An ultimate troll plugin for PocketMine-MP




An ultimate troll plugin for PocketMine-MP


Feature Description
Alone Hides every player, let them feed alone
Burn Burn the player
FakeOp Sends an op message to the player. They are not opped...
Launch 3... 2... 1... LIFTOFF!
Bolt The player is really feeling the wrath of the God of lightning!
Crash Kicks player with a not so nice disconnected message :>
FakeDeop Sends a deop message to the player. They are not deopped...
Shuffle Shuffle player's inventory :>
Push An uncontrolled flight...
Hurt Ouch! That hurts...
Boom Blow up the player!
DropInv Drop player's inventory!
Chat Sends a chat message or run a command on behalf of the player!
FakeBan Are you sure you got banned ?
Flip Flip the player 180 degrees!
Spin You spin me right round ...
Swap Swap postion with the player!
Creeper Something is behind you ???(Let them hear creeper sound)
NoMine Can't mine blocks ??? Maybe lag.
NoPlace Can't place blocks ??? Maybe lag.
NoPick Can't pickup items ??? Maybe lag.
Rickroll Rolling with Rick(let them hear a very familiar song... hehe)
  • Suggestion


    Freezing 🥶 Stick Rotate Stick KnockBack Stick Anvil Drop Stick (commands are slow to type) Sound Spam Cmd or Stick MakeItGreedy Stick (It's spawn ton of rare item that player want to pickup but HE CAN'T)

    I'll suggest more if I will get any idea

    Type: Feature Request 
    opened by SwarooopDev 2
  • HELP!!


    The page doesnt specify how to use the commands, its really not a problem for most of them except for the spin command. I dont really get how to set the speed and amount of times people spin pls help

    Type: question 
    opened by GGCoder098 1
  • Pumpkin head Troll

    Pumpkin head Troll

    A mythical tool is missing, what it does is to put a pumpkin head on the player.

    Points to keep in mind not to ruin the user experience: 1 - If the player has a helmet on his head, move it to his inventory so as not to remove it with the pumpkin (I say this in case he is enchanted and it has cost him a lot). 2 - If he has no space in his inventory, drop the helmet he is wearing and put the pumpkin on it. 3 -

