60 Repositories
PHP spam-filter Libraries
Packet-driven global form interaction-spam blocker for PM.
Looking for testers and README improvers! Form Interaction Fix Interaction-spam Interaction spam is often a problem for players who use the mouse as t
Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Cloudflare's Turnstile service.
Turnstile for Silverstripe Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Cloudflare's Turnstile service. Maintainer Contact Ed Chipma
Cloudflare Turnstile anti-spam plugin for Joomla!
Cloudflare Turnstile anti-spam plugin for Joomla! Turnstile is Cloudflare's smart CAPTCHA alternative. It can be embedded into any website without sen
This project uses dflydev/dot-access-data to provide simple output filtering for cli applications.
FilterViaDotAccessData This project uses dflydev/dot-access-data to provide simple output filtering for applications built with annotated-command / Ro
A generic filter for contao entities.
Contao filter bundle This bundle offers a generic filter module to use with arbitrary contao entities containing standard filter with initial filters
Joomla Framework Filter Package
The Filter Package Installation via Composer Add "joomla/filter": "~2.0.*@dev" to the require block in your composer.json and then run composer instal
The best profanity filter for chat with api for plugin developers!
xqwtxon/ProfanityFilter is moving on ReinfyTeam/ProfanityFilter ProfanityFilter 🤐 A best profanity filter for pocketmine. Controls hate speech and bl
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database.
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database. you can filter multiple columns at the same time and also you can filter relation fields with two-level deep and without any join in your query builder.
A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP
clue/stream-filter A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP Table of contents Why? Support us Usage append() prepend() fun() remove() I
Symfony Bundle to create HTML tables with bootstrap-table for Doctrine Entities.
HelloBootstrapTableBundle This Bundle provides simple bootstrap-table configuration for your Doctrine Entities. Used bootstrap-table version 1.18.3. I
An autoscaling Bloom filter with ultra-low memory footprint for PHP
Ok Bloomer An autoscaling Bloom filter with ultra-low memory footprint for PHP. Ok Bloomer employs a novel layered filtering strategy that allows it t
This package provides tools to validate and sanitize objects and arrays.
Aura.Filter This package provides tools to validate and sanitize objects and arrays. Foreword Installation This library requires PHP 7.2 or later; we
JSONFinder - a library that can find json values in a mixed text or html documents, can filter and search the json tree, and converts php objects to json without 'ext-json' extension.
JSONFinder - a library that can find json values in a mixed text or html documents, can filter and search the json tree, and converts php objects to json without 'ext-json' extension.
php String Objects Chains like length,forEach,filter,replace,repalcAll much More.... Module
php String Objects Chains like length,forEach,filter,replace,repalcAll much More.... Module
The WordPress filter, action system in Laravel
Laravel Hooks The WordPress filters, actions system in Laravel. About An action interrupts the code flow to do something, and then returns back to the
Laravel Nova filter for Spatie/laravel-tags
SpatieTagsNovaFilter This package allows you to filter resources by tags. (using the awesome Spatie/laravel-tags and Vue-MultiSelect ) Installation Fi
This is a JSONPath implementation for PHP based on Stefan Goessner's JSONPath script.
JSONPath for PHP This is a JSONPath implementation for PHP based on Stefan Goessner's JSONPath script. JSONPath is an XPath-like expression language f
A simple PHP scripting application which fetch emails from your Gmail account according to a filter and parses them for information.
A simple PHP scripting application which fetch emails from your Gmail account according to a filter and parses them for information.
🥳🔐 This package is a Laravel package that checks if an email address is a spammer
This package is a Laravel package that checks if an email address is a spammer. It verifies your signups and form submissions to confirm that they are legitimate.
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database. you can filter multiple columns at the same time and also you can filter relation fields with two-level deep and without any join in your query builder.
