155 Repositories
PHP advanced-custom-fields Libraries
Quick intro to Laravel using a custom CMS app I made
Quick intro to Laravel using a custom CMS app I made This is mainly to show an example of a small CMS being built in Laravel. CMS (Content Management
SoyCMS Trivial - Lightweight and easy-to-use CMS. ( the custom version based on soycms. )
SoyCMS Trivial Author arbk (https://aruo.net/) Licensed under the GPLv2 license Version 3.1.3-t0 DESCRIPTION SoyCMS Trivial is an open source web cont
Custom CSS for Elementor
This plugin will provide an option to write CSS in any Elementor native widgets. You will get an option to write CSS for multiple screen devices. The option is placed on ADVANCED_TAB on any Elementor native widgets even third-party widgets.
Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel.
Introduction Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel. Firebase Cloud Messagin
Laravel Livewire (TALL-stack) form generator with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.
TALL-stack form generator Laravel Livewire, Tailwind forms with auto-generated views. Support Contributions Features This is not an admin panel genera
Advanced Laravel models filtering capabilities
Advanced Laravel models filtering capabilities Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require pricecurrent/laravel-eloquent-f
A WordPress package for updating custom plugins and themes based on an API response from a custom update server.
WordPress Update Handler A WordPress package for updating custom plugins and themes based on an JSON REST API response from a custom update server. Ch
A plugin for Craft CMS 3.X that allows for GraphQL search functionality for matching on fields of nested entries.
Nested Entry GraphQL Plugin This Craft CMS plugin allows for performing graphQL search queries that match on fields on nested entries-as-a-field. What
ProcessTranslatePage – A Processwire module to translate all page fields via Fluency
ProcessTranslatePage – A Processwire module to translate all page fields via Fluency ProcessTranslatePage is an extension for the Processwire module F
Adds a compact "easy-sort" mode to Repeater and Repeater Matrix, making those fields easier to sort when there are a large number of items.
Repeater Easy Sort Adds a compact "easy-sort" mode to Repeater and Repeater Matrix, making those fields easier to sort when there are a large number o
laravel-advanced-demo 基于laravel,完成一些进阶应用场景示例 目录 jwt-auth + 微信小程序授权 查看 tymon/jwt-auth+overtrue/laravel-wechat 项目实例 jwt-auth + 微信网页授权 查看 tymon/jwt-auth+
Add Item Custom For pocketmine 4 🥔
CustomItem (API / Configuration) A plugin to add items hyper easily ! Note: Creates issues if you find bugs :) Plugins Your Imagination no longer imit
Simple custom chat bot developing framework for telegram, qq and more in PHP (the best language)
RinoBot RinoBot 是一个为统一聊天机器人扩展开发的框架,编写一份插件用于多种机器人协议。 简体中文 | English 🚧 开发中 🚧 暂不适用于生产环境 特性 插件扩展机制 一份代码运行于多平台多协议机器人 并减小开发难度 插件提供 Yaml 配置 供使用者修改 基于机器人 We
Add custom armors, tools and many items!
CustomThings This plugin was created for the new version of Hiroshima and allows you to add tools, armors and items! Informations Here are the differe
A URL shortener with various other utilities, backed by a custom lightweight framework.
da.gd What is da.gd? da.gd is both a URL shortener and a collection of quick-info tools written in PHP. It allows you to use curl (or any http client)
Adds Settings to the Custom Post Type UI plugin to show Post Types in WPGraphQL
DEPRECATION NOTICE 🚀 Custom Post Type UI v1.9.0 introduced formal support for WPGraphQL!!! 👋 With that, this plugin is being deprecated and will no
Wordpress wrapper to expose Carbon Fields to WpGraphQL queries.
WpGraphQLCrb A Wordpress wrapper to expose Carbon Fields to WpGraphQL queries. Important This is just the first version. There is a lot of work to be
WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields
WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields automatically exposes your ACF fields to the WPGraphQL Schema. Install and A
A custom WordPress nav walker class to fully implement the Twitter Bootstrap 4.0+ navigation style (v3-branch available for Bootstrap 3) in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager.
