Combines. minifies, and serves CSS or Javascript files


Welcome to Minify!

Minify is an HTTP server for JS and CSS assets. It compresses and combines files and serves it with appropriate headers, allowing conditional GET or long-Expires.

Before 7 requests
After 2 requests

The stats above are from a brief walkthrough which shows how easy it is to set up Minify on an existing site. It eliminated 5 HTTP requests and reduced JS/CSS bandwidth by 70%.

Relative URLs in CSS files are rewritten to compensate for being served from a different directory.

Static file serving

Version 3 allows serving files directly from the filesystem for much better performance. We encourage you to try this feature.


Post to the Google Group.


See the install guide.

Configuration & Usage

(Using 2.x? Here are the 2.x docs.)

See the user guide.

Minify also comes with a URI Builder application that can help you write URLs for use with Minify or configure groups of files.

See the cookbook for more advanced options for minification.

More docs are available.

Unit Testing

  1. Install dev deps via Composer: composer install
  2. composer test or phpunit


  • Minify is designed for efficiency, but, for very high traffic sites, it will probably serve files slower than your HTTPd due to the CGI overhead of PHP. See the FAQ and CookBook for more info.
  • If you combine a lot of CSS, watch out for IE's 4096 selectors-per-file limit, affects IE 6 through 9.
  • Minify should work fine with files encoded in UTF-8 or other 8-bit encodings like ISO 8859/Windows-1252. By default Minify appends ";charset=utf-8" to the Content-Type headers it sends.


Minify was inspired by jscsscomp by Maxim Martynyuk and by the article Supercharged JavaScript by Patrick Hunlock.

The JSMin library used for JavaScript minification was originally written by Douglas Crockford and was ported to PHP by Ryan Grove specifically for use in Minify.

  • lessphp support

    lessphp support

    a lessphp port to minify, i've taken somebody else's work and rebased it to current master

    overall expression: a group with single .less file: worked

    @mrclay: could you drop your guidelines how to improve and make this work as you would intend?


    • [x] lessphp support
    • [x] support import statements (multiple file caching/monitoring)
    • [x] Convert Minify_Source::lastModifiedTime to ->getModifiedTime() #114
    • [x] getCache interface #120
    opened by glensc 24
  • Minify returning 400 Bad Request

    Minify returning 400 Bad Request

    Originally reported on Google Code with ID 78

    Minify version: 2.1.1
    PHP version: 5.2.7
    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Installing
    2. Creating configuration file (attached)
    3. calling via any method.
    Expected output:
    Minified output of js / css file(s).
    Actual output:
    400 Bad Request
    Did any unit tests FAIL? Unknown.
    Please provide any additional information below.
    Request Headers:
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv:
    Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 (.NET CLR
    Accept: text/css,*/*;q=0.1
    Accept-Language: en-gb
    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 300
    Connection: keep-alive
    Cookie: CAKEPHP=gr62h029k2buteruujlcb6fnn0;
    Response Headers:
    Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 09:57:01 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.2.10 (Win32) PHP/5.2.7-dev
    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.7-dev
    Content-Length: 24
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF8
    Response: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request

    Reported by ibnormedia on 2009-01-21 10:01:30

    - _Attachment: [groupsConfig.php]( - _Attachment: [config.php]( Type-Defect Priority-Medium Status-Invalid 
    opened by mrclay 22
  • Bug compilation with bootstrap 3

    Bug compilation with bootstrap 3

    Hello, For whatever reason there is a problem with minify, if bootstrap.css uses (bootstrap 3) from the Less compilation.

