New Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 1.7 +

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Ultimate Module Creator


Because of lack of time, motivation and because Magento2 is already a mature platform, I'm deciding to pull the plug on this module creator.
There will be no updates, no new features.

Feel free to fork it, make it better and redestribute it.

New Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 1.7 +

This is the new version of Ultimate Module Creator.

This should be the version 2.0 of the Magento extension but I'm keeping this version for the Module Creator for Magento 2.0.

Backwards compatibility has been broken.

If someone wants to help with the testing please submit any bugs, improvements or feature requests here

Also any good code is welcomed.

Note For the rest of the document UMC = Ultimate Module Creator

Documentation can be found on the wiki pages.
The documentation includes a list of features and release notes

  • Problem with 'Link

    Problem with 'Link "many to many" with category'


    I have a problem when choosing 'Link "many to many" with category' on the category-tab of an entity.

    All other dropdown fields on the tab are set to 'No'.

    After installing the created extension the following errors occur: When going to "Catalog/Manage Categories" a white pages appear. In the log the following error is added: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method [NAMESPACE]_[MODULE NAME]Model_Resource[ENTITY CODE]_Collection::addCategoryFilter() in [...]/web/app/code/local/[NAMESPACE]/[MODULE NAME]/Helper/Category.php on line 52

    When I edit one entity of the created extension I can't add any categories. When I click on the tab "Associated categories" the content area remains empty. In exception.log I get the following Error:

    I have tested it on two different magento systems (UMC and Magento and the problem occured on both systems.

    Regards Lars

    opened by LWBPA 8
  • Category

    Category "many to many" and category "options source" no result in

    Hi Marius,

    Thanks for the beautifull module creator in pure Magento. Perfect source. Great job. But I think that's not the first time someone told you. I hav the opportunity to build a new application in Magento and I'm getting a quick start using UMC.

    I created a entity and tried to link it to the catalog table with the options you have in UMC. The many-to-many and the option-source method both didn't work. The many to many refered to a tab/categories.php that doesn't exist and the option source is reading a $this->_source that is empty and then reades the default source for the ->getAllOptions.

    The product many-to-many does work btw.

    Extra info is that I didn't try to link the categories to the entities the first time I created the module. But after updating the UMC adding the link I cleaned the database (older db version without this module) and removed all the old modified files.

    Maybe you should try yourself with the Magento If it works for you please let me know. But it looks like a bug.

    Thanks in advance. With kind regards, John Verzijden Webverzorgers

    opened by john-webverzorgers 8
  • After creating module it is not showing in magento backend

    After creating module it is not showing in magento backend

    I have creating a module with 4 fields . It is working fine on my local host , but when I moved my site to server It is not showing the menu in backend and frontend also.

    I have cleared the cache , disable the compiler and did everything that I found over the internet but still the issue is not resolved .

    I am attaching the screenshots kindly check this .

    1 2

    Kindly help me out.

    opened by uzairkhatri 7
  • Entity relationships not saved

    Entity relationships not saved

    Entity Relationships are not saved. Next time I check the module they are not there. And I get the feeling they are not created because I dont see parent key field y children table

    opened by Jaredmmx 7
  • 404 Ajax Request for Chooser Widgets

    404 Ajax Request for Chooser Widgets

    The code generated in the Namespace_Module_Block_Adminhtml_Entity_Widget_Chooser::prepareElementHtml method (replacing "Namespace", "Module", and "Entity" in the class name for actual values) references the frontend URL to access the WidgetController used in the AJAX request. Because the controller class extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action, accessing it using the frontend URL to it results in a 404 response.

    Example Source Generated:

        $sourceUrl = $this->getUrl(
            array('uniq_id' => $uniqId)

    What Should Be Generated:

        $sourceUrl = $this->getUrl(
            array('uniq_id' => $uniqId)
    opened by dfelton 5
  • Error : Front controller reached 100 router match iterations when visit entity page on front side.

    Error : Front controller reached 100 router match iterations when visit entity page on front side.

    Hi Marius,

    I have used UMC in my project to make chefs and have associated them with products.

    I see this error when I open entity view page( In my case chef page ) on front side. I have followed suggestion by @zerkella on this link : to debug.