WP Bootstrap Navwalker This code in the main repo branch is undergoing a big shakeup to bring it in line with recent standards and to merge and test t
A PHP Class for creating Wordpress Custom Post Types easily
N.B I've released an updated version of the project to a new repository, PostTypes. WP Custom Post Type Class v1.4 A single class to help you build mo
Gutenberg Custom Fields... wait what?
Gutenberg Custom Fields Gutenberg Custom Fields allows you to control the content of the Gutenberg edit screen by creating pre-filled templates. Navig
Add subtitles into your WordPress posts, pages, custom post types, and themes. No coding required.
Add subtitles into your WordPress posts, pages, custom post types, and themes. No coding required. Simply activate Subtitles and you're ready to go.
Learning Websocket by creating Custom Websocket-server package provided by Laravel
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling.
A PHP-based self-hosted URL shortener that can be used to serve shortened URLs under your own custom domain.
A PHP-based self-hosted URL shortener that can be used to serve shortened URLs under your own custom domain. Table of Contents Full documentation Dock
An advanced Mute Assistant to mute players.
IMPORTANT This plugin does not include AI Please follow me for more better projects :) MuteAssistant Mute players using a simple menu This plugin is s
Base library for repeated layout fields, content builders and other collection components
laravel-flexible-content This package's only purpose is to build custom repeated layout components, such as Laravel Nova's Flexible Content field or y
Library extra fields for Laravel Orchid Platform
Orchid Fields Extra library which add different fields in Laravel Orchid Platform Installation You may install into your project using the Composer pa
This plugin adds custom pets to game for PocketMine-MP!
ComplexPets A plugin that adds pets to game made by OguzhanUmutlu for PocketMine-MP. Command Simply type /pets and summon your favorite animal! Featur
Custom boss plugin for PocketMine-MP.
Bosses Custom boss plugin for PocketMine-MP. What is this plugin? This plugin adds entities that they have so much things to configure! How to create
λ Run PHP Coroutines & Fibers as-a-Service on the AWS Lambda.
λ Swoole Runtime for AWS Lambda Run PHP Coroutines & Fibers as-a-Service on the AWS Lambda. Getting started Create your Lambda function index.php ?ph
Decoupled CMS for any Laravel app, gain control of: pages, blogs, galleries, events, images, custom modules and more.
Grafite CMS Grafite has archived this project and no longer supports or develops this code. We recommend using only as a source of ideas for your own
Pods is a development framework for creating, extending, managing, and deploying customized content types in WordPress.
Pods Framework Pods is a development framework for creating, extending, managing, and deploying customized content types in WordPress. Description Che
Laravel Livewire form component with declarative Bootstrap 5 fields and buttons.
Laravel Livewire Forms Laravel Livewire form component with declarative Bootstrap 5 fields and buttons. Requirements Bootstrap 5 Installation composer
↪️ Bypass for PHP creates a custom HTTP Server to return predefined responses to client requests
Bypass for PHP provides a quick way to create a custom HTTP Server to return predefined responses to client requests.Useful for tests with Pest PHP or PHPUnit.
Envbar allows you to differentiate between environments by adding a custom colored bar above the top navigation.
Envbar Envbar allows you to differentiate between environments by adding a custom colored bar above the top navigation. This should help backend users
The Current US Version of PHP-Nuke Evolution Xtreme v3.0.1b-beta often known as Nuke-Evolution Xtreme. This is a hardened version of PHP-Nuke and is secure and safe. We are currently porting Xtreme over to PHP 8.0.3
2021 Nightly Builds Repository PHP-Nuke Evolution Xtreme Developers TheGhost - Ernest Allen Buffington (Lead Developer) SeaBeast08 - Sebastian Scott B
Generate and autoload custom Helpers, Builder Scope, Service class, Trait
laravel-make-extender Generate and autoload custom helpers, It can generate multilevel helpers in the context of the directory. Generate Service class
Formcreator is a plugin which allow creation of custom forms of easy access
Formcreator is a plugin which allow creation of custom forms of easy access. At the same time, the plugin allow the creation of one or more tickets when the form is filled.
