SPAM Registration Stopper is a Q2A plugin that prevents highly probable SPAM user registrations based on well-known SPAM checking services and other techniques


SPAM Registration Stopper [by Gabriel Zanetti]


SPAM Registration Stopper is a Question2Answer plugin that prevents highly probable SPAM user registrations based on well-known SPAM checking services.


  • Prevents potential SPAM user registrations (users do not need to be removed as they are not even created)
  • SPAM users are tested against well-known services
  • Each service is implemented as an internal plugin on its own, allowing for easy extension
  • Rejects registrations with duplicate emails
  • Rejects registrations with trash emails
  • Statistics for the last months are tracked for each service
  • Internationalization support
  • No need for core hacks or plugin overrides
  • Simple installation

Bear in mind that the plugin will not assure in any way SPAM users won't register. The plugin will decrease the amount of these unwanted users.


  • Q2A version 1.8.0+
  • PHP 7.0.0+

Installation instructions

  1. Copy the plugin directory into the qa-plugin directory
  2. Enable the plugin from the Admin -> Plugins menu option
  3. Click on the Save button


If you have found a bug then create a ticket in the Issues section.

Get the plugin

The plugin can be downloaded from this link. You can say thanks donating using PayPal.

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