SEOstats is a powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics.


SEOstats: SEO metrics library for PHP

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SEOstats is the open source PHP library to get SEO-relevant website metrics.

SEOstats is used to gather metrics such as detailed searchindex & backlink data, keyword & traffic statistics, website trends, page authority, social visibility, Google Pagerank, Alexa Trafficrank and more.

It offers over 50 different methods to fetch data from sources like Alexa, Google, Mozscape (by Moz - f.k.a. Seomoz), SEMRush, Open-Site-Explorer, Sistrix, Facebook or Twitter.

A variety of (private as well as enterprise) SEO tools have been built using SEOstats.


SEOstats requires PHP version 5.3 or greater and the PHP5-CURL and PHP5-JSON extensions.


The recommended way to install SEOstats is through composer. To install SEOstats, just create the following composer.json file

    "require": {
        "seostats/seostats": "dev-master"

and run the php composer.phar install (Windows: composer install) command in path of the composer.json.

Step-by-step example:

If you haven't installed composer yet, here's the easiest way to do so:

# Download the composer installer and execute it with PHP:
user@host:~/> curl -sS | php

# Copy composer.phar to where your local executables live:
user@host:~/> mv /path/given/by/composer-installer/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer.phar

# Alternatively: For ease of use, you can add an alias to your bash profile:
# (Note, you need to re-login your terminal for the change to take effect.)
user@host:~/> echo 'alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"' >> ~/.profile

If you have installed composer, follow these steps to install SEOstats: ``` # Create a new directory and cd into it: user@host:~/> mkdir /path/to/seostats && cd /path/to/seostats

Create the composer.json for SEOstats:

user@host:/path/to/seostats> echo '{"require":{"seostats/seostats":"dev-master"}}' > composer.json

Run the install command:

user@host:/path/to/seostats> composer install Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev)

  • Installing seostats/seostats (dev-master 4c192e4) Cloning 4c192e43256c95741cf85d23ea2a0d59a77b7a9a

Writing lock file Generating autoload files

You're done. For a quick start, you can now

copy the example files to the install directory:

user@host:/path/to/seostats> cp ./vendor/seostats/seostats/example/*.php ./

Your SEOstats install directory should look like this now:

user@host:/path/to/seostats> ls -1 composer.json composer.lock get-alexa-graphs.php get-alexa-metrics.php get-google-pagerank.php get-google-pagespeed-analysis.php get-google-serps.php get-opensiteexplorer-metrics.php get-semrush-graphs.php get-semrush-metrics.php get-sistrix-visibilityindex.php get-social-metrics.php vendor

#### Use SEOstats without composer

If composer is no option for you, you can still just download the [``]( file of the current master branch (version 2.5.2) and extract it. However, currently [there is an issues with autoloading]( and you need to follow the instructions in the comments in the example files in order to use SEOstats (or download zip for the development version of SEOstats (2.5.3) [here](

## Usage

### TOC

* <a href='#configuration'>Configuration</a>
* <a href='#brief-example-of-use'>Brief Example of Use</a>
* <a href='#seostats-alexa-methods'>Alexa Methods</a>
 * <a href='#alexa-traffic-metrics'>Alexa Traffic Metrics</a>
 * <a href='#alexa-traffic-graphs'>Alexa Traffic Graphs</a>
* <a href='#seostats-google-methods'>Google Methods</a>
 * <a href='#google-toolbar-pagerank'>Toolbar Pagerank</a>
 * <a href='#google-pagespeed-service'>Pagespeed Service</a>
 * <a href='#google-websearch-index'>Websearch Index</a>
 * <a href='#google-serp-details'>SERP Details</a>
* <a href='#seostats-mozscape-methods'>Mozscape Methods</a>  
* <a href='#seostats-open-site-explorer-methods'>Open Site Explorer Methods</a>
* <a href='#seostats-semrush-methods'>SEMRush Methods</a>
 * <a href='#semrush-domain-reports'>Domain Reports</a>
 * <a href='#semrush-graphs'>Graphs</a>
* <a href='#seostats-sistrix-methods'>Sistrix Methods</a>
 * <a href='#sistrix-visibility-index'>Visibility Index</a>
* <a href='#seostats-social-media-methods'>Social Media Methods</a>


