2624 Repositories
PHP laravel-fly-view Libraries
Full-screen page preview modal for Filament
Peek A Filament plugin that adds a full-screen preview modal to your Edit pages. The modal can be used before saving to preview a modified record. Ins
An Starter Kit For Laravel Projects.
Laravel Starter Kit An Starter Kit For Laravel Projects. Installation 1-Install the package via composer: composer require xmen/starter-kit --with-al
A helpful Laravel package to help me get started in Laravel projects quicker.
Launchpad A helpful Laravel package to help me get started in Laravel projects quicker. This is still a work in progress, so use at your own risk! CLI
Run laravel with workman ,1 artisan command, 10x speed up
Laraman Run laravel with workman , 1 artisan command, 10x speed up Installation Via Composer # install package composer require itinysun/laraman # i
TweetNow is a Twitter clone created with Vue.js and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post short messages, follow other users, and engage in conversations through comments and likes.
TweetNow TweetNow is a opensource social media created with Vue.js+Inertia SSR and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post sh
A flexible, seamless and easy to use multitenancy solution for Laravel
Main: Develop: Tenanted Laravel A flexible, seamless and easy to use multitenancy solution for Laravel This package is currently under development. Ch
A package for simplifying the integration of a maker-checker approval process to your Laravel application.
prismaticoder/maker-checker-laravel The prismaticoder/maker-checker-laravel package is a comprehensive Laravel package that provides a flexible and cu
Laravel fortify ve spatie permissions eklentileri üzerine geliştirilmiş kullanıma hazır panel
Herkobi Panel Laravel ile yeni bir projeye başlayacak kişiler için Laravel Fortify üzerine geliştirdiğimiz arayüze (https://github.com/bulentsakarya/l
Simple plugin to toggle maintenance mode from Filament.
Filament Maintenance Plugin This plugin allows you to easily toggle maintenance mode from your Filament Admin Panel. You can also set a secret token t
This package provides a simple and intuitive way to work on the Youtube Data API. It provides fluent interface to Youtube features.
Laravel Youtube Client This package provides a simple and intuitive way to work on the Youtube Data API. It provides fluent interface to Youtube featu
Laravel integration with paymob (accept) payment gateway
Paymob Laravel Package This is a laravel package to facilate integartion with paymob apis Paymob docs. Installation 1- You can install the package via
Jumpstart your web development journey with the HALT Stack Starter Kit, a one-command solution for creating dynamic, scalable, and clean web applications.
Welcome to the HALT Stack Starter Kit! This kit is designed to help you kickstart your web development projects using the HALT Stack, a powerful combi
Filament Plugin to help implement Cloudflare turnstile into your forms.
Filament Turnstile Filament Turnstile, is a plugin to help you implement the Cloudflare turnstile. This plugin uses Laravel Turnstile Behind the scene
A job board made with Laravel 8.x, Vue 3.x and ElasticSearch 7.x
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Laravel package which helps you to flush sessions with an artisan command.
A simple laravel Package to flush sessions via artisan command. Sometimes we store data on sessions such as cart data or maybe any information regardi
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
xAPI Integration with Saudi NELC (National Center for e-Learning) for your Laravel app
NELC Laravel Integration xAPI Integration with Saudi NELC (National Center for e-Learning) for your Laravel app Installation You can install the packa
A Laravel 9 package that allows you enforce security of your artisan commands by authenticating users before running.
Introduction This package allows you as a developer to restrict who can and cannot run artisan commands, especially in a production environment. For e
Ce projet vous montre comment utiliser des fonts localement dans vos applications Laravel, avec ViteJS et Tailwind CSS
Laravel - use local fonts with Tailwind CSS and Vite Ce projet est né d'un constat: vous êtes souvent nombreuses et nombreux à galérer pour utiliser d
uses laravel breeze , CRUD, soft delete, Factories
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Story-App is nice to applicate story images or videos....
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
you can use this package with your develop operation....
Laravel Debugbar This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debugbar and attach it to th
A Laravel package for the Adapty SDK.
Laravel Adapty A Laravel package for the Adapty SDK. Please feel free to contribute... Installation You can install the package via composer: composer
This application is a simple application to watch movies like Netflix or DisneyPlus.
