70 Repositories
PHP request-uri Libraries
The Missing check on Laravel Request Unicity.
Motivation This laravel package will allow you to execute a code once in the current request based on the key provided. Installation composer require
A Rich Featured Mini PHP MVC Framework
Footup MVC PHP Framework Un mini framework MVC PHP qui comporte : CLI support for generating class Translation support Config using PHP File or .env (
This document provides the details related to Remittance API. This APIs is used to initiate payment request from Mobile client/others exchange house.
City Bank Remittance API This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Installation You c
HTTP Requestor: Package for a client request that supports you to make an external service request easily and with fast usage.
HttpRequestor from Patienceman HTTP Requestor: Package for a client request that supports you to make an external service request easily and with fast
Livewire trait (throttling). Limiting request processing speed
Livewire Throttling Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require f1uder/livewire-throttling Usage Livewire component ?php
Simple solution for form request validation on lumen.
Form Request Validation for Lumen This small package contains a laravel-like solution for request form validation. Contents Form Request Validation fo
Laravel style FormRequests for Symfony; inspired by adamsafr/form-request-bundle
Somnambulist Form Request Bundle An implementation of form requests from Laravel for Symfony based on the original work by Adam Sapraliev. Requirement
SEOstats is a powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics.
SEOstats: SEO metrics library for PHP SEOstats is the open source PHP library to get SEO-relevant website metrics. SEOstats is used to gather metrics
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation. This allows you to call modules inside the installation and interact with them to add, show or list data such as domains, e-mail accounts, databases and so on.
A YOURLS plugin allowing the shortening of multiple URLs with one API request.
Bulk URL Shortening - a YOURLS plugin Plugin for YOURLS Plugin URI: github.com/tdakanalis/bulk_api_bulkshortener Description: A YOURLS plugin allowing
Easy way to upload Laravel model related files from the request.
Easy way to upload laravel model related file from the requset.
PHP Curl - This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl.
PHP Curl This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl. It provides functions that can take several types of parameters to configure
Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your Laravel or Lumen application
Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your Laravel or Lumen application. It comes out the box with ready to use with dashboard to view your activity. Laravel logger can be added as a middleware or called through a trait. Easily have an Activity Log. This package is easily configurable and customizable. Supports Laravel 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, and 7+
Middleware to generate access logs for each request using the Apache's access log format
Middleware to generate access logs for each request using the Apache's access log format. This middleware requires a Psr log implementation, for example monolog.
Dazzle Async IPC Messaging
Dazzle Async IPC Abstraction Note: This repository is part of Dazzle Project - the next-gen library for PHP. The project's purpose is to provide PHP d
Map request on your DTO object with zero configuration.
Map request on your DTO object with zero configuration. Install composer require prugala/symfony-request-dto Usage Create a DTO that implements the in
Symfony bundle that provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications
CSRF Cookie Bundle This Symfony bundle provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications requesting endpoints
Generate GitHub pull request preview deployments with Laravel Forge
Forge Previewer WARNING: This package is not ready for production usage. Use at your own risk. This package provides a forge-previewer command that ca
Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP
HTTP Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP. This HTTP library provides re-usable implementations for an HTTP clie
Middleware to execute request handlers discovered by a router
middlewares/request-handler Middleware to execute request handlers discovered by a router.
Echo your public IP address with a very simple cURL request
Echo your public IP address with a very simple cURL request
Northwoods Lazy Middleware
Northwoods Lazy Middleware Lazy loading for PSR-15 middleware and request handlers that supports "just in time" instantiation using a PSR-11 container
Provides the equivalent of request ( Context ) and response ( Stdio ) objects for the command line interface
Provides the equivalent of request ( Context ) and response ( Stdio ) objects for the command line interface, including Getopt support, and an independent Help object for describing commands.
