The spatial web mapping framework and core-module


Mapbender module

This is the Mapbender module, the main-component of the Mapbender application.

This module works like a library and can not run for itself. It has to be integrated in the Mapbender-Starter, which is the starting-environment for building Mapbender. The module is loaded via Composer in the composer.json of Mapbender-Starter.

This Mapbender module contains most functionality of Mapbender itself, from the map to the different searches. These elements are described in the user-documentation.

To build and develop Mapbender itself refer to the Contributing Guide in Mapbender-Starter.

To use Mapbender refer to the user-documentation (Github source).

Place issues at:

You can also join the mailing-list.

  • Mapbender 3.0.6 performance on Windows and MS4W in particular

    Mapbender 3.0.6 performance on Windows and MS4W in particular

    • with 3.0.5 we generate the css from the scss when we load an application
    • this works fine on liux systems. But it causes performance problem on windows and make mapbender very slow in the backend and frontend
    • urgent issue, should be fixed for
    Enhancement Resolved 
    opened by astroidex 32
  • PrintClient error when printing legend - Notice: Undefined variable: yStartPosition

    PrintClient error when printing legend - Notice: Undefined variable: yStartPosition

    • when you print with legend an error occurs when you do not use legend on first page
    Notice: Undefined variable: yStartPosition
    500 Internal Server Error - ContextErrorException 
    opened by astroidex 20
  • Browser support in - Internet Explorer

    Browser support in - Internet Explorer

    in the new version 3.0.7 I created the following error behavior:

    In the previous versions IE could be used. In the new version, however, the simfony strip is very big and the application throws an error. You can't use any application or element.

    SCRIPT1003: Expected ':'
    File: js, Line: 6332, Column: 22


    symfony stripe in app_dev.php developer mode

    ie11 - win8 1 wird ausgefuhrt - oracle vm virtualbox_053

    opened by CharlyUnicorn 11
  • [Documentation] New structure

    [Documentation] New structure

    New structure of documentation:

    • Installation
    • Behind the scenes
    • Configuration / Tipps & Tricks
      • My own templates
      • my own Style
      • What is it with the yaml-files
      • Something else...
    • Quickstart
    • FAQ
    • Versions
    • Functions
      • General
        • Map
        • Navigation Toolbar
        • ...
      • Searches
        • Simple...
        • Router
        • ...
      • Editing
        • Digitizer
        • Redlining
        • ...
      • ...
    • Developer Book --> Contributing Guide
    • Attic (misc)
    Enhancement Documentation 
    opened by AxxL 10
  • Image Export - Wrong display of digitizer-features with label

    Image Export - Wrong display of digitizer-features with label

    If you define a labeling for your features in the digitizer and try to export it to an png/jpeg file the features are displayed diffrently, e.g. if you define a white point with black label, then you get a red label in the output. Regardless of the defined feature style and other labeling parameters, the red label always comes out.

    Test with following style definition for points (works with the column "name" ):

          strokeWidth: 2
          strokeColor: '#000000'
          fillColor: '#ffffff'
          fillOpacity: 1
          pointRadius: 10
          label: '${name}'
          labelOutlineColor: '#ffffff'
          fontColor: '#000000'
          fontFamily: 'Verdana, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;'
          fontWeight: bold
          labelXOffset: 0
          labelYOffset: 25
          strokeWidth: 2
          strokeColor: '#fd00ff'
          fillColor: '#ffffff'
          fillOpacity: 1
          pointRadius: 10
          label: '${name}'
          labelOutlineColor: '#ffffff'
          fontColor: '#000000'
          fontFamily: 'Verdana, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;'
          fontWeight: bold
          labelXOffset: 0
          labelYOffset: 25
    opened by CharlyUnicorn 9
  • Search Router - OpenLayers Error in application after update  to version

    Search Router - OpenLayers Error in application after update to version

    I updated multiple Mapbender3 from version to version I used the search router element in my applications without any problems. After the update I opened the application and couldn't use any functions related to the map-element/ OpenLayers.

    The following error pops up:

    unreachable code after return statement
    TypeError: OpenLayers is undefined
    further Information Link:
    • If I remove the searchrouter the application works.
    • If I delete the searchrouter and add a new searchrouter element the error still shows up.
    • If I update the existing element the error still shows up.
    • If I create a new application or copy an existing application (with the error) the application works.


    Bug Important SearchRouter Resolved 
    opened by CharlyUnicorn 9
  • [BaseSourceSwitcher] with group - group is opened on start of the application and modified click behaviour

    [BaseSourceSwitcher] with group - group is opened on start of the application and modified click behaviour

    • occurs actual Mapbender from 2018-03-08
    • BaseSourceSwitcher group dropdown is opened on start of application (this is a behaviour that is not wanted) -> looks strange with many entries (overlaps map)
    • On click on a different menu the first one does not close

    Demo Application the check the behaviour


    How can you reproduce the error?

    • open the application -> wrong behaviour: Basesourceswitcher is opened already
    • check what happens when you click on the menu items
    • click on OSM -> OSM mit Opacity -> wrong behaviour -> menu is still open

    Check application to see how it should work


    mb_bs1 mb_bs2

    Bug Important 
    opened by astroidex 8
  • Redlining: Printing Text is too small for DPI=288

    Redlining: Printing Text is too small for DPI=288

    If you redline something and print it out in 288 DPI, the text appears to small and should be 4x higher. Is a regression.

    edit: Points can also gain some additional weight, please.

    Bug Resolved Regression 
    opened by AxxL 8
  • srs-Selector - on change the getMap-request is not right for WMS 1.3.0 and GK 2

    srs-Selector - on change the getMap-request is not right for WMS 1.3.0 and GK 2

    • srs-Selector - on change to GK2 the getMap-request is not right for WMS 1.3.0

    • problem: request with wrong BBOX is requested for WMS 1.3.0

    • see internal: #7913

    • on change to GK2 the WMS "Mapbender user" in Version 1.3.0 is requested with the wrong BBOX (Coordinates in BBOX with WMS 1.3.0 must switch x and y)

    • BBOX wrong,&LAYERS=Mapbender_User,Mapbender_Names&_OLSALT=0.3877219136654131&CRS=EPSG%3A31466&BBOX=2575607.7352352,5621505.6332728,2579841.0770352,5623247.4770343&WIDTH=2400&HEIGHT=987

    • bbox right (was modified by hand),&LAYERS=Mapbender_User,Mapbender_Names&_OLSALT=0.3877219136654131&CRS=EPSG%3A31466&BBOX=5621505.6332728,2575607.7352352,5623247.4770343,2579841.0770352&WIDTH=2400&HEIGHT=987

    opened by astroidex 8
  • Backend - Class .checkbox overlaps entries

    Backend - Class .checkbox overlaps entries

    Class .checkbox overlaps entries in Layer instances and ACL if there are more than ~ 50 entries. All entries at the beginning of the list are not reachable by click (.checkbox html element overlaps these entries).

      @include absolute(-9999px '' '' 0);
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      @include opacity(0);

    Tested with version, code also exists in 3.0.6 (bug probably exists there too).

    To reproduce: Load a WMS into Layer instance with many layers. Or configure many ACL entries.

    opened by CharlyUnicorn 8
  • config.php is missing at mapbender3/web/config.php

    config.php is missing at mapbender3/web/config.php

    • as the file is missing in you can't check http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php
    • was there a reason to skip the file?
    • it is refered in the Mapbender3 quickstart. We would have to change the documentation if there is a reason to skip the file.
    opened by astroidex 8
  • Mapbender doesn't show Ukrainian translation

    Mapbender doesn't show Ukrainian translation

    Describe the bug Mapbender doesn't show Ukrainian translation.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Created 11 *.uk.yml files (
    2. Set mapbender locale as "uk"
    3. Clear cache
    4. Set browser's language to "uk"
    5. See error, Mapbender shows English content

    Expected behavior Mapbender has to show Ukrainian language content.

    Versions (please complete the following information if it helps to narrow down the bug):

    • Mapbender: 3.3.3
    • Browser Opera, Chrome

    Additional context Even if i turn off mapbender_autolocale in parameters.yml, Mapbender shows only English language website

    opened by sacredkesha 1
  • WFS sources support

    WFS sources support

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I am trying to develop a widget that counts features in a map. Since WMS serves images there is no feature data attached, and that cannot be done.

    Describe the solution you'd like I was under the impression that MapBender used to have WFS sources in the past, so I'd simply like to see them reintroduced.

    Describe alternatives you've considered There are no real alternatives other than abandoning MapBender.

    Additional context I'd be willing to develop the code myself with a little guidance.

    opened by sia-mfierro 0
  • [overview] WMTS can not be used as overview Service

    [overview] WMTS can not be used as overview Service

    Describe the bug If you add a WMST to the overview element the application fails to load with an error "Element 3851 failed to initialize: source.hasVisibleLayers is not a function "

    Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-28 12-35-51

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Load a WMTS for example
    2. Add the WMSt to your applictaion to the overview element
    3. See error

    Expected behavior WMTS should also be usable in overview

    Versions (please complete the following information if it helps to narrow down the bug):

    • Mapbender: 3.3.1, 3.3.2rc1
    Bug WIP 
    opened by astroidex 0
  • [BaseSourceSwitcher] does not allow to disable WMTS to disable them on start

    [BaseSourceSwitcher] does not allow to disable WMTS to disable them on start

    Describe the bug BaseSourceSwitcher can handle WMS/WMTS as Background services and provide buttons or radiobuttons to swicth. On start the services should be activated that are active in the Instance configuration.

    • For WMS you can deactivate the root layer -> the WMS will not be active on STart
    • Problem: For WMTS you can not disable a WMTS on start. If you do it is not possible to activate the WMTS again
    • Problem: like this all WMTS are active on start of an application
    • The radio buttons do not show the status on start - it loosk like no service is active

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Load WMTS like
    1. Configure the application with BaseSourceSwitcher 4.Frontend See: all WMTS are active on start
    2. Frontend : you can not see which service is active (no radiobutton selected) but all WMTS are requested
    3. Backend: it is not possible to deactivate a WMTS root layer

    Expected behavior It should be configurabe which WMTS is active on start of the application

    Versions (please complete the following information if it helps to narrow down the bug):

    • Mapbender: 3.3.1, 3.3.2 rc1

    Screenshots / Logmessage wmts_notactive


    Bug WIP 
    opened by astroidex 2
  • layersetId is used but not defined

    layersetId is used but not defined

    opened by frwg 1
  • v3.3.3(Dec 2, 2022)

    • Fix Wms loading errors with PostgreSQL default database
    • Fix broken form label for Overview visibility in English locale (see PR#1439)
    • Fix broken Wms layer toggling in legacy Openlayers 2 applications
    • Fix errors running mapbender:database:check console command on Windows (missing posix extension)
    • [BaseSourceSwitcher] Fix text alignment when used as a floating map overlay element
    • [Layertree] Fix script error after adding a Wms via WmsLoader
    • Support additional Wms time dimension request parameter format variants:
      • Date + time separated by space instead of 'T'
      • "Compact" date formats without dashes between year, month and day
      • trailing 'Z' in time portion
      • Leading 'T' for time-only formats
    • [Backend] Fix shared instance editing url showing usage in applications instead of editing form
    • [Backend] Fix redirect back to shared instance list after confirming shared instance deletion
    • Enable doctrine deprecation warnings in log (dev environment only)
    • Resolve misc Symfony 5 incompatibilities
    • Resolve misc Doctrine DBAL 3 incompatibilities
    • Resolve PHP 8.2 Serializable APi deprecation in backend menu building
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.2(Nov 14, 2022)