    No notification but stylesheet not loaded

    opened by gtraxx 19
  • "File ... is outside $allowDirs ..." on Windows / Apache

    My webpage is directly under the document root, not in a sub directory. Using Apache (2.4) under Windows. I got every time the message "File ... is outside $allowDirs ...". Document root is: $min_documentRoot = dirname(DIR) and it gives the right document root back. No Sym-Links, but I also tried this: $min_symlinks = array('//' => $min_documentRoot);

    I found a work around for this by changing the line (near line 142 in /lib/Minify/Source/Factory.php) from if (strpos($spec['filepath'], $allowDir) !== 0) { to if (strpos($spec['filepath'], rtrim($allowDir, '/')) !== 0) {

    The whole block of (changed) code is here:

        if ($this->options['checkAllowDirs']) {
            foreach ((array)$this->options['allowDirs'] as $allowDir) {
                if (strpos($spec['filepath'], rtrim($allowDir, '/')) !== 0) {
                    throw new Minify_Source_FactoryException("File '{$spec['filepath']}' is outside \$allowDirs."
                        . " If the path is resolved via an alias/symlink, look into the \$min_symlinks option.");

    I have no defined "$allowDir"s, but the variable is set and ends with a '/' that causes this wrong behavior.

    opened by BillyGeat 17
  • mtime based cache id problems

    mtime based cache id problems

    currently if using groupsConfig, then cache id becames simply max(mtime) of all files.

    so, the cache id will remain the same, if i add more files to the group having identical timestamp.

    i guess there should be added * NUMBER_OF_FILES to avoid this problem

    so i had in my groupsConfig.php:

      'l' => array(

    then url built with was:


    later i added one more file:

      'l' => array(

    and the url remained the same:


    as the files have identical timestamp:

    $ ls -l --full uaft.js lazyload.js 
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2012-05-30 14:11:16.000000000 +0300 lazyload.js
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K 2012-05-30 14:11:16.000000000 +0300 uaft.js

    expanding that timestamp:

    $ LC_ALL=C php -r 'echo strftime("%c %z\n", 1338376276);'
    Wed May 30 14:11:16 2012 +0300
    opened by glensc 17
  • minify takes up to 5min to compress js scripts when mbstring.func_overload is activated

    minify takes up to 5min to compress js scripts when mbstring.func_overload is activated

    Originally reported on Google Code with ID 176

    Minify version:
    PHP version:    5.2.12 
    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1.deactivating mbstring.func_overload
    Expected output:
    Actual output:
    hte full result but never less than 3min. responsetime
    Did any unit tests FAIL? (Please do not post the full list)
    sorry, will going to test it.
    Please provide any additional information below. If this has to do with URI
    rewriting, please include your DOCUMENT_ROOT, the

    Reported by on 2010-05-06 10:42:55

    Type-Defect Priority-Medium Status-NeedInfo 
    opened by mrclay 16
  • JQuery, TinyMCE endless 301 redirects

    JQuery, TinyMCE endless 301 redirects

    Originally reported on Google Code with ID 71

    Minify version: 2.1.1
    PHP version: 5.2.6
    jQuery 1.2.6-min.js
    tinyMCE 3.2.1
    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. /min?f=js/jquery.js,js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js,js/init.js&debug=1
    2. in init.js i have tinyMCE.init({ ... standard methods to initiate TinMCE
    ... });
    Expected output: correct one
    Actual output: JS ERROR (Firebug output):
    missing ; before statement
    [Break on this error] /* 28 *|,s.url,s.async);tr...[s.url]=modRes;if(!jsonp)success();}else
    Did you run the unit tests? Did any FAIL? All went OK
    Please provide any additional information below.
    Sometimes 301 Moved permamently repeats with this request and never stops
    making browser to hang and request never ends

    Reported by popec82 on 2008-11-26 12:01:28

    Priority-Low Type-Defect Status-WontFix 
    opened by mrclay 15
  • Easier API for page minification

    Easier API for page minification

    Originally reported on Google Code with ID 129

    I've studies the Minify builder a little, but couldn't make much of the way 
    the html is minified.
    A nice way would be the following, where Minify would follow the config.
    <?php ob_start(); ?>
    <!-- html -->
    $contents = 0b_get_contents();
    require '/min/Minify.php';
    Minify::serve('Page', $contents);
    // This as a cleaner alternative to

