GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing.



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About GLPI

GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing.

GLPI features:

  • Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers and any associated components through an interface, with inventory tools such as: FusionInventory or OCS Inventory
  • Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)
  • Item lifecycle management
  • Licenses management (ITIL compliant)
  • Management of warranty and financial information (purchase order, warranty and extension, damping)
  • Management of contracts, contacts, documents related to inventory items
  • Incidents, requests, problems and changes management
  • Knowledge base and Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Asset reservation

Moreover, GLPI supports many plugins that provide additional features.


Check GLPI features by asking a free personnal demonstration on



It is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 - please consult the file called COPYING for more details.

Some screenshots

Tickets Timeline

Tickets Timeline

DCIM drag&drop

DCIM drag&drop




  • A web server (Apache, Nginx, IIS, etc.)

  • MariaDB >= 10.0 or MySQL >= 5.6

  • PHP 7.2 or higher

  • Mandatory PHP extensions:

    • ctype
    • curl
    • gd (picture generation)
    • iconv
    • intl
    • json
    • mbstring
    • mysqli
    • session
    • simplexml
    • zlib
  • Recommended PHP extensions (to enable optional features)

    • exif (security enhancement on images validation)
    • imap (mail collector and users authentication)
    • ldap (users authentication)
    • openssl (encrypted communication)
    • sodium (performances enhancement on sensitive data encryption/decryption)
    • zip and bz2 (installation of zip and bz2 packages from marketplace)
  • Supported browsers:

    • Edge
    • Firefox (including 2 latests ESR version)
    • Chrome

Please, consider using browsers on editor's supported version


See :


Here is a pdf version. We are working on a markdown version

Additional resources


GLPI is a living software. Improvements are continuously made, new functionalities are being developed, and issues are being fixed.

To ease support and development, we need your help when encountering issues. There is a GLPI version typical lifecycle:

  • A new major version (9.3) is released.
  • Minor versions (9.3.x), fixing bugs or issues, are published after several weeks. Please consider updating to the latest realeased minor version if you encounter some bugs or performance issues.
  • Several months after major version realesed, a new major version (9.4) is released Previous major versions become unsupported, please update to the new major version. Obviously, we provide support for the migration tools too!
  • [0.90.1] Upload document not working with Internet Explorer 11

    [0.90.1] Upload document not working with Internet Explorer 11


    The upload of a document not working with Internet Explorer 11.

    If i configure IE in "IE 9" compatibility mode, the upload working, the document upload succefully. If i let IE in "Edge" compatibility mode the document never upload :

    Upload progress Upload finish

    Same issue with IE in "IE 10" compatibility mode. The upload seems to not working with Internet Explorer version > 9.

    I use Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 7 64 bits.

    Thanks to solve it


    opened by barbuslex 95
  • Security die. trying to load an forbidden class name

    Security die. trying to load an forbidden class name


    when I go in a ticket and historical I have this message :

    Security die. trying to load an forbidden class name

    And nothing appears

    The same when I create a new task in the ticket, if I refresh the page the task appears

    opened by satyan01 93
  • after update from 90.3 to 9.1 i lost network objects

    after update from 90.3 to 9.1 i lost network objects

    hello! anyway, objects still alive: i can find it by and so on: but in networks directory targetly: they are don't.

    help wanted 
    opened by Zegordo 76
  • 0.91 lock mechanism

    0.91 lock mechanism

    Lock Mechanism implementation (fixes #54):

    Added a new right: UNLOCK in define.php Changed back modifications on Html::convDate() as it is needed! And added a new $format=null parameter to Html::convDateTime() to allow format of datetime. Deleted a number (4204) that was in javascript block in Html::initEditorSystem() (line 3873) Added case "0.90.1" in cliupdate.php to be able to perform update to 0.91 within console Commented out a new Followup in ticket.class.php (used no where)

    opened by tomolimo 75
  • Latencies on GLPI

    Latencies on GLPI

    in my prod 0.85.2 I have sometimes latencies on GLPI, and it is the same thing with 0.91. Have you any idea ?

    latencies at logon - in all module, never at the same time, nothing in logs, nothing on mysql, I have tried many things to improve but without success

    0.85.2 - xamp - apache 2.4.13 - php 5.5 0.91 - apache 2.4.17 - php 7.02

    opened by satyan01 57
  • 10.0.3 - mysql DB errors

    10.0.3 - mysql DB errors

    Code of Conduct

    • [X] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues



    Bug description

    I have a lot errors in sql-errors.log. Is anybody having an Idea how to handle this errors?

    Relevant log output

    > [2022-10-27 16:01:51] glpisqllog.WARNING: DBmysql::query() in /var/www/glpi/src/DBmysql.php line 404
      *** MySQL query warnings:
      SQL: SELECT `glpi_peripherals`.`id`, `glpi_networkports`.`id` AS `portid` FROM `glpi_peripherals` LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkports` ON (`glpi_peripherals`.`id` = `glpi_networkports`.`items_id` AND `glpi_networkports`.`itemtype` = 'Peripheral') WHERE (`glpi_networkports`.`mac` IN ('e0:07:1b:4e:68:10')) AND (`glpi_networkports`.`logical_number` = 'E0-07-1B-4E-68-12')
    1292: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'E0-07-1B-4E-68-12'
      Backtrace :
      src/DBmysql.php:1048                               DBmysqlIterator->execute()
      src/RuleImportAsset.php:538                        DBmysql->request()
      src/Rule.php:1649                                  RuleImportAsset->findWithGlobalCriteria()
      src/Rule.php:1507                                  Rule->checkCriterias()
      src/RuleCollection.php:1591                        Rule->process()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:251            RuleCollection->processAllRules()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:514            Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->handleLLDPConnection()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:538            Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->handleConnections()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:533            Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->portChanged()
      src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php:610   Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->portCreated()
      src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php:120   Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->handleCreates()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:690            Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->handlePortsTrait()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:523            Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->handlePorts()
      src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php:834              Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkPort->handle()
      src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php:754              Glpi\Inventory\Asset\MainAsset->handleAssets()
      src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkEquipment.php:221       Glpi\Inventory\Asset\MainAsset->rulepassed()
      src/RuleImportAsset.php:946                        Glpi\Inventory\Asset\NetworkEquipment->rulepassed()
      src/Rule.php:1510                                  RuleImportAsset->executeActions()
      src/RuleCollection.php:1591                        Rule->process()
      src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php:554              RuleCollection->processAllRules()
      src/Inventory/Inventory.php:701                    Glpi\Inventory\Asset\MainAsset->handle()
      src/Inventory/Inventory.php:336                    Glpi\Inventory\Inventory->handleItem() Glpi\Inventory\Inventory->doInventory()
      marketplace/glpiinventory/hook.php:1096            PluginGlpiinventoryCommunicationNetworkInventory->import()
      src/Plugin.php:1523                                plugin_glpiinventory_network_inventory()
      src/Inventory/Request.php:278                      Plugin::doHookFunction()
      src/Inventory/Request.php:250                      Glpi\Inventory\Request->network()
      src/Inventory/Request.php:98                       Glpi\Inventory\Request->networkInventory()
                                                                                                                                                                                               10911,3       99%

