3177 Repositories
PHP laravel-api-documentation Libraries
Official PHP SDK for interacting with the Knock API.
Knock PHP library Documentation See the documentation for PHP usage examples
A bot that translates the words you choose during the chat in Telegram to the language you want.
About Needy Telegram Translator If you are constantly using telegram and want to translate words into different languages, this library is for you. Qu
Indexing Storyblok on Algolia using Laravel
StoryblokAlgolia This is where your description should go. Take a look at contributing.md to see a to do list. Installation Via Composer $ composer re
YouTubeClone - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework v8 & LiveWire it's Small project to upload video Like Youtube
YouTubeClone YouTubeClone - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework & LiveWire it's Small project to upload video Like Youtube Use Laravel v8.80.0 Ima
Simple Symfony API-Platform Template which you can use to start to develop with symfony and api-platform
symfony-api-platform-skeleton Simple Template for Symfony API You can fork it and change the git remote to your Repo git remote set-url your-git-remo
Very simple CRUD project, written in pure php. Designed as framework-agnostic as possible, and with basically no stack overflow if you can believe that
briefly simple CRUD pure php project for self improvement I try to make it purely in github - not only code, but any documentation (wiki), tasks (issu
Object-oriented, composable, fluent API for writing validations in Laravel
Laravel Hyrule Hyrule provides an object-oriented, fluent API for building validation rules for use w/ Laravel's Validation component. This unlocks pa
A package to generate YouTube-like IDs for Eloquent models
Laravel Hashids This package provides a trait that will generate hashids when saving any Eloquent model. Hashids Hashids is a small package to generat
Configurable activity logger for filament.
Activity logger for filament Configurable activity logger for filament. Powered by spatie/laravel-activitylog Features You can choose what you want to
Eloquent scope assertion for testing Laravel applications.
Eloquent Scope Assertion This package allows you to assert that the scope of a model is called in your tests. Installation You can install the package
Laravel mongodb permissions
Laravel mongodb permissions
Surf, an opinionated fork of Wave - the SAAS starter kit, with Laravel 9.
Surf 🏄♀️ Introduction Surf, the opinionated Software as a Service Starter Kit that can help you build your next great idea 💰 . Surf is fork off Wav
Official repository for Find A PR. Find A PR is a platform that curates a list of issues around Laravel based project.
About Find A PR This is the official repository for Find A PR. Find A PR is a platform that curates a list of issues around Laravel based project. Req
Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum that comes with excellent user and role management API out of the box
Hydra - Zero Config API Boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum and comes with excellent user and
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate. NoSQL API
An advanced Laravel integration for Bref, including Octane support.
Bref Laravel Bridge An advanced Laravel integration for Bref, including Octane support. This project is largely based on code from PHP Runtimes, Larav
Easily integrate single-database multi tenant features into your Laravel application
Laravel Tenant Aware Easily integrate single-database multi tenant features into your Laravel application. Installation You can install the package vi
This Laravel Nova settings tool based on env, using nativ nova fields and resources
Nova Settings Description This Laravel Nova settings tool based on env, using nativ nova fields and resources Features Using native Nova resources Ful
This package provides a trait to run your tests against a MinIO S3 server.
Laravel MinIO Testing Tools This package provides a trait to run your tests against a MinIO S3 server. 📝 Blog post: https://protone.media/en/blog/how
🌶🥗🧀🍉 Brazilian Table of Food Composition made by IBGE - Laravel 9 REST API
About API of the 2008-2009 Family Budget Survey: tables of nutritional composition of foods consumed in Brazil / IBGE, Coordination of Work and Income
New TapToDo for PMMP 4.0 API Minecraft.
TapToDo - v2.4.2 New TapToDo for PMMP 4.0 API Minecraft. Features: Simple and user-friendly very easy setup Add macros on block Work in game Tap to se
PHP Curl ile letgo api kütüphanesi oluşturuldu. php ile letgo giriş yap.
Kendi LETGO API ile işlemler gerçekleştirelim. // email işlemleri $server = 'imap.gmail.com'; $user = 'mail@gmail.com'; $pass = 'password'; $port = 9
You already have your dream house? Sam Building will help you find the perfect home.
SAM BUILDING Setup Fork or clone this repo! git clone github.com/Igorballo/Real-Estate-App.git Installation des dépendances npm install #or yarn insta
Terminal management system.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Opensource php wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API.