### Configuration
There're two configuration files to note:
<em>Client API Keys (currently only required for Mozscape, Google's Pagespeed Service and Sistrix).</em>
<em>Some default settings for querying data (mainly locale related stuff).</em>

### Brief Example of Use
To use the SEOstats methods, you must include one of the Autoloader classes first (For composer installs: `./vendor/autoload.php`; for zip download: `./SEOstats/bootstrap.php`).

Now, you can create a new SEOstats instance an bind any URL to the instance for further use with any child class.

// Depending on how you installed SEOstats
#require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'SEOstats' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

use \SEOstats\Services as SEOstats;

try {
  $url = '';

  // Create a new SEOstats instance.
  $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats;

  // Bind the URL to the current SEOstats instance.
  if ($seostats->setUrl($url)) {

	echo SEOstats\Alexa::getGlobalRank();
	echo SEOstats\Google::getPageRank();
catch (SEOstatsException $e) {

Alternatively, you can call all methods statically passing the URL to the methods directly.

// Depending on how you installed SEOstats
#require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'SEOstats' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

try {
  $url = '';

  // Get the Google Toolbar Pagerank for the given URL.
  echo \SEOstats\Services\Google::getPageRank($url);
catch (SEOstatsException $e) {

More detailed examples can be found in the ./example directory.

SEOstats Alexa Methods

Alexa Traffic Metrics

  // Returns the global Alexa Traffic Rank (last 3 months).
  print Alexa::getGlobalRank();

  // Returns the global Traffic Rank for the last month.
  print Alexa::getMonthlyRank();

  // Returns the global Traffic Rank for the last week.
  print Alexa::getWeeklyRank();

  // Returns the global Traffic Rank for yesterday.
  print Alexa::getDailyRank();

  // Returns the country-specific Alexa Traffic Rank.
  print_r( Alexa::getCountryRank() );

  // Returns Alexa's backlink count for the given domain.
  print Alexa::getBacklinkCount();

  // Returns Alexa's page load time info for the given domain.
  print Alexa::getPageLoadTime();

Alexa Traffic Graphs

  // Returns HTML code for the 'daily traffic trend'-graph.
  print Alexa::getTrafficGraph(1);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'daily pageviews (percent)'-graph.
  print Alexa::getTrafficGraph(2);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'daily pageviews per user'-graph.
  print Alexa::getTrafficGraph(3);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'time on site (in minutes)'-graph.
  print Alexa::getTrafficGraph(4);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'bounce rate (percent)'-graph.
  print Alexa::getTrafficGraph(5);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'search visits'-graph, using specific graph dimensions of 320*240 px.
  print Alexa::getTrafficGraph(6, 0, 320, 240);

SEOstats Google Methods

Google Toolbar PageRank

  //  Returns the Google PageRank for the given URL.
  print Google::getPageRank();

Google Pagespeed Service

  // Returns the Google Pagespeed analysis' metrics for the given URL.
  print_r( Google::getPagespeedAnalysis() );

  // Returns the Google Pagespeed analysis' total score.
  print Google::getPagespeedScore();

Google Websearch Index

  // Returns the total amount of results for a Google site-search for the object URL.
  print Google::getSiteindexTotal();

  // Returns the total amount of results for a Google link-search for the object URL.
  print Google::getBacklinksTotal();

  // Returns the total amount of results for a Google search for 'keyword'.
  print Google::getSearchResultsTotal('keyword');

Google SERP Details

  // Returns an array of URLs and titles for the first 100 results for a Google web search for 'keyword'.
  print_r ( Google::getSerps('keyword') );

