96 Repositories
PHP real-time Libraries
A real-time chatting website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
ChatApp A real-time chatting website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP #Features Signup Login Signup & Login Validation Encrypted Password Realtime Mes
Medical Master or "Medic-M" was built to reduce the hassle of buying medicine, provide medicine to the sick in a short time. It is an HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and PHP based system.
Medical Master (Medic-M) | WELCOME TO Medic-M(MEDICAL MASTER) | | Introduction | Medical Master or "Medic-M" was built to reduce the hassle of buying
The XP Framework is an all-purpose, object oriented PHP framework.
XP Framework Core This is the XP Framework's development checkout. Installation If you just want to use the XP Framework, grab a release using compose
A preconfigured Laravel, React, Typescript, Docker boilerplate to save you time!
Laravel - React - Docker - Boilerplate This repo is built with the following: Laravel 9 React 17 Vite 3 ESLint 8 TypeScript 4.7 Husky/Commit lint PHP
IP2Location Yii extension enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP
IP2Location Yii extension enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation, usage type, IP address type and IAB advertising category from IP address using IP2Location database. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the API to query all IP2Location BIN databases or web service for applications written using Yii.
IP2Location library for CodeIgniter. Use IP2Location geolocation database to lookup the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation and usage type that any IP address or hostname originates from.
CodeIgniter IP2Location Library This module enables users to retrieve below geolocation information from an IP address. It supports both the IPv4 and
Otpify is a Laravel package that provides a simple and elegant way to generate and validate one time passwords.
Laravel Otpify π Introduction Otpify is a Laravel package that provides a simple and elegant way to generate and validate one time passwords. Install
Run a script in real time inside your pocketmine server!
Geral PlayScript is a plugin that allows you to run PHP code directly from the server by command. How to use Move your PHP code (must have a .php exte
PracticeCore at the time created for DarkneesNetwork, and now i publish
Practice PracticeCore for PocketMine-MP 4.0.0 Description This is a beta version, It is very likely a drop in TPS or performance and clearly errors an
Laravel Seeable - Keep track of the date and time a user was last seen.
Laravel Seeable This package makes it easy to keep track of the date and time a user was last seen. Installation Install this package. composer requir
An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb.
Simplechat An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb. Demo https://demo.simplechat.app/ This demo app is deployed with Lar
A Real time chat app made in Next.js, Laravel and Ably.
Chat App with Next.js, Laravel and Ably This repository serves as a code container for the tutorial I wrote on Ably's Blog. Blog link will be updated
A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to mute players permanently and for a specific time.
BetterMute - v1.1.1 A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to mute players permanently and for a specific time. Features easy mute players permanent o
A PocketMine-MP plugin that counts the played time of players.
PlayedTime - v0.0.1 BETA VERSION! This is a test/beta version of PlayedTime. It can contain bugs and not fully tested things. A plugins that allows yo
One time password generator, validator, and qrcode generator that has no web dependencies (self-contained) in PHP
otp-thing One time password generator, validator, and qrcode generator that has no web dependencies (self-contained) in PHP Introduction This started
CrimeFlare - This tools can help you to see the real IP behind CloudFlare protected websites
CrimeFlare is a useful tool for bypassing websites protected by CloudFlare WAF, with this tool you can easily see the real IP of websites that have been protected by CloudFlare. The resulting information is certainly very useful for conducting further penetration testing, and analyzing websites with the same server.
Enabling community-powered extension and improvements of the best time indications given.
Enabling community-powered extension and improvements of the best time indications given.
A Cli tool to save you time, and gives you the power to scaffold all of your models,controllers,commands
A Cli tool to save you time, and gives you the power to scaffold all of your models,controllers,commands... at once Installation You can install the p
Scotch Box is a preconfigured Vagrant Box with a full array of LAMP Stack features to get you up and running with Vagrant in no time.
Scotch Box is a preconfigured Vagrant Box with a full array of LAMP Stack features to get you up and running with Vagrant in no time.