    Reported by Kramieb on 2009-08-04 12:58:38

    Type-Enhancement Priority-High Status-Started 
    opened by mrclay 13
  • Incorrect CSS image paths

    Incorrect CSS image paths

    Originally reported on Google Code with ID 82

    Minify version: 2.1.1
    PHP version:5.2.4-2ubuntu5.4
    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Create a css file with a relative image path in it for a background,
    such as:
    2. Minify the css files with a relative image path in it :
    2. Compare the re-written image path in the compressed file:
    Expected output:
    original: "../images/fieldset-bg.gif"
    modified: "../images/fieldset-bg.gif"
    Actual output:
    original: "../images/fieldset-bg.gif"
    modified: "/../images/fieldset-bg.gif" 
    Did any unit tests FAIL?
    Running test_all.php produces the following failures:
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : store (1 of 10 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : isValid (2 of 12 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : display (3 of 13 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : fetch (4 of 14 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : store w/ lock (5 of 15 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : isValid (6 of 17 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : display w/ lock (7 of 18 tests run so far have
    !FAIL: Minify_Cache_File : fetch w/ lock (8 of 19 tests run so far have failed)
    !FAIL: environment : PHP/server does not auto-HTTP-encode content (9 of 60
    tests run so far have failed)
    Please provide any additional information below.
    This issue was discussed in brief here:

    Reported by bmharris on 2009-01-26 21:16:02

    Priority-High Status-Fixed Type-Defect 
    opened by mrclay 13
  • lack of includes support for less processor

    lack of includes support for less processor

    3.0 has support for serving .less files via Minify_LessCssSource which supports correct handling of getLastModified

    however, when using Minify_HTML_Helper::getUri the instances to Minify_LessCssSource are not made in setGroup and as a result _lastModified is set to main .less file, not the one of included one.

    @mrclay how do you suggest to solve this shortcoming?

    for serving, this is done in SourceFactory

    opened by glensc 12
  • closure-compiler-httpserver


    I found that I have published closure-compiler-httpserver at some point:


    its purpose is to keep the java VM loaded, not execute java for every compile call, resulting in faster response and less CPU usage.

    I've never used it myself in production, but the code seems complete.

    Now the question: where to add a document about it?

    opened by glensc 0
  • Option to remove source mapping URLs from JS files or modify the path

    Option to remove source mapping URLs from JS files or modify the path

    Is there a way to remove to remove the source mapping URLs from the JS files? In the dev console I get the errors that the source map cannot be found. Another solution would be to modify the source mapping URLs in the JS files. Thank you very much for this library. Any thoughts on this issue?

    opened by AgentSmith0 0
  • PHP 8.1 uses HTML parsing functions in other way

    PHP 8.1 uses HTML parsing functions in other way


    8.1.0 | flags changed from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML401.

    opened by panvid 0
  • Custom minifiers are not applied in

    Custom minifiers are not applied in "static" mode

    This line, written in config.php $min_serveOptions['minifiers'][Minify::TYPE_JS] = 'someCustomMinifier'; has no effect when requesting files in Static mode

    That is, the custom minifier for such a request does not work:

    But the minifier works for such a request:

    * Naturally, I cleaned the cache, deleted "static" files, it does not help.

    Can you please tell me how to make a custom minifier work in Static mode?

    opened by DmitrySpace 0
  • Problème d'affichage après changement d'hebergement.

    Problème d'affichage après changement d'hebergement.

    Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à trouver d'où vient le problème, que ce soit en local ou sur le nouveau hebergement, j'ai un problème d'affichage, on dirait que mon site n'arrive plus à récupérer js + css. Pourriez vous m'apporter de l'aide svp? Capture d’écran 2021-07-08 144607 Capture d’écran 2021-07-08 144539

    opened by Patochedu64 0
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