Formcreator is a plugin which allow creation of custom forms of easy access


Form Creator

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Extend GLPI with Plugins.

Table of Contents


Formcreator is a plugin which allow creation of custom forms of easy access. At the same time, the plugin allow the creation of one or more tickets when the form is filled.


  1. Direct access to forms self-service interface in main menu
  2. Highlighting forms in homepages
  3. Access to forms controlled: public access, identified user access, restricted access to some profiles
  4. Simple and customizable forms
  5. Forms organized by categories, entities and languages.
  6. Questions of any type of presentation: Textareas, lists, LDAP, files, etc.
  7. Questions organised in sections. Choice of the display order.
  8. Possibility to display a question based on certain criteria (response to a further question)
  9. A sharp control on responses from forms: text, numbers, size of fields, email, mandatory fields, regular expressions, etc.
  10. Creation of one or more tickets from form answers
  11. Adding a description per fields, per sections, per forms, entities or languages.
  12. Formatting the ticket set: answers to questions displayed, tickets templates.
  13. Preview form created directly in the configuration.
  14. An optional service catalog to browse for forms and FAQ in an unified interface.

Build Status

LTS Beta Bleeding Edge
unit tests unit tests unit tests


We maintain a detailed documentation of the project on the website, check the How-tos and Development section.

For more information you can visit formcreator on the GLPI Plugins documentation


In order to provide transparency on our release cycle and to maintain backward compatibility, this project is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. We are committed to following and complying with the rules, the best we can.

See the tags section of our GitHub project for changelogs for each release version. Release announcement posts on the official Teclib' blog contain summaries of the most noteworthy changes made in each release.


For notices about major changes and general discussion of development, subscribe to the /r/glpi subreddit. You can also chat with us via IRC in #GLPI on freenode if you get stuck, and @glpien on Telegram.

Professional Services

The GLPI Network services are available through our Partner's Network. We provide special training, bug fixes with editor subscription, contributions for new features, and more.

Obtain a personalized service experience, associated with benefits and opportunities.

Build from source

To build the plugin you need Composer and an internet access to download some resources from Github.

After dowloading the source of Formcreator, go in its folder and run the following

  • composer install
  • php vendor/bin/robo build:fa-data


Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on our guidelines for contributing and then check out one of our issues in the Issues Dashboard.


  • Name: GLPI is a registered trademark of Teclib'.
  • Code: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
  • Documentation: released under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  • Gestion de Groupe dans les formulaires

    Gestion de Groupe dans les formulaires


    J'ai créé un formulaire et un valideur qui est un "Groupe". J'ai créé une demande via le formulaire en validant le groupe. Lorsque je me connecte avec un utilisateur appartenant à ce groupe, je ne vois pas la demande.

    En vous remerciant d'avance de votre aide possible,


    René Danilo

    opened by RdENIM 75
  • Bug affichage mes demandes d'assistances

    Bug affichage mes demandes d'assistances

    Describe the bug Bonjour,

    J'ai un soucis d'affichage avec la vue simplifié. Dans mes demandes d'assistances, il manque des tickets.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Aucune idée de comment reproduire

    Screenshots image image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows server 2012 R2
    • Browser Chrome/Firefox/Edge/IE
    opened by tguichard25 65
  • Form crashes when clicking submit, but ticket opens

    Form crashes when clicking submit, but ticket opens

    Describe the bug Form crashes when clicking submit, but ticket is opened, it happens when there is an image in the text field

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'send button'
    2. Click on 'Click on the send button'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP Warning:  sha1_file(C:\wamp64\www\glpi/files/_tmp/5eae73c6df1c24.16071087image_paste1733973.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\glpi\src\Document.php on line 642
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP Stack trace:
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   1. {main}() C:\wamp64\www\glpi\plugins\formcreator\ajax\formanswer.php:0
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   2. CommonDBTM->add($input = ['formcreator_field_474' => 'Sim', 'formcreator_field_486' => 'WINT0022', 'formcreator_field_530' => '3458', 'formcreator_field_472' => '<p>Ao tentar contabilizar alguns dias do compras(notas de entrada) está dando erro, e fecha o sistema. Este erro deu quando coloquei um dia só, e também quando coloquei mais dias juntos tipo dia 01 à 05. Mas consegui contabilizar individualmente os dias 01 e 02/10.</p>\\r\\n<p><img id=\\"6be1de7a-a6886e6c-6347dbfd365e44.84020596\\" src=\\"blob:\\" data-upload_id=\\"0.9104758744946353\\"></p>\\r\\n<p&'..., '_formcreator_field_472' => [0 => '5eae736a3bc834.443827image_paste4320127.png', 1 => '5eae73c6df1c24.16071087image_paste1733973.png'], '_prefix_formcreator_field_472' => [0 => '5eae736a3bc834.443827im', 1 => '5eae73c6df1c24.16071087'], '_tag_formcreator_field_472' => [0 => '6be1de7a-a6886e6c-6347db9bbb61f5.41174049', 1 => '6be1de7a-a6886e6c-6347dbfd365e44.84020596'], '_formcreator_field_473' => [2 => '5eae753ec53990.53365461apolice seguro pamplona.pdf'], '_prefix_formcreator_field_473' => [2 => '5eae753ec53990.53365461'], '_tag_formcreator_field_473' => [2 => '6be1de7a-a6886e6c-6347dd8662c039.22178674'], 'plugin_formcreator_forms_id' => '37', '_glpi_csrf_token' => '234423c0728bd600ed9df221dac624bbeaa671bfab4789874f0b57a5ae1d2c50', 'submit_formcreator' => ''], $options = *uninitialized*, $history = *uninitialized*) C:\wamp64\www\glpi\plugins\formcreator\ajax\formanswer.php:58
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   3. PluginFormcreatorFormAnswer->post_addItem() C:\wamp64\www\glpi\src\CommonDBTM.php:1305
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   4. GlpiPlugin\Formcreator\Field\TextareaField->serializeValue($formanswer = class PluginFormcreatorFormAnswer { public $dohistory = TRUE; public $usenotepad = TRUE; public $usenotepadrights = TRUE; public $targetList = []; private $questionFields = [474 => class GlpiPlugin\Formcreator\Field\RadiosField { ... }, 486 => class GlpiPlugin\Formcreator\Field\TextField { ... }, 530 => class GlpiPlugin\Formcreator\Field\IntegerField { ... }, 472 => class GlpiPlugin\Formcreator\Field\TextareaField { ... }, 473 => class GlpiPlugin\Formcreator\Field\FileField { ... }]; private $isAnswersValid = TRUE; private $form = class PluginFormcreatorForm { public $dohistory = TRUE; public $skipChecks = FALSE; public $fields = [...]; public $input = [...]; public $updates = [...]; public $oldvalues = [...]; public $history_blacklist = [...]; public $auto_message_on_action = TRUE; public $no_form_page = FALSE; public $additional_fields_for_dictionnary = [...]; protected $fkfield = ''; protected $searchopt = FALSE; public $taborientation = 'vertical'; public $get_item_to_display_tab = TRUE; protected $usenotepad = FALSE; public $deduplicate_queued_notifications = TRUE; public $right = NULL; protected $type = -1; protected $displaylist = TRUE; public $showdebug = FALSE; protected $useAutomaticOrdering = TRUE }; private array $answers = []; public $fields = ['id' => 23090, 'name' => 'Erros Rotinas', 'entities_id' => 0, 'is_recursive' => 0, 'plugin_formcreator_forms_id' => 37, 'requester_id' => 61, 'users_id_validator' => 0, 'groups_id_validator' => 0, 'request_date' => '2022-10-13 06:44:43', 'status' => 103, 'comment' => '']; public $input = ['formcreator_field_474' => 'Sim', 'formcreator_field_486' => 'WINT0022', 'formcreator_field_530' => '3458', 'formcreator_field_472' => '<p>Ao tentar contabilizar alguns dias do compras(notas de entrada) está dando erro, e fecha o sistema. Este erro deu quando coloquei um dia só, e também quando coloquei mais dias juntos tipo dia 01 à 05. Mas consegui contabilizar individualmente os dias 01 e 02/10.</p>\\r\\n<p><img id=\\"6be1de7a-a6886e6c-6347dbfd365e44.84020596\\" src=\\"blob:\\" data-upload_id=\\"0.9104758744946353\\"></p>\\r\\n<p&'..., '_formcreator_field_472' => [...], '_prefix_formcreator_field_472' => [...], '_tag_formcreator_field_472' => [...], '_formcreator_field_473' => [...], '_prefix_formcreator_field_473' => [...], '_tag_formcreator_field_473' => [...], 'plugin_formcreator_forms_id' => 37, '_glpi_csrf_token' => '234423c0728bd600ed9df221dac624bbeaa671bfab4789874f0b57a5ae1d2c50', 'submit_formcreator' => '', '_no_history' => FALSE, 'name' => 'Erros Rotinas', 'status' => 103, 'users_id_validator' => 0, 'groups_id_validator' => 0, 'entities_id' => 0, 'is_recursive' => 0, 'requester_id' => 61, 'request_date' => '2022-10-13 06:44:43', 'comment' => '']; public $updates = []; public $oldvalues = []; public $history_blacklist = []; public $auto_message_on_action = TRUE; public $no_form_page = FALSE; public $additional_fields_for_dictionnary = []; protected $fkfield = ''; protected $searchopt = FALSE; public $taborientation = 'vertical'; public $get_item_to_display_tab = TRUE; public $deduplicate_queued_notifications = TRUE; public $right = NULL; protected $type = -1; protected $displaylist = TRUE; public $showdebug = FALSE }) C:\wamp64\www\glpi\plugins\formcreator\inc\formanswer.class.php:1075
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   5. Document->getDuplicateOf($entities_id = 0, $filename = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\glpi/files/_tmp/5eae73c6df1c24.16071087image_paste1733973.png') C:\wamp64\www\glpi\plugins\formcreator\inc\field\textareafield.class.php:208
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   6. Document->getFromDBbyContent($entity = 0, $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\glpi/files/_tmp/5eae73c6df1c24.16071087image_paste1733973.png') C:\wamp64\www\glpi\src\Document.php:1886
    [13-Oct-2022 06:44:43 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP   7. sha1_file($filename = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\glpi/files/_tmp/5eae73c6df1c24.16071087image_paste1733973.png') C:\wamp64\www\glpi\src\Document.php:642

    Expected behavior

    Open the ticket and reload the page



    GLPI / Plugins (please complete the following information):

    • GLPI version - 10.0.2
    • list of all plugins with their version (available in GLPI > Setup > General > tab System > bottom of the page)
    • news Name: Alertas Version: 1.10.5 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual behaviors Name: Comportamentos Version: 2.7.1 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual formcreator Name: Form Creator Version: 2.13.1 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual fusioninventory Name: FusionInventory Version: 9.4+2.4 State: Error / to clean
      Install Method: Manual genericobject Name: Gerenciamento de objetos Version: 2.13.0 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual mailanalyzer Name: Mail Analyzer Version: 3.0.0 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual mreporting Name: Mais Relatórios Version: 1.8.1 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual dashboard Name: Painel Version: 1.0.2 State: Installed / not activated
      Install Method: Manual tasklists Name: Tasks list Version: 2.0.1 State: Enabled
      Install Method: Manual

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [Windows Server 2012]
    • Browser Firefox, Chorme
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context CEvery time the user clicks, he doubles the call, reaching more than 20 times, as we serve a company with 1000 employees, we have to keep excluding the duplicates. FormCreator Version 2.13.1

    bug need feedback 
    opened by Rafaeldgs 56
  • Version 2.5.0: group not added to requesters

    Version 2.5.0: group not added to requesters


    Thx for this great new version.

    Is it possible to do the same thing for ticket title as category image replace title by content of title of incident fields of my form

    My group is not created as well

    • It would be useful to have the possibility to sort form views for users, with glpi statistics we are able to know which request are the most used and put these forms firstly for users.
    opened by satyan01 49
  • Incorrect display of some tickets via form.

    Incorrect display of some tickets via form.

    Currently under GLPI 10.0.0 with the version of formcreator Alpha.3. Some tickets appear this way when you open them, although the preview in the list is correct :

    image image

    While some other tickets are displayed correctly either in preview or when opening the ticket. In addition, when creating a new ticket, the display error also appears.

    opened by eleducq 48
  • Insertion capture d'écran dans formulaire

    Insertion capture d'écran dans formulaire

    FormCreator 2.8.5 + GLPI 9.4.2 + Mozilla FireFox

    Bonjour, j'ai créé des formulaires de support utilisateur mais lorsque l'utilisateur insert une capture écran de son problème, celle ci n'est pas visible dans le formulaire, ni pas dans le ticket généré...




    bug duplicate 
    opened by moccino 48
  • Ticket non créé après création du formulaire

    Ticket non créé après création du formulaire


    Depuis la mise à jour de mon serveur GLPI en version 9.2.1 les formulaires saisis ne génère plus de ticket.

    J'ai essayé de recréer une destination pour ce formulaire mais cela n'a rien changé.