    Page URL

    No response

    Steps To reproduce

    No response

    Your GLPI setup information

    Informationen über das System, die Installation und die Konfiguration
    GLPI 10.0.3 ( => /var/www/glpi)
    Installation mode: TARBALL
    Current language:de_DE
    Operating system: Linux glpi 5.4.0-131-generic #147-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 14 17:07:22 UTC 2022 x86_64
    PHP 7.4.3 apache2handler (Core, FFI, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apache2handler, apc, apcu, bcmath,
    	bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml,
    	mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, posix, readline, session, shmop, sockets, sodium, standard, sysvmsg,
    	sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib)
    Setup: max_execution_time="600" memory_limit="1024M" post_max_size="32M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files"
    Software: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) (Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80
    	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
    Server Software: (Ubuntu)
    	Server Version: 8.0.31-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    	Parameters: X@localhost/glpi
    	Host info: Localhost via UNIX socket

    PHP version (7.4.3) is supported. Sessions configuration is OK. Allocated memory is sufficient. mysqli extension is installed. Following extensions are installed: dom, fileinfo, json, simplexml. curl extension is installed. gd extension is installed. intl extension is installed. libxml extension is installed. zlib extension is installed. The constant SODIUM_CRYPTO_AEAD_XCHACHA20POLY1305_IETF_NPUBBYTES is present. Database engine version (8.0.31) is supported. The log file could not be created in /var/www/glpi/files/_log. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_cache has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/config has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_cron has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_dumps has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_graphs has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_lock has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_pictures has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_plugins has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_rss has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_sessions has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_tmp has been validated. Write access to /var/www/glpi/files/_uploads has been validated. Web access to files directory is protected PHP directive "session.cookie_httponly" should be set to "on" to prevent client-side script to access cookie values. exif extension is installed. ldap extension is installed. openssl extension is installed. zip extension is installed. bz2 extension is installed. Zend OPcache extension is installed. Following extensions are installed: ctype, iconv, mbstring, sodium. Write access to /var/www/glpi/marketplace has been validated. Timezones seems loaded in database.

    GLPI constants
    GLPI_ROOT: /var/www/glpi
    GLPI_CONFIG_DIR: /var/www/glpi/config
    GLPI_VAR_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files
    GLPI_MARKETPLACE_DIR: /var/www/glpi/marketplace
    GLPI_NETWORK_MAIL: [email protected]
    GLPI_DOC_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files
    GLPI_CACHE_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_cache
    GLPI_CRON_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_cron
    GLPI_DUMP_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_dumps
    GLPI_GRAPH_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_graphs
    GLPI_LOCAL_I18N_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_locales
    GLPI_LOCK_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_lock
    GLPI_LOG_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_log
    GLPI_PICTURE_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_pictures
    GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_plugins
    GLPI_RSS_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_rss
    GLPI_SESSION_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_sessions
    GLPI_TMP_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_tmp
    GLPI_UPLOAD_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_uploads
    GLPI_INVENTORY_DIR: /var/www/glpi/files/_inventories
    GLPI_I18N_DIR: /var/www/glpi/locales
    GLPI_VERSION: 10.0.3
    GLPI_SCHEMA_VERSION: 10.0.3@a130db99c7d9b131c2e2ea59fe0d6260fe93d831
    GLPI_MIN_PHP: 7.4.0
    GLPI_MAX_PHP: 8.3.0
    GLPI_YEAR: 2022
    htmlawed/htmlawed version 1.2.9 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/htmlawed/htmlawed)
    phpmailer/phpmailer version 6.6.0 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/src)
    simplepie/simplepie version 1.5.8 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/simplepie/simplepie/library)
    tecnickcom/tcpdf version 6.5.0 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf)
    michelf/php-markdown in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/michelf/php-markdown/Michelf)
    true/punycode in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/true/punycode/src)
    iamcal/lib_autolink in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/iamcal/lib_autolink)
    sabre/dav in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/sabre/dav/lib/DAV)
    sabre/http in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/sabre/http/lib)
    sabre/uri in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/sabre/uri/lib)
    sabre/vobject in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib)
    laminas/laminas-i18n in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-i18n/src)
    laminas/laminas-servicemanager in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-servicemanager/src)
    monolog/monolog in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog)
    sebastian/diff in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/sebastian/diff/src)
    donatj/phpuseragentparser in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/donatj/phpuseragentparser/src/UserAgent)
    elvanto/litemoji in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/elvanto/litemoji/src)
    symfony/console in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/console)
    scssphp/scssphp in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/scssphp/scssphp/src)
    laminas/laminas-mail in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-mail/src/Protocol)
    laminas/laminas-mime in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-mime/src)
    rlanvin/php-rrule in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/rlanvin/php-rrule/src)
    blueimp/jquery-file-upload in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/blueimp/jquery-file-upload/server/php)
    ramsey/uuid in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/ramsey/uuid/src)
    psr/log in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log)
    psr/simple-cache in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/psr/simple-cache/src)
    psr/cache in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/psr/cache/src)
    league/csv in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/league/csv/src)
    mexitek/phpcolors in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/mexitek/phpcolors/src/Mexitek/PHPColors)
    guzzlehttp/guzzle in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src)
    guzzlehttp/psr7 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src)
    glpi-project/inventory_format in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/glpi-project/inventory_format/lib/php)
    wapmorgan/unified-archive in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/wapmorgan/unified-archive/src)
    paragonie/sodium_compat in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/paragonie/sodium_compat/src)
    symfony/cache in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/cache)
    html2text/html2text in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/html2text/html2text/src)
    symfony/css-selector in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/css-selector)
    symfony/dom-crawler in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/dom-crawler)
    twig/twig in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/twig/twig/src)
    twig/string-extra in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/twig/string-extra)
    symfony/polyfill-ctype not found
    symfony/polyfill-iconv not found
    symfony/polyfill-mbstring not found
    symfony/polyfill-php80 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/polyfill-php80)
    symfony/polyfill-php81 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/polyfill-php81)
    symfony/polyfill-php82 in (/var/www/glpi/vendor/symfony/polyfill-php82)
    phpCas version 1.3.8 in (/usr/share/php/CAS/source)
    LDAP directories
    Server: 'X', Port: '389', BaseDN: 'dc=X,dc=local', Connection filter:
    		RootDN: '[email protected]', Use TLS: none
    SQL replicas
    Not active
    Way of sending emails: SMTP ([email protected])
    Plugins list
    	fields               Name: Additional fields              Version: 1.18.2     State: Enabled                                 
    		Install Method: Marketplace
    	datainjection        Name: Data injection                 Version: 2.12.0     State: Installed / not activated               
    		Install Method: Marketplace
    	glpiinventory        Name: GLPI Inventory                 Version: 1.0.4      State: Enabled                                 
    		Install Method: Marketplace
    	uninstall            Name: Item's Lifecycle (uninstall)   Version: 2.8.0      State: Enabled                                 
    		Install Method: Marketplace
    	satisfaction         Name: More satisfaction              Version: 1.6.1      State: Error / to clean                        
    		Install Method: Manual
    	genericobject        Name: Objects management             Version: 2.14.0     State: Enabled                                 
    		Install Method: Marketplace
    	printlabel           Name: Print Label                    Version: 0.0.1      State: Enabled                                 
    		Install Method: Manual
    	printlabelprinter    Name: Print Label Printer            Version: 0.0.1      State: Enabled                                 
    		Install Method: Manual
    	printercounters      Name: Printer counters               Version: 2.0.0      State: Error / to clean                        
    		Install Method: Manual

