Documentation Generator for PHP


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What is phpDocumentor?

phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to generate a complete set of API Documentation.

Inspired by phpDocumentor 1 and JavaDoc it continues to innovate and is up to date with the latest technologies and PHP language features.

phpDocumentor v3 (Stable)

v3 is the latest stable release.


For more detailed information you can check our online documentation at


phpDocumentor supports the following:

  • PHP 7.0+ compatible, full support for Namespaces, Closures and more are provided.
  • Docblock over types, docblocks can be more explicit about types not all formats are supported by native php.
  • Shows any tag, some tags add additional functionality to phpDocumentor (such as @link).
  • Low memory usage, peak memory usage for small projects is less than 20MB, medium projects 40MB and large frameworks 100MB.
  • Incremental parsing, if you kept the Structure file from a previous run, you get an additional performance boost of up to 80% on top of the mentioned processing speed increase above.
  • Easy template building, if you want to make a branding you only have to call 1 task and edit 3 files.
  • Two-step process, phpDocumentor first generates a cache with your application structure before creating the output. If you'd like you can use that to power your own tools or formatters!
  • Generics support, with more static analysis in php types have become more complex. phpDocumentor understand these types. And will render them as first class types.


PhpDocumentor requires PHP 7.2 or higher to run. However, code of earlier PHP versions can be analyzed.

All templates provided with phpDocumentor have support for Class diagrams based on the read code base. This will require the application Graphviz to be installed on the machine running phpDocumentor. Rendering the class diagrams using Graphviz is optional, and warnings about missing Graphviz can be ignored. However, your documentation will contain some dead links in this case. Class diagram will be created with option --setting=graphs.enabled=true.

There are 3 ways to install phpDocumentor:

  1. Using phive (recommended)
  2. Using the PHAR (manual install)
  3. Via Docker
  4. Via Composer

Using Phive

$ phive install --force-accept-unsigned phpDocumentor

For more information about phive have a look at their website. Now you have phpDocumentor installed, it can be executed like this:

php tools/phpDocumentor

Using the PHAR

  1. Download the phar file from
  2. You can execute the phar like this: php phpDocumentor.phar

Via Docker

  1. $ docker pull phpdoc/phpdoc
  2. $ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data phpdoc/phpdoc

Via Composer (not recommended)

But wait? What about composer?

Ah, you discovered our secret. There is a phpdocumentor composer package that you can use to install phpDocumentor.

However: phpDocumentor is a complex application, and its libraries are used in countless other libraries and applications (2 of our libraries have more than 150 million downloads each); and this means that the chances for a conflict between one of our dependencies and yours is high. And when I say high, it is really high.

So, because of the above: we do not endorse nor actively support installing phpDocumentor using Composer.


Starting from phpDocumentor v3 we decided to drop PEAR support due to declining use.

How to use phpDocumentor?

The easiest way to run phpDocumentor is by running the following command:


This command will parse the source code provided using the -d argument and output it to the folder indicated by the -t argument.

phpDocumentor supports a whole range of options to configure the output of your documentation. You can execute the following command, or check our website, for a more detailed listing of available command-line options.

$ phpdoc run -h

Configuration file(s)

phpDocumentor also supports the use of configuration files (named phpdoc.xml or phpdoc.dist.xml by default). Please consult the documentation to see the format and supported options.

Nightly builds

PhpDocumentor doesn't have a nightly release. However, during each pipeline a [phar] artifact is built. If you want to test the bleeding edge version of phpDocumentor, have a look in the actions section of this repository. Each successful QA workflow has a download at the right upper corner.


Reaching out to us is easy, and can be done with:

  • v3-alpha4/phar not working on Windows ?

    v3-alpha4/phar not working on Windows ?

    I'm unsure whether this is a configuration issue, a Windows issue or a PHPDoc 3 issue, but hopefully providing all this info might yield something.

    Happy to try and help debug this further.

    Config used

    File: phpdoc.xml in the project root.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    I've tried setting the <transformations> key and tried nearly all possible templates, but the output is no different.

    Command used

    phpdoc run from the project root

    Output on screen

    Complete output
    # phpdoc run                                                                                                                                   
    PHP 7.1.30 (cli) (built: May 28 2019 15:12:11) ( ZTS MSVC14 (Visual C++ 2015) x86 )                                                             
    Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group                                                                                                           
    Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies                                                                                   
    phpDocumentor v3.0.0-alpha.4-6-gc5f3834c                                                                                                        
    [2019-11-08 10:55:39] app.NOTICE: Using the configuration file at the default location [] []                                                    
    [2019-11-08 10:55:39] app.INFO: Collecting files ..  [] []                                                                                      
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO: OK [] []                                                                                                        
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO: Loading project from cache [] []                                                                                
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE: Parsing files [] []                                                                                           
    Parsing files                                                                                                                                   
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO: Elapsed time to parse all files: 0.01s [] []                                                                    
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO: Peak memory usage: 12M [] []                                                                                    
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE: Storing cache ..  [] []                                                                                       
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO: OK [] []                                                                                                        
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO: Loading project from cache [] []                                                                                
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO:  Applying 17 transformations [] []                                                                              
    Applying transformations (can take a while)                                                                                                     
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO:   Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Transformer\Writer\FileIo" [] []                                             
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO:   Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Transformer\Writer\Twig" [] []                                               
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.INFO:   Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Transformer\Writer\Graph" [] []                                              
    [2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer FileIo  using query "copy" on .htaccess [] []                                                        
      1/17 [=>--------------------------]   5%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer FileIo  using query "copy" on images [] []                 
      2/17 [===>------------------------]  11%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer FileIo  using query "copy" on css [] []                    
      3/17 [====>-----------------------]  17%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer FileIo  using query "copy" on js [] []                     
      4/17 [======>---------------------]  23%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer FileIo  using query "copy" on font [] []                   
      5/17 [========>-------------------]  29%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "namespace" on index.html [] []          
      6/17 [=========>------------------]  35%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "indexes.namespaces" on  [] []           
      7/17 [===========>----------------]  41%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "indexes.classes" on  [] []              
      8/17 [=============>--------------]  47%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "indexes.interfaces" on  [] []           
      9/17 [==============>-------------]  52%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "indexes.traits" on  [] []               
     10/17 [================>-----------]  58%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "files" on  [] []                        
     11/17 [==================>---------]  64%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  using query "files" on files/{{path}}.txt [] []      
     12/17 [===================>--------]  70%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  on reports/markers.html [] []                        
     13/17 [=====================>------]  76%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  on reports/errors.html [] []                         
     14/17 [=======================>----]  82%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  on reports/deprecated.html [] []                     
     15/17 [========================>---]  88%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer twig  on graphs/class.html [] []                           
     16/17 [==========================>-]  94%[2019-11-08 10:55:43] app.NOTICE:   Writer Graph  on graphs/classes.svg [] []                         
     17/17 [============================] 100%[2019-11-08 10:55:44] app.NOTICE: Finished transformation process [] []                               
    All done!                                                                                                                                       
    Exit code is 0                                                                                                                                  

    Expected Behavior

    Docs being generated....

