The easiest way to get started with event sourcing in Laravel


Event sourcing for Artisans 📽

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This package aims to be the entry point to get started with event sourcing in Laravel. It can help you with setting up aggregates, projectors, and reactors.

If you've never worked with event sourcing, or are uncertain about what aggregates, projectors and reactors are head over to the getting familiar with event sourcing section in our docs.

Event sourcing might be a good choice for your project if:

  • your app needs to make decisions based on the past
  • your app has auditing requirements: the reason why your app is in a certain state is equally as important as the state itself
  • you foresee that there will be a reporting need in the future, but you don't know yet which data you need to collect for those reports

If you want to skip to reading code immediately, here are some example apps. In each of them, you can create accounts and deposit or withdraw money.

Event sourcing in Laravel course

If you want to learn more about event sourcing, check out our course on event sourcing in Laravel

Support us

We invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages. You can support us by buying one of our paid products.

We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using. You'll find our address on our contact page. We publish all received postcards on our virtual postcard wall.


You can find installation instructions and detailed instructions on how to use this package at the dedicated documentation site.

Upgrading from laravel-event-projector

This package supercedes laravel-event-projector. It has the same API. Upgrading from laravel-event-projector to laravel-event-sourcing is easy. Take a look at our upgrade guide.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you've found a bug regarding security please mail [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: Spatie, Kruikstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

We publish all received postcards on our company website.


The aggregate root functionality is heavily inspired by Frank De Jonge's excellent EventSauce package. A big thank you to Dries Vints for giving lots of valuable feedback while we were developing the package.


1 Quote taken from Event Sourcing made Simple


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Duplicate uuid/version events prevent further updates

    Duplicate uuid/version events prevent further updates

    First I want to thank you guys for your awesome packages and the hard work you put into them. :heart:

    I was trying out this package in local development (Nginx + PHP-FPM, MySQL). After some time this system goes dormant and the next request takes some time to be processed. In this state I (accidentally) made 2 concurrent requests to update the same aggregate. The corresponding controller function:

        public function update(UserUpdateRequest $request, User $user)
                ->updateUser($request->validated() + ['id' => $user->id])
            return UserResource::make($user->refresh());

    This resulted in a duplicate entry in the database, see:


    Note: The UserAggregateRoot does NOT have protected static bool $allowConcurrency = true;

    Now every update request to that specific aggregate (user) results in the following error:

    [2020-11-19 17:39:58] local.ERROR: Could not persist aggregate UserAggregateRoot (uuid: 8be7ace5-8c98-3823-b858-11cdff2974e7) because it seems to be changed by another process after it was retrieved in the current process. Expect to persist events after version 2, but version 1 was already persisted. {"userId":"9e33aa4f-6efa-3505-ab49-9d667e5b2c39","exception":"[object] (Spatie\\EventSourcing\\Exceptions\\CouldNotPersistAggregate(code: 0): Could not persist aggregate UserAggregateRoot (uuid: 8be7ace5-8c98-3823-b858-11cdff2974e7) because it seems to be changed by another process after it was retrieved in the current process. Expect to persist events after version 2, but version 1 was already persisted. at base/vendor/spatie/laravel-event-sourcing/src/Exceptions/CouldNotPersistAggregate.php:18)
    #0 base/vendor/spatie/laravel-event-sourcing/src/AggregateRoots/AggregateRoot.php(189): Spatie\\EventSourcing\\Exceptions\\CouldNotPersistAggregate::unexpectedVersionAlreadyPersisted()
    #1 base/vendor/spatie/laravel-event-sourcing/src/AggregateRoots/AggregateRoot.php(90): Spatie\\EventSourcing\\AggregateRoots\\AggregateRoot->ensureNoOtherEventsHaveBeenPersisted()
    #2 base/vendor/spatie/laravel-event-sourcing/src/AggregateRoots/AggregateRoot.php(79): Spatie\\EventSourcing\\AggregateRoots\\AggregateRoot->persistWithoutApplyingToEventHandlers()
    #3 base/Modules/User/Http/Controllers/UserController.php(91): Spatie\\EventSourcing\\AggregateRoots\\AggregateRoot->persist()
    1. Should this be handled by the package automatically (is this a bug) or should this be prevented in another part of the system?
    2. Should I enforce unique constraints in the database on [aggregate_uuid, aggregate_version]? If so, should this be highlighted in the docs?
    3. FYI: adding allowConcurrency afterwards to the root allows for updating and inserts a new event with version 3.