    (combined changes since v3.3.1)

    • Fix Openlayers 6 frontend temporarily displaying Wms with previous layer combination when reactivating with changed layer selection
    • Fix document download prompt appearing instead of page refresh when saving Element form in some Chrome versions with Symfony >= 4.4.44
    • Fix obscured map area detection during feature zoom for very wide sidepanes (>= half screen width)
    • Fix reloaded Wms sources containing more layers than advertised in capabilities in some cases
    • Fix missing auto-detection of nl locale (see PR#1425)
    • Fix empty / not helpful exception messages on incompatible / missing legacy element class
    • Fix infinite pileup of application frontend html cache entry files (see PR#1423)
    • Fix errors with WMS 1.1.1 sources that declare an empty <SRS> tag on layers (source reload required)
    • Fix Wmts locked to single CRS, even if it supports several
    • Fix German-only error messages when loading Wmts source
    • Fix inability to reload Wmts source
    • Fix incomplete / erroneous parsing of Wmts contact information
    • Fix error loading any WMTS that defines keywords
    • Fix frontend text flow (line height always relative to font size)
    • Fix font size scalability of form inputs and sliders
    • Fix toolbar item padding when using centered items
    • Fix styling mismatches of DimensionsHandler slider vs Layertree context menu sliders
    • Fix wide modal popups (e.g. Copyright element) clipping over screen edge
    • Fix height collapse of choice with empty label in custom dropdown
    • Fix password creation in user registration process (#1430)
    • Fix password reset process leaking user account status information (#1397)
    • Fix inability to reset expired registration token
    • Fix missing link back to login on password reset process end landing page
    • [Map] Use default tile size instead of minimum tile size if set to empty (#1433)
    • [Export / Print] Fix internal Wms requests not respecting configured "transparent" param when using Openlayers 6 frontend
    • [Export / Print] Fix errors if a named template region (e.g. 'date') repeats
    • [Export / Print] Fix visibility of grouped vector layers
    • [Export / Print] Fix errors printing with active Wmts source
    • [Export / Print] reduce line feature label placement mismatches vs Openlayers 6 frontend
    • [Export / Print] improve reproduction of customized feature label sizes
    • [Export / Print] fix z ordering mismatch of feature geometries in export / print vs Openlayers 6 map view
    • [Export / Print] improve reproduction of customized Openlayers 6 line patterns
    • [Print] Fix Openlayers 6 print scale calculations not respecting geodesic distortions at printout location
    • [Print] Fix mouse rotation interaction offered even if rotatable config flag is false
    • [Print] Fix errors after globally disabling queue mode via mapbender.print.queueable if queue mode was previously enabled on the element
    • [BaseSourceSwitcher] Fix BaseSourceSwitcher backend form offering disabled shared instances (#1417)
    • [BaseSourceSwitcher] Support usage as floating map overlay when placed in content (set anchor to one of left-top ... right-bottom)
    • [BaseSourceSwitcher] Add data-title attributes for id independent custom css matching
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix highlighting behaviour of multiple spatially nested features
    • [FeatureInfo] Add configurable stroke widths for highlight geometries (use strokeWidthDefault and strokeWidthHover in Yaml applications)
    • [FeatureInfo] Add configurability for stroke colors and opacities on extracted features (see PR#1323)
    • [FeatureInfo] disable while measuring tool / POI / Sketch drawing tools are active
    • [FeatureInfo] disable blue notify announcements for empty responses
    • [FeatureInfo] Add min / max range validation for backend form opacity settings
    • [FeatureInfo] add direct links to response(s) to tab / accordion headers
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix unpredictable display order of responses from multiple sources
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix encoding errors rendering plain text response
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab / accordion reuse not working as intended with multiple FeatureInfo elements in one application
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab container vertically overflowing popup
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab container vertically overflowing bottom toolbar dropdowns / autocomplete suggestions in mobile template
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab container sizing in mobile template
    • [GpsPosition] Fix error on click when placed in mobile template footer
    • [Layertree] Fix non-functional folder toggle icon rendering on layer groups that have toggling disabled
    • [Layertree] Fix layout of layer menu, if enabled, and layer metadata popup in mobile template
    • [Layertree] Fix errors when dragging Wmts source to a new position
    • [Layertree] Fix theme folder not visually closing on click
    • [Layertree] Support showing nested WMS layers in mobile (use allowtoggle instance layer setting to controls this, just like in desktop template)
    • [Layertree] Resolve font size mismatches vs other sidepane / popup contents
    • [Legend] add .legend-dialog for CSS customizability
    • [Copyright] Fix dialog not opening on second interaction with targetting button
    • [Copyright] Support automatic popup height (leave height configuration value empty)
    • [Copyright] Support twig in content
    • [Copyright] Content is now validated on save (prevents broken frontend layouts)
    • [HTMLElement] Fix errors validating pure whitespace content
    • [Overview] Support configuring to be permanently open (no toggle button; use visibility: open-permanent)
    • [Overview] Fix initial flash of close icon on toggle button even if initially closed
    • [Overview] Fix layout changes on toggle (vs other elements positioned in the same map corner)
    • [SimpleSearch] Add placeholder configuration option (string; placeholder text shown in search input)
    • [SimpleSearch] Support usage as a floating map overlay element
    • [SimpleSearch] Improve layout in mobile template
    • [Sketch] Add manual circle radius editing via input field (PR#1420)
    • [Sketch] Add configurable multi-color pallette and user customizable color (see PR#1422)
    • [Sketch] Fix initial visible content flash of empty table placeholder row
    • [Skecth] Misc user interface improvements
    • [WmsLoader] Fix broken layout when using larger font size
    • [ActivityIndicator] Fix indicator not turning off if a Wms GetMap returns an http error
    • [DimensionsHandler] Fix garbled display of acronyms in dimension titles
    • [DimensionsHandler] Fix current value display in toolbar overlapping long dimension title
    • [Mobile Template] Fix positioning of overlay elements in the bottom left / bottom right corners
    • [Mobile Template] Fix content panel obscuring toolbar when opened
    • [Mobile Template] Fix input sizing / misc element font sizes
    • [Backend] Fix misc errors reformatting validation error messages when saving invalid application custom css
    • [Backend] Fix missing element form discard confirmation after adding to / removing from collections
    • [Backend] Fix broken Wms instance dimension settings form initialization for year-granular time dimension
    • [Backend] Fix mouse cursor on collection item add / remove interactions
    • [Backend] Support reordering collection items in element backend forms (BaseSourceSwitcher / DimensionsHandler / SearchRouter entries, PrintClient templates)
    • [Backend] Add interaction menu (reload, create shared instance, delete) to source view
    • [Backend] Re-add display of ids in source / shared instance lists for searchability
    • [Backend] Add source (with link to source view) into a distinct column in application layersets view
    • [Backend] Improve error messages when loading sources
    • [Backend] Show supported CRS for Wmts layers in instance editing details popover
    • [Framework] Support setting Scss variables in application custom css
    • [Framework] Support template CSS references containing StringAsset objects (instead of file names)
    • [Framework] Support replacement of shipping Application template PHP classes via mapbender.application_template tagged servics (see PR#1424)
    • [Framework] Add client-side refresh method on Source objects
    • [Framework] Add client-side user information (see PR#1436)
    • [Framework] Add server-side events mb.before_application_config and mb.after_application_config
    • [Framework] Add extensible icon packages for button assignments (PR#1434)
    • Improve customizability of misc widget CSS (require files separately instead of @import)
    • Extract Scss variables for customizability
      • $textColor and $backgroundColor for default content and popups
      • $panelBorderColor for popups, tab container headings and misc popover menus (e.g. layertree layer context menu)
      • $buttonTextColor, $buttonBorderColor, $buttonHoverColor, $buttonHoverTextColor for legacy custom "success" button border (submit / confirm etc in popups)
      • $buttonCriticalTextColor, $buttonCriticalBorderColor, $buttonCriticalHoverColor, $buttonCriticalHoverTextColor for legacy custom "danger" button border (cancel / close / delete etc in popups)
      • $buttonActiveTextColor (~Digitizer table headings selected for sorting / current pagination button; complements background given in $buttonFirstActiveColor)
      • $inputBorderColor, $inputFocusBorderColor (form field borders in frontend default + focus)
      • $sidepaneBorderColor, $popupBorderColor for misc layout element borders
      • $toolBarBackground, $toolBarBorderColor, $toolBarTopBackground, $toolBarBottomBackground for top / bottom toolbars styling
      • $accordionTextColor, $accordionBackgroundColor, $accordionFontSize for initial accordion header colors and typography in sidepane / FeatureInfo / Source metadata display
      • $accordionActiveTextColor, accordionActiveBackgroundColor for coloring the currently selected accorion header
      • $accordionHoverBackgroundColor for accordion header mouseover effect
      • $sidepaneButtonTextColor, $sidepaneButtonFontSize, $sidepaneButtonBackgroundColor, $sidepaneButtonBorderColor for "buttons"-mode sidepane header buttons (default button state)
      • $sidepaneButtonActiveTextColor, $sidepaneButtonActiveBackgroundColor for currently selected header button in "buttons"-mode sidepane
      • $sidepaneButtonHoverColor for "buttons"-mode sidepane header mouseover effect
      • $sliderHandleTextColor, $sliderHandleBorderColor for layertree and dimensionhandler slider widgets, complementing previously available $sliderHandleBackgroundColor
      • $desktopBreakpointWidth for controlling responsive switch between mobile / desktop element and container visibility
      • $hoverEffects to globally enable / disable misc hover effects
    • Extract twig blocks backdrop_markup, inside_backdrop for login page customizability
    • Resolve misc Twig deprecations
    • Resolve misc Symfony Acl / grants checks deprecations
    • Resolve PHP zip method deprecations
    • Misc performance tweaks
      • use minified Proj4js asset in production
      • use minified Openlayers 6 asset in production (requires update to Rollup-based OL6 build)
      • reduce service initialization overhead on common frontend requests
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.2-RC1(Sep 7, 2022)