    Actual Behavior

    Some files are generated and put in the /build/docs/ directory. image

    Note: not the build/docs/output or build/docs/structure directories which are referenced in the config file...

    When I open the build/docs/index.html file in a browser, I get: image

    Your environment

    • Version used: 3.0.0-alpha.4-6-gc5f3834c
    • Phar downloaded from GH releases page
    • PHP 7.1.30
    • Windows 7
    • Project is not (yet) available online.
    opened by jrfnl 96
  • Empty Documentation Being Generated

    Empty Documentation Being Generated

    Running 3.0.0-alpha and I'm getting just an empty set of docs. No warnings. No errors. No exceptions. Nothing. Just an empty template. Zilch. Like so:


    Expected Behavior

    Ideally, it should generate some documentation from my code like the previous version 🙃

    Actual Behavior

    Just an empty template

    Steps to Reproduce the Problem

    1. Composer install 3.0.0-alpha1
    2. Run phpdoc

    Your environment

    Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in and how to reproduce it. Since many issue might only occur on a specific code base it would be very helpfull if you link to your project or add any code that is involved in to the issue.

    • Version used: 3.0.0-alpha1
    • Install method: Composer
    • php version: 7.1
    • Operating system and version (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04, Windows 7): Windows 10
    • Link to your project:
    opened by robertmain 54
  • WIP: Adds partials to templates

    WIP: Adds partials to templates

    Related to #974

    Can be invoked by:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <partial name="introduction" href="docs/"></partial>
            <partial name="anotherIntroduction" type="markdown">
                    # Another introduction

    Paths are always relative to the project.

    opened by siad007 43
  • Do not deprecate @category

    Do not deprecate @category

    I would like to encourage you to keep the @category tag and use it inside the default template.

    I use the @package Project \ Sub-section already, but having at least a second categorization like @category Controller, @category Model or @category Import seems to be an excellent idea to group items by source.

    With only the @package tag this would not be possible.

    opened by tobiastom 40
  • Docs of parent class are not overridden

    Docs of parent class are not overridden

    I posted a question on Stackoverflow, and they suggested that I'd report it here as a bug. Link:

    bug template 
    opened by sebamarynissen 37
  • Transform doesn't happen on Windows.

    Transform doesn't happen on Windows.

    PHPDocumentor v2.0.0a12 on Windows, PHAR version:

    W:\src\frmwrk>php ..\phpdocumentor.phar
    Initializing parser and collecting files .. OK
    Parsing files
    Parsing W:\src\frmwrk\index.php
      No DocBlock was found for property $smarty
      No DocBlock was found for property $flash_data
      No DocBlock was found for property $config
      No DocBlock was found for property $shorthand
      No DocBlock was found for property $libs
      No DocBlock was found for property $action
      No DocBlock was found for method __construct()
      Argument $asset is missing from the Docblock of get_asset()
      Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of add_message()
      Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of add_message()
      Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of get_flashdata()
      Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of add_flashdata()
      Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of add_flashdata()
    Storing structure.xml in "W:\src\frmwrk\doc\output\structure.xml" .. OK
    Initializing transformer .. OK
    Processing behaviours .. OK
    Executing transformations
    PHP Warning:  XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this
    object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/Writer/Xsl.php on line 116
    Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/
    Writer/Xsl.php on line 116
    PHP Warning:  XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this
    object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/Writer/Xsl.php on line 104
    Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/
    Writer/Xsl.php on line 104
    PHP Warning:  XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this
    object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/Writer/Xsl.php on line 104
    Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/
    Writer/Xsl.php on line 104
    PHP Warning:  XSLTProcessor::transformToUri(): No stylesheet associated to this
    object in phar://W:/src/phpdocumentor.phar/src/phpDocumentor/Plugin/Core/Transformer/Writer/Xsl.php on line 104

    This only happens with PHAR version -- appears to be a problem with PHAR?

    opened by indrora 37
  • There needs to be a way to indicate the containing class in function docblocks without explicitly entering the name of the class

    There needs to be a way to indicate the containing class in function docblocks without explicitly entering the name of the class

    For example when implementing a singleton:

    class Singly {
         * Get the instance
         * @return Singly
        public static function getInstance() {
            // Some code here...

    The @return Singly could instead be @return this, @return static or @return self or something like that.

    This would be most useful for traits, which I know you are not focused on right now, but also useful in general: What if you have a function which returns $this and extend the implementing class? Then the function really returns an instance of the extending class, and this would be really useful to be able to determine for IDE auto completion.

    opened by Ibmurai 37
  • Argument $[varname] is missing from the Docblock of [methodname]

    Argument $[varname] is missing from the Docblock of [methodname]

    I get the following errors with 2.8.0:

    Parsing /var/www/app/controllers/Controller.php
      Only one @package tag is allowed
      Argument $action is missing from the Docblock of __construct
      Argument $model_loc is missing from the Docblock of requireModel

    The @package bug is already well documented here.

    Here is the source code of the php file I am using for reference.

    It seems that phpdoc doesn't "see" the first @param tag in a DocBlock. For example, let's take a look at my constructor:

     * Constructor simply initializes the class properties.
     * @param string $action The name of the action to be executed.
     * @param array $get_vars Array of urlencoded GET variables (usually just the $_GET array).
    public function __construct($action, $get_vars)

    Phpdoc has no complaints about the $get_vars @param tag, yet the $action @param tag (the first @param tag) is invisible to it.

