clearly visible when declaring sub annotations
    • Strict format - you will see the error if you try to add unrelated sub annotation or not expected data type (now they are just ignored)
    • Annotation's and Attribute's classes could be combined without any additional magic (about magic check this example)

    What are the disadvantages?

    • This is a breaking change.
    • Change all annotations in the Examples folder. (I didn't find any automated solutions, so only manually)
    • Might need to fix some tests.
    • Need to change the inheritance structure a bit: almost all annotation classes will have to inherit only the AbstractAnnotation class if they have a custom set of arguments in the constructor.
      • Basically there are problems only with classes that inherit Schema, but I checked if it is possible to use trait + interface and yes, it will work with a few changes in business logic.
      • Add an AbstractAnnotation::create(array $properties) method so that you can instantiate the Annotation class with _context as it is now (will be used as an internal method).

    Simple way (magic)

    In each annotation class, can be added the first argument, which takes an array of any keys and values (this is how the class is instantiated from annotations) An example of how it is implemented in another library.

    What are the benefits?

    • Not many changes
    • Removing all attribute classes (or vice versa, keep the attribute classes and remove the annotation classes)
    • The whole structure will be clearly visible when declaring sub annotations
    • Potentially not everyone will have BC (will not be for those who use only named arguments with OA attributes

    What are the disadvantages?

    • Anyone using OA attributes without named arguments will still have BC
    • Need to change the inheritance structure a bit

    Reply if you are interested or not, thanks.

    opened by ruscon 0
  • Allow finding child attributes in method args

    Allow finding child attributes in method args

    This allows you to create custom attributes like this:

    use OpenApi\Attributes\Parameter;
    #[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | \Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::TARGET_PROPERTY | \Attribute::TARGET_PARAMETER | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]
    class QueryParameter extends Parameter
        public $in = 'query';

    And use it in a class method like this:

    public function index(#[QueryParameter] ?string $name) {}

    A similar solution can be done for Cookie, Header and RequestBody, I can try to implement them inside the library itself, if you want

    opened by ruscon 1
  • Separate controllers with shared path properties don't merge correctly

    Separate controllers with shared path properties don't merge correctly

    I'm building something on a newer version of Laravel, where the recommendation is to move to separate controllers for each route, but this doesn't seem to behave as expected when generating the OpenAPI structure. The operationId for each route is different

    A controller such as the following behaves as expected:

    class CombinedController extends Controller
      path: '/endpoint'
      public function get ()
      path: '/endpoint'
      public function update()
    "paths": {
      "/endpoint": {
        "get": {
        "patch": {

    Separating these into two different classes seems to not merge the paths together correctly:

    class GetController extends Controller
        path: '/endpoint'
      public function __invoke()
    class PatchController extends Controller
        path: '/endpoint'
      public function __invoke()
    "paths": {
      "/endpoint": {
        "get": {

    Am I doing something incorrectly, or is this an issue which needs looking into?

    opened by orose-assetgo 4
  • 4.5.3(Dec 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Allow to specify a before processor classname when adding a new pro… by @DerManoMann in
    • Handle abstract functions by @DerManoMann in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.5.2(Dec 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adding copyright notice by @DerManoMann in
    • Add scratch test around property inheritance by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix edge cases around merging of attachables by @DerManoMann in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.5.1(Nov 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix broken link by @DerManoMann in
    • Add support for content to Parameter attribute by @DerManoMann in
    • Disable deprecation warning until issues sorted downstream by @DerManoMann in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.5.0(Nov 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add script to auto-generate processor docs by @DerManoMann in
    • Merge annotation _aux property with context generated by @DerManoMann in
    • Raise deprecation warning for Context::detect by @DerManoMann in
    • Extend ExpandClasses processor to also consider ancestor traits by @DerManoMann in

    Full Changelog:

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  • 4.4.10(Oct 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Refresh reference docs and disable xdebug on CL by @DerManoMann in
    • Add more types/type-hints by @DerManoMann in
    • Consistently use OA and OAT as relative namespace for annotations/att… by @DerManoMann in
    • Add doc section about escaping in doctrine annotations by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow enums to be specified with an enum array by @akalineskou in
    • Allow to specify multiple bootstrap files by @DerManoMann in
    • Collector by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix double '\' when handling classes in the global namespace by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow Schema attribute to be repeatable by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @akalineskou made their first contribution in