    Best regards, Marcel

    opened by UncertaintyP 27
  • Laravel 9.x Compatibility

    Laravel 9.x Compatibility

    The league/flyststem requirement had to be widened to include ^2.0 as well. However, I noticed that we're not using any code from that package explicitly anyway, so I removed it.


    I accidentally based this PR on an older version of the package. I see that it's blocked by now, as it requires illuminate/collections:^8.58, but I've also opened a PR to address this issue

    opened by erikgaal 11
  • Add backwards compatibility for eventId

    Add backwards compatibility for eventId

    This PR introduces backwards compatibility for events that don't have the eventId in their metadata.

    Imho eventId shouldn't be in the metadata in the first place. This would also prevent saving, and immediately updating in the EloquentStoredEventRepository. Curious what the thoughts behind this are?

    opened by Robertbaelde 9
  • SchemalessAttributes needed?

    SchemalessAttributes needed?

    Hi! Love the package!

    I'm building custom repositories to store and load events from so I'm not using Eloquent at all.

    I liked the use of StoredEvent, except for the SchemalessAttributes requirement. This type then enforces all of Eloquent to be brought in.

    At the moment I'm using a workaround, but it's not pretty!

            use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
            $emptyModel = new class extends Model { };
            $model = new $emptyModel();
            $model->meta_data = $metadata;
            return new StoredEvent([
                'meta_data' => new SchemalessAttributes($model, 'meta_data'),
    help wanted revisit-for-next-major-version 
    opened by morrislaptop 9
  • AggregateRoot Method is called if Argument has no type-hint

    AggregateRoot Method is called if Argument has no type-hint

    PHP Version: 8.1.5 Laravel Version: 9.11.0 spatie/laravel-event-sourcing Version: 7.2.0

    Hi there,

    Today I came across the Situation where Method two was getting called when using the AggregateRoot with Method one inside the Application. I wondered why this was happening cause I had never used the AggregateRoot with Method two anywhere yet. After some experimenting and debugging, I found out that this only happens if the Argument in Method two is not type-hinted.

    Here are some examples for a better understanding:

    Scenario 1 (two is called):

    class SomethingAggregateRoot extends AggregateRoot
        public function one(string $foo): self
            $this->recordThat(new SampleEvent());
            return $this;
        public function two($without_typehint): self
            return $this;
    // Result: two was called

    Scenario 2 (two is not called):

    class SomethingAggregateRoot extends AggregateRoot
        public function one(string $foo): self
            $this->recordThat(new SampleEvent());
            return $this;
        public function two(boolean $with_typehint): self
            return $this;
    // Result: two was not called

    Is this an expected behaviour or a bug/defect?

    Thanks for checking and clarifying, Fabian

    opened by fabianpnke 8
  • Could not persist aggregate because it seems to be changed by another process after it was retrieved in the current process. Current in-memory version is 1

    Could not persist aggregate because it seems to be changed by another process after it was retrieved in the current process. Current in-memory version is 1

    My first time using v7 of the package, and had some issues with aggregates last night.