With dadjokes every time you load your control panel you'll be greeted by an epic dad joke on the dashboard.
Filament Dad Jokes Widget With DadJokes every time you load your control panel you'll be greeted by an epic dad joke on the dashboard. Installation Yo
Orangescrum is a simple yet powerful free and open source project management software that helps team to organize their tasks, projects and deliver more.
Free, open source Project Management software Introduction Orangescrum is the simple yet powerful free and open source project management software tha
This tool can write the monolog standard log directly to clickhouse in real time via the tcp protocol
log2ck This tool can write the monolog standard log directly to clickhouse in real time via the tcp protocol. If you can write regular rules, other st
Date/Time Picker widget for Yii2 framework Based on Eonasdan's Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker
Yii2 Date/Time Picker Widget Date/Time Picker widget for Yii2 framework Based on Eonasdan's Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker Demo Since this is a part of
A fully-managed real-time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications.
A fully-managed real-time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications.
SlimJim was born out of a need for a simple auto update script which would update multiple development/test environments every time someone
SlimJim WHY? SlimJim was born out of a need for a simple auto update script which would update multiple development/test environments every time someo
An online communication application that provides a real-time or live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
Realtime-chat-application An online communication application that provides a real-time or live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
Laravel Real-time chat app demo with React, Laravel Echo, Breeze, Socket.io, Redis, Inertia.js, TailwindCSS stack.
Laravel Real-time Chat App You can build yours from scratch with the following Medium article https://medium.com/@sinan.bekar/build-a-real-time-chat-a
In order to use the Korean Language on your Magento 2 store, it is time to start with Magento 2 Korean Language Pack in the set of informative documentations by Mageplaza. Magento 2 Korean Language Package is published by Magento 2 Translation Project at Crowdin, so all phrases will be replaced by the Korean language according to the contribution to that project. Please following up the guides in this post to convert the language with ease!
Magento 2 Korean Language Pack In order to use the Korean Language on your Magento 2 store, it is time to start with Magento 2 Korean Language Pack in
Quickly and easily preview and test your Magento 2 order confirmation page, without hacks or spending time placing new order each time
Preview Order Confirmation Page for Magento 2 For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x and 2.3.x Styling and testing Magento's order confirmation page can be a
This Magento extension provides a Real Full Page Caching for Magento powered by Varnish with support of Session-Based information caching (Cart, Customer Accounts, ...) via ESI includes
This Magento extension provides a Real Full Page Caching (FPC) for Magento powered by Varnish with support of Session-Based information caching (Cart, Customer Accounts, ...) via ESI includes
Framework - π Phony. Real-like Fake Data Generation Framework
π Framework This repository contains the π Phony Framework. π Start generating fake data with π Phony Framework, visit the main Phony Repository.
Discord-oauth2 - At the end of oAuth2, which I have been researching and reading for a long time,
Discord-oauth2 - At the end of oAuth2, which I have been researching and reading for a long time, I finally found the way to connect with discord and get information, that's how I did it. If I'm wrong, feel free to email me so I can correct it.
Laravel Angular Time Tracker is a simple time tracking application built on Laravel 5.2, Angular 2, and Bootstrap 3.
Laravel 5.2, Angular 2, and Bootstrap 3.3.* Time Tracker Laravel Angular Time Tracker is a simple time tracking application built on Laravel 5.2, Angu
Subtitle Time (+/-)
Introduction This is a tool to sync movie subtitles in SRT format. I wrote this in year 2014 for myself who was very addicted to watching movies, but
Damn Vulnerable Web Services is an insecure web application with multiple vulnerable web service components that can be used to learn real world web service vulnerabilities.
Damn Vulnerable Web Services is an insecure web application with multiple vulnerable web service components that can be used to learn real world web service vulnerabilities.
