Plug n play avatar, turn name, email, and any other string into beautiful avatar (or gravatar), effortless.



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Display unique avatar for any user based on their (initials) name.




This package originally built for Laravel, but can also be used in any PHP project.

Read more about integration with PHP project here.

Laravel >= 5.2:

composer require laravolt/avatar

Laravel 5.1:

composer require laravolt/avatar ~0.3

Service Provider & Facade

Note: only for Laravel 5.4 and below, because since Laravel 5.5 we use package auto-discovery.



'Avatar'    => Laravolt\Avatar\Facade::class,

Publish Config (optional)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravolt\Avatar\ServiceProvider"

This will create config file located in config/laravolt/avatar.php.

Lumen Service Provider



Output as base64

//this will output data-uri (base64 image data)
//something like ....
Avatar::create('Joko Widodo')->toBase64();

//use in view
//this will display initials JW as an image
<img src="{{ Avatar::create('Joko Widodo')->toBase64() }}" />

Save as file

Avatar::create('Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono')->save('sample.png');
Avatar::create('Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono')->save('sample.jpg', 100); // quality = 100

Output as Gravatar

// Output:

Avatar::create('')->toGravatar(['d' => 'identicon', 'r' => 'pg', 's' => 100]);
// Output:

Gravatar parameter reference:

Output as SVG

Avatar::create('Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono')->toSvg();

You may specify custom font-family for your SVG text.

    <!--Prepare custom font family, using Google Fonts-->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">


    <!--Setup your own style-->
    @font-face {
        font-family: Laravolt;
        src: url({{ asset('fonts/laravolt.woff')) }});
Avatar::create('Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono')->setFontFamily('Laravolt')->toSvg();

Get underlying Intervention image object

Avatar::create('Abdul Somad')->getImageObject();

The method will return an instance of Intervention image object, so you can use it for further purposes.

Non-ASCII Character

By default, this package will try to output any initials letter as it is. If the name supplied contains any non-ASCII character (e.g. ā, Ě, ǽ) then the result will depend on which font used (see config). It the font supports characters supplied, it will successfully displayed, otherwise it will not.

Alternatively, we can convert all non-ascii to their closest ASCII counterparts. If no closest coutnerparts found, those characters are removed. Thanks to Stringy for providing such useful functions. What we need is just change one line in config/avatar.php:

    'ascii'    => true,


 * Set specific configuration variables here
return [

    | Image Driver
    | Avatar use Intervention Image library to process image.
    | Meanwhile, Intervention Image supports "GD Library" and "Imagick" to process images
    | internally. You may choose one of them according to your PHP
    | configuration. By default PHP's "Imagick" implementation is used.
    | Supported: "gd", "imagick"
    'driver'    => 'gd',

    // Initial generator class
    'generator' => \Laravolt\Avatar\Generator\DefaultGenerator::class,

    // Whether all characters supplied must be replaced with their closest ASCII counterparts
    'ascii'    => false,

    // Image shape: circle or square
    'shape' => 'circle',

    // Image width, in pixel
    'width'    => 100,

    // Image height, in pixel
    'height'   => 100,

    // Number of characters used as initials. If name consists of single word, the first N character will be used
    'chars'    => 2,

    // font size
    'fontSize' => 48,

    // convert initial letter in uppercase
    'uppercase' => false,

    // Right to Left (RTL)
    'rtl' => false,

    // Fonts used to render text.
    // If contains more than one fonts, randomly selected based on name supplied
    'fonts'    => [__DIR__.'/../fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf', __DIR__.'/../fonts/rockwell.ttf'],

    // List of foreground colors to be used, randomly selected based on name supplied
    'foregrounds'   => [

    // List of background colors to be used, randomly selected based on name supplied
    'backgrounds'   => [

    'border'    => [
        'size'  => 1,

        // border color, available value are:
        // 'foreground' (same as foreground color)
        // 'background' (same as background color)
        // or any valid hex ('#aabbcc')
        'color' => 'background',