    Could not persist aggregate PostAggregate (uuid: 19dad81e-b6ab-4012-a04a-401e1d35747d) because it seems to be changed by another process after it was retrieved in the current process. Current in-memory version is 1

    Using Laravel 9.2.0 PHP 8.1


    class PostAggregate extends AggregateRoot
        protected static bool $allowConcurrency = false;
        public function createPost(DataObjectContract $object): self
                domainEvent: new PostWasCreated(
                    object: $object,
            return $this;
        public function getStoredEventRepository(): StoredEventRepository
            return app(PostStoredEventsRepository::class);


    class PostWasCreated extends ShouldBeStored
        public function __construct(
            public readonly DataObjectContract $object,
        ) {}

    Service Provider:

    class EventSourcingServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
         * @return void
        public function register(): void
                projector: PostHandler::class,


    class PostHandler extends Projector
        public function onPostWasCreated(PostWasCreated $event): void
             * @var CreatePostContract
            $action = resolve(CreatePostContract::class);

    The event is persisted in the database during testing with no errors, but when I interact with my code from the web UI - I get this issue. The aggregate is being triggered by a Livewire component that uses a service class to trigger the aggregate:

    Livewire Component:

    class CreateForm extends Component implements HasForms
        use InteractsWithForms;
        public bool $moderation = false;
        public null|string $title = null;
        public null|string $description = null;
        public null|string $content = null;
        public null|int $category = null;
        public function mount(): void
        public function submit(
            PostFactoryContract $factory,
            PostAggregateServiceContract $service,
        ) {
                    attributes: array_merge(
                        ['user_id' => auth()->id()],
            return redirect()->route('dashboard');
        protected function getFormSchema(): array
            return [
                    TextInput::make('title')->label('Post Title')->columnSpan(2)->required(),
                    Select::make('category')->label('Post Category')->options(Category::get()->pluck('title', 'id'))->columnSpan(2)->required(),
                    TextInput::make('description')->label('Post Description')->columnSpan(4)->required()->maxLength(120),
                    MarkdownEditor::make('content')->label('Post Content')->columnSpan(4)->required(),
                        Toggle::make('moderation')->label('Submit for moderation')->columnSpan(4),
        public function render(): View
            return view('livewire.posts.create-form');

    Service class:

    class PostAggregateService implements PostAggregateServiceContract
        public function createPost(DataObjectContract $object): void
                uuid: Str::uuid()->toString(),
                object: $object,

    As you can see the service class tries to persist the aggregate, and this is where it fails. In my test code all I am doing is making sure that the event is stored:

    it('triggers the aggregate root to store the event that a post was created', function () {
        $category = Category::factory()->create();
                  'title' => 'pest php',
                  'category' => $category->id,
                  'description' => 'pest PHP is awesome, prove me wrong',
                  'content' => 'Here be content, pirates and dragons',
    opened by JustSteveKing 7
  • Remove re-resolving of handler

    Remove re-resolving of handler

    As per this comment, in V5 the issue that caused the need for re-resolving was fixed. This PR removes that temporary fix in favor of Projectionist::fake() calls.

    @brendt I can imagine this is a breaking change for a small percentage of users, so would require a new major release. I don't think there is a branch for v6 already?

    opened by Robertbaelde 7
  • Allow custom path as a base path

    Allow custom path as a base path

    When applying the custom directory structure as suggested by the "Laravel Beyond Crud" book, the event discovery fails as it uses the base path to guess the class names from the file names.

    So a Projector placed at ./src/App/Projectors/UsersProjector.php is guessed as this class Src\App\Projectors\UsersProjector, which does not exist.

    By allowing a user to specify a custom config key one could add this config key:

    'auto_discover_base_path' => base_path('src'),

    And have the src part ignored.

    As it is seems to be an edge case, I didn't add a config key on the config stub.

    If you prefer me to do so, please let know and I will update the PR.

    More reasoning here: (private repo)

    EDIT I pushed more commits to allow for a more descriptive config key

    opened by rodrigopedra 7
  • Allow retrieving an aggregate at a specific version

    Allow retrieving an aggregate at a specific version

    I ran into a situation where I needed to retrieve an aggregate for a specific state in the past. This PR adds an optional 2nd argument to the Aggregate Root, so it's possible to get a previous state of an aggregate, instead of just the latest.