Time registration tool build with Phalcon
PhalconTime Application PhalconTime is a timekeeping tool that helps you track hours spend on clients and projects. Please write me if you have any fe
Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter
Invoice Ninja Hosted | Self-Hosted We're on Slack, join us at slack.invoiceninja.com or if you like StackOverflow Just make sure to add the invoice-ni
An application with Laravel, Vue, Redis and Mysql
p align="center"a href="https://laravel.com" target="_blank"img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laravel/art/master/logo-lockup/5%20SVG/2%2
Crud com modal na hora de inserir, editar e deletar um usuΓ‘rio. Podendo tambΓ©m fazer uma busca de um usuΓ‘rio e ver resultados em tempo real sem precisar atualizar a pΓ‘gina.
projeto-crud-modal Crud com modal na hora de inserir, editar e deletar um usuΓ‘rio. Podendo tambΓ©m fazer uma busca de um usuΓ‘rio e ver resultados em te
This app remembers todo list in every specified time (e. every minute, hour, day etc) through telegram bot
remember_todo_list This app remembers todo list in every specified time (e. every minute, hour, day etc) through telegram bot This project includes tw
This project is very diverse and based upon many languages and libraries such as C++, Python, JavaScript, PHP and MQTT
ADMS-Real-time-project This project is very diverse and based upon many languages and libraries such as C++, Python, JavaScript, PHP and MQTT Advance_
mini Project in Laravel and vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system
mini Project in Laravel and vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system. Dashboard features such as: Complete Dashboard, Custom Authentication, Email Verification, custom-login-register-forgot password (without jetstream).
Online web application developed in PHP using Laravel framework for managing real-time kitchen orders in a restaurant.
Online web application developed in PHP using Laravel framework for managing real-time kitchen orders in a restaurant. It allows, through a web panel, real-time communication between chefs and waiters about the status of orders.
Desafio prΓ‘tico para desenvolvedores fullstack que desejam entrar para nosso time.
Instruçáes para realizar os exercΓcios Essa avaliação Γ© composta por trΓͺs partes, que visam servir de base para anΓ‘lise das competΓͺncias dos candidato
A One-Time Secret integration with GLPI
One-Time Secret A GLPI One-Time Secret integration The problem How are you sending your passwords or secrets? Currently, there's no easy and secure wa
Real world Conduit App based on Laravel Livewire stack
Laravel Livewire codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. Demo Github
Laravel based API to shorten URLs and share them easily. Redirects to the real URL by entering a short URL generated by the API
URL Shortener Requirements: PHP 7.4 or above composer node / npm Installation clone the project from the Github repository, enter the project folder,
Hi Im L, I found a box that I believe it's contain Kira's real ID. for open that box we need to find three keys. let's start looking for them
DeathNote ctf Description are you smart enaugh to help me capturing the three keys for open the box that contain the real ID of kira? Let's start solv
β Watch your RAM in real time with this script β
PHP-MemWatch Watch your RAM in real time, with this script! * Substitute of watch -n 1 free -m How to use: 1Β° Download this project 2Β° Extract to your
You have just downloaded "Messenger-app" [A lightweight, minimalistic real-time chat application]
MESSENGER-APP You have just downloaded "Messenger-app" [A lightweight, minimalistic real-time chat application] Setup To get it working, follow these
To run time/IO related unit tests (e.g., sleep function calls, database queries, API calls, etc) faster using Swoole.
To run time/IO related unit tests (e.g., sleep function calls, database queries, API calls, etc) faster using Swoole.
Laravel real-time CRUD using Google Firebase.
Laravel real-time CRUD using Google Firebase.
This plugin gets player time while playing and leaderboard
TopNolep TopNolep is a plugin that retrieves the game time the player was on the server during, not only that, topnolep now provides a leaderboard tha
Simple RESTful Web App to find Real Estate Listings
Unreal Estate is a simple RESTful web app that allows the user to find Real Estate listings they might be interested in. Unreal Estate is built on Laravel 5 and PHP 7.
