531 Repositories
PHP oauth-application Libraries
A PHP based web application to help manage your postmortems
morgue a safe place for all your postmortem data Overview This is a PHP based web application to help manage your postmortems. It has a pluggable feat
A simple package to forward Laravel application logs to a Kinesis stream
Laravel Monolog Kinesis Driver A simple package to forward Laravel application logs to a Kinesis stream. Installation Require the package with compose
Damn Vulnerable PHP Application (DVPA)
Damn Vulnerable PHP Application (DVPA) - It is Lab Written in The PHP lang, Which Contains PHP Type Juggling - RCE Challenges
Laravel Quick-Start - a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured
Laravel Quickstart is a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured to extend a full-fledged application. We tried to make it as minimal as possible.
An implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter kit frontend in Next.js
Windmill with Laravel Breeze as Backend API Introduction This repository is an implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter
An RSS reader application built with Laravel
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A reponsive web application blog where users can create & host their articles
Blog A reponsive web application blog where users can create & host their articles Tech Stack Bootstrap 5 CodeIgniter 4 GSAP AOS TrixEditor SweetAlert
Bludit - a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds
Bludit is a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds, it's completely free and open source. Bludit uses files in JSON format to store the content, you don't need to install or configure a database. You only need a web server with PHP support.
Painless OAuth 2.0 Server for CodeIgniter 4 🔥
Inspired from the Norse mythology, Heimdallr, modernly anglicized as Heimdall is the gatekeeper of Bifröst, the rainbow road connecting Midgard, realm
WIRECRUD 9 adalah aplikasi CRUD + Search sederhana yang dibuat menggukana Laravel 9 dan Livewire 2
WIRECRUD 9 adalah aplikasi CRUD + Search sederhana yang dibuat menggukana Laravel 9 dan Livewire 2. Demo bisa dilihat di YouTube Developow Terbuka jika ingin clone apliaksi sederhana ini untuk belajar, bisa ikuti cara-cara berikut ini.
Mail application developed with Symfony 5
Fakey-Mail Mail application developed with Symfony 5! Check out the requirements for info on how to launch the app. Check out the basic functionality
Anemone - an application that centralizes users' documentation queries
Anemone C. Sun, F. Imadegbelo, F. Johnston, T. Rowe, W. Zhai Anemone is an application that centralizes users' documentation queries. A user will be a
This package should help you with creating and managing a Laravel DDD Application
This package should help you with creating and managing a Laravel DDD Application. This package is heavily inspired by "Laravel beyond CRUD" from Spatie.
Miolica: an e-commerce application that uses React.js as the frontend and Laravel as the backend
Miolica: an e-commerce application that uses React.js as the frontend and Laravel as the backend
OAuth server implementation for WP API
WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server Connect applications to your WordPress site without ever giving away your password. This plugin uses the OAuth 1.0a pr
Store your Laravel application settings in an on-disk JSON file
Store your Laravel application settings in an on-disk JSON file. This package provides a simple SettingsRepository class that can be used to store you
Simple Laravel Invoice Generator Sling — open-source web application that helps you create invoices and track income.
Simple Laravel Invoice Generator Sling — open-source web application that helps you create invoices and track income. Table of Contents About
CRUD php application to check in and check out employees and show daily building occupation
CRUD php application to check in and check out employees and show daily building occupation. Employees are required to self check their temperature and tick a checkbox to specify whether their temperature is below 38°C else they are invited to stay home. (Implemented in php with bootstrap4 for styling and datatable jquery plugin for table formatting and additional features).
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn about web application security in a controlled class room environment.
OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done!
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! Yii Framework Application Template for quickly building API-first applications. Based on yii2-ope
A skeleton application using the Zend Framework MVC
This is a skeleton application using the Zend Framework MVC layer and module systems. This application is meant to be used as a starting place for those looking to get their feet wet with Zend Framework.
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire. where you can chat with multiple frinds at the same time. i build this with php Laravel and Livewire.
Yii2 console application used to write our processors of methods to responsible to client calling.
Microservice Application Skeleton Yii2 console application used to write our processors of methods to responsible to client calling. This application
This application (class) does the sending of emails used in the phpmailer library
emailsender - PHP Notification library via email using phpMailer This library has the function of sending email using the phpmailer library. Doing thi
A resource-oriented application framework
BEAR.Sunday A resource-oriented application framework What's BEAR.Sunday This resource orientated framework has both externally and internally a REST
⚡️ A PHP GraphQL Framework
Introduction Project idea is clean and high-quality code. Unlike most (all at the moment) implementations, like webonyx, youshido or digitalonline the
🧬 Nano is a zero-config, no skeleton, minimal Hyperf distribution that allows you to quickly build a Hyperf application with just a single PHP file.
