Laravel SMS allows you to send SMS from your Laravel application using multiple sms providers, allow to add custom sms provider


Laravel SMS

Laravel SMS allows you to send SMS from your Laravel application using multiple sms providers, allow to add custom sms provider


  • php ^7.3|^8.0
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.0.1


To get the latest version of laravel-sms on your project, require it from "composer":

$ composer require prgayman/laravel-sms

Or you can add it directly in your composer.json file:

  "require": {
    "prgayman/laravel-sms": "1.0.0"


Register the provider directly in your app configuration file config/app.php config/app.php:

Laravel >= 5.5 provides package auto-discovery, thanks to rasmuscnielsen and luiztessadri who help to implement this feature in Zatca, the registration of the provider and the facades should not be necessary anymore.

'providers' => [

Add the facade aliases in the same file:

'aliases' => [
  'Sms' => Prgayman\Sms\Facades\Sms::class,


Register the provider in your bootstrap app file boostrap/app.php

Add the following line in the "Register Service Providers" section at the bottom of the file.


For facades, add the following lines in the section "Create The Application" .

class_alias(\Prgayman\Sms\Facades\Sms::class, 'Sms');

Run Migrations

Publish the migrations with this artisan command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-sms-migrations


You can publish the config file with this artisan command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-sms-config

Available SMS Providers

Provider URL Tested Config
JawalSms Yes Click
Taqnyat Yes Click
Nexmo Yes Click
Twilio Yes Click

Available SMS Drivers local development

Provider Config
array -
log Click


  • \Prgayman\Sms\Events\MessageSending::class
  • \Prgayman\Sms\Events\MessageSent::class
  • \Prgayman\Sms\Events\MessageFailed::class


Set default driver

Using .env


Using facades

 * Set the default sms driver name.
 * @param string $driver

Enable sms history using database

  • Enable the key SMS_HISTORY_ENABLED in .env file

  • Make sure publish the migrations with this artisan command:

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-sms-migrations
  • Run migrate with this artisan command:

    $ php artisan migrate

Send Message

You can simply send a message like this:

# Send message using facade
use Prgayman\Sms\Facades\Sms;

$to = "+962790000000";
$from = "SenderName";
$message = "Test Send Message";

 * Send using default driver sms
 * @return \Prgayman\Sms\SmsDriverResponse
$response = Sms::to($to)->from($from)->message($message)->send(); 

# Get Message

# Get Request

# Get driver response

# Check is successfuly send sms message

# Check is failed send sms message

Send using select driver sms


Send using helper function with default driver


Send using helper function and select driver


Create custom driver

  • Create class extends from \Prgayman\Sms\Drivers\Driver and handler send function

    use Prgayman\Sms\Drivers\Driver;
    class CustomDriver extends Driver {
        # You not need to run events or store history 
        # package automatically run all events and store history
        public function send() : \Prgayman\Sms\SmsDriverResponse
            $to = $this->getTo();
            $from = $this->getFrom();
            $message = $this->getMessage();
            # Handler send message
  • Add driver confg in config/sms.php

        # Use custom driver
          'handler'=> \App\SmsDrivers\CustomDriver::class
        # Use supported drivers but different name
        # Copy driver object and change name
        "new-log-driver" => [
              "driver" => "log",
              'channel' => env('SMS_LOG_CHANNEL'),
  • Send message with custom driver

    # Use driver 
    # Or set custom driver in default driver or set 
    # SMS_DRIVER=your-driver-name in dotenv file

Channel Usage

First you have to create your notification using php artisan make:notification command. then Prgayman\Sms\Channels\SmsChannel::class can be used as channel like the below:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Prgayman\Sms\SmsNotification;

class SendSmsNotification extends Notification

     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return array
    public function via($notifiable)
        return ['sms']; # add this channel

     * @param mixed $notifiable
     * @return \Prgayman\Sms\SmsNotification
    public function toSms($notifiable)
        # Send message with default driver
        return (new SmsNotification)
          ->message("Test New Message");

        # Send message with select driver
        return (new SmsNotification)
          ->message("Test New Message");

SMS History

use Prgayman\Sms\Facades\SmsHistory;

# Get all
$histories = SmsHistory::get();

# Use Filters all filter is optional
$histories = SmsHistory::recipients("+962790000000")

# Or can use helper function
$histories = smsHistory()


composer test


This library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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