An Eloquent Way To Filter Laravel Models And Their Relationships
Eloquent Filter An Eloquent way to filter Eloquent Models and their relationships Introduction Lets say we want to return a list of users filtered by
SPAM Registration Stopper is a Q2A plugin that prevents highly probable SPAM user registrations based on well-known SPAM checking services and other techniques
SPAM Registration Stopper [by Gabriel Zanetti] Description SPAM Registration Stopper is a Question2Answer plugin that prevents highly probable SPAM us
A Laravel 8 and Livewire 2 demo showing how to search and filter by tags, showing article and video counts for each tag (Polymorphic relationship)
Advanced search and filter with Laravel and Livewire A demo app using Laravel 8 and Livewire 2 showing how to implement a list of articles and tags, v
Rah comment spam - Comment anti-spam plugin for Textpattern CMS
rah_comment_spam Packagist | Issues | Donate Rah_comment_spam provides customizable anti-spam tools for Textpattern CMS’ comment system. Set minimum a
Hook-logger-plugin - Debug WordPress action / filter hooks.
hook-logger-plugin Easily debug WordPress action / filter hooks, finding where actions are called from and understanding the flow of execution. This p
WPBruiser {no- Captcha anti-Spam} (forked, updated)
=== WPBruiser {no- Captcha anti-Spam} === Contributors: mihche, knutsp Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_
Akismet for Laravel 6.x/7.x/8.x
Laravel Akismet Installation Install this package with composer: composer require nickurt/laravel-akismet Copy the config files for the api php artis
StopForumSpam for Laravel 6.x/7.x/8.x
Laravel StopForumSpam Installation Install this package with composer: composer require nickurt/laravel-stopforumspam Copy the config files for the S
🖖Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any kind of filters.
Repository Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any
Filter resources with request parameters
FilterWhere Filter resources with request parameters Author: Thomas Jakobi office@treehillstudio.com License: GNU GPLv2 Features With this MODX Revolu
Honeypot spam prevention for Laravel applications
Honeypot spam prevention for Laravel applications How does it work? "Honeypot" method of spam prevention is a simple and effective way to defer some o
Datagrid for Laravel v5
Datagrid For Laravel 5+ Package that easily converts collection of models to a datagrid table. The main goal of the package is to build for you a tabl
Eloquent MongoDB Repository Implementation
Eloquent MongoDB Repository Eloquent MongoDB Repository using nilportugues/repository as foundation, using jenssegers/mongodb. Installation Use Compos
Eloquent Repository implementation
Eloquent Repository Eloquent Repository using nilportugues/repository as foundation. Installation Use Composer to install the package: $ composer requ
Control all text in multiple file bad words filter with worps
About Worps | PHP! Control all text in multiple file bad words filter with worps If you try online Click What to do use for worps Create new object Wo
A package to filter laravel model based on query params or retrieved model collection
Laravel Filterable A package to filter laravel model based on query params or retrived model collection. Installation Require/Install the package usin
Akismet: Spam Protection for MODX
Akismet: Spam Protection for MODX Developed by modmore Introduction Akismet is an advanced spam protection service that uses AI to analyse form submis
On International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th), this filter changes all appropriate English phrases and words into pirate-speak.
Pirate This module is a simple filter that, when enabled, will change your posts to "Pirate talk" on September 19th for Talk like a Pirate Day Install
Provides a Eloquent query builder for Laravel or Lumen
This package provides an advanced filter for Laravel or Lumen model based on incoming requets.
Friendly Captcha anti-spam plugin for Joomla!
Friendly Captcha anti-spam plugin for Joomla! Register at https://friendlycaptcha.com to get your site and secret keys. Plugin Features Standard light
Advanced Laravel models filtering capabilities
Advanced Laravel models filtering capabilities Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require pricecurrent/laravel-eloquent-f
A powerful control panel search filter replacement for CraftCMS
Omnisearch plugin for Craft CMS 3.x Omnisearch is a powerful control panel search filter replacement for the CraftCMS 3 control panel. Overview Do you
PHP Basic Firewall
PHP Basic Firewall
CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP
CSV Csv is a simple library to ease CSV parsing, writing and filtering in PHP. The goal of the library is to be powerful while remaining lightweight,
Eloquent Filter is a package for filter data of models by the query strings. Easy to use and fully dynamic.