        // border radius, only works for SVG
        'radius' => 0,

    // List of theme name to be used when rendering avatar
    // Possible values are:
    // 1. Theme name as string: 'colorful'
    // 2. Or array of string name: ['grayscale-light', 'grayscale-dark']
    // 3. Or wildcard "*" to use all defined themes
    'theme' => ['*'],

    // Predefined themes
    // Available theme attributes are:
    // shape, chars, backgrounds, foregrounds, fonts, fontSize, width, height, ascii, uppercase, and border.
    'themes' => [
        'grayscale-light' => [
            'backgrounds' => ['#edf2f7', '#e2e8f0', '#cbd5e0'],
            'foregrounds' => ['#a0aec0'],
        'grayscale-dark' => [
            'backgrounds' => ['#2d3748', '#4a5568', '#718096'],
            'foregrounds' => ['#e2e8f0'],
        'colorful' => [
            'backgrounds' => [
            'foregrounds' => ['#FFFFFF'],

Overriding config at runtime

We can overriding configuration at runtime by using following functions:

Avatar::create('Soekarno')->setDimension(100);//width = height = 100 pixel
Avatar::create('Soekarno')->setDimension(100, 200); // width = 100, height = 200
Avatar::create('Soekarno')->setBorder(1, '#aabbcc'); // size = 1, color = #aabbcc
Avatar::create('Soekarno')->setBorder(1, '#aabbcc', 10); // size = 1, color = #aabbcc, border radius = 10 (only for SVG)

// Available since 3.0.0
Avatar::create('Soekarno')->setTheme('colorful'); // set exact theme
Avatar::create('Soekarno')->setTheme(['grayscale-light', 'grayscale-dark']); // theme will be randomized from these two options

// chaining

Integration with other PHP project

// include composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// import the Avatar class
use Laravolt\Avatar\Avatar;

// create your first avatar
$avatar = new Avatar($config);
$avatar->create('John Doe')->toBase64();
$avatar->create('John Doe')->save('path/to/file.png', $quality = 90);

$config is just an ordinary array with same format as explained above (See Configuration).

  • Non-static method Laravolt\Avatar\Avatar::create() should not be called statically

    Non-static method Laravolt\Avatar\Avatar::create() should not be called statically

    Why I got this error? I follow the usage of the instruction.
    Here is my code. `public function store(RegistrationRequest $request) { //save to file $currentId = \DB::table('users')->max('id') + 1; $destinationPath = 'storage/images/users/' . $currentId . '/avatar/'; $completePath = url('/' . $destinationPath . 'default.png');

    $user = User::create([
        'name'     => request('name'),
        'email'    => request('email'),
        'password' => bcrypt(request('password')),
        'avatar'   => $completePath


    opened by mimimhmh 14
  • pixelperfect borders

    pixelperfect borders

    This pull request fixes borders creation. Avatar::createCircleShape and Avatar::createSquareShape adds additional transparent borders for images. For example if i make avatar 70x70px with 1px border i'll get 70x70px image, but i also get two borders: first is 1px transparent border and second my 1px border with color from config file. That happens because of improper dimensions calculations here:

    $x = $y = $this->borderSize;
    $width = $this->width - ($this->borderSize * 2);
    $height = $this->height - ($this->borderSize * 2);

    That make transparent border. The second border is made by intervention rectangle method.

    opened by chelout 9
  • Right to left script support

    Right to left script support

    Thanks for the great package. I know that with proper fonts, the package supports right-2-left (R2L) scripts however the direction of letters on the photo is not right. Github issue does not allow me to upload a photo but the concept is easy to imagine. Let the R2L name is wonS nhoJ (from right to left it is John snow), then the current implementation of the picture would have JS in it that is read as Snow John because of the R2L nature of the language. I can temporarily suppress the problem by allowing only one letter of the word but could be much better to support the right direction of the script.

    help wanted 
    opened by omidMolaverdi 8
  • Low contrast between background and foreground

    Low contrast between background and foreground

    In some cases, the result is a yellow avatar with white letters, which is not very easy to read. So, I would like to know, how or where I could override the getRandomForeground() to check for contrast before chossing one. Thanks!