    Anything else?

    No response

    Need feedback 
    opened by vollkommenIrrelevant 56
  • the GLPI Network registration key can not be saved and retruns a blank Page

    the GLPI Network registration key can not be saved and retruns a blank Page

    Describe the bug The GLPI Network registration key can not be saved and stored. Clicking over the button "save" in /Home/Setup/Plugins/General/GLPI Network/Registration key, returns a blank page without displaying any error, and the content in the database of the field glpinetwork_registration_key in the table glpi_configs is empty.

    Version: GLPI 9.5.5 and 9.5.6 and 9.5.7 URL: /front/config.form.php?forcetab=GLPINetwork%241


    help wanted Stale 
    opened by edupulpillo 54
  • GLPI LDAP Mass Sync doesn't load thumbnails

    GLPI LDAP Mass Sync doesn't load thumbnails

    Using GLPI 0.91 and GLPI LDAP Mass Sync. The users's thumbnails (users's pictures) are not loaded into GLPI. We must force synchronization to get them.

    opened by tomolimo 54
  • strange recurrent SQL error

    strange recurrent SQL error

    Hello team, I have a strange bug with GLPI 9.1. Extract from sql-errors.log :

    2016-11-09 08:51:02 [@glpi] *** MySQL query error: SQL: INSERT INTO glpi_ticketfollowups (content,tickets_id,users_id,requesttypes_id,is_private,date,date_creation,date_mod) VALUES ('Bonsoir,\nJe vous réponds pour vous donner la réponse à ma question secrète : xxxx,\nSi je me suis trompé, pourriez vous quand même envoyer l'identifiant sur la boite ? \nVous remerciant d'avance,\nCordialement,\nA. François\n\nLe 4 novembre 2016 à 22:22, <[email protected]> a écrit :\n\n \n\n','2602','0','0',0,'2016-11-09 08:51:01','2016-11-09 08:51:01','2016-11-09 08:51:01')

    As you can see, the value of the field "is_private" is not delimited by simple quotes. There is a new line in sql-erros.log every 5 minutes (this is the time-step I choosed for cron) since #4 of november.

    So I have 2 or 3 questions :

    1. why is this request malformed ? It's the only one of this sort in sql-errors.log
    2. why is GLPI still trying to insert this request after several trials ? Isn't there a time-out for such errors ? Today, I have 1033 trials !
    3. I have restarted Apache, and even rebooted the server, thinking of something like a cache. No way, GLPI is still trying to insert this wrong request. Where is it stored ? How can I delete this request ?

    Sincerely, Valéry config_GLPI.txt

    bug Need feedback 
    opened by vrocheUP 53
  • Add kanban view to projects

    Add kanban view to projects

    | Q | A | ------------- | --- | Bug fix? | no | New feature? | yes | BC breaks? | no | Deprecations? | no | Tests pass? | yes | Fixed tickets | -

    Add Kanban view for projects.

    Related: Note on GitHub roadmap UserEcho Request

    • [x] Display card counts per board (Needs to dynamically update when dragging or adding items)
    • [x] Add items from Kanban
    • [x] Show user/team badges on cards
    • [x] Add type, milestone, and progress to card content
    • [x] Global Kanban view
    • [x] Collapsible boards
    • [x] Plugin hooks for adding content to cards before and after the main content (Specifically thinking about the Tags plugin).

    Screenshot from 2019-09-17 04-32-09 Screenshot from 2019-09-17 04-32-35

    opened by cconard96 52
  • [9.1RC2][0.90][0.85]Bug with

    [9.1RC2][0.90][0.85]Bug with "<" in ticket description

    When creating a ticket ( helpdesk, collector) with description : "le temps de réponse passe de < 1ms à < 200ms" it is ok but when no spaces between < and next caracter then description is truncated : "le temps de réponse passe de <1ms à <200ms" ->bug

    ver 0.85.4 or On line 0.90 DEMO ->bug in 0.83.8 it seems ok

    opened by ladenree76000 46
  • build(deps-dev): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2

    build(deps-dev): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2

    Bumps mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from mini-css-extract-plugin's releases.


    2.7.2 (2022-12-06)

    Bug Fixes


    Sourced from mini-css-extract-plugin's changelog.

    2.7.2 (2022-12-06)

    Bug Fixes


    Dependabot compatibility score

    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • build(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.28.0 to 8.31.0

    build(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.28.0 to 8.31.0

    Bumps eslint from 8.28.0 to 8.31.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from eslint's releases.