    I downgraded phpdoc to 2.7.0 and it did not have this problem. This is strictly a 2.8.0 issue.

    opened by Nikita240 35
  • Invalid tag_line detected: @param string $idx

    Invalid tag_line detected: @param string $idx


    This is a very simple to reproduce bug: just create a DocBlock with a parameter and an accentued char at the end (here it's the "à":

     * Short comment.
     * @param string  $idx Index de la valeur à
     *   some other text
     * @return void

    Try to compile, you get an error:

    2012-05-15T11:39:48+02:00 CRIT (2): Invalid tag_line detected: @param string  $idx Index de la valeur à

    Now just move the "à" to the next line (= no "spécial char" in the param line):

     * Short comment.
     * @param string  $idx Index de la valeur
     *   à some other text
     * @return void

    You'll get no error!

    opened by olivierpons 29
  • Running phpDocumentor.phar always result in 'No parsable files found'

    Running phpDocumentor.phar always result in 'No parsable files found'

    The user Burnsy reported on IRC that when running phpDocumentor.phar on Windows 8 he always gets the error 'no parsable files found', even when using the --help option

    opened by mvriel 27
  • Fatal error getAttribute() over non-object

    Fatal error getAttribute() over non-object

    Hi sorry about the verbose thing. This is the error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on a non-object in /usr/local/lib/php/DocBlox/src/DocBlox/Plugin/Core/Transformer/Writer/Xsl.php on line 63

    If i execute it again, i get another error


    Here's the dump of get_defined_vars() at /usr/local/lib/php/DocBlox/src/DocBlox/Plugin/Core/Transformer/Writer/Xsl.php on line 63. Please let me know what else can i send to you.

        [structure] => DOMDocument Object
        [transformation] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                [query:protected] => 
                [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                        [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                [source:protected] => templates/new_black/index.xsl
                [artifact:protected] => index.html
                [parameters:protected] => Array
                [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                        [target:protected] => /tmp/docblox
                        [source:protected] => DOMDocument Object
                        [templates:protected] => Array
                                [new_black] => DocBlox_Transformer_Template Object
                                        [name:protected] => new_black
                                        [author:protected] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                                [0] => Mike van Riel
                                        [version:protected] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                                [0] => 1.0.1
                                        [copyright:protected] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                                [0] => Mike van Riel / Naenius 2011
                                        [path:protected] => /usr/local/lib/php/DocBlox/data/templates/new_black
                                        [transformations:protected] => Array
                                                [0] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => copy
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_FileIo Object
                                                                [transformation:protected] => 
                                                                [structure:protected] => 
                                                        [source:protected] => ajax_search.php
                                                        [artifact:protected] => /tmp/docblox/ajax_search.php
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [1] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => copy
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_FileIo Object
                                                                [transformation:protected] => 
                                                                [structure:protected] => 
                                                        [source:protected] => ../data/js
                                                        [artifact:protected] => /tmp/docblox/js
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [2] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => copy
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_FileIo Object
                                                                [transformation:protected] => 
                                                                [structure:protected] => 
                                                        [source:protected] => ../data/syntax_highlighter
                                                        [artifact:protected] => /tmp/docblox/syntax_highlighter
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [3] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => copy
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_FileIo Object
                                                                [transformation:protected] => 
                                                                [structure:protected] => 
                                                        [source:protected] => ../data/images
                                                        [artifact:protected] => /tmp/docblox/images
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [4] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => copy
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_FileIo Object
                                                                [transformation:protected] => 
                                                                [structure:protected] => 
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/css
                                                        [artifact:protected] => /tmp/docblox/css
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [5] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => copy
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_FileIo Object
                                                                [transformation:protected] => 
                                                                [structure:protected] => 
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/images
                                                        [artifact:protected] => /tmp/docblox/images
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [6] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Search Object
                                                        [source:protected] => 
                                                        [artifact:protected] => .
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [7] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                [8] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/content.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => content.html
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [9] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/sidebar.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => nav.html
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [10] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/graph_class.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => graph.html
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [11] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => /project/file/@path
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/api-doc.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => {$path}
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [12] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/report_markers.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => report_markers.html
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [13] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/report_parse_markers.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => report_parse_markers.html
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [14] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Xsl Object
                                                                [xsl_variables:protected] => Array
                                                        [source:protected] => templates/new_black/report_deprecated.xsl
                                                        [artifact:protected] => report_deprecated.html
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [15] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Sourcecode Object
                                                        [source:protected] => 
                                                        [artifact:protected] => 
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                                                [16] => DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation Object
                                                        [query:protected] => 
                                                        [writer:protected] => DocBlox_Plugin_Core_Transformer_Writer_Graph Object
                                                                [node_font:protected] => Courier
                                                        [source:protected] => Class
                                                        [artifact:protected] => classes.svg
                                                        [parameters:protected] => Array
                                                        [transformer:protected] => DocBlox_Transformer Object
                        [templates_path:protected] => /usr/local/lib/php/DocBlox/data/templates
                        [behaviours:protected] => 
                        [transformations:protected] => Array
                        [parsePrivate:protected] => 
                        [external_class_docs:protected] => Array
        [artifact] => /tmp/docblox/index.html
        [xsl] => DOMDocument Object
        [proc] => XSLTProcessor Object
    opened by lgandras 24
  • feat: preserve newlines in XML attributes

    feat: preserve newlines in XML attributes

    I was able to test this via, but I was unable to do so when executing phpdoc, as I was receiving other errors related to my local setup.

    Essentially, this ensures that newlines are preserved in the XML attributes for structure.xml. Otherwise, the newline characters are lost.


        Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
        @type string $name
              supply a name for this object

    When usng SimpleXMLElement, this will be rendered without any newlines. E.g. { Optional. Data for populating the Message object. @type string $name supply a name for this object}.

    By using the replace filter in twig, the result will instead be:

                description="{&#10;    Optional. Data for populating the Message object.&#10;    @type string $name&#10;          supply a name for this object&#10;}"
    opened by bshaffer 0
  • Slew of deprecation warnings running phar version of phpdoc

    Slew of deprecation warnings running phar version of phpdoc

    When running phpdoc, I am getting a slew of deprecation warnings, but then phpdoc runs fine. There are no errors and it does complete the documentation run. It just has a mess of these deprecation warnings. Im using an example of "--help" just to simplify, but I get the warnings no matter what the parameters are.

    Command: phpDocumentor.phar --help

    Expected behavior

    Display the help documentation is all

    Steps to reproduce the problem

    1. Install
    2. phpDocumentor.phar --help

    Your environment

    phpDocumentor v3.3.1 MacBook Air M1 Ventura 13.1 PHP 8.1.8

    Actual behavior - Deprecation errors and then it runs.