    Voici l'export du formulaire renommer au format txt : export_formcreator_20171122_1118.txt

    opened by alffonsse 46
  • Icons swapped in formcreator 2.13.0-beta.2 in simplified interface GLPI 10

    Icons swapped in formcreator 2.13.0-beta.2 in simplified interface GLPI 10

    Forms that come without icons from older versions of formcreator have the fa-question-circle icon and FAQs have the fa-clipboard-list icon should be the other way around.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1 Create three forms for a category of frequently asked questions, the first since it could not be imported from previous schemes, just give it a title, faq category and export, edit the file and eliminate the fields "icon":0,"icon_color":"", "background_color":"", deleting the current form, import it again. The second just give it a title and the third change the icon 2 Create a FAQ in the category used by the forms 4. See error in simplified interface -> forms

    Expected behavior That the forms without previous icons have the icon of fa-clipboard-list or the icon fa-edit or neither and the FAQ the icon of fa-question-circle like the rest of GLPI

    Screenshots result Captura desde 2022-06-04 12-55-59 Captura desde 2022-06-04 12-59-31

    expected Captura desde 2022-06-04 12-55-59-spec

    GLPI / Plugins (please complete the following information):

    • GLPI 10.0.1 formcreator Name: Form Creator Version: 2.13.0-beta.2 State: Enabled gantt Name: gantt Version: 1.0.0 State: Not installed glpiinventory Name: GLPI Inventory Version: 1.0.0 State: Installed / not activated mreporting Name: Más Informes Version: 1.8.0 State: Installed / not activated telegrambot Name: TelegramBot Version: 3.0.0 State: Not installed

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: UBUNTU 22.04
    • Browser Google Chrome
    • Versión 102.0.5005.61 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
    need feedback 
    opened by bolivarf 44
  • Formcreator v2.13.0-alfa.3 in Simplified interface GLPI 10 RC1

    Formcreator v2.13.0-alfa.3 in Simplified interface GLPI 10 RC1

    Describe the bug Because when activating the formcreator plugin v2.13.0-alpha.3, in the Simplified interface of GLIP 10 RC1, the Create a ticket and Tickets menus do not appear, and instead the Issues menu appears.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Login GLPI Simplified interface
    2. Home, Forms, Issues, Reservations, FAQ menus shown

    Expected behavior See Home, Forms, Create a ticket, Tickets, Reservations, FAQ menus Screenshots Desactivate Formcreator Captura de pantalla de 2022-02-20 09-51-55 Activate Formcreator Captura de pantalla de 2022-02-20 09-21-47

    GLPI / Plugins :

    • GLPI version GLPI 10.0.0-rc1
    • list of all plugins (available in GLPI > Setup > General > tab System > bottom of the page) formcreator Version: 2.13.0-alpha.3 mreporting Version: 1.8.0-rc2 ( activated or deactivated the result is the same)

    Desktop :

    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Browser Google Chrome
    • Version 98.0.4758.102 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

    Additional context The user profile that has the simplified interface does not have privileges to create or view issues only create and see tickets

    opened by bolivarf 40
  • Forms lost approver + Permission issue forms display after GLPI and forms update

    Forms lost approver + Permission issue forms display after GLPI and forms update

    previous GLPI version: 9.1.2 previous forms Version: 2.5.2 GLPI version updated to version 9.2.3 Forms updated to 2.6.3

    All forms created in the past have lost the form approver.


    In addition, these forms can no longer be displayed with the "Super Admin" profile. This profile no longer has permissions for this.

    In addition, there is the problem that within a ticket, the direct link to the form no longer works. forms link

    opened by flo1994 39
  • Simplified interface call counter is only in

    Simplified interface call counter is only in "N/A"

    Describe the bug Hello good morning I'm implementing Glpi in my company and I really liked this plugin but I'm having this problem The call counters stay in N / A I would like to know how to solve

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Browser : Microsoft edge
    bug need feedback 
    opened by apithon2 37
  • Formcreator 2.13.3 - Questions - Type Dropdown - ITIL Categories

    Formcreator 2.13.3 - Questions - Type Dropdown - ITIL Categories

    When you use a dropdown question in a form and then select a sub-tree, from the category tree, the form shows the chosen subcategories but also shows other subcategories of the tree. It should display only the subcategories corresponding to the chosen sub tree but it shows, additionally, other categories that are from another branch. (En Español: Cuando usas una pregunta de tipo dropdown en un formulario y luego seleccionas un sub arbol, del arbol de categorías, el formulario muestra la subcategorias elegidas pero tambien muestra otras subcatregorias del arbol. Debería desplegar unicamente las subcategorías correspondientes al sub arbol elegido pero muestra, adicionalmente, otras categorías que son de otra rama.) Question definition: image

    Preview question in form: image

    -GLPI / Plugins: Formcreator 2.13.3 -GLPI version 10.0.5

    opened by willysaurio 0
  • Unknown column 'is_search_issue_visible' in 'field list' with 10.0.5

    Unknown column 'is_search_issue_visible' in 'field list' with 10.0.5

    Describe the bug When installing the pluginon GLPI 10.0.5 I'm getting an error: Unknown column 'is_search_issue_visible' in 'field list'

    GLPI / Plugins (please complete the following information): slika

    opened by dhrzic 1
  • public forms not working

    public forms not working

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    After updating from GLPI 9.5 to 10.0.5 and executing all the adjustments in the database, we reinstalled the plugins and among them the formcreator, after enabling the plugin we noticed that being logged in the GLPI the form works correctly, however for audiences that do not need to be logged in, the same return error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden at address: marketplace/formcreator/ajax/showfields.php

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Access link of public form

    Expected behavior The drop menu does not work correctly, where according to the option chosen for the form it would open different fields.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Captura de tela de 2022-12-26 14-54-20

    Captura de tela de 2022-12-26 14-55-07

    GLPI / Plugins (please complete the following information):

    • GLPI version = 10.0.5
    • formcreator plugin version = 2.13.3

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Debian Linux 11
    • Browser : Firefox 102.6.0esr (64-bits)

    Additional context Before doing the update, the formcreator was in version 2.10 of the plugin and it worked correctly.

    opened by igormarcos 7
  • Error creating tables : Tablespace for table '`glpinovo`.`glpi_plugin_formcreator_answers`' exists

    Error creating tables : Tablespace for table '`glpinovo`.`glpi_plugin_formcreator_answers`' exists

    I can't install formcreator 2.13.3 on glpi 10.0.5. When I install it, I get the message "Error creating tables : Tablespace for table 'glpinovo.glpi_plugin_formcreator_answers' exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT"



    opened by tiorthohead 3
  • Scroll on question create or update

    Scroll on question create or update

    Describe the bug When I try create one question or update, scroll not working

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go one form and chose question
    2. Click on question
    3. Try scroll


    My Forms version is 2.13.3

    opened by SilvaFernando 2
  • v2.12.7(Nov 25, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Users of GLPI 10 must use Formcreator 2.13 or later. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    :warning: Version 2.12.6 had missing files for LDAP questions. This release address this problem.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • ldapquestion: missing files (4b4d801b)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.7.tar.bz2(1.24 MB)
  • 2.13.3(Nov 24, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.

    Upgrade from 2.13.0 or later

    A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:

    The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0. 
    To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator

    It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.

    :information_source: If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.

    bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check

    Possible encoding problems in tickets created in GLPI 9.5 or older

    :warning: GLPI 10.0 encodes rich text content in a different way compared to GLPI 9.5. This revealed some bugs in the plugin in previous versions and GLPI may display old tickets with HTML tags. A CLI tool is available to fix 3 types of inconsistencies. You should test the command in a testing environment or do a backup first.

    bin/console glpi:plugins:formcreator:clean_tickets

    Bug Fixes

    • abstractitiltarget: copy may generate unwanted ouput to navigator (8792ed3dc)
    • abstracttarget: support for sla and ola from question (e4c6ffeb6)
    • category: do not access page if the plugin is not active (a959839c7)
    • category: don't activate plugin to access categories (4cd4f600e)
    • checkboxesfield: back to BR (c8908f265)
    • checkboxesfield: back to BR (56d1e7e94)
    • checkboxesfield, radiosfield: checkboxes and radios backslashes (#3050) (47da0ea0a)
    • common: captcha check (b2b7efc89)
    • dashboard: fix dashboard height (712bdc8ad)
    • datefield: change event and comparison (9da947783)
    • filefield: do not assume index of files (a02a9c7ce)
    • form: delete question does not reset preview tab (ad87ddc87)
    • form: prevent SQL error (17aa94309)
    • form: prevent sending two csrf tokens (c04c71bab)
    • form: tab name must obey 'show count' setting (b89232eb3)
    • form_language: call to undefined method (137a66047)
    • formanswer: page switching loose filter (14d3ed7ac)
    • install: bad command in error message (f357d9ca4)
    • install: handle possible null while changing fields (0a847af4c)
    • issue: access to saved searches from service catalog (b7481825a)
    • issue: default joint for issue (631888e47)
    • issue: show save button for followup edit (810c854f1)
    • issue: sync issue fails when a ticket has several validators (3f51fbdd9)
    • issue: useless criteria nesting (369fdb57b)
    • selectfield: too many unescaping (706b70faa)
    • targetticket: set request source if no rule specified (2e04680eb)
    • textareadifield: error when deduplicating uploads (666d81395)
    • wizard: consistent breadcrumb on several pages (6639cda03)


    • handle a new case in fix tool: litteral > sign (#3048) (275c3506e)
    • install: empty SQL schema (aacccfd7f)
    • question: new hooks for other plugins interaction (#3093) (f9a23b646)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.3.tar.bz2(1.27 MB)
  • v2.12.6(Nov 22, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Users of GLPI 10 must use Formcreator 2.13 or later. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    :warning: This version intends to fix compatibility with GLPI 9.5.10 and 9.5.11 which contains an upgrade of TinyMCE (used for rich text editors). Some other fixes are also available in this release; see the changelog.

    :warning: Important note: Some administrators use business rules relying on the request source field in tickets to distinguish tickets created by Formcreator. A change has been done in the plugin to allow customization of the request source via ticket templates. Target ticktets without template will lose the request source "Formcreator". If business rules use the request source "Formcreator" it is recommended to add a ticket template to target tickets, with a predefiend field "request source" set to "Formcreator".

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • abstracttarget: retrieve sub itemtype from question (eccf3d1a)
    • condition: empty sql IN statement (8e4d0491)
    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: shiw item ID only on user preference (53dc3aeb)
    • form: lightbulb always gray in darker theme (76a42bb4)
    • glpiselectfield: bad WHERE criteria with entities (154a3531)
    • glpiselectfield: comparison with regex (e6986b04)
    • issue: performance problem in sync issue query (0e1761c9)
    • issue: performance problem in sync issue query (74b38ec0)
    • issue: requester replaced by author on ticket update (a8580a79)
    • issue: sync issues problem when a ticket has several validators (backport 2.12) (#2971) (e3011590)
    • radiosfield: accessibility from keyboard (e528aae7)
    • targetticket: assign group actor from object (42aaadd4)
    • textareafield: compatibility with GLPI 9.10 (a325a948)
    • textareafield: compatibility with GLPI 9.5.10 (7f2ff1a9)
    • textfield: remove invalid '\r\n' tokens (#3065) (da9d8dca)
    • wizard: bad label when searching KB items (f469d048)


    • ldapselectfield: lazy loading (1afc6753)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.6.tar.bz2(1.24 MB)
  • 2.13.2(Oct 20, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.

    Upgrade from 2.13.0 or later

    A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:

    The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0. 
    To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator

    It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.

    :information_source: If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.

    bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check

    Possible encoding problems in tickets created in GLPI 9.5 or older

    :warning: GLPI 10.0 encodes rich text content in a different way compared to GLPI 9.5. This revealed some bugs in the plugin in previous versions and GLPI may display old tickets with HTML tags. A CLI tool is available to fix 2 types of inconsistencies. You should test the command in a testing environment or do a backup first.

    bin/console glpi:plugins:formcreator:clean_tickets

    Bug Fixes

    • just reencode br (cce2e7e1c)
    • show KB items without category (91f4deb75)
    • abstractitiltarget: email addresses were ignored (4c28a09b8)
    • docs: mix of single and singular/plural locales (dc8f38cc3)
    • dropdownfield: tree depth not restored in design dialog (af4096bba)
    • fields: add default value to prevent SQL error (#2965) (19f039569)
    • form: risk of selecting the wrong form in DOM (bb31fd163)
    • form: submit once (b00844208)
    • form: unescape form name (5b802658a)
    • formanswer: PHP 8.1 compatbility, error message if invalid JSON detected (8ff7ff91a)
    • formanswer: PHP 8.1 compatibility: null passed instead of string (297fb2713)
    • formanswer: redirect after submission of targetless form (4d60239d1)
    • requesttypefield: warning if comparing against empty value (dca5afb82)
    • section: label for conditions in designer (01e570319)
    • wizard: FAQ list (#3031) (bb0732ca7)


    • tool to repair escaping problem in some tickets (68db0ffda)
    • form: submit forms once (abed86101)
    • formanswer: notification with URL to generated objets (fa6a360f0)
    • formanswer: restore toasts when craeting targets (f43df3ebb)
    • install: show the DB diff when upgrade runs from CLI (#2994) (4abb099a6)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.2.tar.bz2(1.25 MB)
  • 2.13.1(Sep 19, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.

    :warning: You must to upgrade from a previous stable version. Upgrading from a development or testing version is not supported.

    Upgrade from a stable version older than 2.13.0

    :warning: The plugin introduces a database sanity check. This feature checks that after the upgrade the tables have the expected structure. This revealed that some instances using Formcreator for years may have accumulated inconsistencies. The upgrade process will fix most of them for you. After the upgrade if some inconsistencies remains a non-blocking error will show:

    The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.12.5. 
    To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator

    If this error happens, switch GLPI to maintenance mode, then from a shell, locate to youtr GLPI instance folder and issue the following commands (requires GLPI 10.0.2 or later):

    php bin/console glpi:plugin:activate formcreator
    php bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator 

    Administrators with an average database knowledge should be able to fix them, based on the diff displayed as the output of the last command.

    Once the inconsistencies are fixed, disable maintenance mode.

    Upgrade from 2.13.0

    A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:

    The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0. 
    To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator

    It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.

    :information_source: If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.

    bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check

    Possible encoding problems in tickets created in GLPI 9.5 or older

    :warning: GLPI 10.0 encodes rich text content in a different way compared to GLPI 9.5. This revealed some bugs in the plugin in previous versions and GLPI may display old tickets with HTML tags. A CLI tool is available to fix 2 types of inconsistencies. A 3rd case may happen, but is not confirmed so far, this is why the CLI tool is not included in the release yet. The CLI tool is available here if needed.