    • 52c7c73 feat: check assignment patterns in no-underscore-dangle (#16693) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • b401cde feat: add options to check destructuring in no-underscore-dangle (#16006) (Morten Kaltoft)
    • 30d0daf feat: group properties with values in parentheses in key-spacing (#16677) (Francesco Trotta)

    Bug Fixes

    • 35439f1 fix: correct syntax error in prefer-arrow-callback autofix (#16722) (Francesco Trotta)
    • 87b2470 fix: new instance of FlatESLint should load latest config file version (#16608) (Milos Djermanovic)


    • 4339dc4 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
    • 4e4049c docs: optimize code block structure (#16669) (Sam Chen)
    • 54a7ade docs: do not escape code blocks of formatters examples (#16719) (Sam Chen)
    • e5ecfef docs: Add function call example for no-undefined (#16712) (Elliot Huffman)
    • a3262f0 docs: Add mastodon link (#16638) (Amaresh S M)
    • a14ccf9 docs: clarify files property (#16709) (Sam Chen)
    • 3b29eb1 docs: fix npm link (#16710) (Abdullah Osama)
    • a638673 docs: fix search bar focus on Esc (#16700) (Shanmughapriyan S)
    • f62b722 docs: country flag missing in windows (#16698) (Shanmughapriyan S)
    • 4d27ec6 docs: display zh-hans in the docs language switcher (#16686) (Percy Ma)
    • 8bda20e docs: remove manually maintained anchors (#16685) (Percy Ma)
    • b68440f docs: User Guide Getting Started expansion (#16596) (Ben Perlmutter)


    • 65d4e24 chore: Upgrade @​eslint/eslintrc@​1.4.1 (#16729) (Brandon Mills)
    • 8d93081 chore: fix CI failure (#16721) (Sam Chen)
    • 8f17247 chore: Set up automatic updating of README (#16717) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
    • 4cd87cb ci: bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 (#16713) (dependabot[bot])
    • fd20c75 chore: sort package.json scripts in alphabetical order (#16705) (Darius Dzien)
    • 10a5c78 chore: update ignore patterns in eslint.config.js (#16678) (Milos Djermanovic)



    • 075ef2c feat: add suggestion for no-return-await (#16637) (Daniel Bartholomae)
    • 7190d98 feat: update globals (#16654) (Sébastien Règne)

    Bug Fixes

    • 1a327aa fix: Ensure flat config unignores work consistently like eslintrc (#16579) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
    • 9b8bb72 fix: autofix recursive functions in no-var (#16611) (Milos Djermanovic)


    • 6a8cd94 docs: Clarify Discord info in issue template config (#16663) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
    • ad44344 docs: CLI documentation standardization (#16563) (Ben Perlmutter)
    • 293573e docs: fix broken line numbers (#16606) (Sam Chen)
    • fa2c64b docs: use relative links for internal links (#16631) (Percy Ma)
    • 75276c9 docs: reorder options in no-unused-vars (#16625) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • 7276fe5 docs: Fix anchor in URL (#16628) (Karl Horky)
    • 6bef135 docs: don't apply layouts to html formatter example (#16591) (Tanuj Kanti)
    • dfc7ec1 docs: Formatters page updates (#16566) (Ben Perlmutter)

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from eslint's changelog.

    v8.31.0 - December 31, 2022

    • 65d4e24 chore: Upgrade @​eslint/eslintrc@​1.4.1 (#16729) (Brandon Mills)
    • 35439f1 fix: correct syntax error in prefer-arrow-callback autofix (#16722) (Francesco Trotta)
    • 87b2470 fix: new instance of FlatESLint should load latest config file version (#16608) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • 8d93081 chore: fix CI failure (#16721) (Sam Chen)
    • 4339dc4 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
    • 8f17247 chore: Set up automatic updating of README (#16717) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
    • 4e4049c docs: optimize code block structure (#16669) (Sam Chen)
    • 54a7ade docs: do not escape code blocks of formatters examples (#16719) (Sam Chen)
    • 52c7c73 feat: check assignment patterns in no-underscore-dangle (#16693) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • e5ecfef docs: Add function call example for no-undefined (#16712) (Elliot Huffman)
    • a3262f0 docs: Add mastodon link (#16638) (Amaresh S M)
    • 4cd87cb ci: bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 (#16713) (dependabot[bot])
    • a14ccf9 docs: clarify files property (#16709) (Sam Chen)
    • 3b29eb1 docs: fix npm link (#16710) (Abdullah Osama)
    • fd20c75 chore: sort package.json scripts in alphabetical order (#16705) (Darius Dzien)
    • a638673 docs: fix search bar focus on Esc (#16700) (Shanmughapriyan S)
    • f62b722 docs: country flag missing in windows (#16698) (Shanmughapriyan S)
    • 4d27ec6 docs: display zh-hans in the docs language switcher (#16686) (Percy Ma)
    • 8bda20e docs: remove manually maintained anchors (#16685) (Percy Ma)
    • b401cde feat: add options to check destructuring in no-underscore-dangle (#16006) (Morten Kaltoft)
    • b68440f docs: User Guide Getting Started expansion (#16596) (Ben Perlmutter)
    • 30d0daf feat: group properties with values in parentheses in key-spacing (#16677) (Francesco Trotta)
    • 10a5c78 chore: update ignore patterns in eslint.config.js (#16678) (Milos Djermanovic)

    v8.30.0 - December 16, 2022

    • f2c4737 chore: upgrade @​eslint/eslintrc@​1.4.0 (#16675) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • 1a327aa fix: Ensure flat config unignores work consistently like eslintrc (#16579) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
    • 075ef2c feat: add suggestion for no-return-await (#16637) (Daniel Bartholomae)
    • ba74253 chore: standardize npm script names per #14827 (#16315) (Patrick McElhaney)
    • 6a8cd94 docs: Clarify Discord info in issue template config (#16663) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
    • 0d9af4c ci: fix npm v9 problem with file: (#16664) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • 7190d98 feat: update globals (#16654) (Sébastien Règne)
    • ad44344 docs: CLI documentation standardization (#16563) (Ben Perlmutter)
    • 90c9219 refactor: migrate off deprecated function-style rules in all tests (#16618) (Bryan Mishkin)
    • 9b8bb72 fix: autofix recursive functions in no-var (#16611) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • 293573e docs: fix broken line numbers (#16606) (Sam Chen)
    • fa2c64b docs: use relative links for internal links (#16631) (Percy Ma)
    • 75276c9 docs: reorder options in no-unused-vars (#16625) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • 7276fe5 docs: Fix anchor in URL (#16628) (Karl Horky)
    • 6bef135 docs: don't apply layouts to html formatter example (#16591) (Tanuj Kanti)
    • dfc7ec1 docs: Formatters page updates (#16566) (Ben Perlmutter)
    • 8ba124c docs: update the prefer-const example (#16607) (Pavel)
    • e6cb05a docs: fix css leaking (#16603) (Sam Chen)

    v8.29.0 - December 2, 2022

    • 0311d81 docs: Configuring Plugins page intro, page tweaks, and rename (#16534) (Ben Perlmutter)

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • build(deps): bump @fullcalendar/resource-timeline from 4.4.2 to 5.11.3

    build(deps): bump @fullcalendar/resource-timeline from 4.4.2 to 5.11.3

    Bumps @fullcalendar/resource-timeline from 4.4.2 to 5.11.3.