    • Fix misc errors reformatting validation error messages when saving invalid application custom css
    • Fix Application custom css validation message not displayed
    • Fix wide modal popups (e.g. Copyright element) clipping over screen edge
    • Fix Openlayers 6 frontend / export / print not requesting WMS with configured "transparent" param
    • Fix Openlayers 6 frontend temporarily displaying Wms with previous layer combination when reactivating with changed layer selection
    • Fix reloaded Wms sources containing more layers than advertised in capabilities in some cases
    • Fix missing auto-detection of nl locale (see PR#1425)
    • Fix empty / not helpful exception messages on incompatible / missing legacy element class
    • Fix infinite pileup of application frontend html cache entry files (see PR#1423)
    • Fix toolbar item padding when using centered items
    • Fix mobile template broken position of overlay elements in the bottom left / bottom right corners
    • Fix mobile template panel obscuring toolbar when opened
    • Fix frontend text flow (line height always relative to font size)
    • Fix font size scalability of form inputs and sliders
    • Fix styling mismatches of DimensionsHandler slider vs Layertree context menu sliders
    • Fix layertree font size not matching anything else in frontend
    • Fix input sizing / misc element font sizes in mobile template
    • Fix missing element form discard confirmation after adding to / removing from collections
    • Fix broken Wms instance dimension settings form initialization for year-granular time dimension
    • Support reordering collection items in element backend forms (BaseSourceSwitcher / DimensionsHandler / SearchRouter entries, PrintClient templates)
    • [Export / Print] fix errors if a named template region (e.g. 'date') repeats
    • [Export / Print] reduce line feature label placement mismatches vs Openlayers 6 frontend
    • [Export / Print] improve reproduction of customized feature label sizes
    • [Export / Print] fix z ordering mismatch of feature geometries in export / print vs Openlayers 6 map view
    • [Export / Print] improve reproduction of customized Openlayers 6 line patterns
    • [Print] Fix Openlayers 6 print scale calculations not respecting geodesic distortions at printout location
    • [Print] Fix errors after globally disabling queue mode via mapbender.print.queueable if queue mode was previously enabled on the element
    • [BaseSourceSwitcher] Fix BaseSourceSwitcher backend form offering disabled shared instances (#1417)
    • [FeatureInfo] Add configurability for stroke colors and opacities on extracted features (see PR#1323)
    • [FeatureInfo] disable while measuring tool / POI / Sketch drawing tools are active
    • [FeatureInfo] disable blue notify announcements for empty responses
    • [FeatureInfo] add direct links to response(s) to tab / accordion headers
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix unpredictable display order of responses from multiple sources
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix encoding errors rendering plain text response
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab / accordion reuse not working as intended with multiple FeatureInfo elements in one application
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab container vertically overflowing popup
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab container vertically overflowing bottom toolbar dropdowns / autocomplete suggestions in mobile template
    • [FeatureInfo] Fix tab container sizing in mobile template
    • [GpsPosition] Fix error on click when placed in mobile template footer
    • [Layertree] Fix non-functional folder toggle icon rendering on layer groups that have toggling disabled
    • [Layertree] Fix layout of layer menu, if enabled, and layer metadata popup in mobile template
    • [Layertree] Show nested WMS layers in mobile (use allowtoggle instance layer setting to controls this, just like in desktop template)
    • [Legend] add .legend-dialog for CSS customizability
    • [Copyright] Fix dialog not opening on second interaction with targetting button
    • [Copyright] Support automatic popup height (leave height configuration value empty)
    • [Copyright] Support twig in content
    • [Overview] Support configuring to be permanently open (no toggle button; use visibility: open-permanent)
    • [Overview] Fix initial flash of close icon on toggle button even if initially closed
    • [Overview] Fix layout changes on toggle (vs other elements positioned in the same map corner)
    • [SimpleSearch] Add placeholder configuration option (string; placeholder text shown in search input)
    • [SimpleSearch] Support usage as a floating map overlay element
    • [SimpleSearch] Improve layout in mobile template
    • [Sketch] Add manual circle radius editing via input field (PR#1420)
    • [Sketch] Add configurable multi-color pallette and user customizable color (see PR#1422)
    • [Sketch] Fix initial visible content flash of empty table placeholder row
    • [Skecth] Misc user interface improvements
    • [DimensionsHandler] Fix garbled display of acronyms in dimension titles
    • [DimensionsHandler] Fix current value display in toolbar overlapping long dimension title
    • Support replacement of shipping Application template PHP classes via mapbender.application_template tagged servics (see PR#1424)
    • Support template CSS references containing StringAsset objects (instead of file names)
    • Support setting Scss variables in application custom css
    • Improve customizability of misc widget CSS (require files separately instead of @import)
    • Extract Scss variables for customizability
      • $textColor and $backgroundColor for default content and popups
      • $panelBorderColor for popups, tab container headings and misc popover menus (e.g. layertree layer context menu)
      • $buttonTextColor, $buttonBorderColor, $buttonHoverColor, $buttonHoverTextColor for legacy custom "success" button border (submit / confirm etc in popups)
      • $buttonCriticalTextColor, $buttonCriticalBorderColor, $buttonCriticalHoverColor, $buttonCriticalHoverTextColor for legacy custom "danger" button border (cancel / close / delete etc in popups)
      • $buttonActiveTextColor (~Digitizer table headings selected for sorting / current pagination button; complements background given in $buttonFirstActiveColor)
      • $inputBorderColor, $inputFocusBorderColor (form field borders in frontend default + focus)
      • $sidepaneBorderColor, $popupBorderColor for misc layout element borders
      • $toolBarBackground, $toolBarBorderColor, $toolBarTopBackground, $toolBarBottomBackground for top / bottom toolbars styling
      • $accordionTextColor, $accordionBackgroundColor, $accordionFontSize for initial accordion header colors and typography in sidepane / FeatureInfo / Source metadata display
      • $accordionActiveTextColor, accordionActiveBackgroundColor for coloring the currently selected accorion header
      • $accordionHoverBackgroundColor for accordion header mouseover effect
      • $sidepaneButtonTextColor, $sidepaneButtonFontSize, $sidepaneButtonBackgroundColor, $sidepaneButtonBorderColor for "buttons"-mode sidepane header buttons (default button state)
      • $sidepaneButtonActiveTextColor, $sidepaneButtonActiveBackgroundColor for currently selected header button in "buttons"-mode sidepane
      • $sidepaneButtonHoverColor for "buttons"-mode sidepane header mouseover effect
      • $sliderHandleTextColor, $sliderHandleBorderColor for layertree and dimensionhandler slider widgets, complementing previously available $sliderHandleBackgroundColor
      • $desktopBreakpointWidth for controlling responsive switch between mobile / desktop element and container visibility
    • Extract twig blocks backdrop_markup, inside_backdrop for login page customizability
    • [Backend] Re-add display of ids in source / shared instance lists for searchability
    • Resolve misc Twig deprecations
    • Resolve misc Symfony Acl / grants checks deprecations
    • Resolve PHP zip method deprecations
    • Misc performance tweaks
      • use minified Proj4js asset in production
      • use minified Openlayers 6 asset in production (requires update to Rollup-based OL6 build)
      • reduce service initialization overhead on common frontend requests
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.1(Apr 11, 2022)

    • Fix server error saving HTMLELement content (#1410)
    • Fix false-positive html validation error if input is empty
    • Fix download links in FeatureInfo html blocked by sandbox (#1377, PR#1387)
    • Fix excessive clipping and scolling of misc popvers in "Unstyled" sidepane
    • Fix broken resizable popup styling for projects using jqueryui css
    • Fix window starting to scroll when dragging popups over screen edges
    • Fix local login not available via menu navigation for SSO users
    • Fix print selection interactions running on clicked non-print features while print is open (#1412)
    • Fix image export / print line labels not rendering at all or rendering with wrong color if combined with icon markers
    • Fix popup z index coordination (e.g. print dialog vs legend dialog vs native jqueryui dialogs)
    • Fix element (de)activation event not triggered for elements in sidepane
    • Fix element deactivation event not triggered for externally button-controlled element dialog closed with popup button
    • Fix Openlayers 2 overview map visually punching through sidepane
    • Fix server error when submitting application import with no file chosen
    • Fix BaseSourceSwitcher losing instances on application import / duplication
    • [ViewManager] support popup operation (place in content, trigger with an additional button element)
    • [ViewManager] fix layout overflow for very long record titles
    • [ViewManager] respect showDate configuration when showing / editing record
    • Improve image export / print reproduction of feature label font sizes and weights
    • Improve image export / print reproduction of line dash patterns
    • Improve image export / print polygon label placement (calculate exterior ring centroid instead of average coordinate)
    • Improve image export / print line label placement (more closely match Openlayers 6 median vertex strategy)
    • Improve image export / print line label placement (more closely match Openlayers 6 strategy)
    • Support tagName option in popup widget (previously hardcoded to generate div)
    • Support passing DOM Elements into popup widget buttons option
    • Support localizing application region names (shown in backend); supply translations for fullscreen template regions
    • Add copyright icon to button icon choices (PR#1376)
    • Support overriding map engine choice for all applications via config (see PR#1413)
    • Further reduce floating elements interfering with map mouse interactions (#1401)
    • Extract new sass variables for easier (separate) customization of button / accordion / sidepane button colors and text sizes (see _variables.scss for full list)
    • Update default style of header buttons in "buttons"-type sidepane
    • Update default style of queued print job list (decouple from Digitizer table CSS)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.10(Apr 11, 2022)

    • Fix Twig 2 incompatibility in HTML content validator (#1410)
    • Fix false-positive html validation error if input is empty
    • Fix download links in FeatureInfo html blocked by sandbox (#1377, PR#1387)
    • Fix excessive clipping and scolling of misc popvers in "Unstyled" sidepane
    • Fix broken resizable popup styling for projects using jqueryui css
    • Fix window starting to scroll when dragging popups over screen edges
    • Fix local login not available via menu navigation for SSO users
    • Fix print selection interactions running on clicked non-print features while print is open (#1412)
    • Fix image export / print line labels not rendering at all or rendering with wrong color if combined with icon markers
    • Fix popup z index coordination (e.g. print dialog vs legend dialog vs native jqueryui dialogs)
    • Fix element (de)activation event not triggered for elements in sidepane
    • Fix element deactivation event not triggered for externally button-controlled element dialog closed with popup button
    • Fix Openlayers 2 overview map visually punching through sidepane
    • Fix server error when submitting application import with no file chosen
    • Fix BaseSourceSwitcher losing instances on application import / duplication
    • [ViewManager] support popup operation (place in content, trigger with an additional button element)
    • [ViewManager] fix layout overflow for very long record titles
    • [ViewManager] respect showDate configuration when showing / editing record
    • Improve image export / print reproduction of feature label font sizes and weights
    • Improve image export / print reproduction of line dash patterns
    • Improve image export / print polygon label placement (calculate exterior ring centroid instead of average coordinate)
    • Improve image export / print line label placement (more closely match Openlayers 6 median vertex strategy)
    • Improve image export / print line label placement (more closely match Openlayers 6 strategy)
    • Support tagName option in popup widget (previously hardcoded to generate div)
    • Support passing DOM Elements into popup widget buttons option
    • Support localizing application region names (shown in backend); supply translations for fullscreen template regions
    • Add copyright icon to button icon choices (PR#1376)
    • Support overriding map engine choice for all applications via config (see PR#1413)
    • Further reduce floating elements interfering with map mouse interactions (#1401)
    • Extract new sass variables for easier (separate) customization of button / accordion / sidepane button colors and text sizes (see _variables.scss for full list)
    • Update default style of header buttons in "buttons"-type sidepane
    • Update default style of queued print job list (decouple from Digitizer table CSS)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.0(Feb 2, 2022)

    • Symfony 4 support
    • PHP8 support (Minimum PHP 7.4)
    • Twig 2.x compatibility
    • Reintegrated previously separate Owsproxy codebase (see PR#1392)