Nano is a zero-config, no skeleton, minimal Hyperf distribution that allows you to quickly build a Hyperf application with just a single PHP file.
A resource-oriented application framework
BEAR.Sunday A resource-oriented application framework What's BEAR.Sunday This resource orientated framework has both externally and internally a REST
Notejam demo application using Blink framework
Notejam: Blink framework Notejam demo application using Blink framework Installation Clone the repository to you machine. Run vagrant up to create the
Opulence is a PHP web application framework that simplifies the difficult parts of creating and maintaining a secure, scalable website.
Opulence Introduction Opulence is a PHP web application framework that simplifies the difficult parts of creating and maintaining a secure, scalable w
MINI is an extremely simple and easy to understand skeleton PHP application
MINI MINI is an extremely simple and easy to understand skeleton PHP application, reduced to the max. MINI is NOT a professional framework and it does
A package to handle the SEO in any Laravel application, big or small.
Never worry about SEO in Laravel again! Currently there aren't that many SEO-packages for Laravel and the available ones are quite complex to set up a
This demo app shows you how to run a simple PHP application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Elastic Beanstalk + PHP Demo App - "Share Your Thoughts" This demo app shows you how to run a simple PHP application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Run the
A micro web application providing a REST API on top of any relational database, using Silex and Doctrine DBAL
Microrest is a Silex provider to setting up a REST API on top of a relational database, based on a YAML (RAML) configuration file.
provides a nested object property based user interface for accessing this configuration data within application code
laminas-config This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Technical Steeri
uptime-monitor-app is a powerful, easy to configure uptime monitor written in PHP 7
A PHP application to monitor uptime and ssl certificates uptime-monitor-app is a powerful, easy to configure uptime monitor written in PHP 7. It will
PHPoAuthLib provides oAuth support in PHP 7.2+ and is very easy to integrate with any project which requires an oAuth client.
PHPoAuthLib NOTE: I'm looking for someone who could help to maintain this package alongside me, just because I don't have a ton of time to devote to i
This package wraps up the standalone executable version of the Tailwind CSS framework for a Laravel application.
Tailwind CSS for Laravel Introduction This package wraps the standalone Tailwind CSS CLI tool. No Node.js required. Inspiration This package was inspi
Symfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities
Symfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities. The authorization and resource server actors are implemented using the thephpleague/oauth2-server library.
Attendize is an open-source ticketing and event management application built using the Laravel PHP framework
Attendize is an open-source ticketing and event management application built using the Laravel PHP framework. Attendize allows event organisers to sel
A plugin for implementing an OAuth2 server in CakePHP 3
OAuth2 Server for CakePHP 3 A plugin for implementing an OAuth2 server in CakePHP 3. Built on top of the PHP League's OAuth2 Server. Currently we supp
This Toko Lego e-commerce application is made to meet the final semester exam.
This Toko Lego e-commerce application is made to meet the final semester exam. Created using laravel framework.
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application.
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application. Requirements php = 7.4 Laravel version = 6.0 Installation composer
Roundcube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface.
Roundcube Webmail roundcube.net ATTENTION This is just a snapshot from the GIT repository and is NOT A STABLE version of Roundcube. It's not recommend
Foreman is a Laravel scaffolding application that automates common tasks you typically perform with each new Laravel app you create
Foreman is a Laravel scaffolding application that automates common tasks you typically perform with each new Laravel app you create. The directives you want Forman to perform are outlined in a JSON based template file.
Rori-PHP is custom non production web application framework inspired by Laravel syntax
Rori-PHP is custom non production web application framework inspired by Laravel syntax. A web framework provides a structure and starting point for your application allowing you to focus on creating something amazing.
Shortener URL is simple web application to short your URL
Shortener URL is simple web application to short your URL. It will generate unique key, with the unique key it will redirect to the original URL.
A simple PHP scripting application which fetch emails from your Gmail account according to a filter and parses them for information.
A simple PHP scripting application which fetch emails from your Gmail account according to a filter and parses them for information.
