Flysystem storage with local metadata storage for speed and manageability.


Laravel Filer

This project was started to scratch my itch on our growing Laravel site:

  • Metadata for all files is stored in a local repository - Supported backing systems are json, database, and memory (for testing). This is designed to speed up certain operations which normally call out to the remote filesystems.
  • Handles fallback to the original disk - If you provide an "original disk" list, this adapter will attempt to import data from those original disks into the metadata repository.
  • Pluggable Strategies - While the current version ships with a single strategy, you can replace the Basic implementation which allows for 1 + async, mirror, or other interactions with backing storage adapters.
  • Manage data + files - Coming soon: query and manage the metadata to do things like:
    • Find files stored on a single service and mirror them
    • Migrate files between stores while still maintaining continuity
  • Abstract data from metadata - Planning at some point on allow things like deduplication and copy-on-write to make copies, renames, and deletions work better.

Getting Started

To get started, require the project:

composer require nvahalik/laravel-filer

Once that's done, you'll need to edit the filer config file and then update your filesystem configuration.

Config File

By default, the metadata is stored in a JSON file. You can edit config/filer.php to change the default storage mechanism from json to database or memory. Note that memory is really a null adapter. The JSON adapter wraps memory and just serializes and saves it after each operation.

Filesystem Configuration

The configuration is very similar to other disks:

'example' => [
    'driver' => 'filer',
    'original_disks' => [
    'id' => 'test',
    'disk_strategy' => 'basic',
    'backing_disks' => [
    'visibility' => 'private',

The original_disks is an option if you are migrating from an existing disk or disks to the filer system. Effectively, this is a fallback so that files which are not found in the local metadata store will be searched for in original_disks. If they are found, their metadata will be imported. If not, the file will be treated as missing. We'll cover doing mass importing of metadata later on.

Note: that this will slow the filesystem down until the cache is filled. Once the cache is loaded, you can remove these original_disks and those extra operations looking for files will be eliminated.

Note 2: files which are truly missing do not get cached. Therefore, if a file is missing, and you repeatedly attempt to assert its existence, it will search over and over again. This could be improved by caching the results or likewise having some sort of missing-files cache.

id is just an internal ID for the metadata store. File duplications are not allowed within the metadata of a single id, for example, but would be allowed for different ids.

disk_strategy has only a single option currently: 'basic' but will be pluggable to allow for different strategies to be added and used. The basic strategy simply writes to the first available disk from the list of provided backing_disks.

backing_disks allows you to define multiple flysystem disks to use. Want to use multiple S3-compatible adapters? You can. Note that for the basic adapter, the order of the disks determines the order in which they are tried.

A couple of examples

Given the configuration above, if the following code is run:

  1. The existing metadata repo will be searched.
  2. Then, the single 'original_disks' will be searched.
  3. Finally, the operation will fail.
Storage::disk('example')->put('does/not/exist.txt', 'content');
  1. The existing metadata repo will be searched.
  2. Then, the single 'original_disks' will be searched.
  3. Then, a write will be attempted on test:s3-new.
  4. If that fails, then a write will be attempted on test:s3-original.
  5. If any of the writes succeeds, that adapter's backing information will be returned and the entries metadata updated.
  6. If any of them fails, then false will be returned and the operation will have failed.

Importing Metadata

If you already have a ton of files on S3, you can use the filer:import-s3-metadata command to import that data into your metadata repository:

# Grab the existing contents.
s3cmd ls s3://bucket-name -rl > s3output.txt

# Import that data into the "example" storageId.
php artisan filer:import-s3-metadata example s3output.txt

The importer uses File::lines() to load its data, and therefore should not consume a lot of memory. Additionally, it will look at the bucket name in the URL which is present in the output and attempt to find that within your existing filesystems config.


By default, it will grab this from the filesystem configuration. If none is found nor provided with --visibility, it will default to private.

Filename stripping

You can strip a string from the filenames by specifying the --strip option.


If you need to specify the disk directly or want to otherwise override it, just pass it in with --disk. This is not checked, so don't mess it up.


php artisan filer:import-s3-metadata example s3output.txt --disk=some-disk --visibility=public --strip=prefix-dir/ 

The above command would strip prefix-dir/ from the imported URLs, set their visibility to public, and mark their default backing-disk to some-disk.

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    Support for Flysystem 2 and Laravel 9 will require additional changes:

    We touch the Flysystem API in the following spots:

    • [ ] src/AdapterStrategy/AdapterStrategy.php
    • [ ] src/AdapterStrategy/Basic.php
    • [ ] src/Console/Commands/ImportMetadata.php
    • [ ] src/FilerServiceProvider.php
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    Here's the use-case:

    I've been using a particular S3 provider for some time, but I'm worried about their stability. It would be great if their data could be migrated from one provider to another provider over time.

    Here are 2 possible ways to handle this:

    1. Batch system -> migration jobs
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    Batch System -> migration jobs

    1. Create a command or some ability to provide a list of metadata records (e.g. using the existing Metadata repository as a source).
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    4. Implement some means to see/view the migration process.

    Slower, but could be integrated into the tooling of the module directly.

    Manual migration

    1. Using a tool such as s3cmd/s5cmd/s3p, copy the files to/from the source/destination buckets.
    2. Create a new manifest using s3cmd/s5cmd (see existing metadata import).
    3. Update using CLI tools the files within the manifests to point to the new backing store.
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    Faster, but requires careful managing of the data.

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    2. Just copy the file on the adapters, honoring the rules and supporting the ability to copy to the same or to specify a specific backing adapter.

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