    PHP Deprecated: Return type of HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection::getIterator() should either be compatible with IteratorAggregate::getIterator(): Traversable, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/RequirementCollection.php on line 15 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:0 PHP 2. require() /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:12 PHP 3. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::checkRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/bin/check-requirements.php:10 PHP 4. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::retrieveRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:13 PHP 5. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass($class = 'HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:82 PHP 6. Composer\Autoload\includeFile($file = 'phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/../../src/RequirementCollection.php') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:322 PHP 7. include() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:444

    Deprecated: Return type of HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection::getIterator() should either be compatible with IteratorAggregate::getIterator(): Traversable, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/RequirementCollection.php on line 15

    Call Stack: 0.0566 25272672 1. {main}() /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:0 0.0566 25267696 2. require('phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/bin/check-requirements.php') /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:12 0.0571 25349384 3. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::checkRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/bin/check-requirements.php:10 0.0571 25349384 4. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::retrieveRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:13 0.0571 25360880 5. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass($class = 'HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:82 0.0571 25360880 6. Composer\Autoload\includeFile($file = 'phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/../../src/RequirementCollection.php') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:322 0.0571 25367648 7. include('phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/RequirementCollection.php') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:444

    PHP Deprecated: Return type of HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection::count() should either be compatible with Countable::count(): int, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/RequirementCollection.php on line 19 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:0 PHP 2. require() /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:12 PHP 3. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::checkRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/bin/check-requirements.php:10 PHP 4. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::retrieveRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:13 PHP 5. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass($class = 'HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:82 PHP 6. Composer\Autoload\includeFile($file = 'phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/../../src/RequirementCollection.php') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:322 PHP 7. include() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:444

    Deprecated: Return type of HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection::count() should either be compatible with Countable::count(): int, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/RequirementCollection.php on line 19

    Call Stack: 0.0566 25272672 1. {main}() /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:0 0.0566 25267696 2. require('phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/bin/check-requirements.php') /Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar:12 0.0571 25349384 3. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::checkRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/bin/check-requirements.php:10 0.0571 25349384 4. HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\Checker::retrieveRequirements() phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:13 0.0571 25360880 5. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass($class = 'HumbugBox380\KevinGH\RequirementChecker\RequirementCollection') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/Checker.php:82 0.0571 25360880 6. Composer\Autoload\includeFile($file = 'phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/../../src/RequirementCollection.php') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:322 0.0571 25367648 7. include('phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/src/RequirementCollection.php') phar:///Users/dsherwin/tmp/phpDocumentor.phar/.box/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:444

    .....(about 20-30 more of these)

    Description: Parses and transforms the given files to a specified location

    Usage: project:run [options] run

    Options: -t, --target[=TARGET] Path where to store the generated output --cache-folder[=CACHE-FOLDER] Path where to store the cache files -f, --filename[=FILENAME] File to parse, glob patterns are supported. Provide multiple options of this type to add multiple files. (multiple values allowed) -d, --directory[=DIRECTORY] directory to parse, glob patterns are supported. Provide multiple options of this type to add multiple directories. (multiple values allowed) --encoding[=ENCODING] encoding to be used to interpret source files with --extensions[=EXTENSIONS] Provide multiple options of this type to add multiple extensions. default is php (multiple values allowed) -i, --ignore[=IGNORE] File(s) and directories (relative to the source-code directory) that will be ignored. Glob patterns are supported. Add multiple options of this type of add more ignore patterns (multiple values allowed) --ignore-tags[=IGNORE-TAGS] Tag that will be ignored, defaults to none. package, subpackage and ignore may not be ignored. Add multiple options of this type to ignore multiple tags. (multiple values allowed) --hidden Use this option to tell phpDocumentor to parse files and directories that begin with a period (.), by default these are ignored --ignore-symlinks Ignore symlinks to other files or directories, default is on -m, --markers[=MARKERS] Comma-separated list of markers/tags to filter (multiple values allowed) --title[=TITLE] Sets the title for this project; default is the phpDocumentor logo --force Forces a full build of the documentation, does not increment existing documentation --validate Validates every processed file using PHP Lint, costs a lot of performance --visibility[=VISIBILITY] Specifies the parse visibility that should be displayed in the documentation. Add multiple options of this type to specify multiple levels.("public,protected") (multiple values allowed) --defaultpackagename[=DEFAULTPACKAGENAME] Name to use for the default package. --sourcecode Whether to include syntax highlighted source code --template[=TEMPLATE] Name of the template to use (optional) (multiple values allowed) --examples-dir[=EXAMPLES-DIR] Directory to seacher for example files referenced by @example tags -s, --setting[=SETTING] Provide custom setting(s) as "key=value", run again with --list-settings for a list (multiple values allowed) --list-settings Returns a list of available settings --parseprivate Whether to parse DocBlocks marked with @internal tag -h, --help Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi|--no-ansi Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question -c, --config[=CONFIG] Location of a custom configuration file --log[=LOG] Log file to write to -e, --env=ENV The Environment name. [default: "prod"] --no-debug Switch off debug mode. -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

    Help: phpDocumentor creates documentation from PHP source files. The simplest way to use it is:

                      $ phpdoc run -d [directory to parse] -t [output directory]
                  This will parse every file ending with .php in <directory
                  to parse> and then output a HTML site containing easily readable documentation
                  in <output directory>.
                  phpDocumentor will try to look for a phpdoc.dist.xml or phpdoc.xml file in your
                  current working directory and use that to override the default settings if
                  present. In the configuration file can you specify the same settings (and
                  more) as the command line provides.
                  Other commands
                  In addition to this command phpDocumentor also supports additional commands:
                  Available commands:
                  You can get a more detailed listing of the commands using the list
                  command and get help by prepending the word help to the command
    opened by dan-sherwin 0
  • Bump symfony/yaml from 5.4.16 to 5.4.17

    Bump symfony/yaml from 5.4.16 to 5.4.17

    Bumps symfony/yaml from 5.4.16 to 5.4.17.

    Release notes

    Sourced from symfony/yaml's releases.


    Changelog (

    • bug #48331 fix dumping top-level tagged values (xabbuh)

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies php 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump symfony/finder from 5.4.11 to 5.4.17

    Bump symfony/finder from 5.4.11 to 5.4.17

    Bumps symfony/finder from 5.4.11 to 5.4.17.

    Release notes

    Sourced from symfony/finder's releases.


    Changelog (

    • no significant changes

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies php 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump twig/twig from 2.15.3 to 2.15.4

    Bump twig/twig from 2.15.3 to 2.15.4

    Bumps twig/twig from 2.15.3 to 2.15.4.


    Sourced from twig/twig's changelog.