    Type: Feature Request 
    opened by MrBlasyMSK 1
  • Crash on start

    Crash on start

    PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Wed Mar 23 15:31:09 UTC 2022
    Error: Class "lmao\libs\CortexPE\Commando\PacketHooker" not found
    File: plugins/LMAO_dev-18.phar/src/Lmao
    Line: 24
    Type: Error
    BAD PLUGIN: lmao
    #0 pmsrc/src/plugin/PluginBase(137): lmao\Lmao->onEnable()
    #1 pmsrc/src/plugin/PluginManager(437): pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase->onEnableStateChange(true)
    #2 pmsrc/src/Server(1385): pocketmine\plugin\PluginManager->enablePlugin(object lmao\Lmao#26306)
    #3 pmsrc/src/Server(1011): pocketmine\Server->enablePlugins(object pocketmine\plugin\PluginEnableOrder#24901)
    #4 pmsrc/src/PocketMine(304): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader#2, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger#3, string[16] /home/container/, string[24] /home/container/plugins/)
    #5 pmsrc/src/PocketMine(327): pocketmine\server()
    #6 pmsrc(11): require(string[60] phar:///home/container/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/PocketMine.php)
    PocketMine-MP version: 4.2.4 [Protocol 486]
    Git commit: 05a5e5eac126064583af2e892cb9b3cc0b0a88b6
    uname -a: Linux 40988d2c-8e2a-4b5a-ab32-2bc6e7d3056e 5.4.0-100-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 3 18:43:29 UTC 2022 x86_64
    PHP Version: 8.0.16
    Zend version: 4.0.16
    OS: Linux, linux
    Composer libraries: 
    - adhocore/json-comment 1.1.2@fc2f76979f0a44a5f5bc2a2b600d0762fe0e78e7
    - brick/math 0.9.3@ca57d18f028f84f777b2168cd1911b0dee2343ae
    - daverandom/callback-validator unknown@unknown
    - fgrosse/phpasn1 v2.4.0@eef488991d53e58e60c9554b09b1201ca5ba9296
    - netresearch/jsonmapper v4.0.0@8bbc021a8edb2e4a7ea2f8ad4fa9ec9dce2fcb8d
    - pocketmine/bedrock-data 1.6.0+bedrock-1.18.10@e98c511584a7bd58a95986374d2df4b04c6a2ba0
    - pocketmine/bedrock-protocol 8.0.1+bedrock-1.18.10@a740f6095b35278c0e0dac6db84a5e4d2456b113
    - pocketmine/binaryutils 0.2.4@5ac7eea91afbad8dc498f5ce34ce6297d5e6ea9a
    - pocketmine/callback-validator 1.0.3@64787469766bcaa7e5885242e85c23c25e8c55a2
    - pocketmine/classloader 0.2.0@49ea303993efdfb39cd302e2156d50aa78209e78
    - pocketmine/color 0.2.0@09be6ea6d76f2e33d6813c39d29c22c46c17e1d2
    - pocketmine/errorhandler 0.6.0@dae214a04348b911e8219ebf125ff1c5589cc878
    - pocketmine/locale-data 2.4.3@4d0b081f1a79407e087968ea76aaf330db6ea2b5
    - pocketmine/log 0.4.0@e6c912c0f9055c81d23108ec2d179b96f404c043
    - pocketmine/log-pthreads 0.4.0@61f709e8cf36bcc24e4efe02acded680a1ce23cd
    - pocketmine/math 0.4.2@aacc3759a508a69dfa5bc4dfa770ab733c5c94bf
    - pocketmine/nbt 0.3.2@3e0d9ef6b6c5fb45e3745a121296e75631b3eefe
    - pocketmine/pocketmine-mp 4.2.4@05a5e5eac126064583af2e892cb9b3cc0b0a88b6
    - pocketmine/raklib 0.14.3@4798576fec0364266dce23b368a7fec5e5de7927
    - pocketmine/raklib-ipc 0.1.1@922a6444b0c6c7daaa5aa5a832107e1ec4738aed
    - pocketmine/snooze 0.3.1@0ac8fc2a781c419a1f64ebca4d5835028f59e29b
    - ramsey/collection 1.2.2@cccc74ee5e328031b15640b51056ee8d3bb66c0a
    - ramsey/uuid 4.2.3@fc9bb7fb5388691fd7373cd44dcb4d63bbcf24df
    - rhumsaa/uuid unknown@unknown
    - symfony/polyfill-ctype v1.25.0@30885182c981ab175d4d034db0f6f469898070ab
    - symfony/polyfill-php80 v1.25.0@4407588e0d3f1f52efb65fbe92babe41f37fe50c
    - symfony/polyfill-php81 v1.25.0@5de4ba2d41b15f9bd0e19b2ab9674135813ec98f
    - webmozart/assert 1.10.0@6964c76c7804814a842473e0c8fd15bab0f18e25
    - webmozart/path-util 2.3.0@d939f7edc24c9a1bb9c0dee5cb05d8e859490725
    Type: Bug Resolution: Fixed 
    opened by MrBlasyMSK 1
  • Fire ticks must be in range 0 ... 32767, got 19999999980