    Bug Fixes

    • inverted existence test on ticket update (2acc5cd4)
    • log more errors, and update obsolete error logging (ae28ed6d)
    • restore page redirections existing in v2.12 (582f926c)
    • update obsolete error logging (da8929e0)
    • abstractitiltarget: glpi 10.0.3 will require a data with a valid value (5f385bb8)
    • actorfield: default value not saved (c3baebbe)
    • actorfield: php warning (6d3e98d1)
    • checkboxesfield: replace div with p in checkbowes answers (9ef95343)
    • composite: php warning breaks JSON if a ticket is not generated (2108983c)
    • descriptionfield: bad form rendering (87a74058)
    • filefield: php error when switching field type to file (a03c7a0a)
    • form: javascript (f05bc697)
    • form: list on self service homepage (ba6d4a58)
    • form: undefined var (169d2c8e)
    • form: url to form answer lists may be invalid (6cd29e6d)
    • install: avoid alter table fail (4dadea8a)
    • install: missing method in upgrade to 2.13.1 (7e9cdcd5)
    • issue: issue not deleted when tichet goes to trash bin (c977b1ca)
    • issue: purge issue when deleting associated ticket (76444ecc)
    • issue: recreate when restore ticket (2656e284)
    • item_targetticket: uuid to ID conversion (e9f326c0)
    • section: name encoding in designer and rendered form" (491dcb69)
    • targetticket: bad constant name (48dda4f3)
    • targetticket: table structure inconsistency (ff56f3f1)
    • targetticket: table structure inconsistency (892a83c3)
    • targetticket,targetchange: tags from queestion or specific tags not saved (ec08d95e)


    • prepare compatibility with PHP 8.2 (#2966) (4bb7f3c3)
    • formanswer,issue: show title in navigation header (1878e4b0)
    • kb: preselect see all categorie (1b669d4f)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.1.tar.bz2(1.23 MB)
  • 2.13.0(Aug 18, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.

    :warning: You must to upgrade from a previous stable version. Upgrading from a development or testing version is not supported.

    :warning: The plugin introduces a database sanity check. This feature checks that after the upgrade the tables have the expected structure. This revealed that some instances using Formcreator for years may have accumulated inconsistencies. The upgrade process will fix most of them for you. After the upgrade if some inconsistencies remains a non-blocking error will show:

    The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.12.5. 
    To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator

    If this error happens, switch GLPI to maintenance mode, then from a shell, locate to youtr GLPI instance folder and issue the following commands:

    php bin/console glpi:plugin:activate formcreator
    php bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator 

    Administrators with an average database knowledge should be able to fix them, based on the diff displayed as the output of the last command.

    Once the inconsistencies are fixed, disable maintenance mode.

    In the next release of Formcreator, the database integrity check will be executed before the upgrade.

    :warning: GLPI 10.0 encodes rich text content in a different way compared to GLPI 9.5. This revealed some bugs in the plugin in previous versions and GLPI may display old tickets with HTML tags. A CLI tool is available to fix 2 types of inconsistencies. A 3rd case may happen, but is not confirmed so far, this is why the CLI tool is not included in the release yet. The CLI tool is available here if needed.

    Bug Fixes

    • cannot delete a ticket from service catalog (acec9bb8)
    • abstractitiltarget: alternative email lost if no requester user (78fd8450)
    • abstracttarget: uuid should not be updated (b1e492d3)
    • checkboxesfield: avoid HTML br tag (c3a60bbb)
    • condition: compatibility with Advanced forms validation (6685b943)
    • descriptinfield: conversion to target requires escaping (b79cfa95)
    • filefield: mandatory check may cause exception (3f711a54)
    • form: PHP warning (844ef96c)
    • form: bad URL when using advanced form validation plugin (adb9fba5)
    • formanswer: grid style updated for current version of gridstack (85b6a686)
    • formanswer: select inherited class if needed (955dc969)
    • formanswer: update gridstack css (70deaa06)
    • glpiselectfield: missing entity restrict (40c9ab73)
    • install: prevent useless warnings (001d12f5)
    • install: use modern settings for tables (f04e4181)
    • issue: remove duplicate item in status dropdown (27f9f313)
    • ldapselectfield: log LDAP error instead of showing it to user (e170dc6f)
    • ldapselectfield: no translation for items (d170c79c)
    • targetticket: prevent exception in inconsistent target ticket (ba6ed88e)
    • textarea: on change event broken (9fb70edb)
    • textarea: rn chars added between lines (66571b80)
    • textarea, entityconfig: embedded image question description (#2901) (0d78db1a)
    • textareafield: embedded image upload broken (d58075cd)
    • textareafield: missing escape before compare (ba78e935)


    • formanswer: order formanswers by date desc (7fdeda51)
    • ldapselectfield: lazy loading (bffcb5b7)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0.tar.bz2(1.26 MB)
  • 2.13.0-rc.2(Jul 20, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is a Release candidate version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    We expect this version to be the last development release before the final release.

    The most important change in this release is the introduction of a tables integrity check at the end of the upgrade process. It also tries to fix schema inconsistencies discovered in some instances of GLPI using Formcreator for years. If the schema of the tables differs from the expected schema, a non blocking error will be reported. GLPI 10.0.2 is now able to check the integrity of tables of this plugin with the CLI command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator. The plugin must be activated.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha or Beta version (excluding 2.13.0-rc.1)

    :warning: The following steps are necessary only when upgrading from a previous development, alpha or beta version. When upgrading from a old release to 2.13.0, you shall not do them.

    1 removing the mini_dashboard for Formcreator (counters)

    The counters has been changed. You must delete the mini dashboard installed by previous alpha versions of Formcreator. If you're upgrading from 2.13.0-beta.1 or 2.13.0-rc.1 you may skip this step.

    Execute the following SQL requests:

    FROM glpi_dashboards_items
    WHERE dashboards_dashboards_id = (
    	SELECT id
    	FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards
    	WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters'
    DELETE FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters';

    then proceed with the next step (forced upgrade). It will build the new version of the mini dashboard. If you miss this step, the previous dashboard will show empty cards. see #2727

    2 Forced upgrade

    If you want to upgrade from an older 2.13.0-alpha or 2.13.0-beta version, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) to the current version, update the possible differences of schema in the tables of the plugin. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

    Rename of anonymous forms to public forms

    Some users of the plugin have been confused with the anonymous forms. Anonymous form are not a way to create tickets preventing technicians to identify requesters or authors. They are accessible by users without being logged in GLPI. Because of this confusion, anonymous forms are renamed public forms.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • php warning (9304443c)
    • abstractitiltarget: use_notification is not a bool (fc7d8a2f)
    • changelog: bad anchor (be417f55)
    • fieldsfield: broken rendering of question (e6bb7fbc)
    • fieldsfield: typo in string (ad9bdfb1)
    • form: able to submit when button disabled (bf3ebefe)
    • form: form property showed twice (c5e00541)
    • form: unable to upload files from public_form (6276402b)
    • formanswer: handle null value when parsing tags (63bb428c)
    • formanswer: typo in comparison operator (77415730), closes #2844
    • glpiselectfield: regex comparison (64e28bbd)
    • install: bad argument fordefault values (6f7fbc84)
    • install: convert all FK to unsigned (4ba5ed89)
    • install: disable db check prior upgrade (504727b5)
    • install: fix possible schema errors coming from version older than 2.5.0 (c9338cd6)
    • install: give more instructions to support the upgrade process (104f8fd0)
    • install: handle invalid values before changing columns, add possibly missing index (f5369f6d)
    • install: less picky checks when upgrading from 2.13.0 (7420cdce)
    • install: move command out of localizable string (859443f4)
    • install: move error messages, find schema file with unstable versions (cc886985)
    • install: pick the right schema (d9cf90a4)
    • install: post install db check (722158db)
    • install: preveit failure if tables contains some NULL values (e87b6f57)
    • install: prevent output in ajax response (1d19d7c9)
    • install: try to prevent SQL error in migration (831f273d)
    • install: workaround alter table failure (91baefb9)
    • intall: do not process non-existing tables (d5b5fd89)
    • issue: Show pending / accepted forms search results (58ea0662)
    • issue: accepted status not searchable (2df02ae4)
    • issue: allow null in name column (bb32843d)
    • issue: vonsistency with seaerch for accepted issues (64876111)
    • section: untranslated sring (fb6800cc)
    • target_actor: import requires specific input format (3a8d3eae)
    • targetticket: prevent setting a type from an incompatible question (f5de8bb6)
    • textarea: encoding problem when picture is embedded (525cfd5b)
    • wizard: rename forms menu for simplified interface (07d27926)


    • enable advanced validation (6a24d7bd)
    • update dependencies (3b9c5d8e)
    • update js dependencies (7dba5f2a)
    • fields: manage new fields type plugin (a2b58191)
    • formanswer: do not valdiate if requester is validator (613e6e30)
    • install: add schema of all older versions (814729be)
    • install: attempt to fix old inconsistencies (a94c928c)
    • install: check schema prior to upgrade (60f4bf75)
    • install: find old plugin version (5cbcd2d7)
    • install: method to get the empty SQL file (ef5fd200)
    • install: migrate tables to dynamic (54c40c8d)
    • install: report successful integrity check (f2316602)
    • issue: allow search on techs, not only myself as tech (5a462977)
    • issue: limit tech users list (0feb7d16)
    • question: allow gaps in rows (20c212e8)
    • targetticket,targetcvhange,targetproblem: update actors array (4d92bc59)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-rc.2.tar.bz2(1.32 MB)
  • 2.13.0-rc.1(Jun 7, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is a Release candidate version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha or Beta version

    :warning: The following steps are necessary only when upgrading from a previous development, alpha or beta version. When upgrading from a old release to 2.13.0, you shall not do them.

    1 removing the mini_dashboard for Formcreator (counters)

    The counters has been changed. You must delete the mini dashboard installed by previous alpha versions of Formcreator. If you're upgrading from 2.13.0-beta.1 you may skip this step.

    Execute the following SQL requests:

    FROM glpi_dashboards_items
    WHERE dashboards_dashboards_id = (
    	SELECT id
    	FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards
    	WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters'
    DELETE FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters';

    then proceed with the next step (forced upgrade). It will build the new version of the mini dashboard. If you miss this step, the previous dashboard will show empty cards. see #2727

    2 Forced upgrade

    If you want to upgrade from an older 2.13.0-alpha or 2.13.0-beta version, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgtrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) to the current version, update the possible differences of schema in the tables of the plugin. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

    Rename of anonymous forms to public forms

    Some users of the plugin have been confused with the anonymous forms. Anonymous form are not a way to create tickets preventing technicians to identify requesters or authors. They are accessible by users without being logged in GLPI. Because of this confusion, anonymous forms are renamed public forms.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • missing menu entry in simplified interface (5a07a70c)
    • abstractitiltarget: due date constants (eda3c116)
    • abstractitiltarget: failed to assign group frop object (aa92a2f8)
    • abstractitiltarget: mess with actors dropdown (baf9c042)
    • abstractitiltarget: php warning when processing file questions without answer (63e54162)
    • abstractitiltarget: unable to choose a question for location (6ad92e9a)
    • bastractitiltarget: reapply a324ed9f0635e033cbabaeddb8e238147d0c5024 (c4dac1c0)
    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: build parameters even when none in DB (57b7596b)
    • fieldsfield: remove redefined methond identical to parent (728acf60)
    • form: search criteria when using keywords (23ab7a35)
    • form: search forms to approce (5335d0ae)
    • form: show validator dropdown before submit button (3ec88a41)
    • form: where criteria outside where clause (4cdb8d8a)
    • formanswer: quote escaping problem (1b56e540)
    • instal: add column to explicit position, sync issues only on version condition (0bcba9be)
    • issue: pass object isntead of ID (6605ced2)
    • issue: redirect ticket to issue only in service catalog (6826ea86)
    • questionregex: compatibility with PHP 8.1 (b64386f9)
    • requesttypefield: typo (5b9e8f56)
    • selectfield: trim values (4f59294a)
    • target_actor: drop unused var causing PHP warning (7b223001)
    • targetticket: unable to set type (2e186345)
    • textareafield: remove hack for textarea in previous versions (203acd10)
    • urgencyfield,requesttypefield: php error if answers does not exists (42178663)
    • wizard: FAQ page may show forms (d90b0b93)
    • wizard: Info message on emlty FAQ result (d268caea)
    • wizard: adjustable width for ticket footer (80033ada)
    • wizard: card content overflow (8b22b271)
    • wizard: hide save button (48d98870)
    • wizard: margin problem on separated FAQ page (03828b4c)
    • wizard: more space between radio and iconic label (e2cdbe76)
    • wizard: show only one information message (74a55a70)
    • wizard: show plugin menus in service catalog (77c8f62c)
    • wizard: show search input only if config allows it (b807974a)
    • wizard: simplified catalog: only timeline for ticket (7a24970c)
    • wizard: swapped form and faq icons (42a45579)
    • wizard: tooltip and ellipsis on long category name (77036a9d)
    • wizard: various fixes in KB only search (41cbfd22)
    • wizard: vertical overlap of categories (5412ed99)


    • do not modify the menu with simplified interface (f7ccc2b8)
    • install: run sync issues only once when if several upgrade steps require it (c7f329ca)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-rc.1.tar.bz2(1.28 MB)
  • 2.13.0-beta.2(May 17, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is a Beta version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha or Beta version

    (mandatory) removing the mini_dashboard for Formcreator (counters)

    The counters has been changed. You must delete the mini dashboard installed by previous alpha versions of Formcreator. If you're upgrading from 2.13.0-beta.1 you may skip this step.

    Execute the following SQL requests:

    FROM glpi_dashboards_items
    WHERE dashboards_dashboards_id = (
    	SELECT id
    	FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards
    	WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters'
    DELETE FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters';

    then proceed with the next step (forced upgrade). It will build the new version of the mini dashboard. If you miss this step, the previous dashboard will show empty cards. see #2727

    Note: Upgrading from versions 2.12 or older will not require this manual intervention.