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​fullcalendar/resource-timeline's releases.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • build(deps): bump gridstack from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2

    build(deps): bump gridstack from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2

    Bumps gridstack from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from gridstack's releases.


    • fix #939 'prototype' undefined error for dd-gridstack.js
    • add #939 disable/enable are methods now recursive by default
    • add better GridStackEventHandlerCallback spelled out types
    • add We now have support for Angular Component wrappers out of the box included in the build, with docs and demo! Need help to do that for React and Vue.

    Sourced from gridstack's changelog.

    7.1.2 (2022-12-29)

    • fix #939 'prototype' undefined error for dd-gridstack.js
    • add #939 disable/enable are methods now recursive by default
    • add better GridStackEventHandlerCallback spelled out types
    • add We now have support for Angular Component wrappers out of the box included in the build, with docs and demo! Need help to do that for React and Vue.

    Dependabot compatibility score

    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • build(deps-dev): bump css-loader from 6.7.2 to 6.7.3

    build(deps-dev): bump css-loader from 6.7.2 to 6.7.3

    Bumps css-loader from 6.7.2 to 6.7.3.

    Release notes

    Sourced from css-loader's releases.


    6.7.3 (2022-12-14)

    Bug Fixes


    Sourced from css-loader's changelog.

    6.7.3 (2022-12-14)

    Bug Fixes


    Dependabot compatibility score

    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • build(deps): bump tinymce-i18n from 22.10.18 to 22.12.27

    build(deps): bump tinymce-i18n from 22.10.18 to 22.12.27

    Bumps tinymce-i18n from 22.10.18 to 22.12.27.

    Release notes

    Sourced from tinymce-i18n's releases.


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    Dependabot compatibility score

    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • 10.0.5(Nov 4, 2022)

  • 9.5.11(Nov 4, 2022)

  • 10.0.4(Nov 3, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    This release fixes several security issues that has been recently discovered. Update is recommended!

    You can download the GLPI 10.0.4 archive on GitHub. We also provide a security release for 9.5 branch: GLPI 9.5.10 archive.

    You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

    • [SECURITY - Low] Blind SSRF in RSS feeds and planning (CVE-2022-39276)
    • [SECURITY - Low] Stored XSS in user information (CVE-2022-39372)
    • [SECURITY - Low] Stored XSS in entity name (CVE-2022-39373)
    • [SECURITY - Low] Improper input validation on emails links (CVE-2022-39376)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] Improper access to debug panel (CVE-2022-39370)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] User's session persist after permanently deleting his account (CVE-2022-39234)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] Stored XSS on login page (CVE-2022-39262)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] XSS in external links (CVE-2022-39277)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] XSS through public RSS feed (CVE-2022-39375)
    • [SECURITY - High] SQL Injection on REST API (CVE-2022-39323)
    • [SECURITY - High] Stored XSS through asset inventory (CVE-2022-39371)

    Also, here is a short list of main changes done in this version:

    • [FIX] Increase significantly dashboards performance
    • [FIX] Several bugs on images pasting
    • [FIX] Fixed and improved inventory locks management
    • [FIX] Display of printer cartridges
    • [FIX] Display and hide actors tooltips in tickets
    • [FIX] Improve display of headers above forms
    • [FIX] Move breakpoints on responsive displays
    • [SECURITY] Inventory API is now disabled by default
    • [FEATURE] Dedicated rights has been added for inventory

    The full changelog is available for more details.

    We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-10.0.4.tgz(54.45 MB)
  • 9.5.10(Nov 3, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    This release fixes several security issues that has been recently discovered. Update is recommended!

    You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

    • [SECURITY - Low] Blind SSRF in RSS feeds and planning (CVE-2022-39276)
    • [SECURITY - Low] Stored XSS in user information (CVE-2022-39372)
    • [SECURITY - Low] Improper input validation on emails links (CVE-2022-39376)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] Improper access to debug panel (CVE-2022-39370)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] User's session persist after permanently deleting his account (CVE-2022-39234)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] Stored XSS on login page (CVE-2022-39262)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] XSS in external links (CVE-2022-39277)
    • [SECURITY - Moderate] XSS through public RSS feed (CVE-2022-39375)
    • [SECURITY - High] SQL Injection on REST API (CVE-2022-39323)


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.10.tgz(42.76 MB)
  • 10.0.3(Sep 14, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    This release fixes several critical security issues that has been recently discovered. Update is strongly recommended!

    You can download the GLPI 10.0.3 archive on GitHub. Exceptionally, as we have critical security issues that affects GLPI 9.5, we also release a GLPI 9.5.9 archive.

    You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

    • [SECURITY] XSS through registration API (CVE-2022-35945)
    • [SECURITY] Leak of sensitive information through login page error (CVE-2022-31143)
    • [SECURITY] Stored XSS through global search (CVE-2022-31187)
    • [SECURITY] [critical] Command injection using a third-party library script (CVE-2022-35914)
    • [SECURITY] SQL injection through plugin controller (CVE-2022-35946)
    • [SECURITY] [critical] Authentication via SQL injection (CVE-2022-35947)
    • [SECURITY] Blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in RSS feeds and planning (CVE-2022-36112)

    Also, here is a short list of main changes done in this version:

    • [FEATURE] More precise rights checks on inventory (#12610)
    • [FEATURE] Display of last inventoried value for locked fields (#12602)
    • [FEATURE] Permit to use rules to add computers as virtual machines (#12572)
    • [SECURITY] Delegate session cookies security to sysadmin (#12302)
    • [FIX] Prevent collector failure on invalid mail header (#12232)
    • [FIX] Many fixes on network inventory

    The full changelog is available for more details.

    We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-10.0.3.tgz(56.35 MB)
  • 9.5.9(Sep 14, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    This release fixes several critical security issues that has been recently discovered. Update is strongly recommended!