    Changes since v3.3.0RC2

    • Allow passing custom WMS GetMap parameters for sources added via mb-action links (see PR#1408 for details)
    • Fix error saving user on PHP 8
    • Fix undesired automatic logout when editing group assignments
    • Fix misc errors on doctrine/orm >= 2.8
    • Fix instance editing errors after reloading a Wms source with new dimensions
    • Fix disabled "batch" selection checkboxes in instance editing table header (#1388)
    • Fix inconsistent grants checks when editing shared instances (requires global Source editing); suppress links to denied shared instance interactions
    • [Print] [ImageExport] fix circle geometries from Sketch element not showing (#1403)
    • [Layertree] suppress context menu button for layers with no available context menu actions
    • [Legend] fix opaque grey image backgrounds when placed in sidepane (#1318)
    • [Legend] fix missing space between consecutive images
    • Fix Link label always showing, ignoring configuration setting (#1383)
    • Fix floating overlay elements blocking mouse interactions (#1401)
    • Fix SRS switch changing map scale if fractional zoom is enabled
    • [Framework] Fix mbmapclick event coordinates if map does not cover the entire viewport
    • [Framework] Fix centerXy / zoomToFeature / panToFeature methods not buffering for overlapping sidepane / toolbars
    • [Framework] Fix zoomToFeature method not checking if feature is fully contained in current extent
    • Fix error processing redirected response
    • Fix PHP 8 incompatibilites in print and Ldap components
    • Fix misc Twig 2 incompatibilies
    • Remove abandoned twig/extensions requirement; allow installation of twig 2.x
    • Allow installation of doctrine/doctrine-bundle 2.x

    Changes since v3.3.0RC1

    • Fix layertree events no longer handled after closing / reopening dialog (#1382)
    • Fix WMS source (and related instance) layer order when reloading a source with added layers (#1370)
    • Fix WMS with no dimensions showing "Dimensions" block in instance editing
    • Fix contact update error on WMS source reload (#1381)
    • Fix cross-domain external links in feature info HTML (#1377, PR#1378)
    • Fix invisible map overlay elements in mobile template
    • Fix incompatibility with updated or system-native sass >=3.3.0 in backend CSS
    • [SearchRouter] fix result features showing in engine default style before table hover on Openlayers 6
    • [SearchRouter] fix deliberate 0 opacity style settings not working
    • [ApplicationSwitcher] fix visually truncated / horizontally scrolling target application titles
    • [SimpleSearch] Fix internal URL encoding for multiple terms / terms with international characters (#1391)
    • Fix inconsistent / outdated autocomplete styling SearchRouter vs SimpleSearch
    • Fix visual state of Button controlling Copyright element
    • Improve support for custom user entities in root account voter
    • Improve customizability of Sass variables in application templates (see PR#1393)
    • Use browser language preference for translation target language (see PR#1394)
    • Reintegrated previously separate Owsproxy codebase (see PR#1392)
    • Fix misc Twig 2 incompatibilies

    Other changes vs v3.2.x

    • Removed mapbender:generate:element command (code incompatible with Symfony 4; produced PHP code incompatible with Mapbender)
    • Replaced unmaintained kriswallsmith/assetic dependency with assetic/framework
    • Removed fixture facades for Application import / EPSG updates.
    • Dependency on sensio/framework-extra-bundle (+ bundle initialization) moved from starter to Mapbender
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.9(Jan 28, 2022)

    • Allow passing custom WMS GetMap parameters for sources added via mb-action links (see PR#1408 for details)
    • Fix invisible map overlay elements in mobile template
    • Fix undesired automatic logout when editing group assignments
    • [Print] [ImageExport] fix circle geometries from Sketch element not showing (#1403)
    • [Layertree] suppress context menu button for layers with no available context menu actions
    • [Legend] fix opaque grey image backgrounds when placed in sidepane (#1318)
    • [Legend] fix missing space between consecutive images
    • [SimpleSearch] Fix internal URL encoding for multiple terms / terms with international characters (#1391)
    • Fix Link label always showing, ignoring configuration setting (#1383)
    • Fix floating overlay elements blocking mouse interactions (#1401)
    • Fix SRS switch changing map scale if fractional zoom is enabled
    • Fix instance editing errors after reloading a Wms source with new dimensions
    • Fix disabled "batch" selection checkboxes in instance editing table header (#1388)
    • Fix inconsistent grants checks when editing shared instances (requires global Source editing); suppress links to denied shared instance interactions
    • Fix misc Twig 2 incompatibilies
    • Fix error saving user on PHP 8
    • [Framework] Fix mbmapclick event coordinates if map does not cover the entire viewport
    • [Framework] Fix centerXy / zoomToFeature / panToFeature methods not buffering for overlapping sidepane / toolbars
    • [Framework] Fix zoomToFeature method not checking if feature is fully contained in current extent
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.0RC2(Nov 19, 2021)

    • Fix layertree events no longer handled after closing / reopening dialog (#1382)
    • Fix WMS source (and related instance) layer order when reloading a source with added layers (#1370)
    • Fix WMS with no dimensions showing "Dimensions" block in instance editing
    • Fix contact update error on WMS source reload (#1381)
    • Fix cross-domain external links in feature info HTML (#1377, PR#1378)
    • Fix invisible map overlay elements in mobile template
    • Fix incompatibility with updated or system-native sass >=3.3.0 in backend CSS
    • [SearchRouter] fix result features showing in engine default style before table hover on Openlayers 6
    • [SearchRouter] fix deliberate 0 opacity style settings not working
    • [ApplicationSwitcher] fix visually truncated / horizontally scrolling target application titles
    • [SimpleSearch] Fix internal URL encoding for multiple terms / terms with international characters (#1391)
    • Fix inconsistent / outdated autocomplete styling SearchRouter vs SimpleSearch
    • Fix visual state of Button controlling Copyright element
    • Improve support for custom user entities in root account voter
    • Improve customizability of Sass variables in application templates (see PR#1393)
    • Use browser language preference for translation target language (see PR#1394)
    • Reintegrated previously separate Owsproxy codebase (see PR#1392)
    • Fix misc Twig 2 incompatibilies
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.8(Nov 2, 2021)

    • Fix layertree events no longer handled after closing / reopening dialog (#1382)
    • Fix contact update error on WMS source reload (#1381)
    • Fix incompatibility with updated or system-native sass >=3.3.0 in backend CSS
    • Fix WMS source (and related instance) layer order when reloading a source with added layers (#1370)
    • Fix WMS with no dimensions showing "Dimensions" block in instance editing
    • Fix cross-domain external links in feature info HTML (#1377, PR#1378)
    • [SearchRouter] fix result features showing in engine default style before table hover on Openlayers 6 (#1386)
    • [SearchRouter] fix deliberate 0 opacity style settings not working
    • [ApplicationSwitcher] fix visually truncated / horizontally scrolling target application titles
    • Fix inconsistent / outdated autocomplete styling SearchRouter vs SimpleSearch
    • Fix visual state of Button controlling Copyright element
    • Improve support for custom user entities in root account voter
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.0RC1(Sep 7, 2021)

    • Complete Symfony 4 support
    • Removed mapbender:generate:element command (code incompatible with Symfony 4; produced PHP code incompatible with Mapbender)
    • Replaced unmaintained kriswallsmith/assetic dependency with assetic/framework
    • Removed fixture facades for Application import / EPSG updates.
    • Dependency on sensio/framework-extra-bundle (+ bundle initialization) moved from starter to Mapbender

    NOTE: the minimum compatible PHP version is now 7.2.

    See for guidance on potential BC breaks.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.7(Sep 7, 2021)

    • Fix shared instance Wms requests not running over tunnel if protected by basic auth
    • Fix v3.2.6 regression in stacking layout of multiple floating elements placed in the same corner
    • Fix source opacity changes not getting persisted / restored if page is reloaded after opacity change but before moving map / toggling affected layer
    • Fix completely empty footer rendering a visible block in fullscreen template (#1332)
    • Fix missing vertical margins on multi-row "Buttons"-type sidepane headers
    • [Map] fix initialization error when using customized title for primary srs (#1379)
    • [SimpleSearch] fix default for sourceSrs (EPSG:4326) setting not applying as intended in older database applications
    • [PrintClient] Fix initial flash of unstyled tab headers / tab containers if element visible on page load and queue mode is active
    • [BaseSourceSwitcher] Fix missing visual sync with Layertree updates / restored map state (#1322
    • [Sketch] Use proper stop icon instead of ~pause icon on "Stop drawing" button
    • [ViewManager] Fix confusing frontend behaviour for anonymous users (who cannot have private entries). Suppress element entirely if public entry list is off.
    • [ViewManager] Allow reapplying state entry also by clicking on its title
    • [ViewManager] Visually mark most recently applied state entry
    • [Backend] Fix instance active toggle state not displaying correctly for reusable instance assignments
    • [Backend] Fix errors editing any Element with a map target if current Application contains pure canonical Element classes (e.g. standalone DataManager 2.0)
    • [ImageExport / Print] Fix missing output of temporary POI icons and Digitizer feature icons
    • Fix errors if Yaml applications omit certain "regionProperties" definitions
    • Support moving certain toolbar / footer elements into foldout menus (see PR#1380)
    • Resolve Symfony 4 incompatibilities in controllers and console commands
    • Resolve Symfony 4 incompatibilities in all remaining Elements
      • BaseSourceSwitcher
      • Copyright
      • ImageExport
      • Layertree
      • Legend
      • Overview
      • PrintClient
      • Ruler
      • SearchRouter
      • SimpleSearch
      • SrsSelector
      • Sketch
    • Resolve misc doctrine deprecations
    • Resolve extension configuration deprecations
    • Resolve owsproxy deprecations
    • Add missing (previously implicit) doctrine/doctrine-bundle dependency
    • Optimize Symfony container build parameters
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.6(Aug 4, 2021)

    Changes since v3.2.6-RC1

    • [Overview] Fix initially closed overview map showing max extent when opening for the first time
    • [Layertree] Prefer root layer title over instance title when displaying source metadata via context menu
    • [FeatureInfo] Prefer root layer title over instance title for tab headers
    • Fix missing colorpicker assets in frontend if installed in a sub-path URL (PR#1371)
    • Fix no effect of sidepane "align" setting (left / right) in FullscreenAlternative template
    • Fix pileup of separate application HTML cache files for anonymous users
    • Automatically amend "px" to unit-less manual sidepane width setting
    • [Backend] Fix "Cancel" in ACL editing not returning to security index page
    • [Backend] Fix limited users editing their own profile getting redirected to "access denied" page on successful save
    • [Backend] Fix limited users landing on "access denied" page when clicking "Cancel" when editing their own profile
    • [Backend] Fix successful ACL editing save not returning to sercurity index page
    • [Backend] Fix missing validation error message when attempting to save Layerset with duplicated title