Chat application build with Symfony
Chat App Chat application build with Symfony! Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built Wi
CRUD Build a system to insert student name information, grade the class name, and edit and delete this information
CRUD Build a system to insert student name information, grade the class name, and edit and delete this information
Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project
Gracili What is Gracili? Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project. Using this template can save you a lot of time. With t
Sample application to bookmark links, where interface build with Angular.js + Twitter Bootstrap and server powered by PHP with Slim Framework
RESTful Bookmarks PHP Slim TODO: review and update FrontEnd Sample application to bookmark links, where interface build with Angular.js + Twitter Boot
This is a simple Slim 3 application that manages a list of books
Slim Bookshelf This is a simple Slim 3 application that manages a list of books Composer This project uses Composer. Run composer install to install t
Slim 3 PHP micro framework MVC application boilerplate
Slim 3 PHP micro framework MVC application boilerplate
Slim Framework 3 Skeleton Application + PagSeguro Lib
Slim Framework 3 Skeleton Application + PagSeguro Lib Aplicação simples para geração do Token para pagamentos no PagSeguro (método transparente) e env
It is a web application that allows you to analyze electricity consumption and savings resulting from the installation of a photovoltaic installation.
It is a web application that allows you to analyze electricity consumption and savings resulting from the installation of a photovoltaic installation.
🚀 API for ticketing system application made in laravel 🚀
Ticket System Api Description: It is a basic system in which an employee logs in, can create, update and delete tickets, can create an employee, and t
BookStore Application web - Symfony 5.4
BookStore Application web - Symfony 5.4 Présentation du projet Il s’agit d'une application Symfony 5.4 qui est appelée bookstore. L’application gèrer
It's a PHP Application to simplify working with Google Sheets SDK for php.
About GoogleSheetsPHP It's a PHP Application to simplify working with Google Sheets SDK for php. Note: i used Slim 3 to construct the application but
The Yaf testable skeleton and composer supported.
The Yaf testable skeleton and composer supported
This package provides a high performance HTTP server to speed up your Laravel/Lumen application based on Swoole.
This package provides a high performance HTTP server to speed up your Laravel/Lumen application based on Swoole.
Silex Skeleton - a fully-functional Silex application that you can use as the skeleton for your new applications
Silex Skeleton - a fully-functional Silex application that you can use as the skeleton for your new applications
Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application
Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This app
This repository contains a library of optional middleware for your Slim Framework application
Slim Framework Middleware This repository contains a library of optional middleware for your Slim Framework application. How to Install Update your co
Slim Framework skeleton application with MVC Schema
Slim Framework skeleton application with MVC Schema
phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to generate a complete set of API Documentation
phpDocumentor What is phpDocumentor? phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to genera
TeamCal Neo is a web application of a day-based calendar
TeamCal Neo is a web application of a day-based calendar. It's generic purpose is the absence and event management of project teams, music bands and other groups needing a scheduler that focusses on days.
An online communication application that provides a real-time or live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
Realtime-chat-application An online communication application that provides a real-time or live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
An application for building and managing Phars.
An application for building and managing Phars.
Laravel SMS allows you to send SMS from your Laravel application using multiple sms providers, allow to add custom sms provider
Laravel SMS Laravel SMS allows you to send SMS from your Laravel application using multiple sms providers, allow to add custom sms provider Requiremen
Interface Network is an application about social media
Interface Network is an application about social media
Skeleton for creating a new Command Line Interface application with a minimum of dependencies.
Skeleton for creating a new Command Line Interface application with a minimum of dependencies.
TeamCal Pro is a legacy web application of a day-based calendar
TeamCal Pro is a legacy web application of a day-based calendar. It's generic purpose is the absence management of project teams, more precisely of their members.
Enraged Xenomorph - DDD/CQRS Symfony Application Boilerplate
Enraged Xenomorph - DDD/CQRS Symfony Application Boilerplate This project is very opinionated attempt to compile a bit of experience, few good practic
Full symfony website application cms + app all in one
Symfony Web App All in one cms website + Inventori Invoice Accounting Application A new modern web app with content management system for build websit
Laravel Real-time chat app demo with React, Laravel Echo, Breeze, Socket.io, Redis, Inertia.js, TailwindCSS stack.
Laravel Real-time Chat App You can build yours from scratch with the following Medium article https://medium.com/@sinan.bekar/build-a-real-time-chat-a
Iran decoration platform is an open source Php web application where you can find your job as a freelancer working in people home in decoration positions and others.
Iran-Decoration Platform Iran decoration platform is an open source Php web application where you can find your job as a freelancer working in people
Web Based Chat Application For Students, Developers, Learners
Web Based Chat Application Motive of this chat Application is to connect similar interest students closer. Many students faces difficulties to solve t
The Translation component provides tools to internationalize your application.