    2.15.4 (2022-12-27)

    • Fix optimizing closures callbacks
    • Add a better exception when getting an undefined constant via constant
    • Fix if nodes when outside of a block and with an empty body
    • 3e05900 Prepare the 2.15.4 release
    • de55785 Update CHANGELOG
    • 7cbabe4 bug #3738 do not clean up whitespace text nodes inside if tags (xabbuh)
    • c8ec092 do not clean up whitespace text nodes inside if tags
    • 6cd1473 Bump version of actions/cache
    • 3b6a2a6 chore: Included githubactions in the dependabot config
    • 61f5599 Fix tests
    • 6c2bb9f bug #3769 Updates CoreExtension::twig_constant to check for definition first ...
    • 56b3122 Updates CoreExtension::twig_constant to check for definition first to avoid h...
    • dec3069 Do more Github actions updates
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies php 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump symfony/console from 5.4.16 to 5.4.17

    Bump symfony/console from 5.4.16 to 5.4.17

    Bumps symfony/console from 5.4.16 to 5.4.17.

    Release notes

    Sourced from symfony/console's releases.


    Changelog (

    • bug #48784 Correctly overwrite progressbars with different line count per step (ncharalampidis)
    • 58422fd [Console] Correctly overwrite progressbars with different line count per step
    • 9bd719e [Console] Fix a test when pcntl is not available (following #48329)
    • See full diff in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies php 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • v3.3.1(Mar 25, 2022)


    • Refactor references out of the parser by @jaapio in
    • Add missing return type from method tags by @villfa in
    • Add Composer configuration allow-plugins by @villfa in
    • Update function signature to show return by reference by @villfa in
    • Add missing base url rendering by @ILL-DIE-TRYING in


    • GH Actions: version update for various predefined actions by @jrfnl in

    New Contributors

    • @villfa made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(22.01 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(327 bytes)
  • v3.3.1-rc(Feb 15, 2022)

  • v3.3.0(Dec 28, 2021)

  • v3.2.1(Dec 28, 2021)

  • v3.2.0(Dec 28, 2021)

    This release has two main focus points. We invested a lot of time to improve the guides feature, which is still under heavy development, and php 8.1 support.

    php version drops.

    Last release supporting php 7.2 and 7.3


    • Render external uml diagrams. you can now reference to external puml files to render a diagram in your guides.
    • Improved memory usage
    • Improved ReStructuredText support.

    php 8.1

    phpDocumentor has now support for php 8.1 elements. Because of some external dependencies we were not able yet to support phpDocumentor running on php 8.1.

    • Enum support
    • read only properties
    • return type never
    • final constants

    New Contributors

    • @rotdrop made their first contribution in
    • @nexxai made their first contribution in
    • @CyberJack made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(21.26 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(327 bytes)
  • v3.1.1(Aug 20, 2021)


    • Add workaround for phar distribution and plantuml, thanks to Jaapio
    • XML template invalid XML due to missing marker.type, #2986, thanks to Jaapio
    • Class's traits not showing up in docs, #2984, thanks to Jaapio
    • Files with forced global namespace fail with "" is not a valid Fqsen, #2967, thanks to Jaapio
    • XML output missing method tags, #2965, thanks to Jaapio


    • Updated code style checks, thanks to jrfnl
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(19.63 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(327 bytes)
  • v3.1.0(Jul 7, 2021)

    After the release of v3.0.0, which was a huge step forward for phpDocumentor, we started focussing on a new big step. The 3.1 release is not complete as we had in mind, but it will provide you with some new stuff which will improve your documentation.

    PHP8 support

    This version of phpDocumentor is fully compatible with PHP8. To support all additional features in PHP8 we had to redesign part of our internal reflection library, which is now capable to read and document constructor promoted properties, mixed, static and union type hints. We have rewritten some internals in phpDocumentor to fix compatibility issues between the supported PHP versions and our dependencies which are not always supporting the range of PHP versions supported by phpDocumentor.

    Bug fixes & Improvements

    Thanks to all contributors who reported their issues with phpDocumentor v3.0 we could improve. So please keep reporting your bugs and missing features so we can continue this path. Please consult the change log for the full list of fixed issues.

    Guides (Unstable)

    In v3 we started working on handwritten documentation. In this version we continued that feature, by extending it with Admonitions, diagrams and images. We cleaned up a lot of the parser code to make the guides parsing fit better in our internal workflow with the final result where your api and handwritten docs are fully integrated to provide the best possible documentation for your code consumers.

    Guides are still under heavy development, please consider them unstable as the api will change and we will extend the number of features in future versions of phpDocumentor.

    Documentation improvements

    In this release, several documentation sections are added. We continue to improve our own documentation while we are improving phpDocumentor itself to render our own docs. Our docs are a good show-case of what phpDocumentor is currently capable to do.

    Thank you!

    Thanks for using phpDocumentor. And please keep reporting your issues.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(19.53 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(455 bytes)
  • v3.0.0(Oct 27, 2020)

    phpDocumentor v3.0.0 is here

    After years of development, we are finally able to announce the official release of phpDocumentor version 3. This release has large changes under the hood. We improved the way phpDocumentor detects types in your DocBlocks, allow all kinds of modern type notations, and we speed up the reflection of your code even more. A full parse of a framework with the size of Symfony is completed within a few seconds now.

    A brief overview of the largest changes since v2 below.

    A brand new default template!

    We revised the way we are supporting templates and template customization. phpDocumentor was shipped with a large set of templates. Which was a burden to maintain. It was hard to customize the existing templates which forced our users to copy templates for even the smallest style changes. We have been redesigning our template system, which resulted in a brand new template called: Default.

    If you want to change the colours to match your project's own colour scheme, you just need to set a number of CSS variables. If you want to do more complex changes, you can simply overwrite parts of the template. Our new "Default" template is built with components in mind, using small twig template files. These allow you to change just that what you need to change, without having to create a whole template yourself.

    Previously, XML templates seemed to be a nice way to write templates but the user experience was not what we expected from it. XSLT was too complex to write and with the improved template, we didn't feel the need for an XML based template anymore. We moved the existing XML template to a new twig based rendered XML output to keep a backward compatibility layer for tools consuming the XML structure.

    Full-text Search

    The new Default template comes with a brand new full-text search engine. For your convenience, we added support for full-text search that works even when you are offline. This allows you to search for the elements you are looking for, without browsing the documentation for hours.

    Support for native type-hints

    With the introduction of scalar type-hints, DocBlocks are not required for all function arguments anymore. PhpDocumentor will now read all native type-hints from your code. This allows you to focus on what is important, your code, and write proper descriptions. There will always be situations where you want to give more detailed type-hints for your function arguments, phpDocumentor will prioritize DocBlock type-hints over native types so you have total control.

    Support for Generics

    With more and more static analysis features being introduced in PHP; DocBlocks are changing. phpDocumentor is now able to understand generics and generic-like array notations; this allows you to use phpDocumentor with every modern codebase and gives you the advantage of clickable types in your documentation.