WhatsApp Latest Cloud API Wrapper for PHP Opensource php wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API. Features supported Sending messages Sending Media (images, aud
A Gitlab API wrapper that helps to automate common actions on CI jobs
Gitlab CI client This is a Gitlab API wrapper that helps to automate common actions on CI jobs (eg: Open a merge request, Open or close an issue etc)
Effortlessly create a PHP preload script for your Laravel project.
This package has been superseeded by Laragear/Preload. Please migrate to the new package. Laraload Effortlessly create a PHP Preload Script for your L
A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API
uf_api A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API Courses Gym Common Data (admissions an
PHP library with ready-to-use Yunbi API implementation.
yunbi-client-php A simple PHP client for Crypto Trade Site Yunbi.com Quick example ?php require_once('lib/yunbi-client.php'); try { $client = new
Amila Laravel CMS - Free, open-source Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project. Only add few database tables with prefixes, not affect your existing database tables. Support Laravel 7.x & Laravel 6.x & Laravel 5.x & MySql & PostgreSql - Amila Laravel CMS
JSON Editor for Laravel-admin
JSON Editor extension for laravel-admin This is a laravel-admin extension that integrates JSON Editor into laravel-admin. DEMO Login using admin/admin
A framework agnostic, developer friendly wrapper around Fractal
A developer friendly wrapper around Fractal Fractal is an amazing package to transform data before using it in an API. Unfortunately working with Frac
Dompdf - Simple Dompdf package for Laravel
Dompdf - Simple Dompdf package for Laravel
Terminal management system.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A simple wrapper for (reverse) geocoding
Geocode - A simple wrapper for (reverse) geocoding Installation composer require markuskooche/geocode Usage How to geocode use Illuminate\Support\Col
A simple wallet implementation for Laravel
Laravel Wallet A simple wallet implementation for Laravel. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require stephenjude/laravel
Make custom helper just with one command!
Laravel Custom Helper Make custom helper just with one command! Very light!!! Installation requires Laravel 8+ Via composer: $ composer require Ranjba
Light PHP SDK to interact with the Doma(in)Validity API.
Doma(in)Validity PHP SDK. Light PHP SDK to interact with the Doma(in)Validity API. Usage ?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Domainvalidit
Just a simple API PHP library with basic functions and config.
Installation Clone this Repository in your PHP Project git clone https://github.com/maximilianosinski/simple-api-php-library.git Change your Project n
Easy to install email tracker with gui and telegram api bot with date device & ip tracking,
mail-php-tracking-with-gui 📧 Simple mail tracking program that uses php, html, telegram bot, and a gui The gui The gui lets you create specific links
Use Laravel's Blade templating engine outside of Laravel.
Use Laravel's Blade templating engine outside of Laravel. This package provides a standalone version of Laravel's Blade templating engine for use outs
The backend source code of Deverhub Blog.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
An unofficial PHP SDK for Deepgram's API.
An unofficial PHP SDK for Deepgram's audio transcription API. Getting Started Grab src/deepgram.php and include it in your project. Then: $deepgram =
A Laravel package for creating a Markdown driven blog in minutes.
Static Markdown Blog A Laravel package for generating static blog posts from Markdown files. Sometimes, you want a blog but don't necessarily want to
Visualização de Informações da API Unifi
Unifi Controller API View Visualização de Informações da API Unifi Fluxo de Autenticação e chamada da API da unifi Controller -Requisição CURL para au
Projeto criador para aplicar conhecimento em Laravel/PHP
nutrimais Projeto criador para aplicar conhecimento em Laravel/PHP Hoje, 04/05/2022 eu inicio esse projeto para começar a praticar o Laravel e abaixo
A package to easily make use of Iconsax in your Laravel Blade views.
Blade Iconsax A package to easily make use of Iconsax in your Laravel Blade views. This package contains 1.000 icons in 6 diferent styles, a total of
Laravel pay tr ödeme entegrasyonu nasıl yapılır sorusunun cevabı burada
Adım OdemeController.php - web.php - api.php dosyalarını örnekteki gibi oluşturuyoruz. Adım Kullanıcının bilgilerini ve ödenecek miktar bilgisini alac
Creating authentication using sanctum, laravel and VUE
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel Setting - Easily save, update and get titles, descriptions, and more. it is very easy to use.
Laravel Setting Easily save, update and get titles, descriptions, and more. it is very easy to use. This is great for storing and receiving general si
SPA authentication demo with Laravel Sanctum and Nuxt.js (Buefy components)
laravel-sanctum-nuxt-spa SPA authentication demo with Laravel Sanctum and Nuxt.js (Buefy components) Project structure Backend: Cookie-based authentic
This package allows you to easily work with NanoID in your Laravel models.