Movie Streaming React Web Apps This application is a simple application to watch streaming movies like Netflix or DisneyPlus. The application is built
My intention with this app is that new developers can have a concrete application with Laravel + VueJS where they can use it as example to learn the right way
My intention with this app is that new developers can have a concrete application with Laravel + VueJS where they can use it as example to learn the right way, implementing the best practices possible and at the same time learn how TDD is done. So this will be an example application but completely usable for any similar case.
A trait to make building your own custom Laravel Model Searches a lot easier.
BrekiTomasson\LaravelModelFinder A simple trait that makes building your own custom Laravel Model Searches a lot easier and safer. It ensures that you
Template Laravel 9.x
Laravel Template Passo a passo Clone Repositório criado a partir do template, entre na pasta e execute os comandos abaixo: Crie o Arquivo .env cp .env
Easy-to-use SDK for implementing Neshan APIs in your Laravel projects.
Neshan Laravel SDK Easy-to-use SDK for implementing Neshan APIs in your Laravel projects. Install The easiest way to install is by using Composer: com
Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.
Electrik Electrik is a full-featured and open-source stater-kit for for your next SaaS application. It's built on top of Laravel, Livewire, neerajsoha
A bunch of general-purpose value objects you can use in your Laravel application.
Laravel Value Objects A bunch of general-purpose value objects you can use in your Laravel application. The package requires PHP ^8.0 and Laravel ^9.7
Package to send prices to Magento from a Laravel application using a configurable source.
Laravel Magento Prices Package to send prices to Magento from a Laravel application using a configurable source. Features The idea is that we want to
Package to send customer specific prices to Magento from a Laravel application using a configurable source.
Laravel Magento Customer Prices This package provides a way to add customer specific prices to Magento from a Laravel app. By default, it uses the Mag
This package tracks if products exist in Magento by storing the status locally in the DB.
Magento Products This package tracks if products exist in Magento by storing the status locally in the DB. We developed this to prevent multiple calls
This package is the Laravel Nova integration for justbetter/laravel-magento-prices
Laravel Magento Products Nova This package is the Laravel Nova integration for justbetter/laravel-magento-products. Installation Install the package.
Laravel Nova integration for justbetter/laravel-magento-prices
Laravel Magento Prices Nova This package is the Laravel Nova integration for justbetter/laravel-magento-prices. Installation Install the package. comp
Laravel Nova integration for justbetter/laravel-magento-customer-prices
Laravel Magento Customer Prices Nova Laravel Nova integration for justbetter/laravel-magento-customer-prices. Installation Install the package. compos
This package extends Illuminate to provide partitioned table creation in migrations.
Laravel Partitions for Migrations This package extends Illuminate to provide partitioned table creation in migrations for PostgreSQL. Support for othe
WARNING! This software is currently non-functional. - A system which makes installing Jexactyl far, far easier.
Jexactyl Assistant A system which makes installing Jexactyl far, far easier. WARNING 🚧 This software is currently in heavy alpha testing and WILL NOT
Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be trul
This is Laravel-Vue project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
The Missing check on Laravel Request Unicity.
Motivation This laravel package will allow you to execute a code once in the current request based on the key provided. Installation composer require
Food delivery app :fries: that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using a microservice architecture. :boom:
Food Delivery App Description 👋 This is a food delivery app 🍟 that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using
Gamecom.io - Find the best game, community, mod, or servers for you! Data retrieved from @modcommunity.
A website made by Christian Deacon that helps users find any game, community, mod, or server. All data retrieved by @modcommunity. This website is ope
Refresh artisan commands,table,migrations,models,controllers...
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Actions: controller + auth + validation in one class
Actions: controller + auth + validation in one class This package provides only one class: an Action class that extends the FormRequest class we all k
Melek Berita Backend is a service for crawling data from various websites and processing the data to be used for news data needs.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Renamify is a package for Laravel used to rename a file before uploaded to prevent replacing exists file which has the same name to this new uploaded file.
Renamify Laravel package for renaming file before uploaded on server. Renamify is a package for Laravel used to rename a file before uploaded to preve
Forum Diskusi Mahasiswa Informatika Berbasis Web menggunakan Framework Laravel & Bootstrap
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Plataforma GPS Tracker para dispositivos Sinotrack ST-90x creada con Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 y MySQL 8.
