375 Repositories
PHP module-json-schema Libraries
Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension
Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension Enable Facebook Pixel on Magento 2 website Requirements Magento Community 2.3.0-2.4.x (CE, EE, ECE, B2B) Magefan Co
🐼 Framework agnostic package using asynchronous HTTP requests and PHP generators to load paginated items of JSON APIs into Laravel lazy collections.
Framework agnostic package using asynchronous HTTP requests and generators to load paginated items of JSON APIs into Laravel lazy collections.
WHMCS Automation Module For AWS EC2 Instances.
使用方法 把AWSEC2目录直接扔到 WHMCS/modules/servers 下即可 自定义字段 cloudinit (文本框 textarea 在订单页面显示) pem (文本框 textarea 仅管理员可见) data (文本框 textarea 仅管理员可见) 特性 动态IP (关机再开
A WordPress theme.json generator from a PHP array
ItalyStrap Theme Json Generator WordPress Theme Json Generator the OOP way This is a WIP project and still experimental. The idea is to generate a fil
Get estimated read time of an article. Similar to medium.com's "x min read". Multilingual including right-to-left written languages. Supports JSON, Array and String output.
Read Time Calculates the read time of an article. Output string e.g: x min read or 5 minutes read. Features Multilingual translations support. Static
SilverStripe Garbage Collection Module
SilverStripe Module for defining and processing Garbage Collection on SilverStripe Applications.
File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework.
Lumen File Manager File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework. Please note that this module is still under active development. NOTE: Branch 5.1 i
The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API.
netz98 magerun CLI tools for Magento 2 The n98 magerun cli tools provides some handy tools to work with Magento from command line. Build Status Latest
Soosyze CMS is a minimalist content management system in PHP, without database to create and manage your website easily
Soosyze CMS is a content management system without a database. It's easy to create and manage you
Code for database forms and Drupal module for the Lobbywatch.ch project
Lobbywatch.ch Lobbywatch.ch - the platform for transparent politics. Lobbywatch.ch maintains a database with links of politicians and lobby groups. Th
Поддержка очередей Redis (и на RabbitMq, и на Filesystem, и через DBAL) в Битриксе
Модуль для Битрикса, организующий работу с очередями через Redis (и не только) Поддерживаемый транспорт: Redis RabbitMq Filesystem DBAL Установка comp
Module to generate a mega dropdown menu for YOOtheme Pro
YOOtheme Mega Menu module Joomla module to generate a mega dropdown menu for YOOtheme Pro. Installation instructions Download the latest release here.
🍞🧑🍳 An on-the-fly GraphQL Schema generator from Eloquent models for Laravel.
An on-the-fly GraphQL Schema generator from Eloquent models for Laravel. Installation Quickstart Model schemas Installation This package requires PHP
Pure PHP NoSQL database with no dependency. Flat file, JSON based document database.
Please give it a Star if you like the project 🎉 ❤️ SleekDB - A NoSQL Database made using PHP Full documentation: https://sleekdb.github.io/ SleekDB i
This library can parse a TypeSchema specification either from a JSON file, or from PHP classes using reflection and annotations.
This library can parse a TypeSchema specification either from a JSON file, or from PHP classes using reflection and annotations. Based on this schema it can generate source code and transform raw JSON data into DTO objects. Through this you can work with fully typed objects in your API for incoming and outgoing data.
The efficient and elegant, PSR-7 compliant JSON:API 1.1 client library for PHP
Woohoo Labs. Yang Woohoo Labs. Yang is a PHP framework which helps you to communicate with JSON:API servers more easily. Table of Contents Introductio
Framework agnostic package to load heavy JSON in lazy collections.
Lazy JSON Framework agnostic package to load heavy JSON in lazy collections. Under the hood, the brilliant JSON Machine by @halaxa is used as lexer an
This is a port of the original WireGuard UI bits as implemented by Netgate in pfSense 2.5.0 to a package suitable for rapid iteration and more frequent updating on future releases of pfSense.
