Goetas-webservices / soap-client


goetas-webservices / soap-client

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PHP implementation of SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 client specifications.


  • Pure PHP, no dependencies on ext-soap
  • Extensible (JMS event listeners support)
  • PSR-7 HTTP messaging
  • PSR-17 HTTP messaging factories
  • PSR-18 HTTP Client
  • No WSDL/XSD parsing on production
  • IDE type hinting support

Only document/literal style is supported and the webservice should follow the WS-I guidelines.

There are no plans to support the deprecated rpc and encoded styles. Webservices not following the WS-I specifications might work, but they are officially not supported.


goetas-webservices/soap-client-demo is a demo project that shows how to consume a SOAP api in a generic PHP web application.


The recommended way to install goetas-webservices / soap-client is using Composer:

Add this packages to your composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "goetas-webservices/soap-client": "^0.3",
    "require-dev": {
        "goetas-webservices/wsdl2php": "^0.5.1",

How to

To improve performance, this library is based on the concept that all the SOAP/WSDL metadata has to be compiled into PHP compatible metadata (in reality is a big plain PHP array, so is really fast).

To do this we have to define a configuration file (in this case called config.yml) that holds some important information.

Here is an example:

# config.yml

      MySoapPortName: http://localhost:8080/service

    'http://www.example.org/test/': 'TestNs/MyApp'
    'TestNs/MyApp': soap/src
    'TestNs/MyApp': soap/metadata
      MyCustomXSDType:  'MyCustomMappedPHPType'

    'test.wsdl': ~
    'http://www.webservicex.net/weather.asmx?WSDL': ~

This file has some important sections:

SOAP Specific

  • alternative_endpoints (optional) allows you to specify alternative URLs that can be used when developing your integration. If this parameter is not present, will be used the URL defined by the WSDL file, but if is set, will be used the specified URL for the service called MyServiceName and on MySoapPortName port.

  • unwrap_returns (optional, default: false) allows to define the "wrapped" SOAP services mode. Instructs the client to "unwrap" all the returns.

WSDL Specific

  • metadata specifies where are placed WSDL files that will be used to generate al the required PHP metadata.

XML/XSD Specific

  • namespaces (required) defines the mapping between XML namespaces and PHP namespaces. (in the example we have the http://www.example.org/test/ XML namespace mapped to TestNs\MyApp)

  • destinations_php (required) specifies the directory where to save the PHP classes that belongs to TestNs\MyApp PHP namespace. (in this example TestNs\MyApp classes will ne saved into soap/src directory.

  • destinations_jms (required) specifies the directory where to save JMS Serializer metadata files that belongs to TestNs\MyApp PHP namespace. (in this example TestNs\MyApp metadata will ne saved into soap/metadata directory.

  • aliases (optional) specifies some mappings that are handled by custom JMS serializer handlers. Allows to specify to do not generate metadata for some XML types, and assign them directly a PHP class. For that PHP class is necessary to create a custom JMS serialize/deserialize handler.

Metadata generation

In order to be able to use the SOAP client we have to generate some metadata and PHP classes.

To do it we can run:

bin/soap-client generate \
 tests/config.yml \
 --dest-class=GlobalWeather/Container/SoapClientContainer \
  • bin/soap-client generate is the command we are running
  • tests/config.yml is a path to our configuration file
  • --dest-class=GlobalWeather/Container/SoapClientContainer allows to specify the fully qualified class name of the container class that will hold all the webservice metadata.
  • soap/src/Container is the path where to save the container class that holds all the webservice metadata (you will have to configure the auto loader to load it)

Using the client

Once all the metadata are generated we can use our SOAP client.