Alfred workflow to convert a Discord snowflake to time
Snowcord for Alfred Takes a Discord snowflake and converts it to a time (UTC, local and Unix timestamp). Also connects with Alfred-Whencord Download D
Alfred workflow to convert a time to dynamic Discord timestamp
Whencord for Alfred Takes a time string and converts it to a dynamic timestamp for sharing in Discord. Download Download the latest release here. Note
Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel.
Introduction Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel. Firebase Cloud Messagin
An intelligent code generator for Laravel framework that will save you time
An intelligent code generator for Laravel framework that will save you time! This awesome tool will help you generate resources like views, controllers, routes, migrations, languages and/or form-requests! It is extremely flexible and customizable to cover many of the use cases. It is shipped with cross-browsers compatible template, along with a client-side validation to modernize your application.
Real Estate Management System
Real-Estate-Management-System I found part of this website on the net. I modified the websites functionality a bit more and added an Admin module to i
A small module allow user to add a real top banner in PrestaShop
Lk Top banner A simple module that allow you to add a real Top banner message in PrestaShop Options module Add any long or tiny text and eventually yo
A simple Laravel package for generating download links with options such as expire time, IP restrictions, etc.
Generate download links in your Laravel applications This package allows you to generate download links for files. Once installed you can do stuff lik
Add time dismissible admin notices to WordPress
WP Dismiss Notice Add time dismissible admin notices to WordPress. Fork of https://github.com/w3guy/persist-admin-notices-dismissal Instuctions Initia
A package for Laravel One Time Password (OTP) generator and validation without Eloquent Model, since it done by Cache.
Laravel OTP Introduction A package for Laravel One Time Password (OTP) generator and validation without Eloquent Model, since it done by Cache. The ca
Real-world Project to learning about Unit Testing/TDD with Laravel for everybody
KivaNote - a Laravel TDD Sample Project Let me introduce you to KivaNote, a simple real-world application using Laravel to show you how the TDD & Unit
A sample project to showcase a real world example and benchmarks for crowphp
CrowPHP Sample project This project is to showcase an example of how a real world project might look like. It has two basic endpoints to show-case the
The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
Prometheus Visit prometheus.io for the full documentation, examples and guides. Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems
A PocketMine-MP plugin that replaces a block to another block when breaks, then back to the original block after a certain time
BlockReplacer A PocketMine-MP plugin that replaces a block to another block when breaks, then back to the original block after a certain time How to I
Get estimated read time of an article. Similar to medium.com's "x min read". Multilingual including right-to-left written languages. Supports JSON, Array and String output.
Read Time Calculates the read time of an article. Output string e.g: x min read or 5 minutes read. Features Multilingual translations support. Static
ChestRandomBP: This plugin generates chests in random places within a specific world. Where you can customize what each one of them contains, the time and the world of spawning.
ChestRandomBP ChestRandomBP: This plugin generates chests, it works PocketMine-MP and random places within a specific world. Where you can customize w
This is a fully functional movie booking website which helps the user to book a movie ticket at his/her preferred time and day. The website also allows the user to select which individual seat he/she prefers and does not allow the user to select a seat if it has been already booked by another user.
Movie-Booking-Website This is a fully functional movie booking website which helps the user to book a movie ticket at his/her preferred time and day.T
A cosmetics plugin that is highly incomplete & unoptimized (as it was roughly coded in a small period of time due to IRL issues), that I got scammed for,
CosmeticsPlus A cosmetics plugin that is highly incomplete and; unoptimized (as it was roughly coded in a small period of time due to IRL issues), tha
LavaLust is an lightweight Web Framework - (using MVC pattern) - for people who are developing web sites using PHP. It helps you write code easily using Object-Oriented Approach. It also provides set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a helper functions to minimize the amount of time coding.
LavaLust Version 2 This is an early release of LavaLust Version 2. You may check the changelog.txt file to see the changes. Overview of Changes in Ve
The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API.
netz98 magerun CLI tools for Magento 2 The n98 magerun cli tools provides some handy tools to work with Magento from command line. Build Status Latest
A Pest plugin to control the flow of time
This Pest plugin offers a function testTime that allows you to freeze and manipulate the current time in your tests.