This is a port of the original WireGuard*** UI bits as implemented by Netgate in pfSense 2.5.0 to a package suitable for sideloading and more frequent updating on future releases of pfSense. This also includes some improvments such as a proper status page (found under Status / WireGuard Status) and improved assigned interface handling.
Add instagram feed to page from JSON Data
Custom Instagram Feed Add instagram feed to page from URL 🚧 Edit - As of 13th April 2021 - This code does not work. Solution is being looked into, ho
Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and ultra fast e-commerce package for Laravel 5 and 6
Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and ultra fast e-commerce package for Laravel 5 and 6! You can install it in your existing Laravel application within 5 minutes and can adapt, extend, overwrite and customize anything to your needs.
HashOver is a PHP comment system intended as a replacement for services like Disqus.
HashOver is a PHP comment system intended as a replacement for services like Disqus. HashOver is free and open source software, under the GNU Affero General Public License. HashOver adds a "comment section" to any website, by placing a few simple lines of JavaScript or PHP to the source code of any webpage. HashOver is a self-hosted system and allows completely anonymous comments to be posted, the only required information is the comment itself.
Puppet module to manage PHP
Install PHP packages and configure PHP INI files, for using PHP from the CLI, the Apache httpd module or FastCGI.
Jane is a set of libraries to generate Models & API Clients based on JsonSchema / OpenAPI specs
Jane is a set of libraries to generate Models & API Clients based on JsonSchema / OpenAPI specs Documentation Documentation is available at http://jan
The spatial web mapping framework and core-module
Mapbender module This is the Mapbender module, the main-component of the Mapbender application. This module works like a library and can not run for i
Rubix Server is a library for bringing your trained Rubix ML models into production.
Rubix Server is a library for bringing your trained Rubix ML models into production. Inference servers are stand-alone services that run on your private or public network and wrap your trained estimator in an API that can be queried locally or over the network in real-time using standard protocols. In addition, the library provides async-compatible client implementations for making queries to the server from your PHP applications.
Simple yet expressive schema-based configuration library for PHP apps
league/config helps you define nested configuration arrays with strict schemas and access configuration values with dot notation.
RRR makes structured data for WordPress really rich, and really easy.
Really Rich Results - JSON-LD Structured Data (Google Rich Results) for WordPress Search engines are putting more weight on structured data than ever
CodeIgniter 3 + Vue.js 3 + Vite with supported Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
CodeIgniter 3 + Vue.js 3 + Vite Looking for Vue 2? Please check branch vue2 Just a basic example how to integrating CodeIgniter 3 + Vue.js 3 + Vite wi
PrestaShop module that allows an ecommerce/brand to display its physical retailers in a map
PrestaShop module that allows an ecommerce/brand to display its physical retailers in a map Features Free of charge: instead of using pa
This JSON marshaller is based on the one built into FEAST framework
Standalone JSON marshaller based off the one built into FEAST framework at feast/framework on packagist or feastframework/framework on github
Apollo-compatible automatic persisted queries, to improve GraphQL network performance.
Automatic Persisted Queries for Magento 2 Apollo-compatible automatic persisted queries, to improve GraphQL network performance.
EXPERIMENTAL plugin extending WPGraphQL to support querying (Gutenberg) Blocks as data, using Server Side Block registries to map Blocks to the GraphQL Schema.
WPGraphQL Block Editor This is an experimental plugin to work toward compatiblity between the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor and WPGraphQL, based on
Laravel API 文档生成器,可以将基于 Laravel 项目的项目代码,自动生成 json 或 md 格式的描述文件。
Thresh Laravel API 文档生成器,可以将基于 Laravel 项目的项目代码,自动生成 json 或 md 格式的描述文件。 安装 $ composer require telstatic/thresh -vvv 功能 生成 Markdown 文档 生成 Postman 配置文件 生
Envbar allows you to differentiate between environments by adding a custom colored bar above the top navigation.
Envbar Envbar allows you to differentiate between environments by adding a custom colored bar above the top navigation. This should help backend users
Plugin Vite is the conduit between Craft CMS plugins and Vite, with manifest.json & HMR support
Plugin Vite Related Articles: Vite.js Next Generation Frontend Tooling + Craft CMS A Vite Buildchain for Craft CMS Plugins Requirements Craft CMS 3.0.