    New configuration structure

    To prepare for the future, phpDocumentor comes with a new configuration structure. We kept backward compatible support for the v2 format, so from a user point of view, there is nothing to worry about until you want to start using some of our future features. The XSD provided in this repository will help you to write the new configuration.

    Improved description rendering

    The new template is using a new description filter to process all inline tags in a description. This allows us to better style the templates. Inline links are now rendered as real links and references to other elements are also displayed as actual links. The inline @internal tags are now completely hidden when needed, and descriptions are now fully compatible with PSR-5.

    Breaking changes

    phpDocumentor is a complex application and we do have a number of backward compatibility breaks. Below, we list the most important ones.

    Dropped plugin support

    phpDocumentor v2 was build using the micro-framework Cilex. With the introduction of Symfony Flex, the support of Cilex was stopped. So we switched to a full-blown Symfony-based application. This means that a lot of phpDocumentor's internals have been changed. Which also led to the drop of plugin support, for now. We are planning to re-introduce extensions in a better way in a future version.

    Dropped official Composer support

    phpDocumentor's libraries used to reflect your codebase are used in many projects. (i.e. Symfony, PHPUnit, Laravel, and phpstan; to name a few) Besides that, phpDocumentor is a complex application with a lot of dependencies. So it is very likely your project dependencies will conflict in some way with our dependencies. We will keep phpDocumentor available on Packagist but we will not provide any support using this installation method. phpDocumentor is shipped as a PHAR and Docker image, which contains everything you need to run phpDocumentor.

    What's next?

    It has taken us a few years to get to this point, but this is not the end by far. Our vision with phpDocumentor is to make it the one-stop go-to tool when it comes to all your documentation needs. You can expect to hear more about the following features:

    • Including hand-written documentation using Restructured Text (our own documentation is already using an alpha version of this feature!)
    • Support for multiple versions of your project
    • Rendering in-line UML diagrams using PlantUML
    • Rendering multiple codebases into one set of documentation, for example: when you have Components
    • Directly generating documentation sources from a git repository
    • And much more!

    We want to make sure that writing your documentation is as easy as can be.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(24.11 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(455 bytes)
  • v3.0.0-rc(Feb 9, 2020)

    This first release candidate contains a number of bugfixes reported since the release of the first beta release. Thanks for all the reports we got! No new features are introduced in this release.

    Call for feedback

    PhpDocumentor is developed by a small team with limited time. Our current code base is not fully covered by automated tests. So we are not able to find all regressions or missing features. We would be very grateful when you provide us feedback on this beta release to improve the quality of phpDocumentor.


    The full changelog can be found in our changelog file

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(20.62 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(455 bytes)
  • v3.0.0-beta(Jan 31, 2020)

    The first beta release in the v3 release cycle. In the last few months, a lot of changes have been made to make the final result more exiting. This beta has a number of fixes regarding windows support.

    We extended the build pipeline using GitHub actions to improve the maintainability of the project. And removed a lot of outdated templates.

    The default template has been changed to a brand new default, which supports all-new features in phpDocumentor. Have a look at the demo of default and tell us what you think.

    Call for feedback

    PhpDocumentor is developed by a small team with limited time. Our current code base is not fully covered by automated tests. So we are not able to find all regressions or missing features. We would be very grateful when you provide us feedback on this beta release to improve the quality of phpDocumentor.


    The full changelog can be found in our changelog file

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(20.64 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.asc(455 bytes)
  • v3.0.0-alpha.4(Aug 11, 2019)

    A fourth alpha release in v3 line. Containing a large number of bug fixes reported by alpha version users. Thanks a lot for this feedback. We do appreciate the feedback we've got.

    Call for feedback

    PhpDocumentor is developed by a small team with limited time. Our current code base is not fully covered by automated tests. So we are not able to find all regressions or missing features. We would be very grateful when you provide us feedback on this alpha release to improve the quality of phpDocumentor.

    Change log


    • Automated release process
    • Add php 7.3 to travis #2031
    • Make progress bars the default output


    • Nothing


    • Fix(Dockerfile): configure: error: Please reinstall the libzip distribution #2099
    • Invalid tags will no longer prevent a whole file from being shown
    • Improved QA pipeline with better checks and more stable tests
    • Add bin folder for phpdoc to PATH in Docker image
    • Make inclusion of sourcecode configurable
    • Default visibility for v3 config should be all, and not just public
    • Fix bug where a variadic argument was not detected as such
    • Enable Variadic checks and output visibility level when method cannot be found
    • Added additional information when a method cannot be found
    • Rewrite logging to clean up output
    • Ensure that the test works on both Mac and Linux
    • Reintroduce the 'none' configuration file option
    • Fix regresion on phpdoc v2 config parsing
    • Fix for property tag
    • Fix author tag
    • Restore orginal pre v3 type system
    • Add missing ext-json
    • Deduplicate types
    • Improves autoloading detection
    • Fix crash with ini_set when opcache is enabled on CLI


    • Remove Zend-cache dependency
    • Remove Zend-filter dependency
    • Remove plugin support
    • Remove deprecated symfony/lts package
    • Remove JMS Serializer and refactor infra packages
    • Delete Scrybe
    • Remove translation support from phpDocumentor
    • Remove php 7.0 support, v3 needs PHP 7.1 or higher


    • Nothing
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(3.64 MB)
  • v3.0.0-alpha.3(Oct 20, 2018)

    A third alpha release in v3 line. Containing a large number of bug fixes reported by alpha version users. Thanks a lot for this feedback. We do appreciate the feedback we've got.

    Call for feedback

    PhpDocumentor is developed by a small team with limited time. Our current code base is not fully covered by automated tests. So we are not able to find all regressions or missing features. We would be very grateful when you provide us feedback on this alpha release to improve the quality of phpDocumentor.

    Change log


    • Version command
    • phpstan max level checks
    • composer require checker to ensure the stability of the install
    • Add support for configuration file phpdoc.xml.dist #1997


    • Nothing


    • issue with path validation on windows #2011
    • Fix issue with default command. phpdocumentor should execute run by default again.
    • Fix issue with directory param. Path in now added to the conig so it will be parsed
    • Markers are detected again
    • Configurable twig cache
    • Add support for multi-type array notation #607
    • Fix template argument from command line
    • XML template processing works again
    • Issue with config loading from non default location


    • Nothing


    • Nothing
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(5.13 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar.pubkey(800 bytes)
  • v3.0.0-alpha.2(Jun 12, 2018)

    A second alpha release in v3 line. Containing a large refactoring step to symfony flex. We have dropped our cilex implementation since that project is deprecated by symfony flex. Existing userland plugins will remain working due the compatibility layer provided by phpdocument. However this compatibility layer will not work when your project contains cilex and phpdocument was installed using composer. We will keep working on migration steps to reintroduce userland plugins via the new architecture.