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  • 4.4.9(Sep 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Address psalm warnings by @DerManoMann in
    • Add option to set config options on the command line by @DerManoMann in
    • Tweak CS rules around global imports and enforce by @DerManoMann in
    • Rename job by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow attributes' enums to be specified with an enum class string by @k2tzumi in
    • Break up dataProvider data into individual items by @DerManoMann in
    • Add Attachable to Response::$content and RequestBody::$content by @GuilhemN in

    New Contributors

    • @k2tzumi made their first contribution in

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  • 4.4.8(Aug 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add single_line_comment_spacing rule by @DerManoMann in
    • Explicitly set the PHP version by @DerManoMann in
    • Add AttributeAnnotationFactoryTest and fixtures by @DerManoMann in
    • Dep updates by @DerManoMann in
    • Set uses details on context by @DerManoMann in
    • Add response to the isRoot priority map by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.4.7(Jul 2, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Do not return annotations merged into an explicit parent in AttributeAnnotationFactory by @GuilhemN in

    New Contributors

    • @GuilhemN made their first contribution in

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  • 4.4.6(Jun 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • [PHP 8.2] Fix ${var} string interpolation deprecation by @Ayesh in
    • Address PHP 8.2. warnings by @DerManoMann in
    • Add 8.2 to build matrix by @DerManoMann in
    • CS tweaks by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix vitepress link by @DerManoMann in
    • Multi types by @DerManoMann in
    • add+update project links by @alphaolomi in
    • Pick up property type (simple) from method return type-hint by @DerManoMann in
    • Only use method return type-hint if property type not yet set by @DerManoMann in
    • export-ignore docs and by @DerManoMann in
    • Handle '&' used for return by reference by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @Ayesh made their first contribution in
    • @alphaolomi made their first contribution in

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  • 2.1.2(Jun 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • type deprecation fix for preg_match and preg_split for php 8.1 by @potasiyam in

    New Contributors

    • @potasiyam made their first contribution in

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  • 4.4.5(Jun 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • X typehint by @DerManoMann in
    • xxxOf with type=object by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.4.4(May 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Detect nullable on constructor property promotion by @DerManoMann in
    • More static analysis by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.4.3(May 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Allow the property attribute to be repeated by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow original backing value in Enum by @ginnerpeace in
    • Docs codeblocks by @DerManoMann in
    • Dev tools by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow SecurityScheme on methods/properties by @DerManoMann in
    • Docblock augments by @DerManoMann in
    • Wrong DocParser Exception without context by @matiaspub in

    New Contributors

    • @ginnerpeace made their first contribution in
    • @matiaspub made their first contribution in

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  • 3.3.6(May 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix return type for Symfony debug class by @shyim in

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  • 4.4.2(May 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Refactor strategy determining the root annotation in a context by @DerManoMann in
    • Add faq about openapi CLI output missing by @DerManoMann in
    • Change enum type from string[] to string[]|int[]|float[] by @berrugo in
    • Allow Tag attribute on methods by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @berrugo made their first contribution in

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  • 4.4.1(May 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Re-add object as typehint for $ref by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.4.0(May 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Refactor example code to avoid text on stdout by @DerManoMann in
    • Initialise optional context properties with null by @DerManoMann in
    • Add YAML support to Serializer by @DerManoMann in
    • Components cleanup by @DerManoMann in
    • Minor documentation fixes for v4 migration guide by @jt2k in
    • fix Attributes\Components typo. by @recca0120 in
    • Add test to ensure attribute parameters are matching annotations by @DerManoMann in
    • Document parent and nested elements by @DerManoMann in
    • Add PHPStan workflow and baseline by @DerManoMann in
    • Add Psalm to analysis chain by @DerManoMann in
    • Add support for generator / processor configuration by @DerManoMann in
    • Handle required for Parameter by @DerManoMann in
    • get enum backing value by @recca0120 in

    New Contributors

    • @jt2k made their first contribution in
    • @recca0120 made their first contribution in