Let's see a minimal example:

getWeather(2010, "May", "USA", Header::asMustUnderstand(new SomeAuth('me', 'pwd'))); ">
// composer auto loader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// instantiate the main container class
// the name was defined by --dest-class=GlobalWeather/Container/SoapClientContainer
// parameter during the generation process
$container = new SoapClientContainer();

// create a JMS serializer instance
$serializer = SoapContainerBuilder::createSerializerBuilderFromContainer($container)->build();
// get the metadata from the container
$metadata = $container->get('goetas_webservices.soap.metadata_reader');

$factory = new ClientFactory($metadata, $serializer);

 * @var $client \GlobalWeather\SoapStubs\WeatherSoap
 // get the soap client
$client = $factory->getClient('http://www.webservicex.net/weather.asmx?WSDL');

// call the webservice
$result = $client->getWeather(2010, "May", "USA");

// call the webservice with custom headers
$result = $client->getWeather(2010, "May", "USA", Header::asMustUnderstand(new SomeAuth('me', 'pwd')));

Please note the @var $client \GlobalWeather\SoapStubs\WeatherSoap. The generated metadata have also a "stub" class that allows modern IDE to give you type hinting for parameters and return data.

This allows you to develop faster your client.

Using the client with dynamic endpoints

Suppose that you have same Webservice with different endpoints (ex. for each customer), so you want to change endpoints dynamically and you don't want to write each new endpoint in your config and run the generator for each customer.

With the help of Symfony's EnvVarProcessorInterface, you can use alternative_endpoints to set dynamically the webservice endpoints.

Here is an example:

# config.yml
      MySoapPortName: 'env(custom_vars:ENDPOINT_SERVICE1_PORT1)'

So, SoapClientContainer will resolve at runtime the endpoint for the specific service and port and the value will be taken from the ENDPOINT_SERVICE1_PORT1 variable.

Example of simple class that implements EnvVarProcessorInterface, responsible for providing a values for our custom endpoint locations (as custom_vars:ENDPOINT_SERVICE1_PORT1).

// SimpleEnvVarProcessor.php used for the `env(custom_vars:*)` variables resolution

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\EnvVarProcessorInterface;

class SimpleEnvVarProcessor implements EnvVarProcessorInterface
    private $map = [];

    public function __construct(array $map)
        $this->map = $map;

    public function getEnv($prefix, $name, \Closure $getEnv)
        return $this->map[$name];

    public static function getProvidedTypes()
        return [];

At the end, to use the SoapClientContainer:

set('container.env_var_processors_locator', $varContainer); // now $container can be used as explained in the section "Using the client"">
// instantiate our variable processor and set the values for our custom variables
$varProcessor = new SimpleEnvVarProcessor([
    'ENDPOINT_SERVICE1_PORT1' => 'http://localhost:8080/service'

// create an empty symfony container and set into it the $varProcessor namined as 'custom_vars'
$varContainer = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container(); 
$varContainer->set('custom_vars', $varProcessor);

// create the soap container and use $varContainer "env()" style variables resolution
$container = new SoapClientContainer();
$container->set('container.env_var_processors_locator', $varContainer);

// now $container can be used as explained in the section "Using the client"

In this way the endpoint for the MyServiceName.MySoapPortName will be dynamically resolved to http://localhost:8080/service even if the WSDL stats something else.


The code in this project is provided under the MIT license. For professional support contact goetas@gmail.com or visit https://www.goetas.com

  • Serializer Extend

    Serializer Extend

    Hi, Sorry for the question. But I have this metadata yml

    Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Boards\HotelMealPlansNotifRSType: properties: hotel: expose: true access_type: public_method serialized_name: Hotel accessor: getter: getHotel setter: setHotel type: Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Boards\HotelMealPlansNotifRSType\HotelAType mealPlans: expose: true access_type: public_method serialized_name: MealPlans accessor: getter: getMealPlans setter: setMealPlans type: array<Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Boards\HotelMealPlansNotifRSType\MealPlansAType\MealPlanAType> xml_list: inline: false entry_name: MealPlan skip_when_empty: true

    This class have this properties:

    class HotelMealPlansNotifRSType extends BaseController {

     * @property \Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Boards\HotelMealPlansNotifRSType\HotelAType
     * $hotel
    private $hotel = null;
     * @property
     * \Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Boards\HotelMealPlansNotifRSType\MealPlansAType\MealPlanAType[]
     * $mealPlans
    private $mealPlans = null;


    So far, everything is correct. But this class extends from another: BaseController. I need to exclude the parent's class properties in JMS\Serializer\Metadata\PropertyMetadata Object

    With exclude : true, works from the HotelMealPlansNotifRSType but not from the extended properties.

    opened by victorgp89 9
  • Problem defining multiple inline schemas with the same targetNamespace

    Problem defining multiple inline schemas with the same targetNamespace

    Hi! First of all, thanks for all your efforts in trying to make soap work with PHP 👍 I know it's a pain..