  // Returns an array of URLs and titles for the first 200 results for a Google site-search for $url.
  print_r ( Google::getSerps("site:$url", 200) );

  // Returns an array of URLs, titles and position in SERPS for occurrences of $url
  // within the first 1000 results for a Google web search for 'keyword'.
  print_r ( Google::getSerps('keyword', 1000, $url) );

SEOstats Mozscape Methods

  // The normalized 10-point MozRank score of the URL. 
  print Mozscape::getMozRank();
  // The raw MozRank score of the URL.
  print Mozscape::getMozRankRaw();
  // The number of links (equity or nonequity or not, internal or external) to the URL.
  print Mozscape::getLinkCount();
  // The number of external equity links to the URL (
  print Mozscape::getEquityLinkCount();
  // A normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood
  // of the URL to rank well in search engine results.  
  print Mozscape::getPageAuthority();
  // A normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood
  // of the root domain of the URL to rank well in search engine results.
  print Mozscape::getDomainAuthority();

SEOstats Open Site Explorer (by MOZ) Methods

  // Returns several metrics from Open Site Explorer (by MOZ)
  $ose = OpenSiteExplorer::getPageMetrics();

  // MOZ Domain-Authority Rank - Predicts this domain's ranking potential in the search engines 
  // based on an algorithmic combination of all link metrics.
  print "Domain-Authority:         " .
        $ose->domainAuthority->result . ' (' .      // Int - e.g 42
        $ose->domainAuthority->unit   . ') - ' .    // String - "/100"
        $ose->domainAuthority->descr  . PHP_EOL;    // String - Result value description

  // MOZ Page-Authority Rank - Predicts this page's ranking potential in the search engines 
  // based on an algorithmic combination of all link metrics.
  print "Page-Authority:           " .
        $ose->pageAuthority->result . ' (' .        // Int - e.g 48
        $ose->pageAuthority->unit   . ') - ' .      // String - "/100"
        $ose->pageAuthority->descr  . PHP_EOL;      // String - Result value description

  // Just-Discovered Inbound Links - Number of links to this page found over the past %n days, 
  // indexed within an hour of being shared on Twitter.
  print "Just-Discovered Links:    " .
        $ose->justDiscovered->result . ' (' .       // Int - e.g 140
        $ose->justDiscovered->unit   . ') - ' .     // String - e.g "32 days"
        $ose->justDiscovered->descr  . PHP_EOL;     // String - Result value description

  // Root-Domain Inbound Links - Number of unique root domains (e.g., * 
  // containing at least one linking page to this URL.
  print "Linking Root Domains:     " .
        $ose->linkingRootDomains->result . ' (' .   // Int - e.g 210
        $ose->linkingRootDomains->unit   . ') - ' . // String - "Root Domains"
        $ose->linkingRootDomains->descr  . PHP_EOL; // String - Result value description

  // Total Links - All links to this page including internal, external, followed, and nofollowed.
  print "Total Links:              " .
        $ose->totalLinks->result . ' (' .           // Int - e.g 31571
        $ose->totalLinks->unit   . ') - ' .         // String - "Total Links"
        $ose->totalLinks->descr  . PHP_EOL;         // String - Result value description

SEOstats SEMRush Methods

SEMRush Domain Reports

  // Returns an array containing the SEMRush main report (includes DomainRank, Traffic- & Ads-Data)
  print_r ( SemRush::getDomainRank() );

  // Returns an array containing the domain rank history.
  print_r ( SemRush::getDomainRankHistory() );

  // Returns an array containing data for competeing (auto-detected) websites.
  print_r ( SemRush::getCompetitors() );

  // Returns an array containing data about organic search engine traffic, using explicitly SEMRush's german database.
  print_r ( SemRush::getOrganicKeywords(0, 'de') );

SEMRush Graphs

  // Returns HTML code for the 'search engine traffic'-graph.
  print SemRush::getDomainGraph(1);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'search engine traffic price'-graph.
  print SemRush::getDomainGraph(2);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'number of adwords ads'-graph, using explicitly SEMRush's german database.
  print SemRush::getDomainGraph(3, 0, 'de');