    Additional changes since v3.2.5

    • Fix broken Application editing page after submitting Element form with validation errors (e.g. HTMLElement content syntax errors)
    • Fix display of validation errors in login
    • Fix Button "target" option offering uncontrollable targets (Elements positioned in sidepane, floating ZoomBar etc)
    • Fix frontend dynamic html dependant on user getting cached and reused for anonymous users (session not started)
    • Fix missing colorpicker assets / broken FeatureInfo backend form if installed in a sub-path URL
    • Fix wrong initial value display of custom dropdown with uninitialzed data
    • Fix custom choice field placeholders not getting translated
    • [Layertree] Fix source selections reverting to outdated state after reactivating a deactivated Layerset / Theme
    • [Layertree] Fix touch event handling issues (by removing usage of custom checkbox widget)
    • [Layertree] Fix opened layer menu becoming inaccessible while source is loading
    • [HTMLElement] Fix twig variable "entity" not available as documented
    • [ScaleBar] Fix non-constant sizing when placed in a toolbar
    • [POI] Fix line break encoding (verbatim "
      ") in newly generated POI links with multi-line labels
    • [POI] Fix incosistent styling of the two opened popups
    • [DimensionsHandler] Fix rendering an empty block if no controllable dimensions configured
    • [ViewManager] Fix missing translation value placeholder tooltip on details button
    • SimpleSearch: avoid result list off-screen overflow (auto-adjust list direction depending on Element position vs window size)
    • Add support for Yaml application definitions to mapbender:application:import command
    • Add support for reading entire directories to mapbender:application:import command
    • Add automatic fix for incomplete / broken Element "weight" column values to mapbender:database:init command
    • Switch most Mapbender Elements to new Symfony-4-compatible Element API (see PR#1368)
    • [Backend] Fix user with no relevant privileges seeing the "Security" main menu item (403 on click; #1363)
    • [Backend] Fix Application editing screenshot preview overflow on narrow screens
    • [Backend] Fix (visual) backend form order of ControlButton to prevent clipping of "target" dropdown
    • [Backend] Fix layout of Element / Layerset tables with empty content
    • Removed unused POI option "tooltip"
    • Removed legacy / broken Selenium + PhantomJS tests
    • Resolved misc Symfony 4 incompatibilites in console commands, service definitions and form types
    • Resolved FA5+ incompatibility in custom dropdown
    • [Framework] Add new infrastructure for Symfony 4-compatible Elements (see PR#1367)
    • [Framework] Fix unhandled errors on image resource request failure when preloading icon assets
    • [Framework] Support suppressing sidepane tab buttons / accordion headers for Elements that render nothing
    • Deprecated CoreBundle\Component\Element
    • Deprecated TargetElementType
      • prefer using new MapTargetType if you must inject the Map Element id into another Element's configuration
      • prefer using new ControlTargetType for generic non-Map targetting
    • Deprecated fixture-based Application import into db (prefer e.g. app/console mapbender:application:import app/config/applications)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.6-RC1(Jul 5, 2021)

    NOTE: projects that have customized certain Mapbender standard Elements via PHP inheritance may experience BC breaks on the PHP side. Review PR#1368 for a list of affected Element classes before updating.

    • Fix broken Application editing page after submitting Element form with validation errors (e.g. HTMLElement content syntax errors)
    • Fix display of validation errors in login
    • Fix Button "target" option offering uncontrollable targets (Elements positioned in sidepane, floating ZoomBar etc)
    • Fix frontend dynamic html dependant on user getting cached and reused for anonymous users (session not started)
    • Fix missing colorpicker assets / broken FeatureInfo backend form if installed in a sub-path URL
    • Fix wrong initial value display of custom dropdown with uninitialzed data
    • Fix custom choice field placeholders not getting translated
    • [Layertree] Fix source selections reverting to outdated state after reactivating a deactivated Layerset / Theme
    • [Layertree] Fix touch event handling issues (by removing usage of custom checkbox widget)
    • [Layertree] Fix opened layer menu becoming inaccessible while source is loading
    • [HTMLElement] Fix twig variable "entity" not available as documented
    • [ScaleBar] Fix non-constant sizing when placed in a toolbar
    • [POI] Fix line break encoding (verbatim "<br />") in newly generated POI links with multi-line labels
    • [POI] Fix incosistent styling of the two opened popups
    • [DimensionsHandler] Fix rendering an empty block if no controllable dimensions configured
    • [ViewManager] Fix missing translation value placeholder tooltip on details button
    • SimpleSearch: avoid result list off-screen overflow (auto-adjust list direction depending on Element position vs window size)
    • Add support for Yaml application definitions to mapbender:application:import command
    • Add support for reading entire directories to mapbender:application:import command
    • Add automatic fix for incomplete / broken Element "weight" column values to mapbender:database:init command
    • Switch most Mapbender Elements to new Symfony-4-compatible Element API (see PR#1368)
    • [Backend] Fix user with no relevant privileges seeing the "Security" main menu item (403 on click; #1363)
    • [Backend] Fix Application editing screenshot preview overflow on narrow screens
    • [Backend] Fix (visual) backend form order of ControlButton to prevent clipping of "target" dropdown
    • [Backend] Fix layout of Element / Layerset tables with empty content
    • Removed unused POI option "tooltip"
    • Removed legacy / broken Selenium + PhantomJS tests
    • Resolved misc Symfony 4 incompatibilites in console commands, service definitions and form types
    • Resolved FA5+ incompatibility in custom dropdown
    • [Framework] Add new infrastructure for Symfony 4-compatible Elements (see PR#1367)
    • [Framework] Fix unhandled errors on image resource request failure when preloading icon assets
    • [Framework] Support suppressing sidepane tab buttons / accordion headers for Elements that render nothing
    • Deprecated CoreBundle\Component\Element
    • Deprecated TargetElementType
      • prefer using new MapTargetType if you must inject the Map Element id into another Element's configuration
      • prefer using new ControlTargetType for generic non-Map targetting
    • Deprecated fixture-based Application import into db (prefer e.g. app/console mapbender:application:import app/config/applications)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.5(Jun 8, 2021)

    Changes since v3.2.4

    • Completely redesigned backend and login areas
      • Replaced nested menus with multi-tabbed pages
      • Supply application export interaction as a button in the application instead of standalone page
      • Supply appliction import link in new application form instead of main menu entry
      • The (new) big login backdrop image is customizable via via branding.login_backdrop config parameter (see PR#1360)
    • Fix WMS min / max scale not applying correctly with fractional zoom
    • Fix same Wms dimension appearing multiple times in new Wms instance if endorsed by multiple layers
    • Fix PostgreSQL errors saving WMTS source with very long "fees" texts (#1311, PR#1353)
    • Fix invalid Content-Type request header in frontend configuration request (PR#1345)
    • Fix error duplicating application with empty Acl
    • Fix inconsistent "published" vs anonymous view grants logic for database applications (#1326, PR#1347)
    • Fix broken alignment / overflowing content of dropdown-style Elements (SrsSelector, ScaleSelector, ApplicationSwitcher) when displaying labels
    • Fix HTML paragraph text flow (p HTML elements now have appropriate margins)
    • [Map]: Remove configuration option dpi in favor of client-side autodetection (see PR#1324)
    • [ZoomBar]: Support resetting source layer settings when using ZoomBar component "zoom_home" (see PR#1348)
    • [SimpleSearch]: extend labeling for GeoJSON / particularly OSM data (multiple attributes, nested attribute structure; see PR#1361)
    • [SimpleSearch]: Fix horizontally clipped search results when placed in toolbar
    • [ViewManager]: Add intermediate popover step with distinct form fields to improve updating workflow
    • [ViewManager]: Add read-only detail view to allow record inspection without saving privileges
    • [ViewManager]: prevent confusing public <=> private satus changes on update; deliberate status change now requires saving a new record
    • [ViewManager]: default "showDate" (in listings) to false to make more space for long titles (date is always shown in info / update)
    • [Regression] Fix broken Layertree dialog with useTheme after adding source via WmsLoader
    • [ApplicationSwitcher]: Fix displaying in unusable state when referencing (only) deleted or non-granted applications
    • [ApplicationSwitcher]: Fix filtering out current application as if it was not granted (#1320)
    • [ApplicationSwitcher]: Filter backend application selection down to editing user's granted applications (#1321)
    • [SearchRouter]: Fix invalid table markup and unencoded headers
    • [Layertree]: Fix backend form on newly created Layertree unable to configure themes (only worked on cloned Layertree Element; #1330)
    • [PrintClient]: Fix errors / poor map resolution on incomplete "quality_levels" configuration (#1341)
    • [PrintClient]: Fix frontend rendering exception with "optional_fields" option set to empty scalar (#1344)
    • [PrintClient]: Fix missing feature geometries if selection rectangle is (partially) outside the current map viewport
    • [PrintClient], [ImageExport]: Fix handling of multi-component Openlayers 6 styles (Digitizer labels etc)
    • [PrintClient], [ImageExport]: Fix form submit continuing (with collateral server errors) on client script errors
    • [FeatureInfo]: hide already opened popup if not receiving any displayable content from current map click
    • [FeatureInfo]: Add configurability for coloring highlight geometries (PR#1323)
    • Add new "View manager" Element (see PR#1351)
    • Add new "Share URL" Element (see PR#1328)
    • [Backend] Fix new application form sometimes missing the security tab header
    • [Backend] Fix source view sometimes showing "Contact" tab header but no content for it
    • [Backend] Fix filter input in Element security dialog not working
    • [Backend] Fix missing redirect to "Layouts" tab after saving Element security
    • [Backend] Fix broken images in application list if screenshot files are missing
    • [Backend] Suppress "anchor" element configuration field for floatable elements outside of the "content" region
    • [Backend] Prevent adding float-only Elements (ZoomBar, Overview) to incompatible regions
    • [Forms] Fix file type inputs generated via form theme
    • [Forms] Fix custom dropdown select widget not emitting tooltip properly
    • [Forms] Update form theme to emit Bootstrap checkboxes and (margin-providing) form-group containers (see PR#1343)
    • [Framework] Add Controller-based delivery for /components/ urls (package installer independence; see PR#1352)
    • [Framework] Fix CSS integration of Bootstrap and icons stylesheets (reference in base template head, do not compile)
    • [Framework] Integrate bootstrap-colorpicker (reduce component installer reliance); pre-provide assets in all templates
    • Misc updates of custom buttons to use Bootstrap .btn (mostly backend)
    • Misc cleanups of Fontawesome 5+ incompatibilities in backend
    • Misc translation fixes
    • Misc legacy CSS cleanups

    Incremental changes since v3.2.5-RC2

    • Fix WMS min / max scale not applying correctly with fractional zoom
    • [SimpleSearch]: extend labeling for GeoJSON / particularly OSM data (multiple attributes, nested attribute structure; see PR#1361)
    • [SimpleSearch]: Fix horizontally clipped search results when placed in toolbar
    • Fix error duplicating application with empty Acl
    • Fix broken alignment / overflowing content of dropdown-style Elements (SrsSelector, ScaleSelector, ApplicationSwitcher) when displaying labels
    • Fix invisible collapsed backed main menu button on small screens
    • Fix site links (imprint etc) not showing in main menu for anonymous users
    • Fix main menu "Applications" link not showing for anonymous users
    • Fix ACL class list overflowing on very small screens
    • Fix translation key appearing verbatim in global ACL class editing title
    • Fix broken layout of Application list interaction buttons on very small screens
    • Fix Application list main title spacing / block sizing on very small screens
    • Fix list filter hiding portions of content inside matching Application / Source list entries
    • Fix list filter conflicts between source and shared instance lists (single page, separate tabs)
    • Fix inconsistent font weight (higher than other content) in backend dialogs
    • Fix availability of Ubuntu font in isolated networks (font now bundled)
    • [ViewManager]: Add intermediate popover step with distinct form fields to improve updating workflow
    • [ViewManager]: Add read-only detail view to allow record inspection without saving privileges
    • [ViewManager]: prevent confusing public <=> private satus changes on update; deliberate status change now requires saving a new record
    • [ViewManager]: default "showDate" (in listings) to false to make more space for long titles (date is always shown in info / update)
    • Update screenshot preview / placeholder styling in Application form to match Application list
    • Increase form field contrast in backend
    • Add login backdrop image customizability via branding.login_backdrop parameter (see PR#1360)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.5-RC2(May 21, 2021)

