A Laravel Gravatar package for retrieving gravatar image URLs or checking the existance of an image.

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Imagery gravatar

Gravatar for Laravel 5.x, 6, 7 and 8

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First, pull in the package through Composer via the command line:

composer require creativeorange/gravatar ~1.0

or add the following to your composer.json file and run composer update.

"require": {
    "creativeorange/gravatar": "~1.0"

Then include the service provider within (Laravel 5.3 or below) app/config/app.php.

'providers' => [

If using Laravel 5.4, include service provider withing config/app.php

'providers' => [

If you want to use the facade, add this to de bottom of app/config/app.php And, for convenience, add a facade alias to this same file at the bottom:

'aliases' => [
    'Gravatar' => 'Creativeorange\Gravatar\Facades\Gravatar',

If you are using Laravel 5.4 or greater, add as follows, add to config/app.php

'aliases' => [
    'Gravatar' => Creativeorange\Gravatar\Facades\Gravatar::class,

Finally, publish the config by running the php artisan vendor:publish command


Within your controllers or views, you can use


this will return the URL to the gravatar image of the specified email address. In case of a non-existing gravatar, it will return return a URL to a placeholder image. You can set the type of the placeholder in the configuration option fallback. For more information, visit gravatar.com

Alternatively, you can check for the existence of a gravatar image by using


This will return a boolean (true or false).

Or you can pass a url to a custom image using the fallback method:



You can create different configuration groups to use within your application and pass the group name as a second parameter to the get-method:

There is a default group in config/gravatar.php which will be used when you do not specify a second parameter.

If you would like to add more groups, feel free to edit the config/gravatar.php file. For example:

return array(
	'default' => array(
		'size'   => 80,
		'fallback' => 'mm',
		'secure' => false,
		'maximumRating' => 'g',
		'forceDefault' => false,
		'forceExtension' => 'jpg',
	'small-secure' => array (
	    'size'   => 30,
	    'secure' => true,
	'medium' => array (
	    'size'   => 150,

then you can use the following syntax:

Gravatar::get('email@example.com', 'small-secure'); // will use the small-secure group
Gravatar::get('email@example.com', 'medium'); // will use the medium group
Gravatar::get('email@example.com', 'default'); // will use the default group
Gravatar::get('email@example.com'); // will use the default group

Alternatively, you could also pass an array directly as the second parameter as inline options. So, instead of passing a configuration key, you pass an array, which will be merged with the default group:

Gravatar::get('email@example.com', ['size'=>200]); 
  • Use HTTPS all the time

    Use HTTPS all the time

    This library should just use HTTPS all the time for Gravatar. There's no reason not to. Using HTTPS inside of a site that is currently using HTTP doesn't cause any problems, but clearly the reverse is not true.

    HTTPS forever! πŸ˜‰

    opened by joshlewis 4
  • Request - inline options

    Request - inline options

    Love this package! It would be really nice to be able to set some options inline, such as the size. Finding that I am duplicating my configuration array several times for different image sizes.

    Sorry, not familiar with how to label this as a request.. :)

    opened by opheliadesign 3
  • Fix Typehint of Gravatar::get

    Fix Typehint of Gravatar::get

    \Creativeorange\Gravatar\Facades\Gravatar::get($email, $configGroup)

    $configGroup needs to match the type in setConfig, otherwise, the IDE will warn that there's a type mismatch and we can't set an array as an option.

    opened by usernotnull 2
  • checkEmail() function cause a validation problem

    checkEmail() function cause a validation problem

    private function checkEmail($email) use filter_var() function with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL as a second parameter. This is a problem because Laravel's email validator use different check for email. For example Laravel consider maxim@localhost as a valid email, but FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL does not.

    Please, consider to change filter_var() with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL to standard Laravel 'email' validator

    opened by mkovtun-smartech 2
  • V1.0.10 not really loading

    V1.0.10 not really loading


    When I install the package with composer it says that it installs the V1.0.10, but when I look at the vendor I see that composer.json doesn't have the discovery option for Laravel 5.5. So this is not the last version that is uploaded. I made the intallation many times and always the same result even if I clear composer cache...

    opened by bestmomo 2
  • Update Gravatar.php

    Update Gravatar.php

    Sometimes I code without an internet connection. When this happens, the package returns an error due to the get_headers() PHP function, inside exists() function.

    Adding a @ before function, exists() will return FALSE whenever the user is not connected to the internet. So solving the problem.

    What do you think?

    opened by carlos3duardo 2
  • Exists always returns true

    Exists always returns true

    First, thanks for library. I found that Gravatar::exists() always returns true no matter what address you enter. Could I suggest you add the following as a check as this will return the right bool:

                $email= "name@example.com"; //for testing
                        $gravemail = md5( strtolower( trim( $email ) ) );
                        $gravImage = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/".$gravemail;
                        $gravcheck = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/".$gravemail."?d=404";
                        $response = get_headers($gravcheck);
                        if ($response[0] != "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"){
                            $img = $gravImage;
                        } else {
                            // execute fallback
    opened by nolros 2
  • Laravel 5.2 bindShared deprecated

    Laravel 5.2 bindShared deprecated


    just upgraded my application to Laravel 5.2, but I get an error because of this deprecated function "bindShared". (http://laravel.com/docs/5.2/upgrade#upgrade-5.2.0)

    Is this package really ready for Laravel 5.2? Could you update the package?

    Cheers Christoph

    opened by christophrumpel 2
  • Adds support for Laravel 9

    Adds support for Laravel 9

    Since Laravel 9 will be launched in 6 days (Jan 25th 2022), I thought we could provide support even before the launch.

    This package already works well with Laravel 9, it just needs a dependency version bump. Proof it works like a charm in Laravel 9 too: Screenshot 2022-01-19 at 19 45 43 Screenshot 2022-01-19 at 19 50 50

    Thanks for a great package @jacotijssen ! πŸ™

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to get this merged. Cheers!

    opened by tabacitu 1
  • fallback broken

    fallback broken

    After a change in https://github.com/creativeorange/gravatar/blob/9057d98b51f023746740398d725afe9650e66f19/src/Gravatar.php#L220 it doesn't take fallback from config when used like: Gravatar::get('email@example.com') because $this->fallback is null by default.

    opened by waclaw66 1
  • Gravatar::fallback()


    I am using like below

    $data['gravatar'] = (!empty(auth()->user()->email)) ? Gravatar::fallback(url('images/user.jpg'))->get(auth()->user()->email) : null;

    But why my output is like below ?

    <img id="userImg" class="userImg" src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a516098e1de8e2756fa4bf045c7a4cb2.jpg?s=150&amp;d=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8000%2Fimages%2Fuser.jpg&amp;r=g" alt="user">

    Could anyone help me in this regard ?

    opened by afoysal 1
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