    I see my system.log file is filled with Iteration 1 to 100 with this same error below.

    2014-10-01T11:03:46+00:00 DEBUG (7): - Iteration 100
    2014-10-01T11:03:46+00:00 DEBUG (7): Request: [path_info=/christian-schweiniger][module=chefs][action=view][controller=chef][controller_module=][route=lekkerei_chefs]
    2014-10-01T11:03:46+00:00 DEBUG (7): Matched by "lekkerei_chefs" router, class Lekkerei_Chefs_Controller_Router

    I see controller_module is empty, but I don't know why. I have not made any customization with my module.

    Please help me to solve this error.


    opened by mukundthanki 5
  • No xml and sql files generated

    No xml and sql files generated

    If this module can generate xml and sql files for the module , i've tried twice and try to install at once or unzip from zip file to the instance, but either way the module's xml and sql not generated.

    opened by sidealice 5
  • route and frontName settings

    route and frontName settings

    Could you add a "route" setting that would override the use of the lowercased modulename, and a "frontName" setting that would allow independence with the route value ? Thank you !

    opened by MasyH 5
  • Black background around image frame

    Black background around image frame

    Curious if you have encountered issues where your resized images have a pesky black background around them. Despite setting the background to array(255,255,255) I cannot seem to get rid of this black area around the frame....

         * Return the URL for the image SRC
         * @param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $object
         * @return string
        public function getImageUrl($category)
            /* @var $img FirstScribe_Client_Helper_Catalog_Category_Image */
            $img = Mage::helper('firstscribe_client/catalog_category_image');
            $img->init($category, 'featured_image');
            return $img->__toString();

    Example Result:


    The image helper itself is a class only very slightly modified from your typical UMC image helper, geared towards catalog/category entities. I've extended it just enough to support the necessary paths:

     * catalog/category image helper
     * @category    FirstScribe
     * @package     FirstScribe_Client
     * @author      Darren Felton <>
    class FirstScribe_Client_Helper_Catalog_Category_Image extends FirstScribe_Client_Helper_Catalog_Image_Abstract
         * image subdir
         * @var string
        protected $_subdir = 'catalog/category';
     * abstract catalog module image helper
     * @category    FirstScribe
     * @package     FirstScribe_Client
     * @author      Darren Felton <>
    abstract class FirstScribe_Client_Helper_Catalog_Image_Abstract extends FirstScribe_Client_Helper_Image_Abstract
         * get the image base dir
         * @access public
         * @return string
        public function getImageBaseDir()
            return Mage::getBaseDir('media').DS.$this->_subdir.DS;
         * get the image url for object
         * @access public
         * @return string
        public function getImageBaseUrl()
            return Mage::getBaseUrl('media').$this->_subdir.'/';
         * get image url
         * @access protected
         * @return mixed (string|bool)
        protected function _getImageUrl()
            if (!$this->_image) {
                return false;
            if ($this->_scheduledResize) {
                return $this->getImageBaseUrl().$this->_resizeFolderName.'/'.$this->_getDestinationImagePrefix().'/'.$this->_image;
            } else {
               return $this->getImageBaseUrl().$this->_image;

    Finally FirstScribe_Client_Helper_Image_Abstract is the typical UMC abstract image helper

    After an hour of banging my head to the wall I did find this article which is regarding this exact same topic but copying Varien_Image_Adapter_G2 to my local codePool and performing the modifications in the article yielded no results.

    Any thoughts here? Have your image resizing with $imgHelper->keepFrame(true) parameter encountered this issue before?

    opened by dfelton 4
  • Missing escape of single quote. PHP Parse error produced.

    Missing escape of single quote. PHP Parse error produced.

    When the "Note" attribute of an entity's field/attribute contains single quote(s), they are not being escaped when put into the corresponding instance of the Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract element for the field/attribute. This results in an improperly ended string, producing a PHP Parse error.


    app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Form.php Example Generated Source:

            'label' => Mage::helper('foo_bar')->__('Foo Bar'),
            'name'  => 'foo_bar',
            'note'  => $this->__('Foo's Bar'),
            'required'  => true,
            'class' => 'required-entry',
    opened by dfelton 4
  • extension is working on but not on

    extension is working on but not on

    Hi Marius,

    first of all, I want to say thx. I've used your extension a couple of times and it's really awesome!