Custom PHP curl library for the Laravel 5 framework - developed by Ixudra
ixudra/curl Custom PHP cURL library for the Laravel 4 or 5 framework - developed by Ixudra. The package provides an easy interface for sending cURL re
Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. /// Chat with us and others on Spectrum: https://spectrum.chat/twill
About Twill Twill is an open source Laravel package that helps developers rapidly create a custom CMS that is beautiful, powerful, and flexible. By st
LaraAdmin is a Open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS which can be used as Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel with features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Module Manager, Backups and many more.
LaraAdmin 1.0 LaraAdmin is a Open source CRM for quick-start Admin based applications with features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Schema Manager and
Add Social Reactions to Laravel Eloquent Models. It lets people express how they feel about the content. Fully customizable Weighted Reaction System & Reaction Type System with Like, Dislike and any other custom emotion types. Do you react?
Laravel Love Introduction Laravel Love is emotional part of the application. It let people express how they feel about the content. Make any model rea
PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer
PHP Compatibility Coding Standard for PHP CodeSniffer This is a set of sniffs for PHP CodeSniffer that checks for PHP cross-version compatibility. It
Daux.io is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
Daux.io Daux.io is a documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It help
Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.
About Craft CMS Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond. It features: An intuitive, user-
Advanced Mathematics Library for PHP (port of Numbers.js)
Numbers.php Numbers.php - an advanced mathematics toolkit for PHP = 5.3. It is a port of Numbers.js - same toolkit for JavaScript. There is a version
An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols. PHP=5.3.
Workerman What is it Workerman is an asynchronous event-driven PHP framework with high performance to build fast and scalable network applications. Wo
A Oembed consumer library, that gives you information about urls. It helps you replace urls to youtube or vimeo for example, with their html embed code. It has advanced features like offline support, responsive embeds and caching support.
Embera - PHP Oembed consumer library Embera is an Oembed consumer library written in PHP. It takes urls from a text and queries the matching service f
Advanced shortcode (BBCode) parser and engine for PHP
Shortcode Shortcode is a framework agnostic PHP library allowing to find, extract and process text fragments called "shortcodes" or "BBCodes". Example
Create images with embedded text using advanced typography
Image with Text This class makes it super easy to render images with multiple, independently styled text blocks. You can control each text block's ali
Lightweight and feature-rich PHP validation and filtering library. Support scene grouping, pre-filtering, array checking, custom validators, custom messages. 轻量且功能丰富的PHP验证、过滤库。支持场景分组,前置过滤,数组检查,自定义验证器,自定义消息。
PHP Validate 一个简洁小巧且功能完善的php验证、过滤库。 简单方便,支持添加自定义验证器 支持前置验证检查, 自定义如何判断非空 支持将规则按场景进行分组设置。或者部分验证 支持在进行验证前对值使用过滤器进行净化过滤内置过滤器 支持在进行验证前置处理和后置处理独立验证处理 支持自定义每
An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols. PHP=5.3.
Workerman What is it Workerman is an asynchronous event-driven PHP framework with high performance to build fast and scalable network applications. Wo
Daux.io is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
Daux.io - Deprecation Notice This repository is deprecated! Daux.io has been moved to an organization, to guarantee future development and support. So
😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it.
Tracy - PHP debugger Introduction Tracy library is a useful helper for everyday PHP programmers. It helps you to: quickly detect and correct errors lo
Performs advanced static analysis on PHP code
PHP Analyzer Please report bugs or feature requests via our website support system ? in bottom right or by emailing support@scrutinizer-ci.com. Contri