    opened by ezeveliz 8
  • SVG output, text is not centered vertically

    SVG output, text is not centered vertically

    With SVG output, text is not centered vertically. Chrome : not well centered Edge : text is on top

    Solution : correct default value + add parameters to give an offset X, Y to the text.

    version : 2.1.0

    opened by neoteknic 8
  • setdimension() not working

    setdimension() not working

    The method setdimension() not working. The generated image always has the size 100x100

    For example:

    Avatar::create('Habibie')->setDimension(50)->setFontSize(18)->toBase64() has the size 100x100

    opened by padre 7
  • Reverse Initials

    Reverse Initials

    Thanks for the great package!

    I was wondering if you could add a config flag to reverse the initials, so for example, John Doe's avatar would be (DJ) instead of (JD).

    Thanks :)

    opened by ghost 7
  • Can't install with Laravel 5.1

    Can't install with Laravel 5.1

    I am getting an error while trying to install your Avatar package through composer:

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Can only install one of: danielstjules/stringy[2.2.0, 1.10.0].
        - Can only install one of: danielstjules/stringy[2.2.0, 1.10.0].
        - Can only install one of: danielstjules/stringy[2.2.0, 1.10.0].
        - laravolt/avatar 1.2.0 requires danielstjules/stringy ~2.2 -> satisfiable by danielstjules/stringy[2.2.0].
        - Installation request for laravolt/avatar ^1.2 -> satisfiable by laravolt/avatar[1.2.0].
        - Installation request for danielstjules/stringy == -> satisfiable by danielstjules/stringy[1.10.0].

    The required package Stringy also can't be installed on a Laravel 5.1 system. Or should I install both Stringy 1.10.0 and 2.2.0?

    opened by CptChaos 7
  • Arabic (utf8) not working

    Arabic (utf8) not working

    The package work with English only same problem #69 and #58 i try to set custom Arabic font i used setFont method and i changed path in avatar.php but it doesn't work any help pls I used the last version 4.1.4

    opened by balin09 6
  • Custom fonts not set

    Custom fonts not set

    When changing fonts in config, with command Avatar::create('NAME')->toBase64() doesn't set custom fonts, because fonts are set during __construct() function , when the $name attribute is not set. Then, when during the construct it tries to set custom fonts (with $this->getRandomFont() in applyTheme method), the getRandomElement called by getRandomFont() checks if the $name attribute is set ( if (strlen($this->name) == 0 || count($array) == 0) { ...) the attribute, during the __construct() function, is not set, because is filled only with the create function, so the custom fonts will never be set.

    opened by Release88 6
  • Changed Facade.php to Avatar.php and updated namespace to Laravolt\Av…

    Changed Facade.php to Avatar.php and updated namespace to Laravolt\Av…

    …atar\Facades to escape the Non-static method should not be called statically error when using Avatar::create, Now the Facade Alias will be Avatar => Laravolt\Avatar\Facades\Avatar::class

    opened by jayspecies 6
  • SVGs have their width and height set rendering them unresponsive

    SVGs have their width and height set rendering them unresponsive

    TL;DR: Setting the width and height constraints directly on a vector image defeats the purpose of being an svg in responsive webdesign.

    The SVGs being created have their height and width set, rendering them unable to be natively responsive in browsers. I tried setting height and width to null but to no avail. Would it be a solution to remove the width and height from the generated SVG from ->toSvg() to make them work as SVGs were intended? If constraints are needed it's never a problem to create a container for the SVG, but removing the constraints from the SVG is impossible. I'd be happy to pull request the removal of the two attributes if this is at all an interesting change.

    opened by lasseeee 1
  • Using SVG with & (ampersand) breaks XML

    Using SVG with & (ampersand) breaks XML

    E.g. Romeo & Juliet

    This page contains the following errors:
    error on line 1 at column 354: xmlParseEntityRef: no name
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

    Is this to be expected? Should one convert to HTML-tags/remove special symbols?


    opened by francoism90 0
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