Advanced Mathematics Library for PHP (port of Numbers.js)

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Numbers numbers.php


Numbers.php - an advanced mathematics toolkit for PHP >= 5.3. It is a port of Numbers.js - same toolkit for JavaScript.

There is a version of Numbers.php which supports PHP 5.2, but it is no longer developed:


Numbers.php provides a comprehensive set of mathematical tools that currently are not offered in PHP. These tools include:

  • Basic calculations
  • Calculus
  • Matrix Operations
  • Prime Numbers
  • Statistics
  • More...

A few things to note before using: PHP, like many languages, does not necessarily manage floating points as well as we'd all like it to. For example, if adding decimals, the addition tool won't return the exact value. This is an unfortunate error. Precautions have been made to account for this. After including numbers, you can set an error bound. Anything in this will be considered an "acceptable outcome."

The primary uses cases are calculations and data analysis on the server side. For client side operations, please use Numbers.js.

How to use

Numbers is pretty straightforward to use.

For example, if we wanted to estimate the integral of sin(x) from -2 to 4, we could:

Use riemann integrals (with 200 subdivisions)

use NumbersPHP\Calculus;
use NumbersPHP\Matrix;
use NumbersPHP\Statistic;
use NumbersPHP\Prime;

Calculus::riemann('sin', -2, 4, 200);

Or use adaptive simpson quadrature (with epsilon 0.0001)

Calculus::adaptiveSimpson('sin', -2, 4, 0.0001);

User-defined functions can be used too:

function myFunc($x) {
  return 2 * pow($x, 2) + 1;
Calculus::riemann('myFunc', -2, 4, 200);

Calculus::adaptiveSimpson(create_function('$x', 'return 2 * pow($x, 2) + 1;'), -2, 4, 0.0001);

Now say we wanted to run some matrix calculations:

We can add two matrices

$matrix1 = array(array(0, 1, 2),
				 array(3, 4, 5));
$matrix2 = array(array( 6,  7,  8),
				 array( 9, 10, 11));
Matrix::addition($matrix1, $matrix2);

We can transpose a matrix


Numbers also includes some basic prime number analysis. We can check if a number is prime:

//basic check

// Miller�Rabin primality test

The statistics tools include mean, median, mode, standard deviation, random sample generator, correlation, confidence intervals, t-test, chi-square, and more.

Statistic::randomSample($lower, $upper, $n);
Statistic::correlation($array1, $array2);


Download and install these things:

Run in the command prompt:

	php composer.phar install
	php phpunit.phar --configuration phpunit.xml.dist

If you are going to run tests multiple times and you are using Microsoft(R) Windows(TM), you can use the batch file /test.cmd. Do not forget to set the path to PHP, Composer, and PHPUnit in the beginnig of that file.




  • Hey


    So I do not expect this pull request to be too successful but I think you should consider it.

    Maybe by making a new branch for 5.3 support but basically I modified this to be php 5.3 friendly

    Overview of the changes:

    I tried editing a few of the doc blocks as most but gave up I converted a good bit of code to the psr2 standard I namespaced the project so no more requires I added composer support (now I left the json file mostly blank, I think someone from numbers.php should add in necessary repo address, name, keywords and so on and submit to composer package list when ready I thought about adding phpunit support but didnt, I will probably need to be done at some stage though And updated the readme

    All tests pass in this build

    I think you should think about switching over to namespaces and composer and keep a separate branch from 5.2 support

    opened by geopal-solutions 3
  • is this thing dead?

    is this thing dead?

    I'm a collaborator for Numbers.js and I'm going to be adding more content to it soon. I was wondering if I should also write the same functions in PHP and merge it here.

    opened by Dakkers 2
  • Introduced new conversion class for base conversion on numbers

    Introduced new conversion class for base conversion on numbers

    use to convert number's bases like decimal to binary, binary to octal and etc and can return string or array according to the passed argument (0 or 1). Exceptions are not handled right now but i am working on it.

    opened by ankitsamarthya 1
  • Filename Case Sensitivity

    Filename Case Sensitivity

    On case sensitive filesystems autoloading these classes fails because the filenames are all lowercase and do not match the class names. This fix simply makes the filenames identical to the classnames.

    opened by zacharyblank 1
  • updates to unit tests

    updates to unit tests


    I have done out all the unit tests and they all pass except for Prime::factorization

    This is to do with array indexes out of bounds I have not fixed it just commented it out for now

    You can just run the tests using phpunit with config options because I added phpunit.xml.dist

    I only added two small functions to complex, getReal and getImaginary

    I left in all the old web page tests

    I think this is looking in good shape to submit to composer

    opened by geopal-solutions 0
  • Inverse of a Matrix and Scalar Multiplication

    Inverse of a Matrix and Scalar Multiplication

    Hi, I've used this library recently, and I believe these two functions are pretty much basic part of any linear algebra library. There's already a pull request that implements the inverse of a matrix, but it looks like it wasn't merged..Any eta on this? Thanks!

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