WHMCS Payment Gateway Module for Coinify
vrcoinify WHMCS Payment Gateway Module for Coinify Installing guide You should copy all contents from module folder to your WHMCS application folder u
Magento 2 module to only allow checkout when the number of items in the cart are a multiple of X.
Cart Quantity Multiple - Magento 2 Module Introduction This module allows to limit checkout only when the contents of the cart are a multiple of X
Migrations module for ProcessWire
ProcessDbMigrate Introduction This module is designed to ease the problem of migrating database changes from one PW environment to another.
A simple example of how to create a RESTful API in Laravel Framework 8.36.1.
FirstLaravel A simple example of how to create a RESTful API in Laravel Framework 8.36.1. I used Database sqlite because I wanted to deploy this proje
Magento 2.4.x module Sort Out Of Stock Product At last the product list
Magento 2.4.x module Sort Out Of Stock Product At last the product list composer require ghoster/module-outofstockatlast Extension on GitHub Direct d
A Magento 1.9's module to export products informations, inside a chosen date range, to a .XLSX file.
Magento 1.9 Export products module A magento 1.9 module to export products informations to a .XLSX file. Module informations Package/Namespace: "Mathe
Le module PrestaShop Dronic© permet très facilement d'ajouter à votre site Prestashop un configurateur de drone FPV !
Description Le module PrestaShop Dronic© permet très facilement d'ajouter à votre site Prestashop un configurateur de drone FPV ! Ce module utilise de
Mail sending module for Mezzio and Laminas MVC with support for file attachment and template email composition
This module provides an easy and flexible way to send emails from Mezzio and Laminas MVC applications (formerly known as Zend Expressive and Zend MVC). It allows you to pre-configure emails and transports, and then send those emails at runtime.
The easiest way to match data structures like JSON/PlainText/XML against readable patterns. Sandbox:
PHP Matcher Library created for testing all kinds of JSON/XML/TXT/Scalar values against patterns. API: PHPMatcher::match($value = '{"foo": "bar"}', $p
The efficient and elegant JSON:API 1.1 server library for PHP
Woohoo Labs. Yin Woohoo Labs. Yin is a PHP framework which helps you to build beautifully crafted JSON:APIs. Table of Contents Introduction Features W
Allow multiple options for Magento 2 checkout layout. Provides capabilities to AB test checkout changes and more.
Aimes_CheckoutDesigns Features Please note: This module is currently still considered a proof of concept. This module provides the ability to change c
Module Generator Composer Package For Laravel
Module Generator Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require teacoders/module-generator Run the command below to publish t
A PHP Module, that help with geneting of task script for playwright and send it node.js
A PHP Module, that help with geneting of task script for playwright and send it node.js
LaraAdmin is a Open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS which can be used as Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel with features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Module Manager, Backups and many more.
LaraAdmin 1.0 LaraAdmin is a Open source CRM for quick-start Admin based applications with features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Schema Manager and
[Package] Multi-tenant Database Schema Manager for Laravel
Multi-tenant Database Schema Manager for Laravel Tenanti allow you to manage multi-tenant data schema and migration manager for your Laravel applicati
Laravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema.