    Call for feedback

    PhpDocumentor is developed by a small team with limited time. Our current code base is not fully covered by automated tests. So we are not able to find all regressions or missing features. We would be very grateful when you provide us feedback on this alpha release to improve the quality of phpDocumentor.

    Change log


    • Symfony flex based application
    • All dependencies are updated to there latest versions.


    • Cilex based plugins


    • Issues with ignore command line parameter
    • Issues with directory command line parameter
    • Issues with file command line parameter


    • Nothing


    • Nothing
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(5.12 MB)
  • v3.0.0-alpha1(Dec 24, 2017)

    Our first release after months of development is a first huge step forward to improve the internals of phpDocumentor. This first alpha release should be a drop-in replacement for phpDocumentor v2. However we do strongly recommend to clear your phpDocumentor cache directory.

    This release should be able to parse your php 7+ projects without issues. We are still working on new features to be implemented like parsing of return types and scalar type hints.

    Call for feedback

    PhpDocumentor is developed by a small team with limited time. Our current code base is not fully covered by automated tests. So we are not able to find all regressions or missing features. We would be very grateful when you provide us feedback on this alpha release to improve the quality of phpDocumentor.

    Change log


    • New Reflection v4 component.
    • New Reflection Docblock v4 component
    • New Type Resolver component
    • New File finder component to replace our old Symfony based implementation.
    • Docker image
    • All dependencies are updated to there latest versions.


    • Nothing


    • Bug fixes on @use and @link elements


    • Symlink support
    • Validators
    • php 5 support
    • PEAR install method


    • Nothing
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(18.60 MB)
  • v2.9.0(May 22, 2016)

    Most important issue that was solved in this release is the upgrade of php-parser to be able to handle php-7 syntax. Phpdocumentor is now able to parse files using php 5.5+ syntax, but will not process any of the new key words to documentation.

    Beside the mentioned parser update a number of small issues are solved in this release.

    • Pear install on windows should work from now.
    • Improved error reporting messages
    • Silent mode was restored. phpdocumentor will not produce any output when --quiet flag is used.
    • @See rendering is improved for clean template.
    • Resolved issues with @inheritDoc that was not working as expected for interfaces.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.9.0.tgz(16.64 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(17.42 MB)
    phpdocumentor.phar.asc(287 bytes)
  • v2.8.5(Jul 28, 2015)

  • v2.8.2(Feb 22, 2015)

    FIXED:     Self-update for PHAR files
    FIXED:     Log now shows which elements do not have a summary
    FIXED:     When omitting markers the code now automatically picks TODO and FIXME
    FIXED:     Missing assets in new-black and abstract template
    FIXED:     phpDocumentor will error if the iconv extension is missing.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor.phar(31.54 MB)
  • v2.8.1(Nov 13, 2014)

    In version 2.8.0 we had tried to fix an issue where people with a custom vendor dir could not use the phar distribution by allowing phpDocumentor to scan the composer.json in the current working directory if no other sources could be found.

    This introduced a fatal issue where if you tried to use the phar distribution of phpDocumentor from a folder with a composer.json that it used that composer.json to autoload its library files. This of course caused a fatal error.

    This hotfix release is all about reverting the offending change; after this the fatal errors caused by this are history.

    Our apologies for the inconvenience and have fun documenting!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.8.1.tgz(15.42 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(31.13 MB)
  • v2.8.0(Oct 29, 2014)

    In version 2.7 there were a few fatal errors that happened in specific situations (as usual with bugs) and some changes were done to make integration with composer easier.

    The most significant addition would be a new command line option --cache-folder with which you can tell phpDocumentor to write the cache files to a specific location. This is awesome if you want to keep your cache and docs separate or when setting up a Continuous Integration environment.

    The second most interesting is the self-update command for the Phar installation for phpDocumentor. With this we follow in the footsteps of composer by adding the means to easily update your phar file an exchange it for a newer version of phpDocumentor.

    What's next

    A few days ago Mike van Riel posted a blog post ( where he unveiled the changes that he is working on; combine that with the awesome contributions that we receive from the community means that interesting things are waiting on the horizon.

    The changes that Mike is working on (which he lovingly dubbed Operation Blue Lightning) are meant to speed phpDocumentor up by a more than significant amount by refactoring some of the architecture of phpDocumentor. This will quite surely take more than the usual six weeks that we use per release and as such we will release version 2.9 as soon as Mike has finished his work on Blue Lightning.

    Progress of this release can be tracked using a milestone that was created for this purpose: Lightning.

    Happy hacking and until next time!

    ADDED:     Argument "--cache-folder" to indicate where the cache is stored
    ADDED:     `phpdoc self-update` command to the PHAR archive to update phpDocumentor with a single command
    FIXED:     #423: Error report in responsive and responsive-twig template should hide empty results and update error counter next to the filename.
    FIXED:     #573: Visibility filters in 'responsive' and 'responsive-twig' do not function properly
    FIXED:     Several scrutinizer reported clean ups
    FIXED:     If tmp was somewhere in path it would be incorrectly replaced
    FIXED:     Several tests were added
    FIXED:     It is now possible to install phpDocumentor using composer in a project using ZF 2.3 or higher
    FIXED:     Fatal error: Call to a member function getParent() on a non-object in ConstantDescriptor.php
    FIXED:     Fatal error: Call to a member function getParent() on a non-object in PropertyDescriptor.php
    REMOVED:   Knp menu from composer.json because it was not used
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.8.0.tgz(15.42 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(31.13 MB)
  • v2.7.0(Aug 21, 2014)

    phpDocumentor version 2.7 is here. In this release we have fixed various issues that have been reported and thanks to an amazing Testfest in Amsterdam the Code Coverage has risen with at least 8%! A huge thanks to all who participated there.

    In preparation for Testfest we have switched the provisioning of the development machines to use Ansible instead of puppet and made some parts optional (such as profiling and doc generation), making it a lot easier to use the virtual machine.

    Something which is not reflected in the changelog below is that we have automated the deploys of the phpDocumentor website and the releases for phpDocumentor itself. In the past a release took several hours to prepare and execute, now we can do 75% of it within 15 minutes. I hope that we can automate the remaining bit as well but that is something for the future.

