Abandoned / End-of-life
We're sorry, but this extension is no longer actively maintained. Please use https://github.com/magento-l10n/language-nl_NL instead.
Reach Digital Magento 2 Nederlandse vertalingen / Dutch Translations with e-mailtranslations
- Complete translations for Magento 2.x CE and EE.
- Added Dutch address formatting
Installation through Marketplace
As Reach Digital extensions are offered in the official Magento® Marketplace you can directly install them via the Magento® 2 backend. Magento® did a great job simplifying this process, they also provided a really good documentation. Please read the official documentation for installing extensions over the marketplace.
Installation through composer
composer require honl/magento2-nl-nl
Development install:
composer require honl/magento2-nl-nl:^1@dev
Go to CrowdIn and translate files.
Import translations:
cd vendor/honl/magento2-nl-nl
wget -O crowdin.csv
git commit -am"Imported translations from crowdin"
git push
How are translations files loaded
In the file Magento\Framework\App\Language\Dictionary::readPackCsv
all ``*.csv` files are loaded, no specific filename required.
This extension was developed by Reach Digital with a lot of help from the Magento Community on CrowdIn. https://www.reachdigital.nl