PHP Developer Roadmap


PHP Developer roadmap

This is PHP Developer Roadmap. Following this path will guarantee to become a good PHP Developer. The repository is created when working on the following YouTube video PHP Developer roadmap - How to Become a PHP Developer in 2021.

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Table of Contents

  1. How Internet & Websites works
  2. Browser/Server request flow, HTTP Protocol, Status codes
  3. Basics of HTML/CSS
  4. Basics of Javascript
  5. Introduction to Databases
  6. Version Control System (Git & Github)
  7. Getting Familiar with PHP: Syntax, functions, dates, JSON, File System, CURL, etc...
  8. Understanding Composer
  9. PHP beginner projects
  10. Object Oriented PHP
  11. Build Projects
  12. Build custom MVC Framework
  13. What is API
  14. Learn Existing Framework
  15. Learn JavaScript
  16. Basics of JavaScript Frameworks
  17. Build Projects with existing frameworks
  18. Get Familiar with Terminal
  19. Editors/IDEs
  20. Docker
  21. Design Patterns

How Internet & Websites works

Resource Name Duration Resource
How does the INTERNET work? 9m
How The Web Works - The Big Picture 12m
How does the internet work? (Full Course) 1h 42m

Browser/Server request flow, HTTP Protocol, Status codes

Resource Name Duration Resource
HTTP Crash Course & Exploration 38m
MDN HTTP Tutorial
Wikipedia Status Codes

Basics of HTML/CSS

Resource Name Duration Resource
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 1h
HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners 1h
HTML Full Course - Build a Website Tutorial 2h
CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners 1h 25m
CSS Tutorial - Zero to Hero (Complete Course) 6h 18m

Basics of JavaScript

Resource Name Duration Resource
Javascript Crash Course for beginners 1h 40m
Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners 3h 26m

Introduction to Databases

Resource Name Duration Resource
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners [Full Course] 3h 10m
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners 4h 20m
PHP MySql Tutorial article
PHP MySql Tutorial article

Version Control System (Git & Github)

Resource Name Duration Resource
Git & Github Tutorial for Absolute Beginners 46m
Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners 32m

Getting Familiar with PHP: Syntax, functions, dates, JSON, File System, CURL, etc...

Resource Name Duration Resource
PHP Tutorial for Absolute Beginners - PHP Course 2021 5h 5m
Learn PHP The Right Way - Full PHP Tutorial For Beginners & Advanced 9h 14m

Understanding Composer

This section is in under development

PHP beginner projects

Resource Name Duration Resource
Simple CRUD application with PHP and JSON 1h 35m
Todo app with PHP 30m
PHP Watch files and directories recursively 8m
Bulk image resize with PHP 8m
PHP registration form & validation 30m

Object Oriented PHP

Channel Resource Name Resource
Programming with Mosh Object-oriented Programming in 7 minutes
TheCodeholic Object Oriented PHP For beginners
Dani Krossing Object Oriented PHP Tutorials
The Net Ninja Object Oriented PHP Tutorial

Build Projects

Resource Name Duration Resource
Build PHP Form Widget using OOP Abstraction 19m
Build Shopping Cart with OOP 37m
Create MySql Notes App 33m
How To Create A Login System In PHP For Beginners 1h 57m

Build custom MVC Framework

Resource Name Duration Resource
Build PHP MVC Framework 6h

What is API

Resource Name Duration Resource
What is an API? 0h 3m
APIs for Beginners - How to use an API (Full Course / Tutorial) 2h 19m
Build PHP REST API From Scratch 1h 16m

Learn Existing Framework

Resource Name Duration Resource
Laravel PHP Framework Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners 4h 25m
Laravel PHP Framework Tutorial - Full Course (2020) 6h 29m
Yii2 PHP Framework - Full Course (Build a YouTube Clone) 7h 04m
Symfony PHP Framework Tutorial - Full Course 3h 28m
Yii2 Framework course playlist

Learn Javascript

Resource Name Duration Resource
Object Oriented JavaScript 1h 02m
JavaScript DOM Course 2h 0m
Asynchronouse JavaScript 0h 42m

Basics of JavaScript Frameworks

Resource Name Duration Resource
Angular Crash Course 1h 24m
React Crash Course 1h 48m
Vue Crash Course 1h 50m
Vue3 Crash Course 2h 57m

Build Projects with existing frameworks

Yii2 Framework

Resource Name Duration Resource
Yii2 E-commerce website - Full Working Process 16h 30m
Build a REST API using Yii2 PHP Framework 1h 25m
Vue.js & Yii2 REST API notes app 2h 30m


Resource Name Duration Resource
Laravel E-Commerce 16h 30m
Laravel Movie App 1h 25m

Get Familiar with Terminal

Resource Name Duration Resource
Beginner's Guide To The Linux Terminal 42m


Resource Name Duration Resource
Visual Studio Code Tutorial for Beginners 33m
Visual Studio Code Crash Course 1h 32m
VS Code SuperHero course
Top 12 VScode Extensions for PHP 17m
Introduction to PHPStorm 6m
PHPStorm vs VSCode for PHP Development 2h 15m
Be Awesome in PHPStorm (Laracasts) 1h 30m


Resource Name Duration Resource
Docker Tutorial for Beginners 2h 46m
Docker Tutorial for Beginners - A Full DevOps Course on How to Run Applications in Containers 2h 10m
How to Create PHP Development Environments with Docker Compose 31m

Design Patterns

Resource Name Duration Resource
Design Patterns in Plain English 1h 20m
5 Design Patterns Every Engineer Should Know 12m
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    if you accept

    there is not just php was written, but js and frameworks as well.... but every contributor have missed to mention one of the most important thing: the official documentation....

    and the new videos getting obsolated by the time, but the developers are keeping up-to-date their documentations. and some practice pages, like w3schools, are very great starting and re-starting points....

    thank you

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    The course added are :

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    What do you think? valid?

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    What you think about translate the README to other languages. I look this text is very complete.

    The suggestions is create another READMEs such as,, etc.

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