    • Restructure backend main menu
      • Avoid sub-menus, use tabbed pages instead
      • Supply application export interaction as a button in the application instead of standalone page
      • Supply appliction import link in new application form instead of main menu entry
      • Remove main menu entries for "New User" / "New Group" (actions available in new main "Security" page in the appropriate tab)
      • Remove main menu entry for "New Source" (action available in sources listing)
      • Remove main menu entry for "New Application" (action available in application listing)
    • Replace hardcoded "Service Source" and "Application" in global ACL control page with appropriate translation
    • Use trashcan icon instead of cross icon for delete interactions in backend, in form theme and in a few frontend areas
    • Brighten up login area backdrop image
    • Fix broken Layertree folder toggling on touch devices (#1349)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.5-RC1(May 21, 2021)


    • Completely redesigned backend and login areas
    • [Regression] Fix broken Layertree dialog with useTheme after adding source via WmsLoader
    • Fix inconsistent "published" vs anonymous view grants logic for database applications (#1326, PR#1347)
    • Fix invalid Content-Type request header in frontend configuration request (PR#1345)
    • Fix PostgreSQL errors saving WMTS source with very long "fees" texts (#1311, PR#1353)
    • Fix ApplicationSwitcher displaying when referencing (only) deleted or non-granted applications
    • Fix ApplicationSwitcher filtering out current application as if it was not granted (#1320)
    • Filter ApplicationSwitcher backend application selection down to editing user's granted applications (#1321)
    • Fix invalid table markup and unencoded headers in SearchRouter frontend
    • Fix newly created Layertree backend form unable to configure themes (only worked on cloned Layertree Element; #1330)
    • Fix same Wms dimension appearing multiple times in new Wms instance if endorsed by multiple layers
    • Fix invalid empty initial value in (required) export application choice
    • Fix HTML paragraph text flow
    • Fix Print errors / poor resolution on incomplete "quality_levels" configuration (#1341)
    • Fix exception rendering PrintClient element with "optional_fields" option set to empty scalar (#1344)
    • Fix broken images in application list if screenshot files are missing
    • [FeatureInfo] hide already opened popup if not receiving any displayable content from current map click
    • Fix ImageExport / Print handling of multi-component Openlayers 6 styles (Digitizer labels etc)
    • Fix ImageExport / Print form submit continuing on scripting errors
    • Fix Print not including feature geometries if selection rectangle is (partially) outside the current map viewport
    • Remove map configuration option dpi in favor of client-side autodetection (see PR#1324)
    • Add configurability for coloring of FeatureInfo highlight geometries (PR#1323)
    • Add new "View manager" Element (see PR#1351)
    • Add new "Share URL" Element (see PR#1328)
    • Support resetting source layer settings when using ZoomBar component "zoom_home" (see PR#1348)
    • Prevent adding float-only Elements (ZoomBar, Overview) to incompatible regions
    • Suppress "anchor" element configuration field for floatable elements outside of the "content" region
    • [Forms] Fix file type inputs generated via form theme
    • [Forms] Fix custom dropdown select widget not emitting tooltip properly
    • [Forms] Update form theme to emit Bootstrap checkboxes and (margin-providing) form-group containers (see PR#1343)
    • [Backend] Fix new application form sometimes missing the security tab header
    • [Backend] Fix source view sometimes showing "Contact" tab header but no content for it
    • [Backend] Fix filter input in Element security dialog not working
    • [Backend] Fix missing redirect to "Layouts" tab after saving Element security
    • [Backend] Redesign source view display
    • [Backend] Redesign vendorspecifics / dimension boxes in WMS instance editing
    • [Framework] Add Controller-based delivery for /components/ urls (package installer independence; see PR#1352)
    • [Framework] Fix CSS integration of Bootstrap and icons stylesheets (reference in base template head, do not compile)
    • [Framework] Integrate bootstrap-colorpicker (reduce component installer reliance); pre-provide assets in all templates
    • Misc updates of custom buttons to use Bootstrap .btn (mostly backend)
    • Misc cleanups of Fontawesome 5+ incompatibilities in backend
    • Misc translation fixes
    • Misc legacy CSS cleanups
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.4(Mar 4, 2021)

    NOTE: This version extends the database schema. When updating from a previous version you must run app/console doctrine:schema:update --force to apply structural changes.

    Added / enhanced functionality

    • Add ApplicationSwitcher Element to jump between applications maintaining current map location (see PR#1307)
    • Add ZoomBar component zoom_home to restore initial center / scale / SRS / rotation
    • Add Map configuration option fixedZoomSteps (disables fractional zoom; see PR#1312)
    • Add option to make view parameters and (partial) layerset, source and layer settings persistent across user sessions (see PR#1304
    • Add ResetView Element to undo navigation / source layer changes without page reload (PR#1300)
    • Increase precision of default dpi (OGC-recommended 0.28mmยฒ pixels); Replace configured dpi values very close to recommended dpi to exactly recommended dpi
    • Improve Element access check performance, fix system integration (PR#1297)
    • Prefer maximum value of configured range as the (not directly editable) Wms dimension default
    • Element titles are now optional in both Yaml applications and DB-/backend-maintained applications; effective default titles are shown in title field placeholder
    • Button Element titles will now default to their targetted Element's title instead of "Button", and are now also optional


    • Removed remaining remnant code for unsupported Elements WmcEditor, WmcList, WmcLoader


    • Fix poor tiled Wms quality despite best-effort resolution matching (mapproxy vs Map config "scales") on Openlayers 6
    • Fix missing application of configured tileSize on Openlayers 6 with tiled WMS instance
    • Fix empty initial displayed scale in ScaleSelector and ScaleDisplay
    • Fix Wmts not displaying and showing a (miscalculated) out-of-bounds state
    • Fix dialog-based Layertree showing duplicate entries for sources newly added while dialog was closed
    • Fix Layertree Layerset checkboxes not updating on external selection change
    • Fix FeatureInfo visually retaining previously requested data for sources / queryable layers that have been deselected before the current request (#1268)
    • Fix FeatureInfo highlight geometries for the same source accumuluating over multiple requests (#1287)
    • Fix incomplete caching headers on frontend markup and assets; prevent browser cache from reusing stale data
    • Fix incomplete defaults for SimpleSearch result_*
    • Fix broken SimpleSearch marker icon if result_icon_url is webroot-relative and Mapbender is serving from a domain sub-path url
    • Fix SimpleSearch errors when receiving invalid headers (#1303)
    • Fix ineffective view grant on Yaml-defined applications for local database groups (PR#1296)
    • Fix fragment history not generating an entry for a pure srs change
    • Fix ZoomBar rotation indicator not showing initial non-zero rotation
    • Fix error printing if overview element exists but started closed, and was never opened
    • Fix Wms dimension range editing rounding errors in instance backend
    • Fix Wms dimension range rounding errors in DimensionsHandler frontend (#1293)
    • Reduce Wms dimension value rounding errors in Layertree context menu (precision still subject to slider width)
    • Fix Wms instance layer style editing (#1314)
    • Fix shared instances not included in DimensionsHandler instance selection (#1284)
    • Fix broken enforcement of dimension exclusivity in DimensionsHandler form
    • Fix DimensionsHandler trying to control random dimension on source with multiple dimensions
    • Fix errors when accessing yaml applications referencing elements that do not exist in the current codebase
    • Fix locale-locking of Yaml applications on import to database (#931)
    • Fix functional links (with href="#") opening a new Application tab in frontend
    • [Framework] Fix support for ConfigMigrationInterface modifying Element class
    • [Framework] Fix Symfony debug mode class loader exceptions when checking Element class existance
    • [Framework] Fix TargetElementType offering all elements if all elements are not targettable
    • [Framework] Fix errors if Element configuration form type does not accept / declare an application option, even if it isn't used by the form type

    Layouting / design changes

    • Fix PrintClient broken nested tab container layout (queue mode active and placed in tabs-style sidepane)
    • Fix misc form control font color inconsistencies
    • Fix CSS conflicts of custom tab containers vs Bootstrap .container
    • Fix PrintClient frontend settings form bypassing / conflicting with form theme
    • Fix Layertree backend form bypassing / conflicting with form theme
    • Fix backend account menu and sitelinks alignment vs top of page
    • Fix broken layout of fallback element form (used if Element returns empty value from getFormTemplate)

    Package integration changes

    • Fix (Digitizer et al) external select2 usages depending on (abandoned) robloach/component-installer
    • Fix vis-ui.js usages depending on (abandoned) robloach/component-installer (PR#1306)
    • Fix internal Font Awesome usage depending on (abandoned) robloach/component-installer
    • Drop SensioDistributionBundle registration (undeclared dependency)
    • Drop doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle package integration (PR#1305)

    Other changes

    • Add client-side mbconfiguringsource event (after source object is functional, but before native layers have been created)
    • Split multi-purpose Button Element into ControlButton and LinkButton (#571, PR#1294)
    • Misc functional testing support
    • Misc translation wording fixes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.3(Dec 17, 2020)


    NOTE: This version extends the database schema and will require running a doctrine:schema:update NOTE: Starting with this version, Mapbender provides the entire code of the mapbender/fom package. Updating the mapbender/mapbender package via Composer will uninstall the separate fom package. This is normal.

    New features

    FeatureInfo, when querying in (default) text/html format can now automatically parse, display and highlight geometries embedded into the HTML response as DOM element attributes. See PR#1270 for markup requirements. Use the new FeatureInfo option highlighting (boolean; default false) to enable this behaviour.

    Application Elements and containers (sidepane / toolbar / footer) can now be configured to (responsively) only display on desktop or mobile-sized screens. Find related editing controls in the "Layouts" section of the Application backend. Yaml application definitions may specify a screenType in any Element definition, and in the regionProperties of the targetted container. Value may be one of all, mobile or desktop.
    NOTE: Responsive filtering is not supported when using legacy Openlayers 2 map engine

    The frontend Application URL will now automatically track current view parameters center, scale, rotation, CRS. Map navigation steps can be undone / redone with browser back / forward actions. Reloading the URL (or sending it to a colleague) will initialize the map at the same location (PR#1291).


