Twig-lint - Standalone twig linter

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Laravel twig-lint

twig-lint - Standalone twig linter

twig-lint is a lint tool for your twig files.

It can be useful to integrate in your ci setup or as the basis of editor plugins (e.g. syntastic for Vim).

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Installation / Usage

As a dev dependency (recommended)

Add the following to your composer.json:

    "require-dev": {
        "asm89/twig-lint": "*"

Run ./bin/twig-lint lint .

As standalone executable

Install as a global composer dependency:

composer global require "asm89/twig-lint" "@stable"

Run ~/.composer/vendor/bin/twig-lint lint .

Vim and Syntastic configuration

For the standalone executable, add the following to your ~/.vimrc file:

let g:syntastic_twig_twiglint_exec = 'php'
let g:syntastic_twig_twiglint_exe = 'php /path/to/twig-lint'

For the composer dependency, twig-lint must be in your $PATH, no further configuration is needed.


Marc Weistroff (creator of the original twig:lint command in the symfony framework)


  • twig-lint is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
  • I am providing code in this repository to you under an open source license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code is from me and not from my employer (Facebook).
  • Feature/add exclude option

    Feature/add exclude option

    Using the --exclude option enables users to exclude files from validation. The regex functionality should save people from having to fill in the complete path to a file.

    opened by frvge 8
  • twig >1.16.2

    twig >1.16.2

    As I suggested in #9 it would be possible to have two versions of twig-lint to work around the API changes currently breaking with twig >1.16.2

    This version is tested with 1.17, if this solution would be a possibility for you, @asm89, I would test all versions in between.

    Ideas, suggestions?

    opened by tolry 7
  • Makes 3rd arg Extension::getTestNodeClass optional

    Makes 3rd arg Extension::getTestNodeClass optional

    With warnings enabled, the the linter often throws a warning due to a missing third argument:

    PHP Warning:  Missing argument 3 for Asm89\Twig\Lint\Extension\StubbedCore::getTestNodeClass(), called in /path/to/project/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 302 and defined in /path/to/project/vendor/asm89/twig-lint/src/Asm89/Twig/Lint/Extension/StubbedCore.php on line 30

    Examining the parent class in twig 1.18, this arg is not even present in the signature. Rather than remove it entirely, I defaulted it to null. It's possible it needs to be dropped altogether for eliminating the strict warning about mismatched method signatures.

    opened by bryanagee 6
  • [quick fix] don't use twig version higher then 1.16.2

    [quick fix] don't use twig version higher then 1.16.2

    Liniter is no longer compatible with twig 1.16.2

    Since arguments changed for protected method getTestNodeClass of Twig_Extension_Core

    Also some tests starts to faling for twig 1.16.2

    opened by adam187 6
  • Which rules are linted?

    Which rules are linted?

    There is an Atom linter Provider that has twig-lint as prerequisite, so I gave it a try.

    But my templates do not report any linter warnings (or Errors), even if i try to do some ugly code.

    Calling twig-lint in cmd line makes no difference. I always get OK in path\filename as an answer.

    So I have to ask, what rules are checked by the linter?

    opened by OwnerOfThisIsle 3
  • How do I allow Drupal 8 twig_tweak functions?

    How do I allow Drupal 8 twig_tweak functions?

    This package is part of Acquia's BLT framework, but it seems to fail when using the Drupal contributed module twig_tweak. How can I get twig-lint to recognize twig_tweak functions?

    opened by brooke-heaton 2
  • Exclude files or folders based on glob or regex

    Exclude files or folders based on glob or regex

    There's a syntax error that's on purpose in Symfony/Bridge/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/extractor/syntax_error.twig . Our CI always flags this one, which fails the builds.

    Please create an exclude flag that takes one or multiple directories or files and that excludes it from giving errors.

    opened by frvge 2
  • Versionned binaries

    Versionned binaries


    Would you mind providing versionned binaries? Something like this would be great:

    You can also put binaries in GitHub releases.