    For a complete list of changes, see the changelog below and enjoy the new version!

    ADDED:     A new writer that outputs a statistical extract from the collected data
    ADDED:     Windows support for Ansible playbooks
    ADDED:     8% to 10% Code Coverage thanks to #testfest 2014
    ADDED:     #1347: Support for custom Vendor folders
    ADDED:     Plugins can now be configured using parameters.
    ADDED:     Complete support for @example
    ADDED:     NamespacePrefix to LegacyNamespaceConverter plugin
    FIXED:     Fatal error in MethodDescriptor when a parent was incorrectly called
    FIXED:     Notice in '@see' handling
    FIXED:     #1349: Configuration file was not found in working directory
    FIXED:     Phing integration by re-instating the bootstrap class
    FIXED:     Fixing type inference and variable length issues
    FIXED:     Whether a method is inherited is shown again in XSL-based templates
    FIXED:     Various minor bugs that became visible during the writing of tests
    FIXED:     #1390: Source code paths were incorrect if the source was in folder
    FIXED:     #1341: Icons in clean template were shown incorrectly
    FIXED:     #1331: Not all validations were properly shown
    FIXED:     #1077: Spaces in a path won't trip up libxml anymore
    CHANGED:   Changed reference to deprecated Parsedown method parse() to text()
    CHANGED:   Completely replaced Puppet with Ansible to provision contributor VMs
    CHANGED:   Simpler provisioning for generic contributors; to do profiling
               another task is now needed
    CHANGED:   Docs no longer refer to Short Description or Long Description but to
               Summary and Description per PSR-5
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.7.0.tgz(15.37 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(31.37 MB)
  • v2.6.1(Jul 9, 2014)

  • v2.6.0(Jun 27, 2014)

    ADDED:     #1087: Fully support `@see`
    ADDED:     #1213: Resolve inline @see and @link to Markdown link
    CHANGED:   #1186: Move checking of writer requirements
    CHANGED:   #1267: XSL should use Router
    CHANGED:   Update contribution guide to match new XHGUI
    CHANGED:   #1248: Replace ZendConfig with Serializer-based config
    CHANGED:   #1017: Updated help output for --hidden to be more descriptive
    CHANGED:   #1264: Clean template no longer requires an internet connection
    CHANGED:   #1212: Plugin configuration can now be loaded from a config file
    CHANGED:   #1194: Add support for default parameter values in @method
    FIXED:     #1313: Namespace Aliases are not stored on FileDescriptor
    FIXED:     #1308: Multiple templates in configuration do not work
    FIXED:     #713: XSL Templates are not found in Windows
    FIXED:     #1253: Transformation crashes on typehint
    FIXED:     #1268: Restore handling of visibility
    FIXED:     #1130: Arrays not resolved in documentation
    FIXED:     #1278: Template is not read from configuration
    FIXED:     #1239: Parseprivate always triggers a complete parsing run
    FIXED:     Parsing crashes on visibility as string
    FIXED:     Routing crashes in Twig
    FIXED:     #1307: Parsing crashes on unknown trait
    FIXED:     #1114: Debug mode for Twig was not enabled
    FIXED:     Errors were not shown in XSL templates
    FIXED:     Remove duplicate namespace separator in constants defined by DEFINE
    FIXED:     #930: @see and @link did not resolve self
    FIXED:     #993: UTF-8 characters in filenames do not work in windows
    FIXED:     #790: Inheritance in XSL was incorrectly registered
    FIXED:     #713: Phar was sometimes not working on windows due to paths
    FIXED:     Restore Behat tests
    FIXED:     #1252: Namespaces are not shown on responsive template
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.6.0.tgz(16.24 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(25.57 MB)
  • v2.5.0(May 17, 2014)

    In the past few weeks our team has focused on fixing as many bugs as possible. We have managed to bring the list down significantly but unfortunately not all are included as they have been done in the last few days before this release.

    But that only means there is something to look forward to!

    Here is the list of changes in this release:

    FIXED:     #1211: Loading a single plugin is not possible
    FIXED:     #1232: Routing crashes on magic property in trait
    FIXED:     #157: Classes do not inherit trait methods and props
    FIXED:     #1193: Package tags don't inherit to classes
    FIXED:     #1229: @method tag in a trait causes Exception
    FIXED:     #1196: Some files cannot be copied with FileIO
    CHANGED:   Better OPcache handling, annotations are not stripped anymore in PHP 5.5+
    CHANGED:   phpdoc.php was renamed to phpdoc; phpdoc.php is kept for backwards compatibility

    In addition to the above we managed to raise our code coverage to increase the stability of the application!

    Have fun documenting!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.5.0.tgz(16.09 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(25.40 MB)
  • v2.4.0(Apr 1, 2014)

    Another 6 weeks have passed, time for release 2.4!

    These weeks go by faster than you'd expect; but in the mean time we haven't sat still at all. The main improvement for this release is that Variadics have been implemented and the Clean template now also features a shiny deprecated elements report.

    And of course you haven't sat still as well. phpDocumentor is out there and used a lot, and as a result of that we receive new issue reports regularly which we try to fix as soon as we can.

    All I can say is: keep them coming!

    These issue reports help us to make phpDocumentor even more awesome than it already is (at least, we like to think so ;)).

    Here is a complete changelog of the fixes and changes in the past period:

    FIXED:     #1141: Deprecated report was missing in Clean template.
    FIXED:     #1191: Opcache comments were not disabled due to incorrect extension name
    FIXED:     #1184, #1181: @package tag on File was not recognized and not inherited on children
    FIXED:     #1180: phpDocumentor crashes if an `@subpackage` has no name set
    FIXED:     #1178: Generating a marker listing crashes sometimes
    FIXED:     #1176: DocBlocks were not overridden on subclasses
    FIXED:     #1163: Responsive and Responsive-twig templates do not work on HTTPS
    FIXED:     #1158: Clean and Responsive template shows empty namespace menu when there are no namespaces
    FIXED:     #1134, #1132: GraphViz reports can crash due to empty labels
    FIXED:     #1098: Re-added missing Javascript file
    FIXED:     #1037: IE did not like empty anchors
    FIXED:     #152:  @internal and @ignore did not behave as expected
    FIXED:     Javascript notices in Clean by upgrading jQuery
    ADDED:     #1141: Deprecated report to the Clean template
    ADDED:     #629:  Support for Variadics
    CHANGED:   #1099, #1101: Replaced custom PHAR compiling with and fixing issues in the mean time
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    phpDocumentor-2.4.0.tgz(14.99 MB)
    phpDocumentor.phar(25.26 MB)
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