    Forced upgrade

    If you want to upgrade from an older 2.13.0-alpha or 2.13.0-beta version, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgtrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) to the current version, update the possible differences of schema in the tables of the plugin. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

    Rename of anonymous forms to public forms

    Some users of the plugin have been confused with the anonymous forms. Anonymous form are not a way to create tickets preventing technicians to identify requesters or authors. They are accessible by users without being logged in GLPI. Because of this confusion, anonymous forms are renamed public forms.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • do not overwrite dashboards from other plugins (d0f49e19)
    • remove tech group search option from service catalog (c473076f)
    • condition: condition loss if itil target edited (aaae0344)
    • condition: fail to import conditions (cb4dceb3)
    • conditionnabletrait: php warning (bdfabf8e)
    • form: Form with restricted acces: redirect to login form if not logged in (fe1eadd6)
    • form: allow redirect to login for private forms as well (bdae85a0)
    • form: design css broken (d8c76692)
    • formanswer: bad parenthesis nest and bad oject used (70b77d32)
    • glpiselectfield: generic objects support lost in TWIG conversion (d18852c0)
    • glpiselectfield,dropdownfield: comparisons methods for conditions (f41dafce)
    • install: index overflow (#2775) (cec857b8)
    • issue: restrict tech group search option to assignable groups (230b33ef)
    • targetticket: associated elements from question (0a62b976)
    • targetticket: select questions outside form (c38e1d9c)
    • wizard: bad label when searching KB items (1fc81bc8)
    • wizard: fix KB only browsing (de78b9ed)


    • dashboard: enable label (6309aa37)
    • dashboard: harmonize with GLPI color (529395a4)
    • dashboard: shorter card labels (3e29a467)
    • form: better target list presentation (343e5261)
    • form: default language for new form unset (a57e4a61)
    • formanswer: hook before generating targets (8542adc4)
    • issue: add option to hide search Issue if needed (b37e1c02)
    • tile: radius and margin (b5ce782f)
    • tile: title of tiles in bold (425c71d4)
    • ui: rework category list (2bbbe735)
    • wizard: new tile design, optional (aeb040c6)
    • wizard: replace sort label by icon (f7320a5c)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-beta.2.tar.bz2(1.27 MB)
  • 2.13.0-beta.1(Apr 26, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is a Beta version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha or Beta version

    (mandatory) removing the mini_dashboard for Formcreator (counters)

    The counters has been changed. You must delete the mini dashboard installed by previous alpha versions of Formcreator. Execute the following SQL requests:

    FROM glpi_dashboards_items
    WHERE dashboards_dashboards_id = (
    	SELECT id
    	FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards
    	WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters'
    DELETE FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards WHERE `key`='plugin_formcreator_issue_counters';

    then proceed with the next step (forced upgrade). It will build the new version of the mini dashboard. If you miss this step, the previous dashboard will show empty cards. see #2727

    Note: Upgrading from versions 2.12 or older will not require this manual intervention.

    Forced upgrade

    If you want to upgrade from an older 2.13.0-alpha or 2.13.0-beta version, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgtrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) to the current version, update the possible differences of schema in the tables of the plugin. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

    Rename of anonymous forms to public forms

    Some users of the plugin have been confused with the anonymous forms. Anonymous form are not a way to create tickets preventing technicians to identify requesters or authors. They are accessible by users without being logged in GLPI. Because if this confusion, anonymous forms are renamed public forms.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • build css command (4b29c0f3)
    • change assistance request menu icon (180a29ec)
    • fix typo in plugin.xml (1f11bc02)
    • restore compatibility with plugin News (alerts) (d421971f)
    • abstacttarget: plugin fields dropdowns not saved on ITIL object (2050c61e)
    • abstractitiltarget: json_decode deprecated null support (a2761ce6)
    • entityconfig: bad ID when editing config (7ee43b8c)
    • fieldsfield: instanciation error when fields plugin disabled (404111bd)
    • filefield: null passed to json_decode deprecated (6f56484e)
    • form: anonymous form with textarea fields (a1e71718)
    • form: check hook before using it (d0d4beff)
    • formanswer: bad id in list of uploaded files (b5a39cf0)
    • formlist: prevent php deprecation (6bc86419)
    • install: bad FK in query (6515c843)
    • install: explicit default value, just in case (f27ddbc2)
    • issue: bad test (8cb1bc3b)
    • issue: performance problem in sync issue query (c81d71ad)
    • issue: redirections when browsing tickets on helpdesk (c4f30322)
    • ldapselectfield: do not translate items (0ede18d8)
    • ldapselectfield: dynamic field update (2c4ffb86)
    • ldapselectfield: use of uninitialized var (376e2104)
    • question,section: rich text features in modals (7c8d7f7a)
    • targetticket: composite ticket settings (b194a602)
    • targetticket: prevent array_merge with null value (a4dc685e)


    • prevent using formcreator's dashboard as default (26f2b17b)
    • redo dashboard with summary (fd3ac826)
    • issue: drop obsolete code for legacy counters (802851ff)
    • ldapselectfield: remove ldap connection test when saving question (536edbf5)
    • targetticket: support location from template (4a142bd9)
    • wizard: replace home pictogram with text and move below category tree (bd79fc53)
    • wizard: show rss menu entry only if rss is avaiable (352ea544)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-beta.1.tar.bz2(1.28 MB)
  • 2.13.0-alpha.4(Apr 1, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is an Alpha version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha version

    If you awant to upgrade from an older 2.13.0-alpha version, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgtrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) to the current versionupdate the possible differences if schema in the tables of the plugin. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • an other attempt (fb267cf5)
    • avoid use of undefined var (unit tests) (a4365ef6)
    • description positionning in question design (a9352fdb)
    • link to license (afc274b0)
    • missing twig template file (eeb768bd)
    • php warnings (d3915e6b)
    • abstracttarget: HTML tags rendered in targets (d844b400), closes #2568
    • actorfield: edition problem when switching question type from dromdown / object (0c83da08)
    • common: typo (2c5e647f)
    • condition: add condition on not-yet-created item (257a41e4)
    • condition: implementation check may fail (1e89a226)
    • descriptionfield: picture rendering in user form (d86df5ca)
    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: shiw item ID only on user preference (bffbcbf5)
    • dscriptionfield: rendering shows HTML tags (1a5fe980)
    • entityconfig: enhance lazy creation of entity config (7297624b)
    • entityconfig: load entity properly to get configuration (a99f5412)
    • entityconfig: use entity foreign key (d22f176d)
    • entityconfig: use foreign key (2271e141)
    • filefield: missing class use statement (5bd752d9)
    • form: bad var to speecify the translation domain (eb189256)
    • form: count forms must take into account visibility (af49feba)
    • form: don't set default name to new targets (4fe174f6)
    • form: dot at end of error message (a2c94654)
    • form: lightbulb always gray in darker theme (2be8508b)
    • form: malformed SQL when searching for forms (4b5ac477)
    • form: re-add missing method ! (eada255e)
    • form: redirect anon user to success page (56ad7b0e)
    • form: show a warning when trying to unset form answer name (7872379a)
    • form: translation editor update for GLPI 10 (99a5a959)
    • form: typo in css (9c88ec0d)
    • form: values handling with twig (ecceb93c)
    • form_language: add dialog titles, code celanup (fabcdc1f)
    • form_language: do not show entity assignment (eb856f0f)
    • form_language: do not submit form when adding a translation (6d74fb85)
    • form_language: positionning and header (97124c47)
    • form_language: untranslated string (c6743348)
    • form_translation: edit translation dialog does not hide (bb5a8cdb)
    • formanswer: fatal error if Tag plugin is disabled (aed10dca)
    • formanswer: tolbar button should show list of forms to validate only (18bb917c)
    • formanswer: use same HTML escaping as GLPI 10 does (35f9b6e9)
    • formanswer,issue: breadcrumb (9a55cbd2)
    • glpiselectfield: bad WHERE criteria with entities (ac36272d)
    • install: delegate to GLPI the conversion of most foreign keys (c9486b7f)
    • install: drop migration of target problem: the table is not created yet (fc0dffc3)
    • install: prevent harmful upgrade replay (477b5f1e)
    • install: repair possible inconsistent root entity config (490af18c)
    • install: resequencing entityconfigs (c5bd66d2)
    • install: typo in SQL requests (e517e5b3)
    • issue: ambiguous column in SQL query (9e867808)
    • issue: null not alowed fir requesters_id (0cfea01f)
    • issue: remove redundant condition (093c3555)
    • issue: requester replaced by author on ticket update (7bc09ea1)
    • issue: restrict list of issues (75276f12)
    • ldapfield: raw condition expression must be replaced by array (7620249c)
    • question: wrong small title (e13bb3ed)
    • section: duplicating section shows inner questions twice (cfdf9405)
    • target_actor: bad error message (e4c4ebb9)
    • targetticket: bad class for constants (475d4aee)
    • targetticket: possible SQL error (44be6de1)
    • targetticket: prevent SQL error (067902fb)
    • targetticket,targetchange,targetproblem: restore back to form (cf9c7b26)
    • targetticket,targetchange,targetproblem: use regular anchor to edit a target (d3fd221e)
    • targetticket,targethange,targetproblem: add missing file (ca23dd92)
    • targetticket,targethange,targetproblem: add missing file (85609c4c)
    • textareafield: html escaping problem (63eac853)
    • textareafield: rich text and width in some configuration fields (7de8b01b)
    • textareafield: update escaping / line ending conversion to match GLPI 10 (5b6bc51a)


    • convert foreign keys to unsigned integers (4af002a8)
    • use twig to edit questions (338d5fe9)
    • abstracttarget: prepare to support non Itil targets (0d0834d4)
    • core: manage fields plugin (7149aa07)
    • entityconfig: distinguish ID and entity foreign key (542b414f)
    • filefield: allow access to document from self service (152ba276)
    • form: header hook (f8ff8a8f)
    • form: icon dropdown list included in the project (1902cb20)
    • form: rename anonymous form to public form (538aebd2)
    • form: show all forms or only default forms on virtual root category (#2644) (45e43e3b)
    • form: single click to toggle default form flag (0130897c)
    • install: do not install the plugin on marketplace deployment (88e92041)
    • targetticket: better template support for request source (61cf134f)
    • targetticket,targetchange,targetproblem: add documents to targets before creating them (39a6cd78)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-alpha.4.tar.bz2(1.27 MB)
  • v2.12.5(Mar 2, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    :warning: Important note: Some administrators use business rules relying on the request source field in tickets to distinguish tickets created by Formcreator. A change has been done in the plugin to allow customization of the request source via ticket templates. Target ticktets without template will lose the request source "Formcreator". If business rules use the request source "Formcreator" it is recommended to add a ticket template to target tickets, with a predefiend field "request source" set to "Formcreator".

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • height of category should not be limtied (4a98be86), closes #2574
    • abstracttarget: email actors deduplication (4ec19042)
    • descriptionfield: do not convert description into docs (563f2771)
    • descriptionfield: picture rendering in user form (ddff108f)
    • dropdownfield: invalid SQL (d7f47a6d)
    • dropdownfield: prevent PHP notice (8a7f3f3b)
    • dropdownfield: tree management (99ecf426)
    • form: missing closing braacket (8cd6a021)
    • form: redirect anon user to success page (5ffa1b96)
    • form: saved input problem (bdd1211d)
    • form: typo in export code (946f47f6)
    • form_language: untranslated string (df9ddf0f)
    • formlanguage: chained translation broken (d32682ca)
    • glpiselectfield: entity restriction not applied on users (79af87d2)
    • hostnamefield: value not read from answers (0d799600)
    • install: force update of the table before updating it with syncIssues (3f5ebaa9)
    • install: prevent NULL from upgrading table (9f188dd6)
    • issue: ambiguous column in SQL query (db757baf)
    • issue: show tooltip only when sub item is readable (cbef735b)
    • ldapfield: raw condition expression must be replaced by array (996a3523)
    • target_actor: bad error message (e90a9d94)
    • targetticket: fix TTR input display (dfa1371d)
    • targetticket: loss of associated element (a88d44c7)
    • targetticket: possible SQL error (0847a0c0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.5.tar.bz2(1.20 MB)
  • 2.13.0-alpha.3(Jan 31, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is an Alpha version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha version

    Many testers report an upgrade issue with a missing is_dashboard column. I thank them for their contribution. There is no upgrade procedure between two Alpha versions. This is intentional as this upgrade code shall not exist in a final release.

    If you are in such case, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgtrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) and the current version; and add the column. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • add missing templates (36b80180)
    • add missing templates (c133b3dc)
    • bad class names (3929bd52)
    • deduplicate a constant (c5708445)
    • left botrder (edfacd96)
    • margin in ticket's timeline (368450bd)
    • remove dead code (7197679d)
    • restore useful file (cf619ca6)
    • ribbon in modals (a33386fc)
    • abstracttarget: bad field name (9e0c3de3)
    • abstracttarget: bad field name (c8b9ae4b)
    • abstracttarget: email actors deduplication (4d64a072)
    • actorfield: avoid empty choice (5743b78e)
    • actorfield: padding before items (c7615250)
    • condition: better integrity check (b93a46c0)
    • condition: enhance skip checks flag implementation (2ca80e14)
    • condition: make condition work with question (not using twig yet) (6a76c43b)
    • condition: some display failures (c456a5d2)
    • form: add margin between form header and sections list (105a918d)
    • form: data consistency check (4def6775)
    • form: display user form spacing problem (80d47d0a)
    • form: problem displaying a anonymous compatible question (962bb337)
    • form: saved input problem (c37f0a09)
    • form: typo (65a818cb)
    • form: typo (7414ff7e)
    • form: typo (a47b1ca7)
    • form: typo in localized string (521f5d6b)
    • form: visible by default (bc2ebfd6)
    • form_profile: php warning (0feade42)
    • form_validator: factorize, fix several code inconsistencies (df636174)
    • formanswer: breadcrumb (1b13ee89)
    • formanswer: ignore deleted tickets when finding minimal status (a3c529d6)
    • formlanguage: chained translation broken (a7d559cf)
    • glpiselectfield: entity restriction not applied on users (e8a3d1b4)
    • glpiselectfield: itemtype data migrated in dedicated column (d667d690)
    • glpiselectfield: search itemtype in wrong locatin (9fd2befe)
    • hostnamefield: value not read from answers (dc7ad7b9)
    • instal: tables must be utf8mb4 (5e36515c)
    • install: force update of the table before updating it with syncIssues (f4c95ed1)
    • install: make install more silent (e857e2fb)
    • issue: do not alter validator user on ticket update (4d8ae9d3)
    • issue: prevent creation if the ticket is linked to a form answer (13638cdb)
    • issue: prevent php warings with incorrect url (972dc400)
    • issue: show issue even when service catalog is disabled (131bfe53)
    • issue: show ticket in service catalog (e83c7793)
    • question: don't show mandatory toggle when not supported (b5e15b7d)
    • question: empty name section unavailable (356a4e18)
    • question: missing arg for template, breaking conditions rendering (9c0ce396)
    • question: no twig here for now (cfeab139)
    • question: show error message on deletion failure (0f5b49f0)
    • question: uniformuze question and section JS code (4e997e59)
    • question: vertical margin between condition mode and list of conditions (2d961c76)
    • question,section: set icon (c3b17174)
    • radiosfield: changing question type from glpi select fails (e35cfea6)
    • section: order lost after section deletion (ac495734)
    • section,question: add and edit don't get teh value of rich text areas (7c7e4a9a)
    • section,question: modals malfunctions (cf22eb02)
    • target_actor: export/import (8dfbeb15)
    • target_actor: prevent inconsistent adds (9f75b258)
    • target_actor: unable to add some actors (16c35f34)
    • target_actor: use ajax to add and delete items (f7efae09)
    • targetchange: add missing template (6f532fe1)
    • targetproblem: update interface (1ee9f3da)
    • targetticket: do not force request type (dedef1d5)
    • targetticket: loss of associated element (82112fba)
    • textareafield: call to non existing class (a333da83)
    • textareafield: deprecated call (2c3702d9)