    Talking about that, I've been playing (read: debugging) my third party SOAP webservice with your libraries and have the following issues:

    The WSDL (2.0) definition that I get from the webservice, has multiple inline schemas with the same targetNamespace. It seems like your schema reader is overwriting it everytime it finds a <xs:schema> line. I looked it up in the WSDL-2.0 spec at http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20/ which states:

    3.1.2 Inlining XML Schema ... A WSDL 2.0 document MAY inline two or more schemas from the same targetNamespace. For example, two or more inlined schemas can have the same targetNamespace provided that they do not define the same elements or types. A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT define the same element or type in more than one inlined schema. ...

    So the desired behaviour is that multiple schema nodes with the same targetNamespace should "extend" each other, not override. I'd like to make PR to make that happen. Before I start, any concerns, thoughts, ideas? :D

    opened by rvdbogerd 7
  • How to using your library?

    How to using your library?


    I'm trying use your library for source https://gclient.geis.cz/GService/GService.svc?singlewsdl, but I don't know if I have configured it incorrectly or source is not good. Can you explain where I can find error?

    My config file:

        'http://tempuri.org/': 'Soap/GeisClient'
        'Geis/Client': src/soap
        'Geis/Client': src/soap/metadata
        'https://gclient.geis.cz/GService/GService.svc?singlewsdl': ~

    Command which I run

     vendor/goetas-webservices/soap-client/bin/soap-client generate \
     soap_config.yml \
     --dest-class=Soap/GeisClient \

    The result is this error:

    In SchemaReader.php line 597:
    Can't find type named {http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/GService.Manager}#RequestOfServiceRequestHUsxwOXq, at line 1 in https://gclient.geis.cz/GService/GService.svc?singlewsdl  
    In Schema.php line 248:                                                                                                                         
    Can't find the Type named {http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/GService.Manager}#RequestOfServiceRequestHUsxwOXq.                                                                                                                         


    opened by radoslavius 4
  • Pass soapEndpoint and soapAction attributes on the serializer context

    Pass soapEndpoint and soapAction attributes on the serializer context

    Follow-up on #33:

    I have reduced the number of code changes and reverted the refactor, it made the PR unclear.

    I have now added a test for checking if the context parameters are correctly passed to the serializer handlers.

    opened by rvdbogerd 3
  • Location to save JMS metadata

    Location to save JMS metadata

    Hi, I have this config.yml:

    soap_client: ~
        'http://dev.synergy.app/login': 'Igm\Synergy\Login'
        'http://dev.synergy.app/schema': 'Igm\Synergy\Schema'
        'http://dev.synergy.app/exception': 'Igm\Synergy\Exception'
        'http://dev.synergy.app/mealplans': 'Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Mealplans'
       'Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Mealplans': src/application/controllers/mealplans
       'Igm\Synergy\Schema': src/application/schema
       'Igm\Synergy\Login': src/application/login
       'Igm\Synergy\Exception': src/application/exception
        'Igm\Synergy\Controllers\MealPlans': metadata/mealplans
        'Igm\Synergy\Login': metadata/login
        'Igm\Synergy\Exception': metadata/exception
        '/var/www/igm_xml/include/mealplan.wsdl': ~

    The classes generate correctly but I have this error:

    Unable to determine location to save JMS metadata for class 'Igm\Synergy\Controllers\Mealplans\SoapEnvelope\Headers\GetMealPlansInput

    opened by victorgp89 3
  • Add soap action and endpoint as attributes on the SerializationContext

    Add soap action and endpoint as attributes on the SerializationContext


    Could we add these parameters to the SerializationContext? I really need this so that my custom Subscriber can add WS:Addressing and other security related headers to the soap message on serialization.