    You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

    • [SECURITY] XSS through registration API (CVE-2022-35945)
    • [SECURITY] Leak of sensitive information through login page error (CVE-2022-31143)
    • [SECURITY] [critical] Command injection using a third-party library script (CVE-2022-35914)
    • [SECURITY] SQL injection through plugin controller (CVE-2022-35946)
    • [SECURITY] [critical] Authentication via SQL injection (CVE-2022-35947)
    • [SECURITY] Blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in RSS feeds and planning (CVE-2022-36112)


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.9.tgz(42.61 MB)
  • 10.0.2(Jun 28, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    A lot of issues have been fixed since GLPI 10.0.1 version. Below, you'll find a short list of key points of this release:

    • [SECURITY] Unauthenticated SQL injection on login page (CVE-2022-31061)
    • [SECURITY] SQL injection on actor part in assistance forms (CVE-2022-31056)
    • [SECURITY] Unauthenticated Sensitive Data Exposure on Refused Inventory Files (CVE-2022-31068)
    • FIX adding actors to ITIL Objects (#11796, #11957)
    • FIX unwanted "promote to ticket" feature on self-service interface (#11834)
    • FIX native inventory do not inject switch information (#11864)
    • FIX entity for software creation (#11887, #11837)
    • FEAT permits global lock on entity (#11853)

    The full changelog is available for more details.

    We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contribute regularly to the GLPI project!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-10.0.2.tgz(57.68 MB)
  • 9.5.8(Jun 28, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [SECURITY] SQL injection on login page [CVE-2022-31061]
    • [SECURITY] XSS / open redirect via SVG file upload [CVE-2022-24868]
    • [SECURITY] Cross Site CSS Injection [CVE-2022-24869]
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.8.tgz(44.24 MB)
  • 10.0.1(Jun 2, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Here is the first bugfixes release for GLPI 10.

    Download it

    A lot of issues have been fixed since the first GLPI 10 version. Below, you'll find a short list of key points of this release:

    • several fixes on inventory rules
    • several fixes for reservation feature
    • Fix status change in assistance objects when modifying actors
    • fix preselection as requester in assistance object
    • Add global locks management for inventory
    • Re-implementation of the document addition action in assistance object
    • impersonate feature now displays hints if unavailable
    • updates with GLPI console can now check integrity of the database
    • The gantt feature has been moved to a plugin
    • The GLPI licence has been moved to GPLv3+

    The full changelog is available for more details.

    We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contribute regularly to the GLPI project!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-10.0.1.tgz(57.50 MB)
  • 10.0.0(Apr 20, 2022)

    GLPI 10.0.0

    Download it

    We are happy to announce the new major release of GLPI 🥳 In a few words:

    • New Modern interface with Bootstrap + + Twig
    • Redesign of Helpdesk objects
    • Native automatic inventory
    • and more...



    (Click to expand / see details)

    New interface

    • Modern interface by Bootstrap and Tabler
    • Redesign of the timeline of ITIL objects
    • Two new menu display modes: vertical on the left / horizontal at the top
    • "Go to..." button
    • Enhanced Dark Mode
    • Add photos / images for CMDB objects
    • Saved searches: the list is displayed on the left of the search results
    • Saved search: possibility to anchor the list so it does not disappear
    • Saved search: the list is adapted to the browsing context
    • Possibility to completely hide the search criteria block
    • Dynamic refresh (AJAX) of search results
    • Possibility to classify / sort the results of several columns at the same time
    • The titles of the columns of the results remain displayed even if you scroll down the page
    • Option to choose the timeline direction: natural (last followed at bottom) or inverted (last followed at top)
    • Improve browser tab names: now starting with Itemtype and Item ID
    • Browse items by category tree (when this field exists)
    • Add emoticon picker on rich text editor


    • Kanban view for ITIL objects
    • Linking contracts and tickets
    • Add ability to mention users in ITIL objects
    • Management of "pending status" reasons
    • "Pending status" reasons: option to automatically reissue a ticket
    • "Pending status" reasons: option to automatically close a ticket after X reminders
    • Management of recurring changes
    • New: search criteria "Myself" (assigned to technician - myself)
    • Expanded text for validations
    • Option to anonymize technicians / groups in the simplified interface
    • Observers can now add a follow-up (new right)
    • New massive action to link multiple tickets to a problem
    • Business rules: action to add a task (from a template)
    • Business rules: action to assign an “Application”
    • Business rules: action to modify the global validation status
    • Business rules: “Validation” criteria
    • Add emoticon picker on rich text editor
    • Add task promotion to ticket
    • Business rules: add Writer to RuleTicket Criteria
    • Highlight TTO/TTR only when exceeded
    • Make SolutionTemplate translatable
    • Remove global_validation field from ITIL forms
    • Knowledge base: several categories per article, target self-service users

    Inventory / CMDB

    • Native dynamic inventory (retrieving data from inventory agents)
    • Support for partial inventories (an agent can send part of the inventory to GLPI)
    • New objects supported by dynamic inventory (examples: telephones, applications, racks, etc.)
    • Overhaul of import rules and equipment binding
    • Improved management of rejected equipment
    • Possibility of remaking import of refused equipment
    • Automatic action to purge refused equipment
    • Automatic action to purge inventory files
    • Possibility to add PCI / USB vendors (dropdown)
    • Adding database inventory
    • Add device "Camera"
    • Automatic action to remove software versions without installation
    • Automatic action to remove software without versions
    • Possibility to add manual links (in addition to external links)
    • Add PassiveDCEquipment to global search types
    • Add four columns to computers list "Number of [Monitor/Periph/Printer/Phone]"
    • Add problems to impact "status" badge
    • Add Color for Expiration Date field for domains & certificates
    • Supplier and contact: add administrative number

    Inventory Agent

    • New inventory agent "GLPI Agent"
    • Remote inventory without agent installation: WinRM (windows), SSH (Linux/Unix)
    • Local administration interface to the agent (tools / toolbox)
    • New plugins “proxy”, “ssl”, “inventory-collector”
    • New communication protocol in JSON format supporting partial inventory
    • Soon, management of remote inventory tasks, including for ESX polls
    • Improved Windows support including MSI packages
    • Native support for MacOSX Big Sur and the new Apple Silicon M1 chip