    A concrete use-case is when trying to compare a previous state to the latest state, exactly like this PR 🥁

    I also believe this is another solid use case to use aggregates, in addition to the other benefit of making decisions based on past events.

    Here's how it would work with this PR in place:

    $account = AccountAggregate::retrieve($uuid, 3);
    return $account->balance;

    Since this is an optional argument, there should be no breaking changes. I also added the argument to AggregateRoot::loadUuid, for consistency.

    Let me know what you think and if the PR needs any tweaks.

    Co-Author: @lukecurtis93 Credit: Quality checked against due to

    opened by morrislaptop 7
  • Release of version 1.1.0 is actually version 2

    Release of version 1.1.0 is actually version 2


    according to the changelog, 1.1.0 is supposed to contain the change countAllStartingFrom. But after updating with composer to 1.1.0 the package now requires PHP 7.4 (the major change of v2). It also doesn't contain the changes related to countAllStartingFrom.

    It looks like the tag has been related to a wrong commit, it points to a merge commit on the master branch.

    I'm not sure, what the best way would be to solve this. It's just that at the moment 1.1.0 doesn't contain the desired feature, and depends on PHP 7.4 ...

    opened by m-bymike 7
  • Change event_version column type from int to unsigned tinyint

    Change event_version column type from int to unsigned tinyint

    Changed the event_version column type from int to unsigned tinyint in the stored_events table migration stub.

    The event version shouldn't be negative, therefore, the new column type would be more semantically correct for the use-case of this feature

    opened by rapkis 6
  • Aggregate Partial is ignored when creating a snapshot

    Aggregate Partial is ignored when creating a snapshot

    I'm playing around with this package and noticed, that when following the documentation for aggregate partials and creating a snapshot of the aggregate root, the state of the partial is not stored in the snapshot. Not sure if that is intended or a bug, as I didn't find a test for this usecase and the documentation didn't mentions snapshots and aggregate partials.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by nlx-sascha 3
  • 7.3.2(Jan 3, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Fixes bug with retrieving last event by @aidan-casey in

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  • 7.3.1(Dec 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Refactor tests to pest by @AyoobMH in
    • Add PHP 8.2 Support by @patinthehat in
    • update document by @godkinmo in
    • Use the snapshot with the highest ID by @27pchrisl in

    New Contributors

    • @AyoobMH made their first contribution in
    • @patinthehat made their first contribution in
    • @godkinmo made their first contribution in
    • @27pchrisl made their first contribution in

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  • 7.3.0(Sep 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Support weight property to event handlers by @sebastiandedeyne in

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  • 7.2.4(Aug 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update Reactor docs on how to get the aggregate uuid by @soarecostin in
    • Update event-sourcing:replay command to work with just one aggregate uuid by @soarecostin in

    New Contributors

    • @soarecostin made their first contribution in

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  • 7.2.3(Jul 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix typo in ReadMe by @michael-rubel in
    • Update AggregateRoot::apply() to utilize acceptsTypes() function by @zackrowe in

    New Contributors

    • @michael-rubel made their first contribution in
    • @zackrowe made their first contribution in

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  • 7.2.2(Jul 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix method annotations in Projection class by @daniser in
    • Exclude tap from possible handlers by @erikgaal in

    New Contributors

    • @daniser made their first contribution in

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  • 7.2.1(May 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix URL to documentation about caching by @rodrigopedra in
    • Update cache_path in config by @lloricode in
    • Update Projector docs to reflect changes to getting the aggregate uuid by @RobHarveyDev in
    • Docs: createdAt() method is camel case by @inmanturbo in
    • Update migration file to closure by @lloricode in
    • Fix link to "getting familiar section" by @felixfrey in
    • Do not assert events given to FakeAggregateRoot as recorded by @itsmarsu in

    New Contributors

    • @lloricode made their first contribution in
    • @RobHarveyDev made their first contribution in
    • @inmanturbo made their first contribution in
    • @felixfrey made their first contribution in
    • @itsmarsu made their first contribution in