    opened by rvdbogerd 2
  • fix goetas-webservices/soap-client#26

    fix goetas-webservices/soap-client#26

    Fixes https://github.com/goetas-webservices/soap-client/issues/26

    Now i have notice that in operations array there is alread a method key that respect the same strategy, we can use it

    opened by riccardonar 2
  • Operation name in SoapStub class

    Operation name in SoapStub class

    I have this operation name OTA_HotelRateAmountNotif, it is transformed in oTAHotelRateAmountNotif in SoapStub class. https://github.com/goetas-webservices/soap-client/blob/049195ef277abce548d05348cfd51dd96d0f7cc6/src/StubGeneration/ClientStubGenerator.php#L109

    The operation oTAHotelRateAmountNotif isn't find by your Client because it checks the key of operations array only by strtolower in findOperation https://github.com/goetas-webservices/soap-client/blob/049195ef277abce548d05348cfd51dd96d0f7cc6/src/Client.php#L141

    A solution can be to compile operations array key with same strategy https://github.com/goetas-webservices/soap-client/blob/049195ef277abce548d05348cfd51dd96d0f7cc6/src/Metadata/Generator/MetadataGenerator.php#L91

    Or is it better to remove the camelize transformation in Stub generator?

    opened by riccardonar 2


    The definition "goetas_webservices.xsd2php.schema_reader" has a reference to an abstract definition "logger". Abstract definitions cannot be the target of references.

    This error in library why does it appear?

    opened by victorgp89 2
  • Pass soap context to serializer

    Pass soap context to serializer

    Follow-up on https://github.com/goetas-webservices/soap-client/pull/33:

    I have reduced the number of code changes and reverted the refactor, it made the PR unclear.

    I have now added a test for checking if the context parameters are correctly passed to the serializer handlers.

    opened by rvdbogerd 1
  • Is there a way to see/print the request and response messages?

    Is there a way to see/print the request and response messages?

    Is there a way to see/print the request and response messages? Something like a debug or test feature to print a log file with these messages? I would like to tag this as "help wanted" but I don't know how ...

    opened by etcware 1
  • About credentials

    About credentials

    Sorry I cannot reopen issue #61, I have an additional problem, I cannot generate the metadata because also to access to WSDL during metadata generation needs credentials...

    opened by etcware 2


    Hi Goetas, Thanks for your job. Is it possible to perform an html_entity_decode with some predeserialize event? I would not like to do it for all clients that use the api if not only for those that return this type of coding.

    opened by victorgp89 0
  • Can't make anyType to work with soap-client

    Can't make anyType to work with soap-client

    I'm consuming a Soap server that has some fields declared as xs:anyType.

    There's a note in xsd2php README.md about how to declare custom handlers for those types, but I can't get them to work with soap-client.

    Could you provide a short example to make it work ? How to register a custom JMS Serializer handler inside soap client container ?

    opened by Toilal 1



    I wanted to see a problem I have about the Fault class. When a web service returns an object inside the FaultDetail like this:


    I have seen that a FaultHandler had been created.

    What it does is insert the node as a string when it deserializes it:

    [detail:Igm\Synergy\SoapClient\Envelope\SoapEnvelope12\Parts\Fault:private] => <ns3:LinkHotelException xmlns:ns3="http://ws.link.test.hotelresb2b.com/exception"><ns3:errorCode>0221</ns3:errorCode><ns3:language>2</ns3:language><ns3:message>The room with this affiliation does not exist in the system.[asdsadsad]</ns3:message></ns3:LinkHotelException>

    Is it possible to emulate the behavior of HeaderPlaceHolder to be able to insert any type of object always inside?

    opened by victorgp89 0
  • Bug in example

    Bug in example

    Hi! I've tried to run example script from readme.md section 'Using the client'. Unsuccessfully. I finally got it started. I had to change: $metadata = $container->get('goetas_webservices.soap_client.metadata_reader'); to $metadata = $container->get('goetas_webservices.soap_client.metadata_loader.array');

    It's a bug or?

    opened by tomasz-kusy 4
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