    • drop layout : no longer exists in GLPI 10 (b4f7089b)
    • drop support of GLPI 9.5 (372a917e)
    • mini dashboard (fa60d270)
    • category: use home icon instead of 'see all' (e75e6ab6)
    • entityconfig: show option for dashboard (5ebc2db3)
    • entityconfig: show option for dashboard (347083d3)
    • form: automatically create a section when creating a form (e5577ed1)
    • formanswer: priority to waiting and processing status (4fbdfa44)
    • install: drop upgrade support from very old versions (214cfc82)
    • issue,formanswer: compose status from ticket (fa89fd70)
    • wizard: do not show forms or FAQ on page load (dcbcdf94)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-alpha.3.tar.bz2(1.24 MB)
  • v2.12.4(Jan 10, 2022)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    :warning: Important note: Some administrators use business rules relying on the request source field in tickets to distinguish tickets created by Formcreator. A change has been done in the plugin to allow customization of the request source via ticket templates. Target ticktets without template will lose the request source "Formcreator". If business rules use the request source "Formcreator" it is recommended to add a ticket template to target tickets, with a predefiend field "request source" set to "Formcreator".

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • ajax calls converted into post (baa41ad1)
    • convert GET requests to post (9d5dccc0)
    • redirection to wrong ticket in some cases (13e6f986)
    • remove compiled css (f7a81e33)
    • strict JS code triggers warnings (db02124b)
    • form: PHP warning when displaying form's historical (41e1bc4b)
    • form: php warning - unitialized var (a5f12bc0)
    • form: run conditions for admins (4eff1c71)
    • form: store itemtype in DOM (ba5c573f)
    • formanswer: loss of answers upon valdiation (f9070765)
    • issue: better definition of comment search options (842bb499)
    • issue: better redirection (8fb083ed)
    • issue: redirection when multiple tickets (ba4ddfc8)
    • ldapfield: non latin char escaping (80f13370)
    • linker: inverted arguments in method call (f6490e22)
    • question: empty name section unavailable (69715639)
    • question: show error message on deletion failure (9f8905f8)
    • question: show error message on deletion failure (1e7134be)
    • question: show error toast when editing a question fails (02ce9335)
    • section: order lost after section deletion (91e19288)
    • targetticket: do not force request type (eedb9a44)


    • category: show parent label in back pseudo-item (6991c9dd)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.4.tar.bz2(1.17 MB)
  • 2.13.0-alpha.2(Dec 21, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is an Alpha version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • category tree broken (f60043fb)
    • do not redefine menu if standard interface (37001d25)
    • ineffective code to define menu (1ab4a065)
    • malformed menu item for KB (7641ba6b)
    • re-add menu items for service catalog (f24d4e00)
    • redirection to wrong ticket in some cases (a2c3898a)
    • remove useless config link in plugin (58df4079)
    • form: PHP warning when displaying form's historical (893efdab)
    • form: duplication error (0ff45961), closes #2448
    • form: import linker reset (1003dc45)
    • form: use download icon for import (7c9e88ec)
    • formanswer: loss of answers upon valdiation (21a29ba3)
    • formlist: remove useless links in menu (e85e04bd)
    • fromanwser: status display enhancements (#2508) (e87cbdbc)
    • issue: call to deprecated method (db56d3e5)
    • issue: redirection when multiple tickets (64eb8a50)
    • issue: use of RichText class (707a9b91)
    • ldapfield: non latin char escaping (c4473de3)
    • ldapselect: drop support for PHP 7.3 as GLPI supports 7.4 and later (52e6cad2)
    • ldapselect: drop support for PHP 7.3 as GLPI supports 7.4 and later (c98e3430)
    • ldapselect: drop support for PHP 7.3 as GLPI supports 7.4 and later (7033c3a4)
    • linker: inverted arguments in method call (c477ae91)
    • question: show error toast when editing a question fails (d90c3f99)


    • Improve browser tabs names (58a9b047)
    • adapt to new GLPI's autoload (894df7cc)
    • adapt to new GLPI's autoload (534856df)
    • build css if missing (9d6aec77)
    • answer: copmatibility with API (f4dd4a31)
    • category: show parent label in back pseudo-item (893b2ccc)
    • form: compliance with GLPI 10; replace form categories by KB categories (c7c60592)
    • issue: access to admins (33ee3eaa)
    • targetproblem: target problem (e9af4130)
    • targetproblem: target problem (4ae2a92e)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-alpha.2.tar.bz2(1.17 MB)
  • 2.13.0-alpha.1(Nov 23, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is an Alpha version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

    Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • colors for counters (d172843c)
    • remove compiled css (51573194)
    • responsive UI (44d061c7)
    • strict JS code triggers warnings (8262bd3c)
    • text inputs CSS (cd7a232c)
    • timestamps in DB (3897820c)
    • various UI fixes (cabdd8a5)
    • abstracttarget: add button appearance (f82a277d)
    • docs: remove again useless files (56f49410)
    • docs: remove useless files from repo (75f81c33)
    • form: store itemtype in DOM (68ad8969)
    • form: text inputs without bootstrap CSS (989505e7)
    • form: text inputs without bootstrap CSS (08e9aa2f)
    • form: use font awesome (15c66f80)
    • form_validator: manage deletion of all items for a level (41320baf)
    • form_validator: manage deletion of all items for a level (dc3dcf4b)
    • form_validator: possible blank page (43e4a091)
    • formanswer: handle answers when valdiating (a5a6a6c7)
    • formanswer: load answers when validating a formanswer (99844c97)
    • formanswer: no longer need to call showfields on display (c01ae3d7)
    • install: port DATETIME to TIMESTAMP upgrade bug from glpi (619f647c)
    • issue: enable qtip for formanswer (915bf058)
    • issue: include 1st level validator groups of current user (2dd31f28)
    • issue: possible SQL error whe naccessing issues from helpdesk (5a772ae2)
    • issue: restrict user dropdowns to current user in service catalog (cedfe559)
    • question: make import resilient against missing parameters (5604c92d)
    • question: refactor requirement for input (3934caa9)
    • question: text input CSS (d3bddf17)
    • question: text input CSS (0c0a932c)
    • targetticket: SQL exception, refactor (2af9d34d)
    • targetticket,targetchange: adding tags was broken (bf34506c)
    • targetticket,targetchange: deletion broken (f251dced)


    • big update (b60fbe47)
    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: choose if subtree root is selectable (164e7524)
    • form_validator: enhance presentation (2cb3f4ef)
    • form_valodator: multiple validation level (75106b61)
    • glpiselectfield: databases plugin support (1a42e8ad)
    • install: drop internal CLI instal script (96a26317)
    • install: upgrade from 2.11.3 to 2.12 (d115c3d8)
    • issue: validation_percent (bd9b865c)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.13.0-alpha.1.tar.bz2(1.17 MB)
  • v2.12.3(Nov 5, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • color of counters lost (5834f96f)
    • css minify via GLPI's CLI tool broken (43adbfc8)
    • menu unreadable in service catalog (2790dac8)
    • abstracttarget: conflicting dropdowns (57b775fb)
    • answer: missing default value in schema (195ef446)
    • category: completename rendered instead of short name (82f50ccb), closes #2424
    • condition: ensure form object is loaded (d7c3c2c9)
    • descriptinfield: list rendering (0e4421da)
    • dropdownfield: group restriction inaccurate (ab83f34d)
    • dropdownfield: itil category is entity assignable (26d8352a)
    • form: allow admins to testforms (e3462d5b)
    • form: allow condition evaluation on disabled forms for admins (65c46bd7)
    • form: export of entity / category name (18f9611c)
    • form: handling duplication failure when no form to rename (351a36d3)
    • form: invaldiate opcache (630e5239)
    • form_language: vertical view does not works (1b180d27)
    • formanswer: unloadded objects when validating (b4891be4)
    • glpiselectfield: tree settings of entity question (48053f55)
    • glpiselectfield, dropdownfield: filter by helpdesk visibility only in simplified interface (1cb5f346)
    • install: populate issues table on upgrade (76550d21)
    • issue: SQL escaping problem with text fields (d589745e)
    • issue: answers with multiple tickets (c77be76f)
    • locales: wrong language used in service catalog (0327d520)


    • glpiselectfield: restrict tickets in simplified interface (8a901f48)
    • targetticket: link to a ticket from a question (a563d11e)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.3.tar.bz2(1.19 MB)
  • v2.12.2(Sep 14, 2021)

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    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintaner, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • entityconfig: hamonize wtUI with GLPI (99ef6e6)
    • field: check access rights before updating fields visibility (ef3fc66)
    • form_validator: php errors in import process (7ae01dc)
    • ipfield, hiddenfield: do not generate HTML input if edition disabled (0776ef2)
    • targetticket: associated items from question (2cd2bd6)
    • check right before export (af04e78)
    • duplicate JS function (5386f65)
    • fields: preveint fatal error when inconsistency found in DB (65c461a)
    • ldapfield: organize code and prevent obsolete function call (514e751)
    • ldapfield: undefined var makes LDAP querying fail (2dddc30)
    • question: save images in description as inline base64 (21b94f5)
    • targetticket: remove useless use statement (906ebeb)
    • targetticket: type not set (6d4c3af)
    • targetticket, targetchange: embedded image handling (44a65a0)
    • targetticket,targetchange: avoid adding same actor several times (1f82f3b)
    • textfield,txtareafield: defaultr value not translated (15bb281)
    • urgencyfield: obey empty_value_setting (91f14eb)
    • LDAP error handler (6130581)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.2.tar.bz2(1.18 MB)
  • v2.12.1(Aug 18, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    Help / Contribution needed

    • Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintaner, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
    • documentation review and updates

    Bug Fixes

    • category: bad load event (b573f74)
    • descriptionfield: increase tex limit (c57cb14)
    • entityconfig: default values and constant values of KB separation (31ccd9b)
    • entityconfig: do not allow edition of config if not enough right (067600a)
    • entityconfig: do not show Formcreator tab if no right (452f682)
    • entityconfig: HTML should be clenaed for safety, not dropped (39b569f)
    • entityconfig: tinymce not always loaded (f2cd143)
    • form: add target form shall use the theme's color palette (4774f1d)
    • form: forms not translated on central tab (f7a6ec8)
    • form: untranslated description (e97d3fb)
    • form: use GLPI's color theme when showing list of targets (ee8a6e2)
    • formanswer: deletion of answers when accepting answers without editing them (317c4da)
    • glpiselectfield: entity restriction not saved (6869eed)
    • glpiselectfield,dropdownfield: entity restriction show / hide issues (72972f9)
    • issue: missed column rename in redirection handling (01d0816)
    • issue: redirection error (aeb297b)
    • question: check regex condition before save or update (57914ac)
    • question,section: backslash in the name appears after editing an existing item (1db01f5)
    • targetticket,targetchange: cannot use dropdown type questions to set entity, category (de0a303)
    • targetticket,targetchange: current user may be automatically added to requesters (8fa2a3f)
    • translation: backslashes in translated text (cf7589f)
    • translation: bad arguments when clearing cache (623728a)
    • typo causing a fatal error (fa8dc9b)
    • radiosfield: bad regex condition check (221ae34)
    • targetticket,targetchange: long text truncated by GLPI (9143172)
    • targetticket,targetchange: target title not translated (fee9f4f)
    • targetticket,targetchange: title is a string, not a rich text (3b6171a)
    • redirect from ticket to formanswer if several target tickets (dbfbb10)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.1.tar.bz2(1.16 MB)
  • v2.12.0(Jul 22, 2021)

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    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    Help / Contribution needed

    Major changes

    This version allows forms to be translated in several languages. The language is selected depending on the current language of the current user. If the form is used anonymously, the language is selected by scanning the available translations. Play the screencast

    Support for change template was introduced. Form designers can now use a change template to predefine some properties of a change generated by the plugin.

    A validator can update answers before accepting them.

    The install / upgrade script has been dropped. GLPI provides a plugin management via CLI, use it instead to install, upgrade, activate or deactivate the plugin.