Laravel Model UUIDs Introduction Huge thanks to Micheal Dyrynda, whose work inspired me to create this package based on laravel-model-nanoid but uses
Este Repositório guarda arquivos dos meus primeiros passos utilizando o Framework Laravel. Curso: Matheus Battisti.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Laravel 9, Vite, Svelte SPA, Tailwind CSS (w/ Forms Plugin & Aspect Ratio Plugin), Axios & TypeScript starter template.
Laravel 9 + Vite + Svelte + Tailwind CSS This starter template includes: Laravel 9 Vite Svelte Tailwind CSS (w/ @tailwindcss/forms and @tailwindcss/as
Laravel Responder - a package for building API responses, integrating Fractal into Laravel and Lumen
A Laravel Fractal package for building API responses, giving you the power of Fractal with Laravel's elegancy.
Azuriom - a modern, reliable, fast and secure game CMS.
Azuriom is the next generation game CMS, it's free and open-source, and is a modern, reliable, fast and secure alternative to existing CMS so you can have the best web experience possible.
Laravel magical helpers such as Controllers / Requests / Models
Laravel Magic provides Abstract Controller, Model, generic Request, Traits, Exceptions and various middlewares in order to generate very easily and quickly API resources from scratch.
Laravel Event Visualizer
Laravel package to visualize events with their handlers, including jobs to chain them together.
Laravel 9 Web App - Our client José Gustavo, passionate about soccer and technology, wants to have an application that simulates the soccer leagues in his neighborhood, called My League.
Laravel 9 Web App - Our client José Gustavo, passionate about soccer and technology, wants to have an application that simulates the soccer leagues in his neighborhood, called My League.
Laravel wrapper to use Lightship PHP
lightship-laravel Laravel wrapper to use Lightship PHP. Summary About Features Installation Examples Tests About Lightship is a way to get web page au
Simple package to handle response properly in your API.
Simple package to handle response properly in your API. This package uses Fractal and is based on Build APIs You Won't Hate book.
Added Laravel functionality to Enlightn Security Checker
Added Laravel functionality to Enlightn Security Checker. Adds a command to check for, and optionally emails you, vulnerabilities when they affect you.
A Cli tool to save you time, and gives you the power to scaffold all of your models,controllers,commands
A Cli tool to save you time, and gives you the power to scaffold all of your models,controllers,commands... at once Installation You can install the p
An unofficial wrapper client for lknpd.nalog.ru API
Unofficial MoyNalog API client An unofficial wrapper client for lknpd.nalog.ru API Install Via Composer $ composer require shoman4eg/moy-nalog Usage S
This is a simple laravel authentication built with livewire jetstream.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
ProcessWire 3.x is a friendly and powerful open source CMS with a strong API.
Welcome to ProcessWire 3.x This document is in Markdown. An HTML formatted version of this document can be read at: https://github.com/processwire/pro
Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework.
laravel-stapler Laravel-Stapler is a Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework. It provides a full set of Laravel commands, a migrat
Prisma is an app that strengthens the relationship between people with memory loss and the people close to them
Prisma is an app that strengthens the relationship between people with memory loss and the people close to them. It does this by providing a living, collaborative digital photo album that can be populated with content of interest to these people.
A Laravel package that allows you to use multiple ".env" files in a precedent manner. Use ".env" files per domain (multi-tentant)!
Laravel Multi ENVs Use multiple .envs files and have a chain of precedence for the environment variables in these different .envs files. Use the .env
A Laravel package that can be used for fetching favicons from websites
A Laravel package that can be used for fetching favicons from websites.
Open Source Telecommunications API Platform
A reimplementation of the open source Plivo framework on top of ReactPHP and FreeSWITCH. If you are not familiar with the legacy platform, please inspect its repository as well as the archived web resources here, here and here.
A laravel package for cascding SoftDeletes delete/restore actions
This is a Laravel 8 package for cascding SoftDeletes delete/restore actions. Laravel 7.0 is supported since v0.1.0 Laravel 8.0 is supported since v0.1
Social login for Filament through Laravel Socialite
Social login for Filament through Laravel Socialite Add OAuth login through Laravel Socialite to Filament. Installation You can install the package vi
📦 Flatpack: Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble.
Flatpack 📦 Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble. Quickly create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interfaces for your Eloquent model
📲 SmsOffice.ge service with notification channel for Laravel
Laravel SmsOffice This package allows you to send SMS messages with SmsOffice.ge API You can send sms with notification class or directly with SmsOffi
Registry Manager for Laravel
Registry manager for Laravel 4 & 5. An alternative for managing application configurations and settings. Now with the magic of caching.