Laravel Migrations Generator Generate Laravel Migrations from an existing database, including indexes and foreign keys! Upgrading to Laravel 5.4 Pleas
Module Management In Laravel
Laravel-Modules Laravel laravel-modules 5.4 ^1.0 5.5 ^2.0 5.6 ^3.0 5.7 ^4.0 5.8 ^5.0 6.0 ^6.0 7.0 ^7.0 8.0 ^8.0 nwidart/laravel-modules is a Laravel p
SEO Tools for Laravel
SEOTools - SEO Tools for Laravel and Lumen SEOTools is a package for Laravel 5.8+ and Lumen that provides helpers for some common SEO techniques. Curr
A MySQL Workbench plugin which exports a Model to Laravel 5 Migrations
MySQL Workbench Export Laravel 5 Migrations Plugin A MySQL Workbench plugin that allows for exporting a model to Laravel 5 migrations that follow PSR-
PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
PHP Curl Class: HTTP requests made easy PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs. Installation Requirements Quic
Simple and effective multi-format Web API Server to host your PHP API as Pragmatic REST and / or RESTful API
Luracast Restler  Version 3.0 Release Candidate 5 Restler is a simple and effective multi-format Web
🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen
Documentation Documentation for 1.* here For version 0.5.* See the WIKI for documentation. Supported by Auth0 If you want to easily add secure authent
:aerial_tramway: A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener
🚡 A modern, minimalist, and lightweight URL shortener. Polr is an intrepid, self-hostable open-source link shortening web application with a robust A
Blackfire Player is a powerful Web Crawling, Web Testing, and Web Scraper application. It provides a nice DSL to crawl HTTP services, assert responses, and extract data from HTML/XML/JSON responses.
Blackfire Player Blackfire Player is a powerful Web Crawling, Web Testing, and Web Scraper application. It provides a nice DSL to crawl HTTP services,
"結巴"中文分詞:做最好的 PHP 中文分詞、中文斷詞組件。 / "Jieba" (Chinese for "to stutter") Chinese text segmentation: built to be the best PHP Chinese word segmentation module.
jieba-php "結巴"中文分詞:做最好的 PHP 中文分詞、中文斷詞組件,目前翻譯版本為 jieba-0.33 版本,未來再慢慢往上升級,效能也需要再改善,請有興趣的開發者一起加入開發!若想使用 Python 版本請前往 fxsjy/jieba 現在已經可以支援繁體中文!只要將字典切換為 bi
JSON Lint for PHP
JSON Lint Usage use Seld\JsonLint\JsonParser; $parser = new JsonParser(); // returns null if it's valid json, or a ParsingException object. $parser-
Light and extendable schema validation library
Light PHP validation library For everyone who uses MongoDB or other NoSQL solution and cares about what client sends to his/her database and looking f
A powerful schema validator!
MetaYaml A [put your file type here] schema validator using [put another file type here] files. At the moment, file type can be Json, Yaml, or XML. It
This module is the core of phpList 4
phpList core module About phpList phpList is an open source newsletter manager. This project is a rewrite of the original phpList. About this package
Simple composer script to manage phar files using project composer.json.
tooly-composer-script With tooly composer-script you can version needed PHAR files in your project's composer.json without adding them directly to a V
:musical_note: Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json.
composer-normalize Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json. Why When it comes to formatting composer.json, you have the following opt
Merge one or more additional composer.json files at Composer runtime
Composer Merge Plugin Merge multiple composer.json files at Composer runtime. Composer Merge Plugin is intended to allow easier dependency management
Flexible serializer encouraging good object design
Serializard Serializard is a library for (un)serialization of data of any complexity. Its main focus is to give user as much flexibility as possible b
Map nested JSON structures onto PHP classes
JsonMapper - map nested JSON structures onto PHP classes Takes data retrieved from a JSON web service and converts them into nested object and arrays
Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity (supports JSON, and XML)
jms/serializer Introduction This library allows you to (de-)serialize data of any complexity. Currently, it supports XML and JSON. It also provides yo
A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper with a generic interface to various caching backends emphasising cache tagging and indexing.
Apix Cache, cache-tagging for PHP Apix Cache is a generic and thin cache wrapper with a PSR-6 interface to various caching backends and emphasising ca
A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature
JWT A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature based on the RFC 7519. Installation Package is available on Packagist, you can
Quickly and easily expose Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints with the use of simple configuration with annotations, yaml, json or a PHP array.
Drest Dress up doctrine entities and expose them as REST resources This library allows you to quickly annotate your doctrine entities into restful res
Simple and effective multi-format Web API Server to host your PHP API as Pragmatic REST and / or RESTful API
Luracast Restler  Version 3.0 Release Candidate 5 Restler is a simple and effective multi-format Web
Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
API Platform is a next-generation web framework designed to easily create API-first projects without compromising extensibility and flexibility: Desig