    Fire ticks must be in range 0 ... 32767, got 19999999980

    Error information

    • Message: Fire ticks must be in range 0 ... 32767, got 19999999980
    • File: pmsrc/src/entity/Entity
    • Line: #684
    • Error level: InvalidArgumentException
    #0 pmsrc/src/entity/Entity(670): pocketmine\entity\Entity->setFireTicks(int 19999999980)
    #1 pmsrc/src/entity/Living(402): pocketmine\entity\Entity->setOnFire(int 999999999)
    #2 plugins/LMAO.phar/src/NgLam2911/lmao/command/subcmd/Burn(39): pocketmine\entity\Living->setOnFire(int 999999999)
    #3 plugins/LMAO.phar/src/NgLam2911/lmao/libs/CortexPE/Commando/BaseCommand(143): NgLam2911\lmao\command\subcmd\Burn->onRun(object pocketmine\player\Player#42986, string[4] lmao, array[2])
    #4 pmsrc/src/command/SimpleCommandMap(205): NgLam2911\lmao\libs\CortexPE\Commando\BaseCommand->execute(object pocketmine\player\Player#42986, string[4] lmao, array[2])
    #5 pmsrc/src/Server(1446): pocketmine\command\SimpleCommandMap->dispatch(object pocketmine\player\Player#42986, string[35] lmao burn BikiniBottomVPN 999999999)
    #6 pmsrc/src/player/Player(1410): pocketmine\Server->dispatchCommand(object pocketmine\player\Player#42986, string[35] lmao burn BikiniBottomVPN 999999999)
    #7 pmsrc/src/network/mcpe/handler/InGamePacketHandler(737): pocketmine\player\Player->chat(string[36] /lmao burn BikiniBottomVPN 999999999)
    #8 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/bedrock-protocol/src/CommandRequestPacket(51): pocketmine\network\mcpe\handler\InGamePacketHandler->handleCommandRequest(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\CommandRequestPacket#133905)
    #9 pmsrc/src/network/mcpe/NetworkSession(392): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\CommandRequestPacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\handler\InGamePacketHandler#133816)
    #10 pmsrc/src/network/mcpe/NetworkSession(355): pocketmine\network\mcpe\NetworkSession->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\CommandRequestPacket#133905, string[57] M$/lmao burn BikiniBottomVPN 999999999..M......5....)....)
    #11 pmsrc/src/network/mcpe/raklib/RakLibInterface(182): pocketmine\network\mcpe\NetworkSession->handleEncoded(string[54] ..U...M.WH*-.Sp.....t./).....S....m._.....2}'<.YsG;...)
    #12 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/raklib-ipc/src/RakLibToUserThreadMessageReceiver(42): pocketmine\network\mcpe\raklib\RakLibInterface->onPacketReceive(int 2, string[63] .ia.R[........#.........<.Y..:P..9....X@..Z......[.k...9./*$...)
    #13 pmsrc/src/network/mcpe/raklib/RakLibInterface(112): raklib\server\ipc\RakLibToUserThreadMessageReceiver->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\raklib\RakLibInterface#40434)
    #14 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(123): pocketmine\network\mcpe\raklib\RakLibInterface->pocketmine\network\mcpe\raklib\{closure}()
    #15 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(82): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->processNotifications()
    #16 pmsrc/src/Server(1703): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->sleepUntil(float 1657739198.7334)
    #17 pmsrc/src/Server(1063): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor()
    #18 pmsrc/src/PocketMine(304): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader#2, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger#3, string[16] /home/container/, string[24] /home/container/plugins/)
    #19 pmsrc/src/PocketMine(327): pocketmine\server()
    #20 pmsrc(11): require(string[60] phar:///home/container/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/PocketMine.php)

    Type: Bug Priority: Normal 
    opened by NhanAZ 1
  • fake money

    fake money

    Based on the server economy in use

    Fake manipulation with player's money

    for example, they receive a debit/receipt notice but the amount in the account remains the same

    Type: Feature Request help wanted 
    opened by NhanAZ 0
  • //TODO: Bruh

    //TODO: Bruh


    • This issue contains every suggested troll feature coming from other issues.

    Troll Features

    • [x] No-mine: Make a player unable to mine for a set amount of time.
    • [x] No-place: Make a player unable to place blocks for a set amount of time.
    • [x] No-pick: Make a player unable to pickup items for a set amount of time.
    • [x] Rickroll: Never Gonna Give You Up
    • [x] Starve
    • [ ] Fake lag
    • [ ] Freeze: Freeze the player, making them unable to move. [#1]
    • [ ] Rotate: The same as flipping or spinning, but with a variable degree of rotation [#1]
    • [ ] Anvil Drop: Drop an anvil [#1]
    • [ ] Sound spam: Editable sound name [#1]
    • [ ] Greedy: spawning a ton of rare items that the player wants to pickup but he CAN'T. [#1]
    • [x] Pumpkin head [#6]

    Troll tools

    • [ ] Knockback stick [#1]
    • [ ] Anvil drop stick (they said that commands are too slow to type...) [#1]


    • [ ] Girlfriend troll [#5]
    Type: Feature Request 
    opened by NgLam2911 0
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