    Bug Fixes

    • compatibility with next version of GLPI (08f07cf9)
    • rename scripts file (5899fd35)
    • actorsfield: prevent error when computing tooltip (2d1b85d9)
    • checkboxes: avoid error when computing tooltip (f054bbcd)
    • composite: avoid error if ticket does not exists (67a4092f)
    • composite: fix PHP warning (6cc01b9b)
    • docs: bug report template must specify GLPI and plugins versions (2bdb173a)
    • dropdownfield: fix parameters build for dropdowns (75c09678)
    • dropdownfield: handling tree restriction params (ca23e501)
    • form: default value for language (5005a279)
    • form: form title not translated in service catalog (a61cbf65)
    • form: language column too short (3f56044b), closes #2285
    • form: performance fix (81cf0065)
    • formanswer: bad validator right check for groups (91561830)
    • glpiselectfield: rendering the itemtype (6d244c6c)
    • issue: bad key when finding sub item of an assistance request (6392cdf3)
    • issue: normalize columns (f7931150)
    • issue: search options 14 ant 15 (dd9d2608)
    • issue: update status when adding a validation (2e1ae1a9)
    • section,question: workaround GLPI bug (8d837f34)
    • targetchange,targetticket: DB schema (29a7c1df)
    • targetticket: associate items to tickets (14a991b9)
    • targetticket,targetchange: file dispatch accross several targets broken (753b423d)
    • targetticket,targetchange: missing import of template settings (791b1a20)


    • targetchange: change template support (0ea4079e)
    • targetticket: actor type: "Form author's manager" (acefca84)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.0.tar.bz2(1.14 MB)
  • v2.12.0-beta.1(Jun 17, 2021)

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    This is a Beta version

    This release is for testing, bug tracking purpose. Do not use it on production. Need tests on

    • upgrading data from earlier versions
    • forms translations feature (see below for description)
    • regressions

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    Help / Contribution needed

    Major changes

    This version allows forms to be translated in several languages. The language is selected depending on the current language of the current user. If the form is used anonymously, the language is selected by scanning the browser's preferences. Play the screencast

    The install / upgrade script has been dropped. GLPI provides a plugin management via CLI, use it instead to install, upgrade, activate or deactivate the plugin.

    Bug Fixes

    • add and refactor search options (81f4a448)
    • change the placeholder of the search input (8cc14d4e)
    • fatal error when not filling a date (70896c96)
    • inappropriate css loading (bb48bd8b)
    • long text may be truncated (b534f7e9)
    • path detection to load JS (06a10e05)
    • reset obsoleted tabs (75d67687)
    • responsive UI (9f177131)
    • several field have useless slash escaping (14cceffe)
    • show menu when width is low (6571bd57)
    • timestamps in DB (e8649b9e)
    • actorfield: answer not displayed when shwoing saved data (c1e3f91d)
    • actorsfield: missed function rename (9ed3a50d)
    • checkboxesfield: use correct translation input type (50a79820)
    • condition: avoid HTML entities in dropdown (4bdbdb85)
    • condition: loss of condition on submit button (42d5fedd)
    • docs: remove again useless files (f57d04fc)
    • docs: remove useless files from repo (259da94b)
    • dropdownfield: add security token for GLPI 9.5.3 (d6adbbff)
    • dropdownfield: disable recursivity (98f87ab3)
    • dropdownfield: entity restriction relative to the form, not the user (358b78a0), closes #2047
    • dropdownfield: fix SQL error when translations are enabled (c55dc491)
    • dropdownfield: wrong IDOR token construct (d7152e61)
    • entityconfig: bad constant value (b887b204)
    • filefield: mandatory fails when file is uploaded (08e297b2)
    • form: add label to validator inputs (34269120)
    • form: add spacing between questions (68df69f9)
    • form: create dir for translations (d8b49484)
    • form: error message when anonymous form submitted (f48f010d)
    • form: loss of icon when editing a form (ba1ac340)
    • form: reimplement submit button conditions (363141e6)
    • form: sort not applied on 1st display (3ef23095)
    • form: typo in class name (3fcf5bd5)
    • form: version check on import (41e0108b)
    • form_language: limit items with langaues for the form only (d103bb49)
    • formanswer: cacptcha check (c5044cf1)
    • formanswer: load answers when validating a formanswer (8277822d)
    • formanswer: no longer need to call showfields on display (17d85f93)
    • formanswer: status displayed twice, useless (41a46c64)
    • formanswers: execute show conditions when displaying formanswer (3e508a10)
    • glpiselectfield: comparisons need to properly find the itemtype (57578ec2)
    • install: broken upgrade of target_actors (d4441623)
    • install: consistency between datetime and timestamp type in DB (270ee38a)
    • install: php error in upgrade (8477345d)
    • install: port DATETIME to TIMESTAMP upgrade bug from glpi (c8405774)
    • install: prevent ON UPDATE statement in table description (ab32142e)
    • issue: access to tickets (38376d94)
    • issue: enable qtip for formanswer (968c2f9f)
    • issue: include 1st level validator groups of current user (3d86a3f4)
    • issue: loss of issue on automatic action (f6a33adb)
    • issue: php warning when running mailcollector (03869be2)
    • issue: possible SQL error whe naccessing issues from helpdesk (535aa824)
    • issue: restrict user dropdowns to current user in service catalog (3ad80e25)
    • issue: update handling of url in emai: notifications (77d3a329)
    • issue: update modificaitoin date when a followup is added to ticket (0d6597ad)
    • ldapfield: PHP warning when editing the question (09e3a3a9), closes #2116
    • ldapfield: only last page of LDAP results rendered (17ac4615)
    • notificationtargetformanswer: tags not fully rendered (e0b3ba7d)
    • question: better error handling (cf8f56fc)
    • question: handle long label display (e1301b8b)
    • question: make import resilient against missing parameters (6a2e2aba)
    • question: prevent bad request (ea66d631)
    • question: reduce spacing in edition tools (f0e9f139)
    • questionrange: bad search option indexing (f73aa118)
    • section: fail to import condition settings (6f2e76fa)
    • section: handle long label in design mode (5398c4f1)
    • section: improve again UI (faa53a28)
    • section: third iteration of improvements (4a68dbcb)
    • section: various visual fixes (e8dbaf53)
    • selectfield: validity check different from radios field (c59c16ae)
    • targetchange: may return null instead of string (c5c05c30)
    • targetticket: date 'now' from a template (47317884)
    • targetticket: dropdowns for SLA/OLA (7cd80230)
    • targetticket,targetchange: adding tags was broken (bdd0ac97)
    • targetticket,targetchange: bad return value in setTargetEntity (eff7ade4)
    • targetticket,targetchange: error when displaying tag from question settings (b1968084)
    • textareafield: wrong translatable string returned (add03993)
    • translation: dialog to add a language to translate (43c9cca8)
    • wizard: don't show tabs for KB item in service catalog (514905d2)
    • wizard: reduce spacing between search bar and results (1068d6a3)
    • wizard: show FAQ items only if have right (8ae7fe2c)
    • wizard: use constant (586a6bf9)
    • wizard: var declaration mandatory (1d457ebb)
    • wizard: wrong menu highlighted when browsing FAQ (9778b300)


    • configurable visibiliy of search input (f0e79c4b)
    • fields with arbitrary values are displayed translated (935168af)
    • header on service catalog (52a5e655)
    • translatable forms (5b750a19)
    • translate answers for targets and notifications (9b30339b)
    • condition: add condition to show or hide the item (c932ff71)
    • dropdownfield: allow regex comparison (cbbff5c3)
    • dropdownfield: integrate splitcate (1.3.0) (1ce6d49a)
    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: choose if subtree root is selectable (33775ddc)
    • form: enable / disable form with single click (4ebbac6c)
    • form_language: export / import (1c741964)
    • formanswer: update anwers when validating (571e9cec)
    • formanswer,issue: convert datetimes to timestamps (6c5525d5)
    • glpiselect: add tree settings to entity" (fe2867d4)
    • glpiselectfield: databases plugin support (b18d4ce7)
    • glpiselectfield: support for Generic Object plugin (dbc5ae48)
    • install: drop internal CLI instal script (62f601f6)
    • install: upgrade from 2.11.3 to 2.12 (2e855157)
    • issue: change status conversion matrix (cd16915b)
    • questionparameter: make translatable (8de2948c)
    • translation: delete translation when translation is being deleted (0ee9257f)
    • translation: limit massive actions (03365766)
    • translation: make translations UI faster to use (b765943c)
    • translation: use modal (89b62215)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.12.0-beta.1.tar.bz2(1.13 MB)
  • v2.11.4(May 28, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.

    Important note:

    Change of behavior since 2.11.0

    The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

    • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
    • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
    • processing their answers
    • consistency checks when designing forms.

    These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates. In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

    This version contains the following change:

    entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023. Those who want to keep the old behavior must revert this change.

    Bug Fixes

    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: entity recursivity regression (a7e08a69)
    • form: compatibility with themes (43ae9986)
    • ldapselectfield: compatibility with PHP 8 (ca09db9a)
    • selectfield: regex comparison (b211bd39)
    • selectfield,cheeckboxesfield: too much escaping (ee54f8b4)


    • glpiselectfield: hook to allow plugins to declare their itemtypes (3274d3c0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.11.4.tar.bz2(1.10 MB)
  • v2.11.3(Apr 30, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 only. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes below to know the reason.

    Important note:

    Possible database issue before GLPI 9.5.5

    It was found that the conversion from datetime to timestamp operated by GLPI may introduce a bug in this plugin. To solve the problem for everyone it has been decided to make this plugin compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 and drop compatibility with older 9.5.x maintenance releases. See this PR for more information: . With this fix introduced in GLPI 9.5.5 users who convert to timestamp won't be affected by the bug, but those who converted earlier may still be impacted. To solve this, this version contains an database upgrade which repairs the impacted columns and the compatibility has been restricted to GLPI 9.5.5.

    The issue was timestamp columns looking the following

    `date_creation` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(),

    The statement ON UPDATE current_timestamp() is added by mysql, is unwanted and may be found on 2 tables of the plugin.

    Change of behavior since 2.11.0

    The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

    • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
    • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
    • processing their answers
    • consistency checks when designing forms.

    These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates. In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

    This version contains the following change:

    entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023. Those who want to keep the old behavior must revert this change.

    Bug Fixes

    • condition: avoid HTML entities in dropdown (451dfbd)
    • dropdownfield: disable recursivity (daa7fb0)
    • fields: prevent empty expression evaluation (f9fabb5), closes #2195
    • form: bad sql expression for right check (2e9b693)
    • form: bad SQL to find validator groups (42d0665)
    • form: compatibility with dark theme (4c465f5)
    • form: sort not applied on 1st display (cfe5347)
    • form: version check on import (849db8e)
    • formanswer: load answers when validating a formanswer (9ea1460)
    • formanswer: no longer need to call showfields on display (9cea337)
    • formanswers: execute show conditions when displaying formanswer (edd1247)
    • issue: enable qtip for formanswer (72d89b0)
    • issue: include 1st level validator groups of current user (f9addab)
    • issue: php warning when running mailcollector (c4bc865)
    • issue: restrict user dropdowns to current user in service catalog (9891c89)
    • issue: update modificaitoin date when a followup is added to ticket (4d5ed7f)
    • ldapfield: only last page of LDAP results rendered (ea4ddfc)
    • question: make import resilient against missing parameters (1594e6f)
    • section: ensure unique order for duplicate (9db4229)
    • targetticket: date 'now' from a template (f40ec4d)
    • apply translation on kb list (fb0f1a6)
    • prevent inconsistent timestamps in DB (4b66eb8)
    • responsive UI (33d8ee4)
    • show menu when width is low (9ec53fa)
    • targetticket,targetchange: bad return value in setTargetEntity (e0ddd2d)
    • targetticket,targetchange: error when displaying tag from question settings (3c1ed6a)
    • wizard: don't show tabs for KB item in service catalog (ea3afe5)
    • wizard: responsiveness for mobile devices (e2508f3)
    • wizard: show FAQ items only if have right (8d2cdf1)
    • wizard: wrong menu highlighted when browsing FAQ (cfe2ac0)


    • form: enable / disable form with single click (e7bd38e)
    • glpiselectfield: databases plugin support (e245ba5)
    • issue: change status conversion matrix (60ba8bf)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.11.3.tar.bz2(1.10 MB)
  • v2.11.2(Feb 25, 2021)

    Download it

    Important note:

    The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

    • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
    • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
    • processing their answers
    • consistency checks when designing forms.

    These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates. In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

    This version contains the following change:

    entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023

    Bug Fixes

    • actorfield: answer not displayed when shwoing saved data (003ddda)
    • form: loss of icon when editing a form (d340f79)
    • issue: update handling of url in emai: notifications (b99b19b)
    • fatal error when not filling a date (940bfee)
    • ldapfield: PHP warning when editing the question (db452c7), closes #2116
    • question: better error handling (051184a)
    • question: vertical alignment on display for requester (eda6842)
    • section: fail to import condition settings (7f712bd)
    • selectfield: validity check different from radios field (46ce9b3)
    • wizard: reduce spacing between search bar and results (36870e5)


    • dropdownfield: allow regex comparison (9fd8c1a)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.11.2.tar.bz2(1.10 MB)
  • v2.11.1(Feb 3, 2021)

    Download it

    Important note:

    The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

    • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
    • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
    • processing their answers
    • consistency checks when designing forms.

    These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates. In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

    This version contains the following change:

    entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023

    Bug Fixes

    • dropdownfield: add security token for GLPI 9.5.3 (44b5244)
    • inappropriate css loading (bbde619)
    • dropdownfield: fix SQL error when translations are enabled (0272721)
    • dropdownfield: wrong IDOR token construct (1689ecb)
    • filefield: mandatory fails when file is uploaded (58c2dd1)
    • form: error message when anonymous form submitted (a9dd24b)
    • install: broken upgrade of target_actors (40db225)
    • notificationtargetformanswer: tags not fully rendered (9c2620f)
    • question: prevent bad request (ac9f693)
    • targetticket: dropdowns for SLA/OLA (9e5bd85)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.11.1.tar.bz2(1.10 MB)
  • v2.11.0(Jan 28, 2021)

    Download it

    Important note:

    The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

    • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
    • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
    • processing their answers
    • consistency checks when designing forms.

    These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates. In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

    This version contains the following change:

    entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023

    Major features

    • Questions are now positioned on a 4 columns grid and may have variable width
    • Service catalog may split forms and KB in 2 distinct menu entries (disabled by default)
    • Default sorting of forms (alphabetic, popularity) is now customizable (see entity > forms tab)
    • Captcha for anonymous forms (disabled by default)


    • SyncIssues automatic action is now disabled by default. Upgrading to 2.11 will disable it as well.