Translation Component The Translation component provides tools to internationalize your application. Getting Started $ composer require symfony/transl
75 languages support for Laravel 5 application based on Laravel-Lang/lang.
Laravel-lang 75 languages support for Laravel 5 application based on Laravel-Lang/lang. Features Laravel 5+ && Lumen support. Translations Publisher.
Optimize your application by warming up OpCode.
OpCode Warmer (composer plugin) Optimize your application by warming up OpCode. Requirements PHP =7.0 Zend extension Opcache extension Sockets compos
Slim Jam is a demo application to provide examples for composer package, PHPSpreadsheet, Shopify API etc. usages.
SLIM JAM Slim Jam is a demo application to provide examples for composer package, PHPSpreadsheet, Shopify API etc. usages. This project aims to take a
Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way
Mini Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way Install Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:
A package to keep track of outgoing emails in your Laravel application.
Keep track of outgoing emails and associate sent emails with Eloquent models This package helps you to keep track of outgoing emails in your Laravel a
Online chatting application through a logical decentralized blockchain network that stores chat information and hashing keys implemented using AJAX, JQuery, PHP, SQL, CSS, and HTML
Online chatting application through a logical decentralized blockchain network that stores chat information and hashing keys implemented using AJAX, JQuery, PHP, SQL, CSS, and HTML. The blockchain stores a previous hash value, current hash value, time, chat data, and a special key(nonce) used for encryption in each block (node).
Final Project of IS207 - Web Developent Application
Web-Social-Network Các công nghệ được sử dụng Front-end: HTML,CSS,Javascript. Back-end: PHP, MySQL. Yêu cầu và dướng dẫn sử dụng Yêu cầu Git Bash, Vis
Online personal and group chat application using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP,SQL and AJAX that allows users to create own groups, chat
Online personal and group chat application using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP,SQL and AJAX that allows users to create own groups, chat, make friends, check new notifications and edit functionality. Chat automatically updates using AJAX to allow for real-time chatting with other users collected from the database.
Album-o-rama - Sample application for the Phalcon PHP Framework.
Album O'Rama Phalcon PHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption. This is a sample app
Invo - Sample application for the Phalcon PHP Framework
INVO Application Phalcon is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption. This is a sample app
Text - An experiment with WebSockets and the human condition.
An experiment with WebSockets and the human condition. I wanted to learn how to use WebSockets in pure PHP and JavaScript, so I came up with the simpl
Laravel-tagmanager - An easier way to add Google Tag Manager to your Laravel application.
Laravel TagManager An easier way to add Google Tag Manager to your Laravel application. Including recommended GTM events support. Requirements Laravel
EBook-Apps - The eBook Apps is a web application that helps you browse ebooks from anywhere using your smartphone and laptop.
⚡️ eBook Apps The eBook Apps is a web application that helps you browse ebooks from anywhere using your smartphone and laptop. 🚀 Getting Started To s
A PHP notebook application build with PHP Symfony as back-end API and VueJS/Vuetify front-end.
PHPersonal Notes 📓 - BETA RELEASE PHPersonal notes is an application to store your personal notes! PHPersonalnotes is build with Symfony/VueJS/Vuetif
Vehicle rental web application with PayPal payment gateway.
vehicle-rental-web-app Vehicle rental web application with PayPal payment gateway. Import given alldrivedbV25.sql backup file to your mysql database.
A curated list of resources for learning about application security
Awesome AppSec A curated list of resources for learning about application security. Contains books, websites, blog posts, and self-assessment quizzes.
Laravel Blog Package. Easiest way to add a blog to your Laravel website. A package which adds wordpress functionality to your website and is compatible with laravel 8.
Laravel Blog Have you worked with Wordpress? Developers call this package wordpress-like laravel blog. Give our package a Star to support us ⭐ 😍 Inst
Bring multi themes support to your Laravel application with a full-featured Themes Manager
Introduction hexadog/laravel-themes-manager is a Laravel package which was created to let you developing multi-themes Laravel application. Installatio
The Workflow Package add Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application.
Workflows add Drag & Drop automation's to your Laravel application. The Workflow Package adds Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application. A Wor
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template Curious why I decided to create CoreUI? Please read this article: Jack of all trades, master of none. Why
GetCandy - A headless E-Commerce API built on top of Laravel.
A headless E-Commerce API built on top of Laravel. Build amazing online stores with full control over functionality and user experience using headless