    • Add vars in templates
    • Possibility to modify the criteria of a saved search
    • Support for authentication with CERT / KEY file for LDAPS
    • Option to set the timeout for LDAP authentications
    • Report of the same modifications on the status.php page
    • Redesign of the Gantt view on Projects
    • Redesign of the “Tools> Reservations” view
    • New button to empty user's synchronization field
    • Button to copy the search results (“Name” column only) to the clipboard
    • Massive actions now are on the old plugins´ page
    • Possibility to export the results of "History" tab in CSV format
    • Improve requirements checks
    • Make rules sortable by drag&drop
    • Display avatars in user list
    • Ability to run massive actions from API
    • Possibility to choose entity / profile from the URL (force_entity, force_profile)
    • LDAP User Restoration Process
    • Added changelog icon if plugin declares any (xml:changelog_url)
    • Added rule action to skip remaining rules
    • Add ability to define From and No-Reply addresses in entity config
    • Ability to disable central warning with define variable GLPI_CENTRAL_WARNINGS
    • Add filters for Kanban
    • Drop autocomplete feature on "name" fields


    • Added commands for utf8mb4 migration:
      • bin/console glpi:migration:dynamic_row_format convert database tables to "Dynamic" row format (required for "utf8mb4" character support)
      • bin/console glpi:migration:utf8mb4 convert database character set from "utf8" to "utf8mb4"
    • Added command to migrate "signed" INT keys to "unsigned" INT:
      • bin/console glpi:migration:unsigned_keys
    • Improvement of the system:status command in the CLI console to:
      • filter services to monitor (see list_services command)
      • configure the return format (plain-text format / json)
    • Added list_services command:
      • bin/console glpi:system:list_services list system services (for status command)
    • Added marketplace command in CLI console:
      • bin/console marketplace:download download plugin from the GLPI marketplace
      • bin/console marketplace:info get information about a plugin
      • bin/console marketplace:search search GLPI marketplace
    • Added Database Plugin Migration Script:
      • bin/console glpi:migration:databases_plugin_to_core
    • Added cache commands:
      • bin/console glpi:cache:clear clear GLPI cache (rename from glpi:system:clear_cache)
      • bin/console glpi:cache:configure define cache configuration
      • bin/console glpi:cache:debug debug GLPI cache
      • bin/console glpi:cache:set_namespace_prefix define cache namespace prefix
    • Added glpi:tools:check_database_* commands:
      • bin/console glpi:tools:check_database_keys check database for missing and errounous keys
      • bin/console glpi:tools:check_database_schema_consistency check database schema consistency
    • Added cleansoftware command:
      • bin/console glpi:assets:cleansoftware remove software versions with no installation and software with no version


    • Removed support for PHP versions lower than 7.3
    • Removed support for MySQL version lower than 5.7
    • Removed support for MariaDB version lower than 10.2
    • Use utf8mb4 MySQL character set
    • Use unsigned INT keys
    • PHP 8.1 compatibility
    • PHP PSR-4 autoload
    • PHP PSR-12
    • Add hook for custom debug tabs (debug_tabs)
    • Force usage of node v16 and npm v8
    • Usage of XML-RPC API is deprecated
    • Add getWebDir to twig "Plugin" extension
    • Debug mode: expose SQL warnings
    • Support 'multiple' option for item dropdowns
    • Add a new hook filter_actors
    • Add timeline hook for plugins (show_in_timeline, timeline_actions, timeline_answer_actions)
    • Hook constants / Hooks Manager classes
    • Replace TCPDF by mPDF

    See full changelog for detail.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-10.0.0.tgz(84.67 MB)
  • 10.0.0-rc3(Mar 22, 2022)

    GLPI 10.0.0-rc3

    Download it

    Major features:

    • New Modern interface with Bootstrap + + Twig
    • Redesign of the timeline of Helpdesk objects
    • Native automatic inventory
    • Refresh of GANTT and reservations view
    • Kanban in helpdesk list

    See changelog for detail.

    Many things has changed since the release of GLPI 10.0.0-rc2, including:

    • begin to work on PHP 8.2 support (#10975)
    • issues on network ports metrics (#10987)
    • agent should be linked to computers only (#10819)
    • rework inventory logs (#10997, #11020)
    • fix IPNetwork inventory (#10983)
    • fix predefined fields in selfservice (#10886)
    • permits to reach actors loading from template when opening new ticket (#10950 )
    • and many more!

    See rc2 to rc3 changelog for detail.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-10.0.0-rc3.tgz(84.33 MB)
  • 9.5.7(Jan 27, 2022)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [SECURITY] SQL injection using custom CSS administration form [CVE-2022-21720]
    • [SECURITY] Reflected XSS using reload button [CVE-2022-21719]
    • FIX missing mail headers in mail collector rules engine (#10337)
    • FIX infinite loop when collecting mail attachments with the same name (#9667)
    • FIX zero height images in mail collector (#10109)
    • FIX duplicate ranking when rules are ordered (#9888)
    • FIX anonymous ticket creation (#10320)
    • FIX project cloning (#9964)
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.7.tgz(43.97 MB)
  • 10.0.0-beta(Dec 15, 2021)

  • 9.5.6(Sep 15, 2021)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [SECURITY] Disclosure of GLPI and server informations in telemetry endpoint [CVE-2021-39211]
    • [SECURITY] Autologin cookie accessible by scripts [CVE-2021-39210]
    • [SECURITY] Bypassable CSRF protection on ajax endpoints [CVE-2021-39209]
    • [SECURITY] Bypassable IP restriction on GLPI API using custom header injection [CVE-2021-39213]
    • FIX Mailgate "Missing type for Ticket template" warning
    • FIX Display of images in tickets from collected mails
    • FIX Encoding issue with emails in GB2312 containing special characters
    • FIX Emails rules not working after upgrading to 9.5.5
    • FIX Incorrect KPIs Dashboards compared to the GLPI filter
    • FIX marking LDAP user as deleted after a failed password
    • FIX Prevent usage of date filters on full LDAP sync
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.6.tgz(43.82 MB)
  • 9.5.5(Apr 13, 2021)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Stored XSS in plugins information (CVE-2021-3486)
    • fix entity creation
    • removal of raw html in massive actions list
    • fix issue with date_creation fields updated with older instances of MySQL servers
    • fix wrong count of software counts in assets
    • Fix Core API errors on deprecation checks
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.5.tgz(43.55 MB)
  • 9.5.4(Mar 2, 2021)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Note: those are medium security issues. Some are present since a long time (version 0.68), but this time none of these issues were considered as high/critical.