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  • 7.2.0(Mar 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adds query helpers for event properties by @aidan-casey in
    • Adds last event helper by @aidan-casey in

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  • 7.0.1(Mar 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update by @rmcdaniel in
    • Updated the requirement to Laravel 9 by @davidlapham in
    • Resolves issue with meta data updating on original event. by @aidan-casey in

    New Contributors

    • @rmcdaniel made their first contribution in
    • @davidlapham made their first contribution in
    • @aidan-casey made their first contribution in

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  • 7.0.0(Jan 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Laravel 9.x Compatibility by @erikgaal in

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  • 6.0.5(Jan 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add v4 to v5 upgrade overview to by @inxilpro in
    • Typo fix in documentation - subtracting is also a transaction by @ndeblauw in
    • Repaired URLs to current documentation version. by @Mul-tiMedia in
    • Add line break to increase readability by @craigpotter in
    • Change event_version column type from int to unsigned tinyint by @rapkis in

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  • 6.0.4(Dec 6, 2021)

  • 6.0.3(Nov 28, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • downgrade symfony finder by @morrislaptop in

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  • 6.0.2(Nov 26, 2021)

  • 6.0.1(Nov 26, 2021)

  • 6.0.0(Nov 24, 2021)

    • Support PHP 8.1
    • The EventHandler interface was changed in order to use the spatie/better-types package:
    -    public function handles(): array;
    +    public function handles(StoredEvent $storedEvent): bool;
    -    public function handle(StoredEvent $event);
    +    public function handle(StoredEvent $storedEvent): void;
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  • 5.0.8(Nov 17, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Fixed tests/VersionedEventTest.php::a_versioned_event_can_be_restored by @etahamer in
    • Set minimum version of illuminate/database to ^8.34 by @etahamer in

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  • 5.0.7(Nov 17, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • Update by @WouterBrouwers in
    • fix broken link to the course by @macbookandrew in
    • Fix urls pointing to previous version by @quintenbuis in
    • [Docs] Add EloquentStoredEvent import to example by @stevebauman in
    • [Docs] Add missing opening bracket for Account model by @stevebauman in
    • [Docs] Fix wrong operator for onMoneySubtracted by @avosalmon in
    • Changed cursor() into lazyById() to preserve memory when working with large amount of events by @etahamer in

    New Contributors

    • @WouterBrouwers made their first contribution in
    • @macbookandrew made their first contribution in
    • @quintenbuis made their first contribution in
    • @stevebauman made their first contribution in
    • @avosalmon made their first contribution in
    • @etahamer made their first contribution in

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  • 5.0.6(Sep 12, 2021)

  • 5.0.5(Jul 26, 2021)

  • 5.0.4(Jun 15, 2021)

  • 5.0.3(Jun 14, 2021)

  • 5.0.2(Jun 14, 2021)

  • 5.0.1(Jun 10, 2021)

  • 5.0.0(Jun 9, 2021)

    • Add EloquentStoredEvent::query()->whereEvent(EventA::class, …)

    • Add EventQuery

    • Add AggregateEntity

      • If you're overriding an aggregate root's constructor, make sure to call parent::__construct from it
    • Add command bus and aggregate root handlers

    • Add Projectionist::fake(OriginalReactor::class, FakeReactor::class) (#181)

    • All event listeners are now registered in the same way: by looking at an event's type hint. This applies to all:

      • Aggregate root apply methods
      • Projection listeners
      • Reactor listeners
      • Event queries
    • Moved Spatie\EventSourcing\Exception\CouldNotPersistAggregate to Spatie\EventSourcing\AggregateRoots\Exceptions\CouldNotPersistAggregate

    • Moved Spatie\EventSourcing\Exception\InvalidEloquentSnapshotModel to Spatie\EventSourcing\AggregateRoots\Exceptions\InvalidEloquentSnapshotModel