Eloquent Filter Eloquent Filter adds custom filters to your Eloquent Models in Laravel. It's easy to use and fully dynamic. Table of Content Introduct
PHP client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse.
reCAPTCHA PHP client library reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects websites from spam and abuse. This is a PHP library that wraps up the s
💛 Modern API development in Laravel. ✍️ Developed by Gentrit Abazi.
Introduction Larapi is a package thats offers you to do modern API development in Laravel with support for new versions of Laravel. Larapi comes inclu
All In 1 Spam Tool For Termux Users Subscribe Us (Noob Hackers) some shit heads are trying to abuse this script so don't worry about them ...let them hallucinate ...but you are free to use this script
ABOUT TOOL : SPAMX is a all in one Bombing+Spam tool from this tool you can send anonymous messages to your target without showing your real number an
Anime4KCPP provides an optimized bloc97's Anime4K algorithm - a high performance anime upscaler
Anime4KCPP provides an optimized bloc97's Anime4K algorithm version 0.9, and it also provides its own CNN algorithm ACNet, it provides a variety of way to use, including preprocessing and real-time playback, it aims to be a high performance tools to process both image and video.
DatabaseLog CakePHP plugin to log into DB instead of files. Better to filter and search.
CakePHP DatabaseLog Plugin DatabaseLog engine for CakePHP applications. This branch is for CakePHP 4.0+. See version map for details. Features Easy se
An asset compression plugin for CakePHP. Provides file concatenation and a flexible filter system for preprocessing and minification.
Asset Compress Asset Compress is CakePHP plugin for helping reduce the number of requests, and optimizing the remaining requests your application make
An Eloquent Way To Filter Laravel Models And Their Relationships
Eloquent Filter An Eloquent way to filter Eloquent Models and their relationships Introduction Lets say we want to return a list of users filtered by
PHP Captcha library
Captcha Installation With composer : { ... "require": { "gregwar/captcha": "1.*" } } Usage You can create a captcha with the Captc
Manage mailboxes, filter/get/delete emails in PHP (supports IMAP/POP3/NNTP)
PHP IMAP Initially released in December 2012, the PHP IMAP Mailbox is a powerful and open source library to connect to a mailbox by POP3, IMAP and NNT
CIDRAM: Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager.
What is CIDRAM? CIDRAM (Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager) is a PHP script designed to protect websites by blocking requests originating f
Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP
HTML Purifier HTML Purifier is an HTML filtering solution that uses a unique combination of robust whitelists and aggressive parsing to ensure that no
Validate and sanitize arrays and objects.
Aura.Filter This package provides tools to validate and sanitize objects and arrays. Foreword Installation This library requires PHP 5.4 or later; we
Lightweight and feature-rich PHP validation and filtering library. Support scene grouping, pre-filtering, array checking, custom validators, custom messages. 轻量且功能丰富的PHP验证、过滤库。支持场景分组,前置过滤,数组检查,自定义验证器,自定义消息。
PHP Validate 一个简洁小巧且功能完善的php验证、过滤库。 简单方便,支持添加自定义验证器 支持前置验证检查, 自定义如何判断非空 支持将规则按场景进行分组设置。或者部分验证 支持在进行验证前对值使用过滤器进行净化过滤内置过滤器 支持在进行验证前置处理和后置处理独立验证处理 支持自定义每
PHP-based anti-virus anti-trojan anti-malware solution.
What is phpMussel? An ideal solution for shared hosting environments, where it's often not possible to utilise or install conventional anti-virus prot
CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP
CSV Csv is a simple library to ease CSV parsing, writing and filtering in PHP. The goal of the library is to be powerful while remaining lightweight,