    • Ignore (potentially inverted) non-lonlat bounding boxes; fixes #1264
    • Fix duplicated owner of cloned application
    • Fix broken mb-action / "declarative" link processing in applications using WMTS instances
    • Fix broken handling of Element-level grants ("roles") in Yaml-defined applications
    • Fix missing handling of configurable sidepane width ( regression)
    • Fix missing handling of configurable sidepane "align" (left or right; regression)
    • Fix visible content overflow / no scrolling in "tabs"-Type sidepane (#1269)
    • Fix initial visible flash of closed sidepane (only works with explicitly configured width)
    • Fix errors on ImageExport / Print with (valid) feature styles missing image property
    • Fix backend element list interaction tooltips on Yaml applications copied into db
    • Fix errors editing map element after deleting a previously assigned layerset
    • Fix error getting FeatureInfo response on current map engine from an instance configured with option proxy
    • Fix missing overview map in print
    • Fix displayed print area corner coordinate ordering (#1280)
    • Fix errors editing SimpleSearch Elements based on configurations suggested by user documentation (PR#1290)
    • Fix SimpleSearch not evaluating any result_* values suggested by user documentation (PR#1290)
    • Fix missing backend form field for SimpleSearch sourceSrs setting (#1278)
    • Fix BaseSourceSwitcher highlighting menu items that are not controlling exactly the initially active subset of controllable sources
    • Fix broken PrintClient settings layout with option legend disabled
    • Fix styling differences (label line break) between SrsSelector and ScaleSelector
    • Fix visible overflow / missing scrollbar in unstyled sidepane if content exceeds available height
    • Fix login form appearing in place of Element form or Layerset title form on session expiration; go to full-window login page instead
    • [Framework] Fix broken form theme visualization of "disabled" input state
    • [Framework] Fix broken form theme handling of form labels set to false for suppression
    • [Framework] Fix incomplete form theme displays of red asterisks on labels for required inputs
    • Resolved misc conflicts with Bootstrap script and Bootstrap form theme
    • Fix typos and outdated information in mapbender:database:upgrade command help (PR#1265)
    • Fix focused Bootstrap input highlighting not respecting error state
    • Fix .mapbender-element-result-table (Digitizer et al) table header text alignment in sortable columns

    Other changes

    • The entire mapbender/fom package has been merged back into Mapbender
    • Show WMS layer abstract in metadata (Layertree context menu; PR#1256)
    • Renamed "Redlining" Element to "Sketch" (PR#1279)
    • [SearchRouter]: Replace manual type configuration with auto-detection
    • [SearchRouter]: remove remnant timeoutFactor option unused since v3.0.8.1
    • [Backend] Added missing editing capabilities for sidepane width / position / initial state in database applications (previously only controllable via regionProperties in Yaml applications)
    • [Backend] Replace custom sidepane formatting type widget with a simple dropdown
    • [Backend] changed standard editing icon from pencil to a gear
    • [Backend] Immediately save modified sidepane type and other region settings (mirrors immediate save behaviour on Element reordering)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.2(Nov 2, 2020)

    • Fix map ignoring configured Wms image format on Openlayers 6
    • Fix missing POI label popup on Openlayers 6
    • Fix Layertree visualization of Wms "out of scale" / "out of bounds" layer state for deselected layers
    • Fix Layertree visualization of Wms "out of scale" / "out of bounds" layer state for root / group layers
    • Fix Wms layer minScale / maxScale inheritance
    • Fix initial Legend on sources added by WmsLoader
    • Fix Legend dialog changing z index on Layertree interactions
    • Fix print / export ignoring icon scale in Openlayers 6 styles (PR#1252)
    • Fix OL6 map ignoring URL parameter scale and scale from POI
    • Fix OL2 initial map scale when passing url parameter srs
    • Fix SearchRouter form initialization on empty configuration
    • Fix empty "themes" configuration on Layertree after import / duplication
    • Fix broken instance ordering after deleting a bound instance from a layerset with mixed bound / reusable instances
    • Fix error when moving instance between layersets multiple times before reloading page
    • Fix print north arrow background transparency against map (or any templates where the background isn't white; PR#1254)
    • Fix Map form showing selected layersets not in currently configured order
    • Fix positioning errors on jquery ui dialog resize in Fullscreen template
    • Fix application entity not available in HTMLElement twig, breaking documentation example usage
    • Fix multiple multiple SimpleSearch elements all sharing one randomly chosen server request url (#1240)
    • Limit initial print scale to keep selection rectangle inside visible map viewport
    • Layertree: Remove confusing extra visualization for manually deselected layer; layer titles will only be lightened if layer is out of scale / out of bounds, or currently loading
    • Add missing shared instances support in BaseSourceSwitcher
    • [Framework] fix OL6 centerXy implementation changing zoom when called without any zoom / scale related options
    • [Framework] Fix print with Openlayers 6 feature styles containing array-type colors
    • Prefer initial image formats with transparency support when creating new Wms instance
    • Add misc helper selectors for functional testing support
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.6(Sep 15, 2020)

    • Fix print north arrow background transparency against map (or any templates where the background isn't white; PR#1254)
    • Fix empty "themes" configuration on Layertree after import / duplication
    • Fix broken Layerset tab activation after creating new layerset
    • Fix Map form showing selected layersets not in currently configured order
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.6-RC2(Aug 27, 2020)

    • [Regression] Fix missing legends for WmsLoader instances
    • [Regression] Fix error when handling FeatureInfo server response error
    • Fix mbmapclick event data (FeatureInfo, CoordinatesUtility etc) on mobile (PR#1243)
    • Fix select value (visually) restoring only on second form reset (e.g. SearchRouter #1214)
    • Fix error when moving instance between layersets multiple times before reloading page
    • Fix Layertree visual updates of Wms "out of scale" layer state for deselected layers
    • Restore keyboard arrow keys map panning
    • Fix compiler discovery of newly added Yaml applications
    • Fix error when deleting Wmts source with instances
    • Fix error when using a new Wmts instance without explicitly saving its instance form first
    • Add misc helper selectors for functional testing support
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.1(Aug 6, 2020)

    • [Regression] Fix print of tunneled WMS
    • [Regression] Fix missing scale-limited WMS layers in ImageExport
    • Fix design inconsistencies LayerTree vs BaseSourceSwitcher in mobile
    • Fix design inconsistencies LayerTree vs BaseSourceSwitcher in desktop sidepane
    • Fix inaccessible BaseSourceSwitcher groups in bottom toolbar
    • Fix BaseSourceSwitcher / SrsSelector / ScaleSelector dropouts from toolbar getting covered by sidepane
    • Fix vertical misalignment of toolbar button labels
    • Fix interaction icon layout in user list
    • Fix Element form label sizing and alignment
    • Fix console errors trying to focus popup on close
    • Fix missing clickable mouse cursor indications on parts of the ZoomBar
    • Fix missing clickable mouse cursor indications on Redlining feature interactions
    • Fix invalid empty initial value of required Application selection in export
    • Fix support for very low ScaleBar minWidth option values on Openlayers 6
    • Layertree: do not display layers that are deselected and cannot be selected
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.6-RC1(Jul 13, 2020)

    • [Regression] Fix FeatureInfo print with "showOriginal" option
    • [Regression] Fix missing ScaleSelector visual update when zooming map by non-ScaleSelector methods
    • Fix Wms source reload errors when the Wms added a new group layer (#1234, PR#1238)
    • Fix bad ordering of Wms instance layers in form if layer ordering priority is not fully initialized (#1236, PR#1239)
    • Fix random WMS source layer reordering on reload
    • Fix random WMS instance layer reordering on source reload
    • Fix new WMS group layers only appearing after reloading the source twice
    • Fix POI coordinate rounding
    • Fix excessive Ruler output with type line and immediate enabled
    • Fix SearchRouter Symfony 3.4 incompatibility with common configs
    • Fix encoding errors in Gps error messages
    • Fix translations of login errors
    • Fix multiple-emission of icon CSS rules depending on Application content
    • Fix Symfony 3.4 debug-mode backend errors when working with Applications containing unknown Element classes
    • Fix conflicts of legacy custom dropdown widget with Bootstrap JavaScript
    • Fix login issues when embedding Mapbender in a frame
    • Fix toolbar button centering when showing only icon but no label
    • Fix untranslated popup headings in Mobile template
    • [PrintClient]: Fully reinitialize selection rectangle scale and center on each activation
    • [PrintClient]: Replace manual type configuration with auto-detection
    • [PrintClient]: remove comment fields from default configuration (not printable with shipping default templates)
    • [GpsPosition]: Fix defaults for tooltip and icon options
    • [GpsPosition]: remove "refreshinterval" option (unused since v3.0.5.3)
    • [Backend] Fix form change discard confirmation when going "back" to Element type list from a modified Element form
    • [Backend] Fix double-display of collection adding icon when editing empty Element permissions set
    • [Backend] Add translation for form change discard confirmation when leaving a modified Element form
    • [Backend] Avoid form resubmit confirmation when refreshing source instance form after saving
    • Update "map-click" demo element
    • Misc fixes to jQueryUI standard / theme css compatibility
    • Removed ineffective legacy configuration fields ZoomBar position, PrintClient type
    • [Scripting] add mapbender:wms:add command to load a new WMS source
    • [Scripting] add mapbender:wms:show command to inspect layer structure in a persistent WMS source
    • [Scripting] add mapbender:wms:parse:url and mapbender:wms:parse:file commands to inspect layer structure in a GetCapabilities document
    • [Scripting] add mapbender:wms:reload:url and mapbender:wms:parse:file to update a persistent WMS source with a new GetCapabilities document
    • [Framework] Client-side Popup now supports opening without any buttons
    • [Framework] custom dropdown widget visual-only update can now be triggered with dropdown.changevisual custom event
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.5(Feb 5, 2020)

    Regression fixes

    • Fix broken layerset order saving in Map administration
    • Fix missing WMS data when querying a layer with name "0" (broken in v3.0.8.2)
    • Fix PHP strict warning when editing / creating a LayerTree Element

    Other functional fixes

    • Disable sqlite foreign keys when running doctrine:schema:update command for safety
    • Fix unreliable / broken initial map srs configurations depending on database response order
    • Fix PostgreSQL 10 incompatibilities when running doctrine:schema:update et al
    • Fix invalid relative urls in cached css when switching base url (e.g. url with "app.php" vs without script name)
    • Fix invalid relative urls in generated application css when running Mapbender in a "subdirectory url" (see for potential conflicts with old workarounds)
    • Fix broken map scales configuration if loaded config contains non-contiguous array
    • Fix twig 2.x incompatibility in TwigConstraintValidator (applied HTML Element content field); clean up various twig deprecations
    • Fix nonfunctional CSS minification in prod environment (PR#1219)
    • Add missing grants check for instance enable toggle / instance reordering actions (requires EDIT on containing Application)
    • Resolve misc form type, service configuration and other incompatibilities with Symfony 3
    • [FeatureInfo] fix validation of HTML documents where every tag has attributes
    • [PrintClient] fix missing data if form is submitted by pressing Enter key
    • [PrintClient] prevent form submit in sidepane if selection rectangle is inactive
    • [PrintClient] Fix selection rectangle recentering on change of scale dropdown or rotation field
    • [Backend] Fix internal server error when submitting PrintClient configuration form with invalid values
    • [Backend] Fix invalid application export data format for WMS legend and metadata url sub-objects
    • [Backend] Fix errors on import of previously broken application export formats
    • [Backend] SourceInstance opacity field: reduce step to default 1 to prevent HTML5 form validation failures
    • [Backend] Maintain backend element form confirmation on close behaviour after submitting once with validation errors
    • [Backend] Fix login form submit url if login form is triggered through non-login url (e.g. editing Element after session expiry / logging out in a different tab)
    • [Backend] remove control over ineffective global Element grants (never checked; grants on concrete Elements in concrete Applications remain effective)
    • [Framework] Fix missing .dropdownValue visual update on "changed" event
    • [Framework] Fix missing .dropdownValue visual update when value changes on form reset (#1214)
    • [Framework] Fix progressive slowdown caused by repeated reinitialization of tab container / accordion widgets

