Module Generator Composer Package For Laravel


Module Generator

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads


You can install the package via composer:

composer require teacoders/module-generator

Run the command below to publish the package config file config/modulegenerator.php

php artisan vendor:publish //select publish module generator config file

Run the command below to generate all(controller,model,migration,view,route)

php artisan make:all <module name>

Run the command below to generate view

php artisan make:view <directory name>

Run the command to generate specific view file inside the directory

php artisan make:view <directory name> --file=filename

Run the below command to delete view

php artisan delete:view <directory name>

Run the below command to delete specific view file inside the directory

php artisan delete:view <directory name> --file=filename

Run the command below to generate trait

php artisan make:trait <traitname>

Run the command below to delete trait

php artisan delete:trait <traitname>

If you want to generate more view files then change in config/modulegenerator.php

return [
    'files' => [
        // add more file names


You can find the documentation on the TeaCoders website.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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