Like FormRequests, but for validating against a json-schema
JSON Schema Request Laravels Form Request Validation for JSON Schema documents Installation composer require wt-health/laravel-json-schema-request Us
It validates PSR-7 messages (HTTP request/response) against OpenAPI specifications
OpenAPI PSR-7 Message (HTTP Request/Response) Validator This package can validate PSR-7 messages against OpenAPI (3.0.x) specifications expressed in Y
Security CSRF (cross-site request forgery) component provides a class CsrfTokenManager for generating and validating CSRF tokens.
Security Component - CSRF The Security CSRF (cross-site request forgery) component provides a class CsrfTokenManager for generating and validating CSR
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application.
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application. Requirements php = 7.4 Laravel version = 6.0 Installation composer
Simple loader to send request and read response from address.
Simple loader to send request and read response from address. Uses cURL extension. Composer package.
klein.php is a fast & flexible router for PHP 5.3+
Klein.php klein.php is a fast & flexible router for PHP 5.3+ Flexible regular expression routing (inspired by Sinatra) A set of boilerplate methods fo
Add the W3C payment request on Magento 2
Payment Request API for Magento 2 About This Magento Extension will allow you to use the W3C's payment request api for checkout in Magento 2. The Paym
Http-kernel - The HttpKernel component provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response.
HttpKernel Component The HttpKernel component provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response by making use of the EventDispatc
Routing - The Routing component maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables.
Routing Component The Routing component maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables. Getting Started $ composer require symfony/routing
Harden request headers, login interface and passwords to increase backend security.
JvMTECH.NeosHardening Package for Neos CMS Harden request headers, login interface and passwords to increase backend security. Installation composer r
Collection of scripts, thoughts about CSP (Content Security Policy)
CSP useful, a collection of scripts, thoughts about CSP I'm testing and using CSP (Content Security Policy), and here are some thoughts, resources, sc
Csrf Component provides Cross Site Request Forgery protection by comparing provided token with session token to ensure request validity.
Csrf Component Csrf Component provides Cross Site Request Forgery protection by comparing provided token with session token to ensure request validity
Send ping to search engine by Index now protocol.
Index now PHP protocol Easy to use protocol that websites can call to notify search engines whenever website contents on any URL is updated or created
PHP Simple Response, XML, JSON,... auto response with accept in request's header
simple-response Simple package to handle response properly in your API. This package does not include any dependency. Install Via Composer $ composer
urldecode'ing of all HTTP parameters in Lumen project
Request UrlDecode Description This package is intended to perform urldecode of all HTTP parameters in Lumen project. Lumen for some reason does not do
This is a solution implementation for the coderbyte question, CLEAN GET REQUEST RESULT.
This is a solution implementation for the coderbyte question, CLEAN GET REQUEST RESULT. Two solutions are proposed, the first is a brute force approach while the other is an improved time complexity solution.
🖖Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any kind of filters.
Repository Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any
Filter resources with request parameters
FilterWhere Filter resources with request parameters Author: Thomas Jakobi office@treehillstudio.com License: GNU GPLv2 Features With this MODX Revolu
Log Laravel application request and response with a unique ID for easy debugging
Flexible and extendable logging of Laravel application request and responses Zero configuration logging of Requests and Responses to database or custo
This package can use form request just as Laravel do.
Lumen Form Request This package can use form request just as Laravel do. Installation Install by composer $ composer require chhw/form-request In
Switch the DokuWiki interface language according to the accept-language request header
Switch the DokuWiki interface language according to the accept-language request header
Create Migration, Seed, Request, Controller, Model and Views for your resource (CRUD)
Table of Contents Laravel Resourceful NOTE! Usage Install through composer Add Service Provider Run it! Example Generated Controller Generated Views I
SAPI request and response objects for PHP 8.1
Sapien This package provides server API (SAPI) request and response objects for PHP 8.1: Sapien\Request, composed of readonly copies of PHP supergloba
A request rate limiter for Laravel 5.
Alt Three Throttle An request rate limiter for Laravel 5. Installation This version requires PHP 7.1 or 7.2, and supports Laravel 5.5 - 5.7 only. To g
Easily validate data attributes through a remote request
Laravel Remote Rule Easily validate data attributes through a remote request. This package allows you to define a subset of custom rules to validate a
A functional and simple rate limit control to prevent request attacks ready-to-use for PHP.