    In my last project, I've discovered, that it's not working in the latest CE version (, the backend is kind of messed up. In it just works fine and everything is ok and good looking. I didn't test your extension on

    Are you aware of that?

    It's no big deal, as I'm using a standalone plain magento anyway just for creating modules and install them in the intended target system afterwards. Modules created with UMC on are working perfectly on

    opened by EmPeWe 4
  • Edit categories in Back-Office

    Edit categories in Back-Office


    I tried to edit categories listing associated to my item after using many to many relation. I couldn open the categories list despite the fact that i saved multiple one in my item.

    I kinda find a solution, I won't say that is the good one but it's working apparently. I changed the value returned by the method 'getSelectedCategoryPathIds' from '$ids' to '$categoryIds variable' returned by the method 'getCategoryIds'. $ids array didn contain values of my selected categories. If anyone of you had this problem already and fixed it in the right way i'am all ears. Best regards

    opened by aminemekkid 1
  • product->entity relation not saved

    product->entity relation not saved

    I've created an extension with one entity and a relation to a product.

    1. When saving the product with a newly assigned entity the relation doesn't show up on the entity edit page under "Associated Products".
    2. When saving the entity with an "Associated Product" the relation show up on the product detail page in the corresponding attribute dropdown.

    Anything I'm missing here?

    opened by arosenhagen 2
  • Demo_News sample module not working

    Demo_News sample module not working

    I installed version 1.9 of UMC and am trying to run the Demo_News sample module. I got the code for the config file (Demo_News.xml) from, which I saved on the \var\modulecreator\package folder. I see the Demo_News module listed on the Manage Modules grid, but when I click on Edit, nothing happens. I flushed Magento's cache, and also logged-out and back in from the Admin Panel, to no avail. What am I missing....?

    opened by AlBalz 3
  • Naming Custom Entity as Product

    Naming Custom Entity as Product

    If you create a custom extension that has an entity myext/product and try and give it a relationship to catalog/product, the extension attempts to use the same id field for the relationship. Attempting to create the same column name twice in the migration just results in a single column, so myext_product_product consists of only rel_id, product_id and position, with product_id having a foreign key to both myext_product and catalog_product_entity.

    Fixing the generated code requires manually modifying the migration script to update the second column name and FK and manually updating the blocks and models that interact with the relationship.

    Presumably you'd hit similar issues with category.

    Raising this purely so it's documented incase anyone else hits it, rather than in expectation of a fix. I'd imagine most people don't need a custom entity called Product and I'm assuming at this point, any free time you have will be focused on the M2 version.

    opened by pocallaghan 1
  • multiple language currentUrl()

    multiple language currentUrl()

    When creating a module which spans multiple stores (languages), the magento language drop down does not pick up the getCurrentUrl() for each language of the current page being generated by the module. The URL for each language remains the same - just adds the ?___store=fr&___from_store=default to the existing URL. For multiple languages the actual URL will be different.

    opened by bassmo 0
  • 27, 2015)

  • 23, 2014)

    Release Notes - 2014-12-19

    | Type | Label | Comment | | --- | --- | --- | | Improvement | Cleaned up the UMC code and the generated code | Now all files (almost) follow the zend coding standards. | | Improvement | Stick to CGL | #68 | | Feature | Support for signed int attributes/fields | #43 | | Feature | Suport for modman file | #64 - The modman file is generated in var/modulecreator/package/Namespace_Module/ | | Bug Fix | Removed calls to deprecated method htmlEscape | #66 | | Feature | Support for canonical URL in generated module | #69 | | Bug Fix | Fixed wrong display of multiselect attribute on frontend | Multiselect attribute values were not displayed correctly on frontend | | Bug Fix | Fixed 2 status fields generated in the setup file | #73 |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5, 2014)

    Release Notes - 2014-10-29

    | Type | Label | Comment | | --- | --- | --- | | Bug fix | Layout file not generated correctly for links with category | #53 |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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