    Bug Fixes

    • actorsfield: missed function rename (8d26857)
    • condition: loss of condition on submit button (bc69358)
    • entityconfig: bad constant value (114f6d1)
    • form: add label to validator inputs (73295e3)
    • form: add spacing between questions (2946d74)
    • form: reimplement submit button conditions (9211926)
    • issue: loss of issue on automatic action (436035c)
    • question: handle long label display (7705e58)
    • question: reduce spacing in edition tools (bdd5240)
    • section: handle long label in design mode (b86de8d)
    • section: improve again UI (bd2dc96)
    • section: third iteration of improvements (8716108)
    • path detection to load JS (c2fa979)
    • several field have useless slash escaping (e61d6ff)
    • section: various visual fixes (c9f9e3b)
    • wizard: use constant (bb326eb)
    • wizard: var declaration mandatory (7645f63)


    • condition: add condition to show or hide the item (2681b9c)
    • dropdownfield: integrate splitcat (1.3.0) (784eae0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.11.0.tar.bz2(1.10 MB)
  • v2.11.0-beta.1(Jan 7, 2021)

    Download it

    This version is beta. You may contribute to improve the plugin before the final release, planned for the last week of January 2021.

    How can you help?

    • Test the upgrade process of the plugin.
    • Test the new features, especially the new questions layout for forms.
    • Help to translate the locales in your language. Translations are stored on Transifex.

    Important note:

    The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

    • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
    • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
    • processing their answers
    • consistency checks when designing forms.

    These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates. In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

    This version contains the following change:

    entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023

    Major features

    • Questions are now positioned on a 4 columns grid and may have variable width
    • Service catalog may split forms and KB in 2 distinct menu entries (disabled by default)
    • Default sorting of forms (alphabetic, popularity) is now customizable (see entity > forms tab)
    • Captcha for anonymous forms (disabled by default)


    • SyncIssues automatic action is now disabled by default. Upgrading to 2.11 will disable it as well.


    Bug Fixes

    • bad path for marketplace (e8b38f0c)
    • bad path for marketplace, load tinymce in issue (9b75f05f)
    • class should not be accessed directly (aeb59ebf)
    • class should not be accessed directly (480a8fa7)
    • fix ajax calls (02013495)
    • keep backward compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (834c73a2)
    • keep the user in the service catalog (7f9451a8)
    • marketplace compatibility (08dc1a18)
    • marketplace compatibility (again) (ef5f0803)
    • missing declaration for variable (b765930d)
    • missing declaration for variable (071d39d0)
    • modal positionning (c94df7c7)
    • other bad redirections (3830463b)
    • path for marketplace compatibility (1d8bcf60)
    • remove code left for debug (81bc7b6b)
    • several missing cap in strings (b8a37b6e)
    • syntax error in JS file (84a3707e)
    • update hooks (1ffb1ca1)
    • useless escaping (dca026d2)
    • various fix on fields (a01d603c)
    • various fixes on duplicate / import (0d7c4dd2)
    • actorsfield: compatibility with GLPI 9.5.3 (7e3c6e74)
    • build: invert order of versions in changelog (9a8782e3)
    • category: entity restriction not applied (fb2a1957)
    • category: use short name (ad3d16d1)
    • central: list of forms displayed twice (056b419d)
    • checkbowesfield: migrate data to JSON (2b431253)
    • checkboxfield: avoid unicode escaping (3276b9a7)
    • common: better search for ticket validation (e7bbdccb)
    • common: getMax fails with PHP 7.4 (51ebc459)
    • conditin: export broken (62b1d692)
    • condition: broken UI when adding a conditionnable with conditions (006b2860)
    • condition: catch comparison exception (4bdaab4b)
    • condition: export broken (788d1f17)
    • condition: inability to add a rows to conditions (40129a69)
    • condition: missing FK when editing conditions (c96f2f53)
    • condition: permit update of conditionnable items without specifying conditions agaiin (b95bdae9)
    • condition: php warning if a wuestion does not exists (9e6ae32b)
    • condition: remove conditions when disabled (b2655e54)
    • condition: use of constants (234b4e30)
    • confition: hide garbage conditions (4491e7a2)
    • datefield: undefined var when creating question (b11bc4e5)
    • datefield,datetimefield: avoid PHP warnings (90f82596)
    • datefield,datetimefield: not rendered fields (fe70b426)
    • description: simple text may render HTML tags (09c0b4bd)
    • dropdownfield: SQL error : ambiguous column id (2da15830)
    • dropdownfield: SQL error to find curent user's groups (985a8b28)
    • dropdownfield: bad entity restriction (3a664f80)
    • dropdownfield: compatibility with Document itemtype (bc968b39)
    • dropdownfield: compatibility with Tags plugin (7752758a)
    • dropdownfield: empty dropdown (2b8b7f12)
    • dropdownfield: entity restriction relative to the form, not the user (dc7dda94), closes #2047
    • dropdownfield: label for change categories and request categories (b534ad37)
    • dropdownfield: not rendered (a2633082)
    • dropdownfield: update classname (67aec202)
    • dropdownfield,glpiobjectfield: sub type not dosplayed (b4808b22)
    • dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: empty value parameter not honored (187daa50)
    • dropdownfields: handle empty value for entities dropdown (3a5dab7c)
    • emailfield: disable inherited parameters (2ee1bd5a)
    • exportable: implement missing method (4e867270)
    • exportable: implement missing method (393dfea1)
    • exportable: implement missing method (6897cb17)
    • exportable: unsolved merge conflict (a868aff7)
    • field: normalize class name (a27f82eb)
    • fieldinterface: method signature mismatch (076937b5)
    • filefield: broken mandatory check (f449acaa)
    • filefield: documentt upload with GLPI 9.5 (2b48e824)
    • filefield: php warning when editing the question (74800699)
    • filefield: show download links when field is read only (3cd77dd2)
    • form: add a first section requires refresh to be visible (eef72ab5)
    • form: avoid useless HTTP requests and php warning (7ab6fbcd)
    • form: bad call to count validators (39822d0a)
    • form: bad path to css (a5fcf3c7)
    • form: bad session var type when using anonymous form (9a9a07f4)
    • form: bad sharing URL (0e8ca72c)
    • form: broken link to forms (df0ec215)
    • form: css inconsistencies (e9aa87af)
    • form: doubling starcauses SQL error (5f26fccb)
    • form: duplication exception (#1818) (d057a55c)
    • form: entity restrict problem (88da1e7c)
    • form: error in displayed form URL (4c4d97e2)
    • form: forbid clone massive action in GLPI 9.5 (4c418024)
    • form: hidden questions still consume 10 pixels height (e063d0b4)
    • form: incorrect font on add target link (e9372051)
    • form: list of forms on homepage (841d459b)
    • form: make tab name same as title of its content (b60c1249)
    • form: missinb closing tag (636d674a)
    • form: multiple selection of validators (29d9fe86)
    • form: my last form (validator) were not sorted (9ed9e871)
    • form: not well restored save answers after invalid submission (9233628d)
    • form: prevent SQL errors, remove natural language search (6c733a5b)
    • form: purge message if answers exist (38f3094c)
    • form: requesttype column no longer used (f8630baa)
    • form: restore padding (2eb8c33e)
    • form: show error if failure in import of a sub item (387f1f23)
    • form: show session messages on anonymous forms (dada741f)
    • form: single quotes around a table name (3668fb66), closes #1606
    • form: typo in var name (47ed6179)
    • form: unused class usage (f2a4b2c1)
    • form: unused variable (1e8f417c)
    • form: users don't know that the lists are limited (4f7cf5dc)
    • form: validators must show when more than 2 available (3ee813f1)
    • form: version comparison for export / import (0ad090d1)
    • form,question: duplicate fail on form without section (818eab0a)
    • form_profile: HTML form name mismatch (93d0ae5b)
    • form_profile: broken envelope icon (bc0c9f9e)
    • form_profile: not rendered selection of profiles (e70edcff)
    • formanswer: display of status shall show a label (250db60d)
    • formanswer: do not render section title if invisible (1c696321)
    • formanswer: malformed SQL to delete answers (e26a4eb6)
    • formanswer: missing validation checks when user updates a refused form (5f5cbbcd)
    • formanswer: possible loop bug (25d1abfe)
    • formanswer: restore validation status (cc8d981e)
    • formanswer: save update on refused form (403d98ff)
    • formanswer: use of in static method (fc0038f4)
    • formanswer: word wrap on display long lines with long words (cbca8489)
    • fotrm: some icons may be not displayed (e94adaa1)
    • gitignore: change data folder config (07289ed2)
    • glpiobjectfield: show ID of items (b8b8479f)
    • glpiselect: empty value is not empty string (af5007d7)
    • glpiselectfield: appliance plugin name is plural (304ffafd)
    • glpiselectfield: missing caps un classnames (11e3e939)
    • glpiselectfield: prevent use of the field with non existing itemtype (4271a503)
    • glpiselectfield: restore palceholder DOM elements (b64fc10c)
    • glpiselectfield: restrict to items associatable to tickets > > restriction on per item basis, like software (da0aa810)
    • import: cannot factorize deleteObsoleteItems (1322fff1)
    • import: don't handle immediately conditions on import (f3c8c407)
    • import: more explicit error message (17a7f5ef)
    • instal: re-add 2.11 version for upgrade process (dd483367)
    • install: malformed sql on upgrade (3b1e8970)
    • install: missing column reorder on upgrade (faaecf49)
    • install: quote escaping when uprgading to 2.9.0 (342fbb02)
    • install: sql error in upgrade (9c2bac0a)
    • install: typo in SQL request (c6cadb00)
    • install: upgrade may fail on single quote (0c4959c3)
    • install: upgrade to 2.5.0 fails on categories (7d23b359)
    • issue: SQL error (5578b87e)
    • issue: adjust ticket status n automatic action (8445363b)
    • issue: cancel ticket with simplified service catalog (e718bac2)
    • issue: distinguish requester and author (b4af17f7)
    • issue: enhance error message when canceling an issue (adabe361)
    • issue: fix navigation through items of a list (63be3208)
    • issue: handle redirection to satisfaction survey from email (fa17f523)
    • issue: handle survey expiration (0662f80f)
    • issue: localization problem impacting picture (2b33cd3e)
    • issue: might have unwanted results (b7cad38c)
    • issue: possible SQL error (e567b53d)
    • issue: properly set validation data on ticket restore (050f5388)
    • issue: repopulate table on upgrade (93e8a47a)
    • issue: restrictu requester expression in service catalog (b576a501)
    • issue: self service is able to reopen a closed issue / ticket (f90eafe1)
    • issue: show satisfaction for tickets on service catalog (c8ce5e7e)
    • issue: simplify counters criterias (7e7bf600)
    • issue: status conversion for ticket (f7bd6c3b)
    • issue: support of ticket waiting for approval (b5f0212b)
    • issue: syncissues drops most requesters (c68628c1)
    • issue: take ticket valdiation status and user into account (937a4a5e)
    • issue: take ticket valdiation status into account (5d9cb079)
    • issue: ticket status when approval request is used (486e0331)
    • issue: update issue status on ticket validation update (5db55f6b)
    • issue: update issue status on ticket validation update (1a4986e6)
    • issue: validated ticket status (912c008a)
    • issue: warning with GLPI 9.5 (9ad7a3d3)
    • linker: may add several times a postponed item (b37d784f)
    • linker: prevent reuse of variable (faf8a9c4)
    • locales: bad string for french (bad3c7dd)
    • locales: en_US translated into an other language (07806702)
    • locales: english US contained korean translation (cd3e91a1)
    • multiselectfield: visible JS (57ab7ded)
    • question: SQL errors when deleting a question (6edaed6a)
    • question: bad pasing of user input (5963666f)
    • question: broken JSON when duplicating questions (7707875d)
    • question: conditions count (dab9280d)
    • question: duplication may make several items having same position (f332fc65)
    • question: duplication of condition (f2d04325)
    • question: extra slash when requesting questions for the form (b3a250f6)
    • question: javascript code was displayed (4766010f)
    • question: remove unused var (601f4387)
    • question: show / hode specific properties (9dc71ca8)
    • question: sql quote escaping (b2443136)
    • question: sql quote escaping (68fa87f1)
    • question: update parameters broken (6b46b796)
    • question,section: improve condition consistency checks (a03e3d64)
    • question,section: more resilient order change handling (d0a4c336)
    • question,section: style of conditions count (655308d0)
    • questionparameter: bad data for add item (fbd772b8)
    • radiosfield: bad rendering of buttons when printing (b600e760)
    • radiosfield: better handling of long labels (e39016a8)
    • radiosfield: broken CSS (68e7e0e3)
    • radiosfield: prevent css to apply on plain html radios (e7eb2bd6)
    • requesttypefield: typo braking the field edition (f65e91a2)
    • requesttypefield: update interface (c7a2537b)
    • robo: line formatting for changelog (e57b33f0)
    • robo: prevent exception when computong log with commit without body (876a9d0a)
    • section: conditions not duplicated (e551e640)
    • section: duplication of conditions: bad itemtype (dc1e972d)
    • section: no validation button when adding section (a129a003)
    • section: order of sections not respected on import (0e27cb3e)
    • section: reorder if sections exist (a1bde8b1)
    • section: typo, update name of section may update name of an inner question (d6cb0db9)
    • section: unsupported use of QueryExpression (ad22dfef)
    • section,question: actions on questions and sections misalignment (e85c1c35)
    • section,question: don't force ordering on import (fedf621d)
    • section,question: move the page to the modal window (0e78cf61)
    • selectfield: comparison with empty string (89fb9dd3)
    • tagfield: namespacing for HTML tools (6fdeb60c)
    • target: load all tag questions (000003cc)
    • target_actor: bad label (cbc73165)
    • target_actor: better name for actor (287f912e)
    • target_actor: duplication exception (1b0523e4)
    • target_actor: duplication exception (f7b27270)
    • target_actor: tell the ID of missing actor (7b4f5e3d)
    • target_actor: unable to add a specific person (e6cbff3a)
    • target_actor: update import / export (4d33896e)
    • targetchange: bad label (1ecaeb6a)
    • targetchange: bad url when delete an actor (265c8baa), closes #1607
    • targetchange: do not geenrate HTML for simple text fields (7333df85)
    • targetchange: prevent SQL escaping bug (e7da8de9)
    • targetchange: value of checklist not rendered (9c3cb6f4)
    • targettichet,targetchange: question tags not updated on duplication (63927c78)
    • targetticket: change default for ticket type rule (70656754)
    • targetticket: determine requester when answer is valdiated (14259f37), closes #50
    • targetticket: empty dropdown for target ticket linking" (8dae4e3e)
    • targetticket: get category from template (902cf130)
    • targetticket: remove fixed width (e215154d)
    • targetticket: request type may be unset (5caf1b01)
    • targetticket: undefined type after creation (2e09c24c)
    • targetticket,targetchange: avoid possible PHP warning (248d5c5d)
    • targetticket,targetchange: better title for condition edition (b4b53407)
    • targetticket,targetchange: covnert question ID into UUID for export of target settings (5fa4707b)
    • targetticket,targetchange: duplicate actors run twice (75ab2dd5)
    • targetticket,targetchange: dynamic entity computation may fail (2ee2616e)
    • targetticket,targetchange: escape text fields of targets (e80a1cac)
    • targetticket,targetchange: export / import entity from question (6ebbbacb)
    • targetticket,targetchange: export / import of conditions (65ff5a33)
    • targetticket,targetchange: handle import failure on missing question (d2fd6fa4)
    • targetticket,targetchange: inverted show / hide for urgenty settings (03b3d95e)
    • targetticket,targetchange: loss of the target name when duplicating (8d24bd46)
    • targetticket,targetchange: make name mandatory browser side (93ef3496)
    • targetticket,targetchange: missing update of question ID in targets (3f998d8b)
    • targetticket,targetchange: repair supplier actors edition (34597ed3)
    • targetticket,targetchange: specific tags not applicable (062d10e3)
    • targetticket,targetchange: too many escaping on target_name (269e4d7c)
    • targetticket,targetchange: unsaved question ID for tags from question, restore multiple choice (255d0e7d)
    • targetticket,targetchange: update constants for due date resolution in JS code (8f964e71)
    • textarea: image paste on multiple pages (5cbab1e2)
    • textarea: workaround GLPI bug in 9.4.5 (3d53b181), closes #1613
    • textareafield: allow paste images in textareas (8b8b244e)
    • textareafield: inline imagein default value converted to document (14e5f4b3)
    • textareafield: remove workaround for textarea (f79ed364)
    • textareafield: tinymce may be 0px height (aceec1b3)
    • textareafield: visual glitches if a textarea is visibles after scrollong and under a condition, triggering on and off teh conditin may lead to a partially visible areal (only the toolbar) (81ed97a6)
    • textareafield,filefield: better support for GLPI 9.5 (213ec157)
    • textfield,textareafield: escaping problem when editing question (dd585eb0)
    • ticket: put new ticket to trash bin (90f6b5c2)
    • timefield: assign a default value (d08cc0b8)
    • urgencyfield: static call on non-static method (db689c0e)
    • wizard: JS lib not loaded (5a4f2e72)
    • wizard: JS lib not loaded (0c93dbd4)
    • wizard: broken HTML, forms are invisible (aac9c082)
    • wizard: main area container overflows behind footer (f25d6054)
    • wizard: missing HTML tag breaking footer (15208880)
    • wizard: reservation search failure (24ca70c4)