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  • 4.3.0(Apr 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Skip inherited interfaces when expanding by @DerManoMann in
    • Sync attribute flags and add \Attribute::TARGET_PARAMETER by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix injecting docblock parser aliases by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.2.15(Apr 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Rename license file to be in line with what GH expects by @DerManoMann in
    • Use Generator::UNDEFINED as default for untyped args default/example by @DerManoMann in
    • Add security parameter to OpenApi attribute by @DerManoMann in
    • Add @see support to annotation property docblocks by @DerManoMann in
    • Add callbacks parameter to OperationTrait by @edipoReboucas in
    • Allow to annotate class constants as properties by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @edipoReboucas made their first contribution in

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  • 4.2.14(Apr 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added deprecated to OperationTrait by @tm1000 in
    • OpenApi version override by @DerManoMann in
    • Document PHP requirements by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix Generator reference link by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @tm1000 made their first contribution in

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  • 4.2.13(Mar 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add missing request parameter for RequestBody.php by @lempzz in
    • Add missing ref parameter for RequestBody.php by @lempzz in

    New Contributors

    • @lempzz made their first contribution in

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  • 4.2.12(Mar 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add some tests by @DerManoMann in
    • Include annotation / attribute class docblocks in generated reference by @DerManoMann in
    • Use 81 for workflows by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix workflow syntax by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix toJson method DocComment by @dsutphin in
    • More ref gen by @DerManoMann in
    • Add missing attribute Components parameter by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @dsutphin made their first contribution in

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  • 4.2.11(Mar 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Ignore operationId null by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.2.10(Mar 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix a doc link to Annotation support by @kkreft in
    • Only exit with code > 0 if the logged message was above notice by @bcremer in
    • Tidy up console error logging by @DerManoMann in
    • CS fixes for tests and fixtures by @DerManoMann in
    • Add FAQ by @DerManoMann in
    • Add article to FAQ by @DerManoMann in
    • Add validation for unique operation ids by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @kkreft made their first contribution in
    • @bcremer made their first contribution in

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  • 3.3.5(May 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix deprecated messages by @DerManoMann in

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  • 3.3.4(Feb 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix deprecated messages by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.2.9(Feb 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Express nullable in 3.1.0 by @DerManoMann in
    • Rely on existing class loaders when using reflection by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow multiple Server attributes by @DerManoMann in
    • Tweak properties doctype hint by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow pure MediaType list as content by @DerManoMann in

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  • 4.2.8(Feb 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add multi value query parameter recipe by @DerManoMann in
    • Allow Tag and SecuritScheme to be repeatable by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix example YAML validation warnings by @DerManoMann in
    • Add script to aut-generate annotation/attribute reference docs by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix annotations/attributes links by @DerManoMann in
    • Fix typos in guide/ by @mass6 in
    • Add example of how to use custom response classes by @DerManoMann in

    New Contributors

    • @mass6 made their first contribution in

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  • 4.2.7(Feb 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Enables more attribute targets for OpenApi\Attributes\Examples. by @abbluiz-userh in
    • Add @DoctrineAnnotation rule and apply to Examples by @DerManoMann in
    • Promoted property attribute type override by @DerManoMann in
    • fix(Attributes): type RequestBody content by @caugner in

    New Contributors

    • @caugner made their first contribution in

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  • 4.2.6(Feb 7, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix Discriminator Attribute mapping property type hint by @b-vadym in
    • Fix typehints for additionalProperties by @DerManoMann in
    • Add Style and Explode to Parameter attribute constuctor by @b-vadym in
    • Handle unknown attributes by @DerManoMann in
    • Documentation refactor by @DerManoMann in
    • Enable gh-pages workflow by @DerManoMann in
    • Includes 'example' argument in Examples attribute constructor (PHP 8.1) by @abbluiz-userh in
    • Debug log invalid attribute by @DerManoMann in
    • Support array in Examples value (PHP 8.1) by @abbluiz-userh in

    New Contributors

    • @b-vadym made their first contribution in
    • @abbluiz-userh made their first contribution in

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    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way. is a documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It help 719 Jan 1, 2023
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PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project

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