Postier is a Laravel API automation platform to transfer data and to sync apps. You can build workflows with data and actions of multiple apps and apply logics to the data!
Added Laravel functionality to Enlightn Security Checker. Adds a command to check for, and optionally emails you, vulnerabilities when they affect you.
Added Laravel functionality to Enlightn Security Checker. Adds a command to check for, and optionally emails you, vulnerabilities when they affect you.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling.
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire. where you can chat with multiple frinds at the same time. i build this with php Laravel and Livewire.
Rinvex Tenants is a contextually intelligent polymorphic Laravel package, for single db multi-tenancy. You can completely isolate tenants data with ease using the same database, with full power and control over what data to be centrally shared, and what to be tenant related and therefore isolated from others.
In addition to the existing Laravel service container, Ray.Di provides dependency resolution for contoroller. AOP can be applied to all injected objects.