GovCore: The Drupal distribution for local government

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GovCore: The Drupal distribution for local government

The powerful Drupal distribution for local government. Brought to you by Clarity Partners.

GovCore is an enhanced Drupal distribution with a lot of necessities. Necessities are all the modules, features, configurations that we include in every project.

It's made with the following benefits in mind:

  • Speeds up development.
  • Offers standardized configuration and best-practices.
  • Comes with a lot of needed functionalities/modules for a government Drupal site.

Starting a new project? Consider GovCore for Drupal 9. Installing GovCore 9.0.x comes with several extra automated installation steps, to take full advantage of GovCore, other than the Drupal 9 installation instructions.

Install with Composer

To install the most recent stable release of GovCore 9.0.x run this command:

composer create-project govcore/govcore_project:^9.0.0 PROJECT_DIR_NAME --no-dev --no-interaction
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