A Laravel package helps you add a complete real-time messaging system to your new / existing application with only one command.
A Laravel package helps you add a complete real-time messaging system to your new / existing application with only one command.
This tool can help you to see the real IP behind CloudFlare protected websites.
CrimeFlare Bypass Hostname Alat untuk melihat IP asli dibalik website yang telah dilindungi CloudFlare. Introduction Alat ini berfungsi untuk melakuka
This is a Laravel port of the local_time gem from Basecamp.
This is a Laravel port of the local_time gem from Basecamp. It makes it easy to display date and time to users in their local time. Its Blade componen
Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, cooreui, infyom admin Generator, roles and permissions, translatable models, spatie media and much more
Based on Laravel8.x laravel starter Template, to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features. Live Demo you ca
A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.
Current version: 1.3.5 PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted a
Kimai v2 is a web-based multiuser time-tracking application.
Kimai is a free, open source and online time-tracking software designed for small businesses and freelancers. It is built with modern technologies such as Symfony, Bootstrap, RESTful API, Doctrine, AdminLTE, Webpack, ES6 etc.
A PHP library for mocking date and time in tests
ClockMock Slope s.r.l. ClockMock provides a way for mocking the current timestamp used by PHP for \DateTime(Immutable) objects and date/time related f
Doctrine type mappings for brick/date-time
brick/date-time-doctrine Doctrine type mappings for brick/date-time. Introduction This library provides type mappings to use brick/date-time objects s
PHP Client and Router Library for Autobahn and WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) for Real-Time Application Messaging
Thruway is an open source client and router implementation of WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol), for PHP. Thruway uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model (reactphp), perfect for modern real-time applications.
Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter
Invoice Ninja Hosted | Self-Hosted We're on Slack, join us at slack.invoiceninja.com or if you like StackOverflow Just make sure to add the invoice-ni
Talk is a real-time users messaging and chatting system Laravel.
Laravel-Talk Talk is a Laravel 5 based user conversation (inbox) system with realtime messaging. You can easily integrate this package with any Larave
A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator.
Google2FA Google Two-Factor Authentication for PHP Google2FA is a PHP implementation of the Google Two-Factor Authentication Module, supporting the HM
:date: Easy!Appointments - Open Source Appointment Scheduler
Easy!Appointments A powerful Open Source Appointment Scheduler that can be installed on your server. About β’ Features β’ Setup β’ Installation β’ License
vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.
vfsStream vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with
Mock built-in PHP functions (e.g. time(), exec() or rand())
PHP-Mock: mocking built-in PHP functions PHP-Mock is a testing library which mocks non deterministic built-in PHP functions like time() or rand(). Thi
Execute time consuming tasks as late as possible in a request
Procrastinator for PHP: do stuff later A few classes to help you executing complicated tasks (like sending mails) later. Example using fastcgi_finish_
Dontbug is a reverse debugger for PHP
Dontbug Debugger Dontbug is a reverse debugger (aka time travel debugger) for PHP. It allows you to record the execution of PHP scripts (in command li
Working with durations made easy
Duration for PHP Working with durations made easy. Do you like to use DateInterval to compute and work with durations? Me neither, so let's fix that!
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in PHP w/ i18n support. Inspired by moment.js
Support I am a dad now for the last 1,5 years and that clearly shows in being on time with merging PRs or pushing this package further. Time is the bi
A standalone DateTime library originally based off of Carbon
CakePHP Chronos Chronos aims to be a drop-in replacement for nesbot/carbon. It focuses on providing immutable date/datetime objects. Immutable objects
PHP Integrated Query, a real LINQ library for PHP
PHP Integrated Query - Official site What is PINQ? Based off the .NET's LINQ (Language integrated query), PINQ unifies querying across arrays/iterator
Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
API Platform is a next-generation web framework designed to easily create API-first projects without compromising extensibility and flexibility: Desig