    Versionned binaries don’t change and can be verified with a checksum. I’d like to write an Homebrew formula for twig-lint, so people would be able to install your program with brew install twig-lint, but I need a versionned URL.


    opened by bfontaine 2
  • "same as" alias support


    Linter doesn't recognize same as alias fot sameas test and it throws exception:

    Unexpected token "name" of value "as" ("end of statement block" expected)

    Linter from symfony doesn't throw this error.

    opened by adam187 2
  • Phar is out of date

    Phar is out of date leverages old dependencies. I noticed it when I upgraded my app to Twig 1.14 and began using the new 'matches' function in Twig Core. Syntastic started flagging it and I discovered it wasn't linting correctly. I downloaded the source, installed new vendors & updated composer.lock, and then built a new phar with Box against the updates and now it works perfectly.

    opened by natelenart 2
  • composer.json allows a too-old version of twig

    composer.json allows a too-old version of twig

    composer.json requires twig 1.*, but Asm89\Twig\Lint\StubbedEnvironment::__construct calls Twig_Environment::initExtensions which appears to have been first added in Twig 1.12.0-RC1 as of

    A minor issue but a possible gotcha.

    opened by parsingphase 2
  • Twig version support

    Twig version support

    I'm not sure if/how many people are still using this linter, but it needs some love.

    One thing I wonder is what to do about supported twig versions. It seems Twig 1.x, 2.x and 3.x are all supported nowadays?

    opened by asm89 2
  • Use as tooling to find deprecated twig template elements?

    Use as tooling to find deprecated twig template elements?

    @lauriii looked at possibly using twig-lint to detect deprecated API use, see -- which is obviously very raw, but we were wondering if you think this would be the right tool for this and if you had better ideas?

    opened by goba 1
  • Null-coalescing operator (??) flagged as invalid

    Null-coalescing operator (??) flagged as invalid

    Using ?? in a Twig templated is flagged as invalid with the following warning:

    Unexpected token "punctuation" of value "?"

    It is a default Twig operator ( so it should be valid?

    opened by thijskaspers 2
  • Unexpected fail linting

    Unexpected fail linting

    It seems like this should pass, but fails. The template works and looks fine when viewing pages though.

    Twig Code:

    {% set n = content.field_content_blocks['#items']|length %}
    {% set classes = [
                    'n-' ~ p,
                    n is divisible by (2) ? 'n-twos',
                    n is divisible by (3) ? 'n-threes'
            ] %}
            <section class="row crocosmias">
                <div class="col-xs-12 {{ classes|myextensions_join_parts }}">

    Lint Error:

    [ExecStack] Done in 7.663s
    > validate:twig:files
    Linting twig files...
    Iterating over fileset files.twig...
    KO in /www/repos/uwmcms/docroot/themes/custom/cust_theme/templates/node/node--fact-page.html.twig (line 28)
       26             {% set classes = [
       27                     'n-' ~ p,
    >> 28                     (n is divisible by (2) ? 'n-twos',
    >> An opened parenthesis is not properly closed. Unexpected token "name" of value "by" ("punctuation" expected with value ")"). 
       29                     (n is divisible by (3)) ? 'n-threes'
       30             ] %}
    [error]  Executing `'/www/repos/cust_theme/vendor/bin/twig-lint' lint --only-print-errors '%s'` against fileset(s) files.twig returned a non-zero exit code.` 
    opened by sodacrackers 0
  • Remove Twig_TokenParserBroker (deprecated) + all deprecation warnings

    Remove Twig_TokenParserBroker (deprecated) + all deprecation warnings

    Here's a PR that will fix all deprecation warnings including Twig_TokenParserBroker. This should help with ( &

    I've dig some things about the deprecation of the Twig_TokenParserBroker ( One notable change is that Twig 2.x does not offer a way to dynamically add token parser (like it was done with the Twig_TokenParserBroker). Instead, it just look up an array and throws a syntax error.

    Therefore, you have to provide the list of tags to stub.

    ./bin/twig-lint lint tests/Asm89/Twig/Lint/Test/Fixtures/mixed.twig \
        --stub-tag some_other_block \
        --stub-tag stylesheets \
        --stub-tag meh \
        --stub-tag render \
        --stub-tag trans

    Or via the options of the StubbedEnvironment in the constructor.

    $twig = new StubbedEnvironment(
         new \Twig_Loader_Array(),
             'stub_tags' => $stubTagList,

    This might look like but thinking about it, it makes sense to only allow some tags to be stubbed so that a real "unknown tag" in your code can be detected by the linter.

    Additionally, that kind of config would end in the twigcs.yml file, see my other PR.

    opened by adrienrn 2
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