GPS Tracker (Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 + MySQL 8) Plataforma de gestión de dispositivos Sinotrack ST-90x creada con Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 y MySQL 8. Instalaci
Laravel MiGator - Migrations Generator
Laravel Migator A package that will allow developers to interactively generate schema migrations for a laravel application. It takes into account the
Laravel Nova's Queued Export As CSV Action
Laravel Nova's Queued Export As CSV Action Installation To install through composer, run the following command from terminal: composer require "nova-k
The task of this package is to manage module dotnev-files used by the Laravel integration of phpdotenv.
Warning This Package is still work in progress! Warning The package is basically functional, but there is no logic to handle the files in a repo. Modu
Portofolio Diri menggunakan framework Laravel (Tahap Pengembangan)
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Repositorio del tutorial CRUD Laravel 9 y Vue 3 usando Vite
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Laravel package to retrieve key management from AWS Secrets Manager
A Laravel package to retrieve key management from AWS Secrets Manager Communication via AWS Secrets Manager may incur unnecessary charges. So we devel
LMS to deal with Learn management system courses online....
LMS-Laravel About License About LMS-Laravel is a Learning Management System (or LMS) that facilitates the creation of educational content by allowing
Source for "Getting Started with TALL stack" post
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A set of helpful assertions when testing Laravel applications.
Installation composer require amirrezam75/laravel-assertions I was working on a project and in order to test oauth2 redirection, I ended up with somet
Laravel illuminate/filesystem for webman
webman-tech/laravel-filesystem Laravel illuminate/filesystem for webman 介绍 站在巨人(laravel)的肩膀上使文件存储使用更加可靠和便捷 所有方法和配置与 laravel 几乎一模一样,因此使用方式完全参考 Laravel文
Laravel-Library-Management-system is nice to management library system...
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Mandrill mail driver for Laravel for version 6+
Laravel Mandrill Driver This package re-enables Mandrill driver functionality using the Mail facade in Laravel 6+. To install the package in your proj
A PHP package that provides common Data and Value Objects, that are Laravel castable.
Common Casts A PHP package that provides common Data and Value Objects, that are Laravel castable. Installation composer require juststeveking/common-
Aplikasi yang membantu anda mencukupi gizi sehari-hari
Peduli Gizi Aplikasi yang membantu anda mencukupi gizi sehari-hari Built With Peduli Gizi dibuat dengan Laravel Mysql (back to top) Installation Clone
A OpenID connect client for Laravel framework.
Introduction A OpenID connect client for Laravel framework. Install composer require package/oidc:^1.0 Configuration php artisan vendor:publish --tag=
PDF API. JSON to PDF. PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data
PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data PDF ENGINE VERSION: development: This is a prerelease version
Running Laravel and React stacks together using Vite and InertiaJS on Docker.
Laravel-Vite-Docker Running Laravel and React stacks together using Vite and InertiaJS on Docker. Explore project's blog » Report Bug · Request Featur
Código y documentación del sistema de los observatorios regionales en framework Laravel.
Sistema-Observatorios-Regionales Código del sistema de los observatorios regionales en framework Laravel. Descarga de elementos a utilizar COMANDOS Pa
Twitter Clone API Rest with Laravel 9
TW Main API (Twitter Clone) Setup Installation Before docker-compose up Get copy the .env.example to .env Set Mail variables Set Pusher Variables with
Laravel ClickHouse adds CH client integration, generation & execution of ClickHouse database migrations to the Laravel application.
Laravel ClickHouse Introduction Laravel ClickHouse database integration. This package includes generation and execution of the ClickHouse database mig
A re-write of rakit/validation, a standalone validation library inspired by Laravel Validation
Somnambulist Validation This is a re-write of rakit/validation, a standalone validator like Laravel Validation. In keeping with rakit/validation, this
A web application built on PHP for user to view their credit information in their mysql database
TheCreditInfo Table of Content About Inspiration Technologies Client Pages Usage About Credere is a website created to help you track your credit hist
this is a PHP framework like Laravel based on MVC structure
PHP-MVC-framework v 1-0-0 this is a PHP framework like Laravel based on MVC structure The "App" folder is the main part of this framework Models, View
Isometric Pharma Online Pharmacies
Isometric Pharma Online Pharmacies Type of user: 1. Admin, 2. Sales Man, 3. User/Consumer, 4. Delivery Man Common features for all users: All users ca
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
Api first backend boilerplate build with laravel 🎯 you can use as a template 😉
Laravel Backend Template i use this as a starting point for my backend projects , it saves time with basic auth functionalities and has code examples
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel The set provides best practices to make development more fun and classes/services that I found very useful while w
The easiest way to get started with event sourcing in Laravel
Event sourcing for Artisans 📽 This package aims to be the entry point to get started with event sourcing in Laravel. It can help you with setting up
Rugby schedules on the command-line
Rugby Schedule Rugby Schedule is a command-line tool that keeps you up to date with rugby tournament schedules. Install Requires PHP 8.0 or later Via
✌ An elegant PHP framework for web developers
About Attla framework Attla framework is a PHP framework with expressive, elegant syntax, facilitating common tasks used in many web projects. We buil
Receiver is a drop-in webhook handling library for Laravel.