    • ad menu icon for GLPI 9.5 (217be26c)
    • compatibility with GLPI's marketplace (04374b9b)
    • compatibiliy with glpi 9.5 (a0591176)
    • drop GLPI 9.4 compatibility (50541652)
    • drop GLPI 9.4 compatibility (83442969)
    • drop GLPI 9.4 comptability (ed360e26)
    • drop comaptibility with GLPI 9.4 (7c48d037)
    • drop compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (1170c8b6)
    • use font awesome for all icons (0c842f48)
    • actorfield: drop compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (d46b8904)
    • actorsfield: drop compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (4c968368)
    • condition: condition on visibility of a question (76ca5ac6)
    • datefield: default value for date (5a83b325)
    • datetimefield: default value (120433fe)
    • descriptionfield: allow description field in targets (099e9001)
    • entityconfig: setting to define sort order (180f6c23)
    • form: abort import from JSON without a version tag (1264ac1d)
    • form: captcha for anonymous forms (9576f2b5)
    • form: case insensitive captcha (b463d3a1)
    • form: conditions for submot button (bfeabe54)
    • form: disable floating elements (26d2fdb6)
    • form: make forms (slightly) more responsive (3857b000)
    • form: progressbar for form import (deb1e20e)
    • form: setting to enable captcha (f6a93bb5)
    • form: version check of file on import (61266614)
    • glpioblectfield: support for native appliance object (5592f155)
    • glpiselectfield: access to appliances from appliances plugin (3f03e529)
    • glpiselectfield: drop compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (63abdff5)
    • glpiselectfield: support for new passive DC equipment (74859125)
    • issue: deprecate SyncIsssues (1c456ff1)
    • issue: group validator in issue (f9183db2)
    • knowbaseitem: new UI for KB (f1d34de8)
    • question: give more room for value of select question (7b6dd6b1)
    • question,section: drag drop accross sections (24d6cc8c)
    • question,section: show conditions count (f4625263)
    • question,section: tip on conditions count (68f29f9b)
    • requesttypefield: allow empty value (30c86ae3)
    • section: make section title required (aa0c7dd4)
    • targetticket: set type from question (d39a522d)
    • targetticket,targetchange: assign a group from the technician group of an objec (55b4318f)
    • targetticket,targetchange: conditions backported to 2.10 (a236f5e4)
    • targetticket,targetchange: conditions to generate the targets (ae1cdf66)
    • targetticket,targetchange: set a group from an object from a question (8d7af9f9)
    • urgencyfield: allow empty value (0712662c)
    • wizard: always show saved searches menu item (13ee7034)
    • wizard: handle GLPI's impersonate feature (20a90249)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.11.0-beta.1.tar.bz2(1.09 MB)
  • v2.10.4(Nov 12, 2020)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.4.5 or later and GLPI 9.5

    Bug Fixes

    • dropdownfield: compatibility with Document itemtype (bdd533a)
    • form: missinb closing tag (faab454)
    • formanswer: uploads lost when re-submitting answers (962eafa)
    • issue: enhance error message when canceling an issue (cf21817)
    • issue: handle deletion of validation (385eee4)
    • issue: update issue status on ticket validation update (ca68eb4)
    • locales: reapply bad translation fix (b8d6466)
    • notificationtargetformanswer: not rendered fullform tag (f83ce3f)
    • targetticket,targetchange: handle import failure on missing question (e17c5a3)
    • wizard: reservation search failure (b6e0dd8)
    • update hooks (d2d9980)


    • targetticket,targetchange: add tag for notification (9da6fb5)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.10.4.tar.bz2(732.90 KB)
  • v2.10.3(Oct 16, 2020)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.4.5 or later and GLPI 9.5

    Bug Fixes

    • description: simple text may render HTML tags (dc82b195)
    • dropdownfield: SQL error to find curent user's groups (c86bc4e5)
    • dropdownfield: bad entity restriction (9f4b1add)
    • form: bad path to css (ffff1b4e)
    • form: bad sharing URL (6ea4dff2)
    • glpiselectfield: missing caps un classnames (203b5b95)
    • issue: update issue status on ticket validation update (4819b268)
    • locales: bad locale string (766cea3c)
    • targetticket: undefined type after creation ([e3188efc] (
    • targetticket: change default for ticket type rule (19a098fc)
    • textfield,textareafield: escaping problem when editing question (231e9e4c)
    • wizard: missing HTML tag breaking footer (a299a141)


    • use font awesome for all icons (25cb6b7f)
    • descriptionfield: allow description field in targets (5fedd96a)
    • question,section: tip on conditions count (303fe860)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.10.3.tar.bz2(727.27 KB)
  • v2.10.2(Sep 8, 2020)

    Download it

    This version is compatible with GLPI 9.4.5 or later and GLPI 9.5

    Bug Fixes

    • modal positionning (a0e0873f)
    • condition: duplicated JS function (acbe985b)
    • confition: hide garbage conditions (8810cd68)
    • filefield: broken mandatory check (f70a8472)
    • form: bad session var type when using anonymous form (9d43e80f)
    • form: doubling starcauses SQL error (41101ca1)
    • form: error in displayed form URL (d21c5b3a)
    • form: forbid clone massive action in GLPI 9.5 (2947d6f6)
    • form: prevent SQL errors, remove natural language search (2eabddf5)
    • form_profile: HTML form name mismatch (f201f37a)
    • form_profile: not rendered selection of profiles (1c0d27d5)
    • formanswer: do not render section title if invisible (6bb6be33)
    • formanswer: missing validation checks when user updates a refused form (788ac89c)
    • issue: adjust ticket status n automatic action (397a9127)
    • issue: repopulate table on upgrade (90727ae2)
    • issue: status conversion for ticket (9aae13d0)
    • issue: syncissues drops most requesters (1fa10c82)
    • issue: validated ticket status (24dacd2a)
    • question: parameters duplicated twice (e6889cc0)
    • section: order of sections not respected on import (e9bf84b7)
    • target: load all tag questions (bbcfc8a5)
    • targetchange: do not geenrate HTML for simple text fields (2d7a5f68)
    • targetchange: prevent SQL escaping bug (c88cb991)
    • targetticket: last valid category ignored visibility state (f6e09f09)
    • targetticket,targetchange: too many escaping on target_name (fcfbed98)


    • question,section: show conditions count (dd22ca02)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-formcreator-2.10.2.tar.bz2(731.35 KB)
PHP Unoconv - An Object Oriented library which allow easy to use file conversion with Unoconv.

An Object Oriented library which allow easy to use file conversion with Unoconv. Install The recommended way to install PHP-Unoconv is thr

Alchemy 69 Dec 3, 2022
Blacksmith is a code generation tool which automates the creation of common files that you'd typically create for each entity in your application.

Blacksmith is a code generation tool which automates the creation of common files that you'd typically create for each entity in your application.

Indatus 197 Dec 30, 2022
Provide blocks which allow positioning content within them in layouts.

Mini layouts Provide blocks which allow positioning content within them in layouts. Backdrop Installation Install and enable the module as usual. Go t

Backdrop CMS contributed projects 5 Dec 17, 2021
A composer plugin, to install differenty types of composer packages in custom directories outside the default composer default installation path which is in the vendor folder.

composer-custom-directory-installer A composer plugin, to install differenty types of composer packages in custom directories outside the default comp

Mina Nabil Sami 136 Dec 30, 2022
Create easy (and almost magic) forms

Why Magic Forms? Almost everyday we do forms for our clients, personal projects, etc Sometimes we need to add or remove fields, change validations, st

Martin M. 16 Dec 20, 2022
Glz custom fields - Unlimited Custom Fields for Textpattern

Unlimited custom fields for Textpattern This plugin sits under the Extensions tab in the back-end and gives your custom fields new life. You can final

Gerhard Lazu 21 Dec 1, 2019
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address

Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address. Then save them to quote model and copy them from quote address to order address on bakend, frontend, rest api

MageArab 2 Jul 14, 2022
This plugin allow you play music from resources pack in minecraft

Music Player for PocketMine-MP Commands music-start songname music-stop songname IMPORTANT! You must add music resources pack to PocketMine resources

Excalibur 1 Oct 14, 2021
This composer plugin is a temporary implementation of using symbolic links to local packages as dependencies to allow a parallel work process

Composer symlinker A Composer plugin to install packages as local symbolic links. This plugin is a temporary implementation of using symbolic links to

Pierre Cassat 18 Nov 9, 2021
A PocketMine-MP Plugin that allow you to change your nickname to specific colors

General Home A PocketMine-MP Plugin that allow you to change your display nametag to specific colors Made By BabosApple And Updated To PM4 By ZhorifCr

ZhorifCraft451 0 Feb 22, 2022
NoFly is a PocketMine-MP plugin that doesn't allow the player to fly

NoFly is a PocketMine-MP plugin that doesn't allow the player to fly

Azel F. 2 Mar 30, 2022
This Repository contains a custom Workflow for Alfred which provides the function to instantly search in the Magento 2 DevDocs

Introduction Add the custom search to your Alfred Workflow and have a quicker access to the Magento 2 DevDocs. Installation Just download the alfredwo

David Lambauer 10 Jun 29, 2022
A simple API with Guzzle wrapper, providing easy access to wppconnect's endpoints.

WPPConnect Team Wppconnect Laravel Client A simple API with Guzzle wrapper, providing easy access to wppconnect's endpoints. Requirements PHP 7.4 or n

null 28 Dec 18, 2022
This package makes it easy to add early access mode to your existing application.

This package makes it easy to add early access mode to your existing application. This is useful for when you want to launch a product and need to gat

Neo 174 Nov 26, 2022
Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP.

Zephir - is a high level programming language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP. Zephir extensions are exported to C c

Zephir Language 3.2k Jan 2, 2023
S11 Selection est une solution web PHP faite pour automatiser la création d'une grille d'évaluation d'un étudiant puis de les rassembler pour en faire un classement.

[S11] SELECTION BTS 0.1.0 FR Description S11 Selection est une solution web PHP faite pour automatiser la création d'une grille d'évaluation d'un étud

NOIZET Maxence 1 Oct 25, 2022
Magento Quickorder module, enables bulk order creation by inputting SKUs & quantities.

Extension User Guide This extension was developed to enable merchants to allow customers to place multiple orders of various quanities quickly, in an

Popesites 30 Apr 24, 2022
This extension links MediaWiki to phpBB's user table for authentication, and disallows the creation of new accounts in MediaWiki.

This extension links MediaWiki to phpBB's user table for authentication, and disallows the creation of new accounts in MediaWiki. Users must then log in to the wiki with their phpBB account.

Digitalroot Technologies 22 Feb 8, 2022
Enhance product data quality and streamline content creation with the Pimcore and ChatGPT integration.

chatgpt-pimcore Enhance product data quality and streamline content creation with the Pimcore and ChatGPT integration. Overview The integration of Pim

Pravin chaudhary 6 Jun 5, 2023