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Horizontal Privilege Escalation (CVE-2021-21326)
    • [security] entities switch IDOR (CVE-2021-21255)
    • [security] XSS injection in ajax/kanban (CVE-2021-21258)
    • [security] XSS injection on ticket update (CVE-2021-21314)
    • [security] Stored XSS on documents (CVE-2021-21312)
    • [security] XSS on tabs (CVE-2021-21313)
    • [security] Stored XSS in budget type (CVE-2021-21325)
    • [security] Unsafe Reflection in getItemForItemtype() (CVE-2021-21327)
    • [security] Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) on "Solutions" (CVE-2021-21324)
    • Handle RFC5987 format in Content-Disposition header
    • Fix email attachement decoding logic
    • Fix tickets ID fetching from email headers
    • Fix graph counts
    • Add search filter criteria for widget by year
    • New filter ‘my groups’
    • Populate meta criteria in a generic way
    • Make custom css from entity inheritables
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.4.tgz(43.62 MB)
  • 9.5.3(Nov 25, 2020)

    This is a security release, upgrading is recommended

    Note: those are medium security issues.

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Insecure Direct Object Reference on ajax/comments.php and ajax/getDropdownValue.php (CVE-2020-27662 and CVE-2020-27663)
    • [security] Any CalDAV calendars is read-only for every authenticated user (CVE-2020-26212)
    • several dashboards issues
    • several fixes and enhancements with mail collector
    • new dashboard filters on tech users and tech groups
    • PHP8 compatibility
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.3.tgz(41.72 MB)
  • 9.5.2(Oct 7, 2020)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Note: some of fixed vulnerabilities are present since a long time (0.68).

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] SQL injection with a query parameter of user form (CVE-2020-15176)
    • [security] Removal of .htaccess file in the files folder via a plugin endpoint (CVE-2020-15175)
    • [security] Leakage issue with knowledge base (CVE-2020-15217)
    • [security] Stored XSS in install script (CVE-2020-15177)
    • [security] Minor SQL Injection in Search API (CVE-2020-15226)
    • several mailgate issues
    • several dashboards issues
    • dashboards improvements: personnal filters, new summary and articles widgets, ...
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.2.tgz(41.52 MB)
  • 9.5.1(Jul 16, 2020)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • (security) SQL injection on new clone feature
    • alignment of some table columns
    • added domains in global search and Assets > global
    • fixed several problems with email retrieval via email collectors
    • fixed several display problems in the planning
    • correction (and error display) of marketplace registration key input
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.1.tgz(41.17 MB)
  • 9.5.0(Jul 7, 2020)

  • 9.5.0-rc2(Jun 26, 2020)

    Download it

    Second look at GLPI 9.5

    Following the publishing of the Release Candidate of GLPI version 9.5 15 days ago, you have reported a number of small issues that have been fixed, including:

    • Planning display was broken,
    • The warning about missing dependencies during installation or update was absent,
    • Inability to register to access the marketplace,
    • Missing translations,
    • and others

    Today, we are releasing new RC version for you to test the improvements.

    Unless a major problem is detected, the next version will be the final stable release.

    How can you help us ?

    Download the rc archive, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as [RC feedback]).

    Translators, please, add missing sentences for your language on transifex.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.0-rc2.tgz(41.11 MB)
  • 9.5.0-rc1(Jun 10, 2020)

    Download it

    First look at GLPI 9.5

    In some weeks we will launch the new major version of GLPI: 9.5. A lot of new features will be available, here is a short list:

    • New marketplace for plugins.
    • Impacts and dependencies vizualisation for assets.
    • New graphical and customizable dashboards.
    • New canned responses for follow-up form.
    • Support for field templates for Problems and Changes.
    • Kanban board for project management.
    • Enhanced planning view and a new full caldav server.
    • Timezones support.
    • Impersonate function for super-admins.
    • Various improvements in UI and UX.

    Consult the full changelog for a more complete list.

    Please note, we dropped Kerberos support in mail collector setup as we needed to move to another library for mail support that does not provide this option. Please contact us if it's an issue for you.

    Today, we release a release candidate archive for this version.

    How can you help us ?

    Download the rc archive, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as [RC feedback]).

    Translators, please, add missing sentences for your language on transifex.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.5.0-rc1.tgz(40.32 MB)
  • 9.4.6(May 5, 2020)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • (security) Prevent execution of SQL injection while assigning a technician,
    • (security) Permit to change key used to store passwords,
    • (security) Improve CSRF token,
    • (security) Fix several possible XSS,
    • (security) Fix a few possible SQL injections,
    • Fix SCSS caching issues,
    • Fix inline images handling on item update,
    • Fix PHP 7.4 compatibility,
    • Connect to database using socket,
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.4.6.tgz(33.38 MB)
  • 9.4.5(Dec 18, 2019)

  • 9.4.4(Sep 24, 2019)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Prevent account takeover vulnerability ,
    • [security] Prevent execution of XSS on rich text,
    • fix cache key lenght issues,
    • fix user picture removal at login,
    • several fixes on recurring tickets,
    • fix some transfer errors related to entities among others,
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.4.4.tgz(33.25 MB)
  • 9.4.3(Jun 20, 2019)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Prevent execution of XSS on rich text,
    • [security] Prevent xss attack on user picture,
    • Fix performance issues when using entities,
    • New “Prevent take into account” action on tickets business rules,
    • New “Status” criterion on tickets business rules,
    • Change and problem tasks can now be marked as private,
    • and more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.4.3.tgz(33.23 MB)
  • 9.4.2(Apr 11, 2019)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Prevent external redirections
    • Fix some performances issues
    • Fix various issues on plugins loading (cache conflict, bad locales)
    • Fix display of documents in tickets
    • Fix display of user's pictures
    • Fix lost of some relations and sql errors when transferring items
    • Feature: add Historical tab on config page
    • And many more!

    See changelog for details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.4.2.tgz(33.21 MB)
  • 9.3.4(Apr 11, 2019)

    This is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended

    Download it

    Non exhaustive list of changes:

    • [security] Bad chevrons rendering on dropdowns (#5468)
    • [security] Iframe and forms are rendered in rich text contents (#5519)
    • [security] Type juggling authentication bypass (#5520)
    • [security] Malicious images upload (#5580)
    • [security] Password token date was not reset (#5577)
    • [security] Prevent timed attack and enforce cookie security (#5562)
    • [security] Prevent external redirections
    • And more!
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    glpi-9.3.4.tgz(32.14 MB)
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