Receiver Receiver is a drop-in webhook handling library for Laravel. Webhooks are a powerful part of any API lifecycle. Receiver aims to make handling
A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, URL expiration, open limits before expiration
A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, URL expiration, open limits before expiration, ability to set feature activation dates, and click tracking out of the box for your Laravel applications.
A preconfigured Laravel, React, Typescript, Docker boilerplate to save you time!
Laravel - React - Docker - Boilerplate This repo is built with the following: Laravel 9 React 17 Vite 3 ESLint 8 TypeScript 4.7 Husky/Commit lint PHP
Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application with a single CSV file.
Laravel Larex Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application with a single CSV file. You can import translation entries from lang fol
Laravel 9 Template - Just a empty Laravel 9 project, ready to start new crap.
Laravel 9 Template Just a empty Laravel 9 project, ready to start new crap. Clone and start using. Usage - Local Env The same as usual with laravel. C
Easily add all the 58 Algerian Wilayas and its Dairas to your cool Laravel project (Migrations, Seeders and Models).
Laravel-Algereography Laravel-Algereography allows you to add Migrations, Seeders and Models of Algerian Wilayas and Dairas to your existing or new co
Generate robust laravel athorization without writing a single line of code.
Implement robust laravel authorization logic without writing a single line of code This package helps you to quickly create strong policy authorizatio
Breadcrumb component for Laravel, Livewire, TallStack
WireUi Breadcrumbs 🔥 Breadcrumbs This package provides a beautiful breadcrumbs component, with a simple and easy way to define your breadcrumbs. You
A CMS start kit for websites, built on Filament and Laravel.
TrovCMS TrovCMS is a start kit for websites, built on Filament and Laravel. Install globally with composer. composer global require trovcms/installer
Column sorting with Laravel 8 & 9 - Eloquent sortable
Column sorting for Laravel - Sortable - Sort by Larasort : Column sorting for Laravel - Sort easily Introduction - Larasort package This package allow
Online tool to convert `curl` requests to Laravel `Http` requests
curl Converter Another bit of automation from Shift to convert curl requests to Laravel Http requests. This project is a WIP. You may follow along wit
CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front-end developer.
CherryStar - Study case, starting with recent technologies CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front
A Simple & Beautiful Pluggable Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel
Filament Exception Viewer A Simple & Beautiful Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel Installation You can install the package via composer: c
Event subscriber for Laravel notifications.
Laravel Notification Event Subscriber This package allows you to run any kind of actions while a notification is being sent or after it has been sent
Simple artisan command to debug your redis cache. Requires PHP 8.1 & Laravel 9
🔎 php artisan cache:debug Simple artisan command to debug your redis cache 🚀 Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require
compile multiple tailwind.config.js with laravel-vite plugin
Compile multiple tailwind css from different tailwind.config.js files using laravel-vite If do you want to compile two or more tailwind css from diffe
The advance todo-app (backend) with Laravel framework.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel search is package you can use it to make search query easy.
Laravel Search Installation First, install the package through Composer. composer require theamasoud/laravel-search or add this in your project's comp
A fluent interface for interacting with Netopia's services.
laravel-netopia A fluent interface for interacting with Netopia's services. Info Database It'll create a table named netopia_payments with the followi
ATVController for android devices running with RDM POGO ATLAS. Quick, simple and dirty add controls with a GUI view
ATVController - WIP - Much to add and fix. ATVController for android devices running with RDM POGO ATLAS. Quick, simple and dirty adb controls wit
Laravel Plans is a package for SaaS apps that need management over plans, features, subscriptions, events for plans or limited, countable features.
Laravel Plans Laravel Plans is a package for SaaS apps that need management over plans, features, subscriptions, events for plans or limited, countabl