RateLimitControl A functional and simple rate limit control to prevent request attacks ready-to-use for PHP. Features: Prepared statements (using PDO)
Package for unit testing Laravel form request classes
Package for unit testing Laravel form request classes. Why Colin DeCarlo gave a talk on Laracon online 21 about unit testing Laravel form requests cla
laravel zibal - transaction request package for zibal
laravel zibal transaction request package for zibal Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. Installation You can
This Package helps you in laravel application to log all desired activity for each request from request entry point to generate response at a single snapshot.
Laravel Scenario Logger This Package helps you in laravel application to log all desired activity for each request from request entry point to generat
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project.
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind.
Simple game server with php without socket programming. Uses the Api request post(json).
QMA server Simple game server with php without socket programming. Uses the Api request post(json). What does this code do? Register the user as a gue
QR Code Generator
QR Code By endroid If you like my work you can show appreciation by sponsoring via Github Sponsors or send me some ADA at DdzFFzCqrhszSwiFWMBQomfv6mkD
Easily capture every incoming request and the corresponding outgoing response in your Laravel app.
Easily capture every incoming request and the corresponding outgoing response in your Laravel app. This package is designed to work only with the Lara
Identify app models with a URI. Inspired by the globalid gem.
Identify app models with a URI. Heavily inspired by the globalid gem. Global ID - Reference models by URI A Global ID is an app wide URI that uniquely
PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware.
CORS PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware. Support Array, Coding in Native PHP Using PSR-7 PSR-15 Support Symfony Support Laravel Suppo
A small, modern, PSR-7 compatible PSR-17 and PSR-18 network library for PHP, inspired by Go's net package.
Net A small, modern, PSR-7 compatible PSR-17 and PSR-18 network library for PHP, inspired by Go's net package. Features: No hard dependencies; Favours
A small, modern, PSR-7 compatible PSR-17 and PSR-18 network library for PHP, inspired by Go's net package.
Net A small, modern, PSR-7 compatible PSR-17 and PSR-18 network library for PHP, inspired by Go's net package. Features: No hard dependencies; Favours
Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library. It simplifies how you interact with other sites and takes away all your worries.
Requests for PHP Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly based on the API from the excellent Requests Python librar
:earth_asia: Functions for making sense out of URIs in PHP
sabre/uri sabre/uri is a lightweight library that provides several functions for working with URIs, staying true to the rules of RFC3986. Partially in
URI manipulation Library
URI The Uri package provides simple and intuitive classes to manage URIs in PHP. You will be able to parse, build and resolve URIs create URIs from di
A fast & flexible router
Klein.php klein.php is a fast & flexible router for PHP 5.3+ Flexible regular expression routing (inspired by Sinatra) A set of boilerplate methods fo
Fast request router for PHP
FastRoute - Fast request router for PHP This library provides a fast implementation of a regular expression based router. Blog post explaining how the
Execute time consuming tasks as late as possible in a request
Procrastinator for PHP: do stuff later A few classes to help you executing complicated tasks (like sending mails) later. Example using fastcgi_finish_
A PSR-15 server request handler.
Relay A PSR-15 request handler. This package is installable and PSR-4 autoloadable via Composer as "relay/relay": "~2.0". Alternatively, download a re
Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library. It simplifies how you interact with other sites and takes away all your worries.
Requests for PHP Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly based on the API from the excellent Requests Python librar
It validates PSR-7 messages (HTTP request/response) against OpenAPI specifications
NOTICE - THE PACKAGE HAS BEEN CONTRIBUTED TO THE PHP LEAGUE Go to https://github.com/thephpleague/openapi-psr7-validator This package is here for exis
Abstracts HTTP request input handling, providing an easy interface for data hydration and validation
Linio Input Linio Input is yet another component of the Linio Framework. It aims to abstract HTTP request input handling, allowing a seamless integrat