  // Returns HTML code for the 'adwords traffic'-graph, using explicitly SEMRush's german database and
  // specific graph dimensions of 320*240 px.
  print SemRush::getDomainGraph(4, 0, 'de', 320, 240);

  // Returns HTML code for the 'adwords traffic price '-graph, using explicitly SEMRush's german database,
  // specific graph dimensions of 320*240 px and specific graph colors (black lines and red dots for data points).
  print SemRush::getDomainGraph(5, 0, 'de', 320, 240, '000000', 'ff0000');

SEOstats Sistrix Methods

Sistrix Visibility Index

  // Returns the Sistrix visibility index
  // @link
  print Sistrix::getVisibilityIndex();

SEOstats Social Media Methods

Google+ PlusOnes

  // Returns integer PlusOne count
  print Social::getGooglePlusShares();

Facebook Interactions

  // Returns an array of total counts for overall Facebook interactions count, shares, likes, comments and clicks.
  print_r ( Social::getFacebookShares() );

Twitter Mentions

  // Returns integer tweet count for URL mentions
  print Social::getTwitterShares();

Other Shares

  // Returns the total count of URL shares via Delicious
  print Social::getDeliciousShares();

  // Returns array of top ten delicious tags for a URL
  print_r ( Social::getDeliciousTopTags() );

  // Returns the total count of URL shares via Digg
  print Social::getDiggShares();

  // Returns the total count of URL shares via LinkedIn
  print Social::getLinkedInShares();

  // Returns shares, comments, clicks and reach for the given URL via Xing
  print_r( Social::getXingShares() );

  // Returns the total count of URL shares via Pinterest
  print Social::getPinterestShares();

  // Returns the total count of URL shares via StumbleUpon
  print Social::getStumbleUponShares();

  // Returns the total count of URL shares via VKontakte
  print Social::getVKontakteShares();


(c) 2010 - 2016, Stephan Schmitz
License: MIT,

  • Issues with googleArray

    Issues with googleArray

    Hey, I've issues with making external calls to google via googleArray. it fails with an exception.

    I found a solution which would replace the /custom to /cse which solves the issue.

    Regards, Oleg.

    Bug Fixed 
    opened by LandRover 26
  • Added methods to use Sistrix API

    Added methods to use Sistrix API

    Fixes issue #88.

    Attention: Changed output of getVisibilityIndex() to a real integer (contained a comma as a decimal point before) like documented and in consistency with data returned from the Sistrix API. Depending on the usage of this method, this may break some installations so we should include a warning somewhere.

    opened by tholu 18
  • Fix Autoloader (i.e. failed requires) - Read before file a bug report for failed requires!

    Fix Autoloader (i.e. failed requires) - Read before file a bug report for failed requires!

    LAST EDITED 2013-12-16

    Okay. First, there were some cross-platform path name seperator issues ("" instead of "/"), which resulted in many users experienced failed requires. On the other hand, there were some composer users having issues with my custom PSR-0 Autoloader class.

    Because these issues existed for some time and I still had no time to fix it myself, I merged #41 and #42. These commits (thanks to @francisbesset) fix both issues by using the PHP constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR as a path name seperator and replacing the custom Autoloader class by composer's.

    However, this breaks autoloading without composer for the current master branch. I will merge back the custom PSR-0 Autoloader class for alternative use with the upcoming 2.5.3 release.

    If you have issues with failed requires, for the moment the best way is to use composer to install SEOstats (as referenced here). The alternative way, downloading the Zip-File from Github does not work! If there's no way for you to work with composer, you can still download the Zip-File of the Dev-Version of 2.5.3 here: . This still includes the "old" custom Autoloader class for you to use the examples out of the box. However, you need to change the back slashes ("") - used in the example files to require the autoloader class - with the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant (see this comment for more detailed instructions).

