IMWEMR is EMR/PM software, along with integrated iascemr (surgerycenter) and optical, repo is ready and preconfigured for subdomain you just need to place files in webroot and replace apache conf files, if you want to setup new site please follow below instruction.
Login to CentOS server and switch user. #sudo su
Install Repos and Services Check if EPEL is installed #yum -v repolist
Install EPEL repository #yum install
------yum install epel-release
Install remi repository (used for PHP 5) #yum install
Install mysql CentOS 7 repo #yum -y install yum localinstall
Make sure EPEL, REMI, and MYSQL repos are installed #yum -v repolist
Disable remi-php54 and enable remi-php73 #yum-config-manager --disable remi-php54 #yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73
Install basic utilities #yum -y install vim wget zip unzip bzip2 screen htop rsync unar bind-utils yum-utils pv ------bind-utils for nslookup--------
Install some more uilities for Application #yum -y install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++ ghostscript zbar zbar-devel java subversion git git-core
-----ImageMagick is required for creating thumbnails and doing other image manipulation
-----zbar barcode scanning
-----java required for signature pads
-----git git-core if you are using versioning
#yum -y localinstall -----pdftk is for pdf splitting and merging
Install Apache #yum install httpd mod_ssl
If the server is also the DB server, install the mysql server along with client #yum -y remove mariadb-libs #yum localinstall #yum update #yum install mysql-community-server
Get mysql temp password
#grep 'A temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log |tail -1
#service mysqld start
Create DB
CREATE NEW DATABASES #mysql> CREATE DATABASE demo_imwemr; #mysql> CREATE DATABASE demo_imwemr_scan; #mysql> CREATE DATABASE demo_iascemr;
CREATE MYSQL USER FOR DATABASE #mysql> CREATE USER 'db_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT Permission to User on Database #mysql> GRANT ALL ON . TO 'db_user'@'localhost';
Install PHP 7 #yum install php php-mysqlnd php-tidy php-json php-process php-gd php-pear php-bcmath php-common php php-pdo php-soap php-runtime php-mbstring php-cli php-xml php-devel php-pecl-zip php-pecl-imagick php-pecl-ssh2 php-zip php-mcrypt php-curl php-pecl-apcu php-pecl-apcu-devel --enablerepo=remi-php73
One time machine security config #vim /etc/selinux/config Set SELINUX=permissive #setenforce 0 #getenforce This should return "Permissive" If firewall is there Allow http/https/MySQL Traffic
Configure PHP #vim /etc/php.ini short_open_tag = on max_input_vars = 100000 upload_max_filesize = 36M post_max_size = 36M memory_limit = 1024M max_execution_time=60 Seach for and add the following line: cgi.fix_pathinfo=0
Enable and start Apache #systemctl start httpd #systemctl enable httpd
Check Versions #php -v #httpd -v
Create test files #cd /var/www/html
#vim info.php
Put below code in info.php file to get information about PHP7.
Check in browser by visiting url and if works we will proceed to next steps.
Restart Apache #systemctl restart httpd
Application Install
Copy all application files into /var/www/html/
Change owner of files #cd imwemr/ #chown -R apache.apache cache/ #chown -R apache.apache iMedicMonitor/cache/ #chown -R apache.apache data
Permissions on SigPlus #cd /var/www/html/ #chown -R apache.apache SigPlusLinuxHSB
------Sigplus is signature application -----------
Import IMW Databases (Clean Database for New Clients) We have created 3 Databases main database is demo_imw, for scanned document data its demo_imw_scan database and demo_scemr for surgery center database. These databases are clean databases which will enough to start provisioning new client and ready to go with production. From database folder restore all these databases in MySQL server and set user with appropriate permissions.
Set up a site to with Subdomain setup #cd /var/www/html/imwemr/config
Edit globals.php accordingly.
#vim globals.php $RootDirectoryName = "imwemr"; $webServerRootDirectoryName = "/var/www/html/" define('PRODUCT_VERSION_DATE', 'Jan 24, 2021 - V1.0.0'); //April 24, 2020
Create the config folder for the site #cd /var/www/html/imwemr/config #mkdir -p demo #cd demo/ #vim config_demo.php
$myInternalIP = "";
$myExternalIP = "";
$phpServerIP = "";
Also modify DB connections
$sqlconf = array();
$sqlconf["host"]= '';
$sqlconf["port"] = '3306';
$sqlconf["login"] = 'imw_user';
$sqlconf["pass"] = 'password1';
$sqlconf['idoc_db_name'] = 'demo_imwemr';
$sqlconf['scan_db_name'] = 'demo_imwemr_scan';
Create apache config file for site #cd /etc/httpd/conf.d #vim demo.conf <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/imwemr" ServerName
Restart apache #systemctl restart httpd
Test Application Go to URL and test application and login Username: demo Password: P@ssw0rd1
Optical Setup
#cd /var/www/html/demo_optical
Edit config.php -- Go to config directory, copy sample file, edit it #cd /var/www/html/demo_optical/config
#vim config.php Edit the config file and change the following three variables to the Site-Specific values: $host=''; $GLOBALS['DIR_PATH']="/var/www/html/demo_optical"; $GLOBALS['IMW_DIR_PATH']= "/var/www/html/imwemr"; $GLOBALS['SUB_DOMAIN']="demo";
$GLOBALS['IMW_DB_NAME'] = "demo_imw"; $sqlconf["host"]= 'yourdatabaseserverhostname'; $sqlconf["port"] = '3306'; $sqlconf["login"] = 'mysql_user'; $sqlconf["pass"] = 'mysqluserpassword';
Assign file permissions #cd /var/www/html/demo_optical #chown -R apache.apache interface/patient_interface/uploaddir/ #chown -R apache.apache images/ #chown -R apache.apache library/new_html2pdf/
Modify config file to enable Optical icon in EMR/PM #cd /var/www/html/imwemr/config/demo #vim config_demo.php
Uncomment this line and set the directory name to “optical” $GLOBALS['optical_directory_name'] = "optical";// Optical Directory Name
Uncomment the following line as well define("connect_optical","1");//IF connect_optical VALUE IS 1 THEN Optical Functionality WILL BE Work in iDOC.