    New / extended functionality

    • Support dynamic vendor specifics value substitutions with arbitrary prefix / postfix strings
    • Show dependent applications and instances in source view (as a new "Applications" tab)
    • Show affected applications and instances in source deletion confirmation popup
    • When cloning DB applications, also clone access control rules
    • Automatically assign owner permission for current user on cloned application (PR#1207)
    • Allow privileged users to access non-published Yaml-based applications
    • Support viewing Yaml-based applications with published: false for users with appropriate privileges (root user, global Application view grant, or passing Yaml-Application-specific role check)
    • Support accessing non-published Yaml-based application in clone and export cli commands
    • [Framework] Support direct message key and wildcard key prefixes as Element / Template translation requirement inputs (PR#1208)
    • [Framework] add engine-agnostic mbmapclick event

    Visual fixes and changes - frontend

    • Fix translations of login errors (PR#1206)
    • [FeatureInfo] fix inconsistent popup behaviour when displaying a mix of html and plain text responses
    • [FeatureInfo] resolve popup behaviour variations between onlyValid on or off
    • [FeatureInfo] activate first loaded tab / accordion pane only
    • [FeatureInfo] detect empty server response even with onlyValid option off
    • [ZoomBar] replace history icons with more appropriate double-arrows (also forward-compatible with Fontawesome 5)
    • [ZoomBar] fix horizontal alignment of zoom level icons

    Visual fixes and changes - login and backend

    • Sort sources primarily by title in source index view and in layerset assignment list
    • Fix display of wide-format custom logos in backend sidepane and login areas
    • Fix encoding errors of backend headings containing HTML-escapable characters
    • Fix untranslated "Back" button in backend source views
    • Change misleading "active" labeling in Application Security tab to "public access" (this is not a functional change, only a text update)
    • Increase form field contrast for better placeholder readability
    • Split instance editing <h1> to improve presentation of instances with very long titles
    • Supply validation error messages (line + snippet) for yaml-type form fields
    • Disable undesirable close on outside click / mouse drag in misc backend modal popups (e.g. Layerset title editing)
    • Replace custom backend message boxes with standard Boostrap .alert
    • Remember last active tab also in Source item view (previously only in application editing)
    • Replace some custom backend-only icon constructs with forward-compatible FontAwesome markup
    • Improve wording consistency of common backend button / interaction labels (save vs update, delete, back etc)
    • Consistently use plural forms for all top-level menu items
    • Remove confusing WMTS instance form fields for unpersisted values
    • Remove form fields related to inactive, unimplemented WMTS featureinfo
    • Remove inconsequential Source Instance attribute visible and related form fields; instance visibility is always determined by the root layer's selected settting
    • Remove inconsequential Map Element configuration field units (units are auto-determined by CRS)
    • Remove unused tooltip Element configuration (ZoomBar, ScaleDisplay, ScaleBar, Overview, FeatureInfo, CoordinatesDisplay, Legend, Sketch)
    • Remove schema validation status display icons from backend Source listing (schema validation has been disabled since 3.0.8)

    Package dependency changes

    NOTE: see for guidance on all package dependency changes

    • Dropped legacy joii library dependency
    • Replaced eslider/sasscb dependency with two new dependencies (PR#1219)
    • Added `
    • Add missing sensio/generator-bundle dependency declaration (required by mapbender:generate:element command)
    • Moved owsproxy dependency back to stable / tagged version releases

    Other changes

    • Capitalize all field labels generated through form theme
    • [FeatureInfo] remove type configuration option only relevant for destkop vs mobile templates; auto-detect instead
    • [CSS] .linkButton and all <a> elements now inherit font color by default
    • [CSS] .icon* no longer has a universal margin-right; only when applied on links and .toolBarItem
    • [CSS] Allow default-styled lists via .list-default class, document Bootstrap conflicts
    • [CSS] switch to root-relative units for all header elements and font-size classes
    • [CSS] table elements in popups and sidepanes now have full width by default, globally
    • [CSS] [Potential break] Resolve conflicts with Bootstrap checkbox markup. Elements with class .checkbox are no longer globally hidden. See for guidance.
    • [CSS] allow natural text flow in div.contentTitle
    • [CSS] extract new SCSS variables $inputForegroudColor (previously identical to $secondColor) and $inputBackgroundColor (previously hard-coded to full white)
    • Add translation:get command (optional MapbenderIntrospectionBundle, inactive by default)
    • Add mapbender:inspect:translations command to scan for invalid repeats and identity translations (optional MapbenderIntrospectionBundle, inactive by default)
    • Add mapbender:inspect:translations:twigs command to scan for JavaScript-side translation aliasing (optional MapbenderIntrospectionBundle, inactive by default)
    • Removed mapbender:generate:template command; never worked in any release, all the way back to
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.4(Sep 4, 2019)

    • Support secured WmsLoader sources in modern browsers
    • Fix button misalignment in vis-ui popups (e.g. Digitizer)
    • Skip ACL-based grants check when passing roles grant in Yaml-defined application
    • Fix inconsistent grants checks (application list vs application view) on Yaml-defined applications
    • Fix basic auth secured services via WmsLoader (#1201)
    • Fix SearchRouter visibility in mobile template (#1200)
    • Fix PrintClient legend_default_behaviour option (#1203)
    • Suppress PrintClient rotation handle if rotation is configured as disabled
    • Suppress "Sources" menu item for users with no source view grant
    • Enable foreign keys on Sqlite platform (required for FOM user / group ACE deletion fix to work)
    • Fix syntax error in 'map click' generated element (PR#1185)
    • Fix reusable source layer matching in YAML-to-db-import to work with nested-transaction capable RDBMS
    • Readd basic support for ancient (Mapbender 3.0.4), now invalid, mb_core_source tables with empty type column
    • Align WMTS form label translations with WMS translations
    • Update default Mapbender logo (#1156, PR#1202)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.4-RC2(Aug 16, 2019)

    • Fix basic auth secured services via WmsLoader (#1201)
    • Fix SearchRouter visibility in mobile template (#1200)
    • Fix PrintClient legend_default_behaviour option (#1203)
    • Suppress PrintClient rotation handle if rotation is configured as disabled
    • Fix grants checks on Yaml-defined applications
    • Suppress "Sources" menu item for users with no source view grant
    • Update default Mapbender logo (#1156, PR#1202)
    • Enable foreign keys on Sqlite platform (required for FOM user / group ACE deletion fix to work)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.4-RC1(Aug 16, 2019)

    • Fix syntax error in 'map click' generated element (PR#1185)
    • Fix reusable source layer matching in YAML-to-db-import to work with nested-transaction capable RDBMS (#1195)
    • Readd basic support for ancient (Mapbender 3.0.4), now invalid, mb_core_source tables with empty type column
    • Align WMTS form label translations with WMS translations
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.3(Jul 5, 2019)

    • [Regression fix] newly created source instances are again added to the top of the target layerset
    • DimensionsHandler configuration form no longer offers selection of disabled instances (#1166)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.2(Jul 3, 2019)

    • Restore support for app/Resources drop-in overrides for .js, .json.twig and .css application resources
    • Fix various application import errors on exports created with older versions
    • Fix application screenshot display in edit view
    • Fix dropdown choice display for choice values containing backslashes or quotes (e.g. Application template chooser)
    • Fix missing favicon in login / password reset areas
    • Fix sizing and missing localization of layerset, group and user delete confirmation popups
    • Fix "toggle all" visuals in instance form (#1169)
    • Fix broken "toggle all" interaction in Element ACL assignment popup header
    • Fix application publish / unpublish interaction
    • Fix JavaScript extraction of url components .port and .host in Internet Explorer (#1187, PR#1190, PR#1191)
    • Fix errors in ImageExport / Print attempting to serialize undefined feature style
    • Adjust Layertree CSS for Internet Explorer
    • Only allow Application ACL editing for Application owner and users with global ACL editing rights
    • Provide reasonable default region properties for new application
    • Allow exiting user / group selector when trying to add a new Element permission
    • Improve HTML and asset response performance for complex YAML-defined applications
    • Enable HTML response caching for YAML-defined applications
    • Improve export file size and import / export / copying performance
    • Add mapbender:source:rewrite:host CLI command (update matching source urls without reeavaluating capabilities)
    • Add mapbender:application:export CLI command
    • Add mapbender:application:import CLI command
    • Add mapbender:application:clone CLI command
    • Support cloning of YAML-defined applications into the database (CLI + backend)
    • When cloning applications, also copy uploads directory (including screenshot)
    • Add separate memory limit configuration parameter mapbender.print.memory_limit for direct print jobs
    • Add spearate download base path / base url parameter mapbender.print.queue.load_path to support forwarding PDFs from externally installed "dedicated print queue servers"
    • Add mapbender:print:queue:gcfiles command to remove dangling local files
    • Support suppressing menu items for backend areas based on route prefixes. Add route prefixes to param (list of strings; use app/console debug:route to see all available routes in correct format)
    • [Print templating] recognize text field named user_name, automatically insert name of submitting user
    • [Backend] form for newly created DimensionsHandler is immediately functional
    • [Backend] form for newly created BaseSourceSwitcher is immediately functional
    • [Backend] no longer close Element form popup on outside click / selection drag
    • [Backend] When adding a new Element requiring a map target to an Application, preselect the map Element automatically
    • [Backend] Suppress broken link to source refresh for non-refreshable (i.e. WMTS + TMS) sources in sources index
    • [Backend] Translate source creation and source reloading error messages
    • [Backend] Redirect to edit view instead of index when creating new application
    • [Framework] form theme now supports grouped choices in dropdowns (nested <optgroup> tags)
    • [Framework] form theme can now properly render basic radio button groups (choice types with expanded option)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8.1(May 13, 2019)

    • Add configurable site links to login box and backend (PR#1158)
    • SearchRouter: add full reprojection support and misc smaller improvements / config simplifcations (PR#1159)
    • Enable DimensionsHandler element by default
    • Fix Dimension parameter handling for non-tunneled sources
    • Apply Dimension parameters in GetFeatureInfo requests
    • Fix vertical misalignment of CoordinatesDisplay Element in bottom toolbar
    • Fix Overview initialization with maximized set to false
    • Fix relative ordering of multiple sources assigned to Overview layerset (same behaviour as main map; #1161)
    • Extend marker support in export / print to vector features with svg externalGraphic style rule (PR#1163)
    • Add mapbender:user:create console command for scripted creation of local users
    • Support importing YAML application with missing local uploads directory into DB (#1157)
    • Print WMS tiling: support axis-separate configuration of max GetMap and tile buffer dimensions; bump default GetMap limit from 4096 to 8192
    • Print: respect configured mapbender.print.template_dir also when opening PDF (previously only for ODG)
    • [Backend] Fix text overflow over icons in Application list with very long Application titles
    • [Backend] Remove validation status icons from source selection popup
    • [Debug] log console error when print template fetching fails (PR#1153)
    • [Documentation] Add PrintBundle/
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Mapbender Development Team
Mapbender is one of the leading open source solutions for creating intuitive and high-performance WebGIS applications
Mapbender Development Team
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