    Bug Enhancement 
    opened by eyecatchup 18
  • Open implementation of Pagerank checksum

    Open implementation of Pagerank checksum is no longer working. So right now it is impossible to get pagerank using this tool. I think, it would be better to put code of into SEOstats, so it wont be dependent from third-party resources.

    Invalid / Duplicate 
    opened by powder96 13
  • Reinstall required after ~3 SERP requests.

    Reinstall required after ~3 SERP requests.


    I ran into this issue which I originally thought was just encountering verification to see if I was human. After some digging however I found I could get results for the SERP data by just reinstalling the files and composer. I tired to search for a fix for this so I dont have to keep reinstalling it but I could not find on. Is this something that their is a known fix for?

    After around 2-3 requests I just get: Array() in the results. If I delete the files and reinstall it will go back to displaying results for a bit.

    opened by arudd561 12
  • Config in interface constants

    Config in interface constants

    Is SEOStats configured by directly editing interface constants inside the vendor directory? eg, vendor/seostats/seostats/SEOstats/Config/ApiKeys.php for mozscape API keys

    Maybe something like would be a better approach.

    Enhancement Fixed 3 - Done 
    opened by JacobDorman 10
  • cant collect data for utf 8 urls

    cant collect data for utf 8 urls

    cant collect data from pages that have utf 8 charachters for other lang, like:

    Bug Fixed 
    opened by drmosko 9
  • Failed to generate a valid hash for PR check.

    Failed to generate a valid hash for PR check.

    I'm facing a rather interesting problem. The google page rank runs fine in the example and returns an actual page rank but when I used the same code on my project it returns the "Failed to generate a valid hash for PR check." message. The google speed score is running without any issues.

    I'm running this project on Windows 7 64bit using NetBeans IDE

    Invalid / Duplicate 
    opened by PGDesolator 6
  • Class not found

    Class not found

    In the get-semrush-metrics.php example I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Class 'SEOstats\Services\SEMRush' not found

    Note: To get the code past a fatal error on the require_once, I had to change it to this: require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/SEOstats/bootstrap.php');

    Also, very new PHP namespaces and use statements. My version of Dreamweaver flags them as incorrect syntax.

    Invalid / Duplicate 
    opened by rickjedi 6
  • Google PR returns 0 for all urls

    Google PR returns 0 for all urls

    Strangly it worked once, returning 10 for

    But after that every url returns 0, although the real value is different. Does google block more than a single request per IP maybe? No clue, what's wrong.

    Alexa stats look correct. Any advice?

    Thanks and awesome library by the way!

    opened by ordin2342 5
  • stop working stop working

    {"responseData": null, "responseDetails": "The Google Web Search API is no longer available. Please migrate to the Google Custom Search API (", "responseStatus": 403}

    So how can i use your application ?

    opened by rinkuyadav999 5
  • Laravel - SEOstats folder and errors

    Laravel - SEOstats folder and errors


    I'm still a bit new to Laravel. How do I correctly install this in Laravel?. I added this line into composer.json "seostats/seostats": "dev-master" I then ran composer update. If I for instance try this: dd(Google::getSerps('Hack Google', 10)); then this works. But if I want to try this: print Google::getSiteindexTotal(); I get an error saying : A non-numeric value encountered If I want to try this: print_r( Google::getPagespeedAnalysis($url) ); I get another error saying: In order to use the PageSpeed API, you must obtain and set an API key first (see SEOstats\Config\ApiKeys.php). But I didn't create a SEOstats folder.

    What am I missing?

    Thank you.

    opened by Takuaraa 0
  • namespace issue

    namespace issue

    I try to use SEOstats but get ClassNotFoundException

    Attempted to load class "SEOstats" from namespace "SEOstats". Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?

    $seostats = new SEOstats(); or $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats();

    I use PHP7.1 in Linux Ubuntu 17.4

    opened by Farshadi73 0
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