Check if a translated value in a JSON column is unique in the database.
Laravel Unique Translation IMPORTANT: March 2022 It's horrible to see what is happening now in Ukraine, as Russian army is bombarding houses, hospital
Stateless HTTP basic auth for Laravel without the need for a database.
Laravel Very Basic Auth Documentation available in: 🇬🇧 English 🇯🇵 日本語 This package allows you to add a HTTP Basic Auth filter on your routes, with
Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your Laravel or Lumen application
Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your Laravel or Lumen application. It comes out the box with ready to use with dashboard to view your activity. Laravel logger can be added as a middleware or called through a trait. Easily have an Activity Log. This package is easily configurable and customizable. Supports Laravel 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, and 7+
A Laravel Livewire integration for Statamics antlers engine
Statamic Livewire A third-party Laravel Livewire integration for Statamic. It's as easy as it get's to get stared with Livewire if using Statamic 3. I
Your alter ego object. Takes the best of object and array worlds.
Supporting Opensource formapro\values is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of com
RabbitMQ driver for Laravel Queue. Supports Laravel Horizon.
RabbitMQ Queue driver for Laravel Support Policy Only the latest version will get new features. Bug fixes will be provided using the following scheme:
Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests
Build Eloquent queries from API requests This package allows you to filter, sort and include eloquent relations based on a request. The QueryBuilder u
Laravel-admin grid-sortable
laravel-admin grid-sortable This extension can help you sort by dragging the rows of the data list, the front end is based on jQueryUI sortable, and t
A library for using Laravel Blade templates in WordPlate.
A library for using Laravel Blade templates in WordPress/WordPlate. Installation Require this package, with Composer, in the root directory of y
PHP web based Password Manager for business and personal use.
sysPass - Systems Password Manager Join us in the Gitter chat room: PHP web based Password Manager for business and personal use. AES-256 encryption i
OAuth 1/2 Provider implementations for chillerlan/php-oauth-core. PHP 7.4+
chillerlan/php-oauth-providers Documentation See the wiki for advanced documentation. Requirements PHP 7.4+ a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client library of
Notifying your users doesn't have to be a lot of work.
Messenger for Laravel Goal To provide a drop-in, application-wide alerting functionality to display various types of alerts and notifications to the u
Laravel Soulbscription - This package provides a straightforward interface to handle subscriptions and features consumption.
About This package provides a straightforward interface to handle subscriptions and features consumption. Installation You can
PHP Japanese string helper functions for converting Japanese strings from full-width to half-width and reverse. Laravel Rule for validation Japanese string only full-width or only half-width.
Japanese String Helpers PHP Japanese string helper functions for converting Japanese strings from full-width to half-width and reverse. Laravel Rule f
Fully documented & tested Laravel 9 RESTful books API scraped from Gramedia.
Laravel Books API Introduction This app provides a list of books in a RESTful API. Source of data obtained from Gramedia by using the web scraping tec
Simple slugs for your Laravel models.
Simple slugs for your Laravel models. This packages provides an opinionated, attribute-driven trait for automatically generating slugs when creating L
A collection of reusable components for Filament.
A collection of reusable components for Filament. This package is a collection of handy components for you to use in all your Filament projects. It pr
A minimalistic event calendar Tool for Laravel's Nova 4
Event calendar for Laravel Nova 4 An event calendar that displays Nova resources or other time-related data in your Nova 4 project on a monthly calend
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel Features Syntax highlighting Quickly jump between start and end of the file Refresh log contents Clear
A package for Myanmar Font, Phone and other Myanmar tools using Laravel Macro
Laravel Myanmar Tools A package for Myanmar Font, Phone and other Myanmar tools using Laravel Macro. Installation composer require pyaesoneaung/larave
LittleLink Custom provides you with a website similar to Linktree. Many social media platforms only allow you to add one link
LittleLink Custom is a fork of LittleLink Admin with a set goal of making the admin panel easier to use and setup, for inexperienced and first-time users, with the addition of many custom features themed around customization for the individual user's, LittleLink pages.
Faculty Management System (FMS) Built with Laravel 9 in Back-end and React , Redux in Front-end API's
Final Project Faculty Management System (FMS) as final project for faculty of Copmuter Science, Kandahar University, 2021 Faculty Management System (F
Webhook Manager for Laravel Nova
Webhook Manager for Laravel Nova A Laravel Nova tool that allows users to create and manage webhooks based on Eloquent Model events. A tool for Larave
A PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the JavaScript reference implementation
GraphQL This is a PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the JavaScript reference implementation. Related projects DateTime scalar R