Copy .htaccess file from imwemr directory #cp /var/www/html/imwemr/.htaccess /var/www/html/demo_optical/
Edit apache config to enable Aliases. Reload Apache #vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/demo.conf
Remove comment under <VirtualHost> Alias /optical /var/www/html/demo_optical
Reload apache #service httpd reload
Test Application Go to URL and test application and login Username: demo Password: P@ssw0rd1
We can change password from application even from mysql tables (SHA256) based password used with lower case. Go to any online password website and generate your own password.
Configure SurgeryCenter to connect to IMWEMR #cd /var/www/html/demo_iascemr/ #vim connect_imwemr.php Configure to connect to demo_imwemr $imw_db_name = 'demo_imwemr'; $imw_host = 'mysqlserverhostnameorip'; $imw_port = '3306'; $imw_login = 'mysql_user'; $imw_pass = 'password1';
Configure IMW to connection to SC #cd /var/www/html/imwemr/config/demo #vim config_demo.php Uncomment the SC connection info at bottom of file and fill in DB name: ['sc_db_name'] = 'demo_scemr'; $sqlconf['sc_db_name'] = 'demo_scemr';
Configure SurgeryCenter #cd /var/www/html/demo_iascemr/common #vim conDb.php
$asc_db_name = 'demo_scemr';
$asc_host = 'mysqlhostnameorip';
$asc_port = '3306';
$asc_login = 'mysql_user';
$asc_pass = 'password1';
Also change “imwDirectoryName”. This name should be same as of Root Dir of EHR/PM.
Assign File Permissions cd /var/www/html/demo_iascemr chown -R apache.apache new_html2pdf chown -R apache.apache html2pdf chown -R apache.apache xml chown -R apache.apache SigPlus_images chown -R apache.apache sx_grid_images chown -R apache.apache pdf chown -R apache.apache html2pdfnew chown -R apache.apache testPdf.html chown -R apache.apache white.jpg chown -R apache.apache crons/logs chown -R apache.apache admin/pdfFiles chown apache.apache new_html2pdf_reports chown apache.apache new_html2pdf_reports/.jpg chown apache.apache new_html2pdf_reports/.html
Edit Apache Config #vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/demo.conf Remove comment under <VirtualHost ...:80> Alias /iascemr /var/www/html/demo_iascemr
Reload the apache service #service httpd reload
Go to the url and test and login SurgeryCenter is not integrated with main application so visit according to Alias. for example : Username: admin Password: P@ssw0rd1
IASCLink Setup
Configure IASCLink to connect to IMW #cd /var/www/html/demo_iasclink/ #vim connect_imwemr.php Configure to connect to demo_imwemr $imw_db_name = 'demo_imwemr'; $imw_host = 'mysqlhostnameorip'; $imw_port = '3306'; $imw_login = 'mysql_user'; $imw_pass = 'password1';
Configure iASCLink #cd /var/www/html/demo_iasclink/common #vim conDb.php $asc_db_name = 'demo_scemr'; $asc_host = 'msyqlhostnameorip'; $asc_port = '3306'; $asc_login = 'mysql_user'; $asc_pass = 'password1';
Also change “imwDirectoryName”. This name should be same as of Root Dir of EHR/PM.
Set permissions cd /var/www/html/demo_iasclink chown -R apache.apache html2pdfnew chown -R apache.apache imedic_uploaddir chown -R apache.apache SigPlus_images chown -R apache.apache new_html2pdf chown -R apache.apache new_html2pdf/pdffile.html chown -R apache.apache testPdf.html chown -R apache.apache pdfSplit chown -R apache.apache admin/pdfFiles
Edit Apache Config #vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/demo.conf Remove comment under <VirtualHost ...:80> Alias /iasclink /var/www/html/demo_iasclink
Reload the apache service #service httpd reload
Enable the iASCLink in EMR #cd /var/www/html/imwemr/config/demo #vim config_demo.php Change value of $GLOBALS['iasclink_directory_name'] to "iasclink" $GLOBALS['iasclink_directory_name'] = "iasclink";// iASCLink Directory Name
Go to url and test and login with Username: iolink Password: P@ssw0rd1
Notes :
- There are additional software needed for scanning and other equipments, get vendor support for that.
- Any PHP error, enable php log within each pages or globally.
- Password can be change both from application and MySQL tables usualy in "users" table.