    • Moved Spatie\EventSourcing\Exception\InvalidEloquentStoredEventModel to Spatie\EventSourcing\AggregateRoots\Exceptions\InvalidEloquentStoredEventModel

    • Moved Spatie\EventSourcing\Exception\MissingAggregateUuid to Spatie\EventSourcing\AggregateRoots\Exceptions\MissingAggregateUuid

    • Moved Spatie\EventSourcing\Exception\InvalidStoredEvent to Spatie\EventSourcing\StoredEvents\Exceptions\InvalidStoredEvent

    • Dependency injection in handlers isn't supported anymore, use constructor injection instead

    • $storedEvent and $aggregateRootUuid are no longer passed to event handler methods. Use $event->storedEventId() and $event->aggregateRootUuid() instead. (#180)

    • Rename EloquentStoredEvent::query()->uuid() to EloquentStoredEvent::query()->whereAggregateRoot()

    • Removed AggregateRoot::$allowConcurrency

    • Removed $aggregateVersion from StoredEventRepository::persist

    • Removed $aggregateVersion from StoredEventRepository::persistMany

    • Event handlers are no longer called with app()->call() (#180)

    • $handlesEvents on Projectors and Reactors isn't supported anymore

    • PHP version requirement is now ^8.0

    • Laravel version requirement is now ^8.0

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  • 4.10.2(May 4, 2021)

  • 4.10.1(Apr 21, 2021)

  • 4.10.0(Apr 21, 2021)

    • Deprecate AggregateRoot::$allowConcurrency
    • Fix for race condition in aggregate roots (#170), you will need to run a migration to be able to use it:
    public function up()
        Schema::table('stored_events', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->unique(['aggregate_uuid', 'aggregate_version']);

    Note: if you run this migration, all aggregate roots using $allowConcurrency will not work any more.

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  • 4.9.0(Mar 10, 2021)

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MOP is a php query handling and manipulation library providing easy and reliable way to manipulate query and get result in a fastest way

Mysql Optimizer mysql optimizer also known as MOP is a php query handling and manipulation library providing easy and reliable way to manipulate query

null 2 Nov 20, 2021
A Laravel artisan based package to create the AWS (SES + SNS) infrastructure to receive email event notifications with Http/Https endpoint.

Laravel SES Tracking Setup the AWS infrastructure to handle email events using SES/SNS and http/s endpoints with a single Laravel artisan command. Thi

null 11 Apr 26, 2022
An Infection + Last Man Standing Event plugin written for OwnagePE

KitPvPEvent An Infection + Last Man Standing Event plugin written for OwnagePE This plugin was a speedcode. I kinda woke up really late on the day I w

OwnagePE Network 2 May 26, 2022
This library is an implementation of League\Event for Slim Framework

Slim Event Dispatcher This library is an implementation of League\Event for Slim Framework. This works with the latest version of Slim (V3). Installat

Aneek Mukhopadhyay 7 Aug 23, 2022
Notify instructors about unconfirmed event registrations.

SAC Event Registration Reminder Folgende Idee: Es wird ein Reminder-Tool benötigt, welches Tourenleitende und Bergführer/innen per E-Mail daran erinne

Marko Cupic 2 Apr 25, 2022
True coroutines for PHP>=8.1 without worrying about event loops and callbacks.

Moebius Pure coroutines for PHP 8.1. To promises and callbacks needed. Just pure parallel PHP code inside coroutines. Moebius Band: A loop with only o

Frode Børli 204 Dec 21, 2022
Implement event systems, signal slots, intercepting filters, and observers.

zend-eventmanager Repository abandoned 2019-12-31 This repository has moved to laminas/laminas-eventmanager. zend-eventmanager is designed for the fol

Zend Framework 1.7k Dec 9, 2022
Allows installing Drupal extensions event if not compatible with installed drupal/core package

mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient Lenient with it, Drupal 10 with it. Why? The Drupal community introduced a lenient Composer facade that modified the d

Matt Glaman 14 Dec 18, 2022