This Pocketmine-MP plugin is a plugin including a complete faction system.




Simple faction plugin replacing FactionsPro which is no longer updated.


Command Name Command Description Available for
/f help Faction help menu. everyone
/f create Create a faction. everyone
/f info Get information of a faction. everyone
/f who Get information of a player's faction. everyone
/f accept Accept a faction invitation. everyone
/f deny Deny a faction invitation. everyone
/f chat Change your chat configuration. everyone
/f home Teleport to your faction's home everyone
/f top Shows the top factions. everyone
/f bank Manage your faction's bank. everyone
/f leave Leave your current faction. everyone
/f map Show the nearby claims. everyone
/f border Show the chunk border limit. everyone
/f here Show claims information. everyone
/f claim Claim a chunk. officers
/f unclaim Unclaim a chunk. officers
/f invite Invite a player to your faction. officers
/f kick Kick a player from your faction. officers
/f sethome Set your faction's home. officers
/f delhome Delete your faction's home. officers
/f war Manage faction wars. officers
/f delete Delete your faction. leader
/f allies Manage your faction alliances. leader
/f promote Promote a member. leader
/f demote Demote an officer. leader
/f transfer Transfer your leader status. leader
/f admin Administrative commands. staff (simplefaction.admin)

Future additions

Name Description Type
Safezone system Allows you to create safezones that cannot be claimed. system
UI System Add an UI extension plugin. extension


Feature SimpleFaction FactionsPro PiggyFactions
SQLite3 Support
MySQL Support
Async Queries
Editable message
Multiple claim
Multi-Language Support
Economy System
EconomyAPI Support
ScoreHUD Support
Floating Text

Additional plugins

Name Usage Download
PureChat Chat integration Download
ScoreHUD Scoreboard integration Download
FacEssential Chat & Scoreboard integration Download
Scoreboard Scoreboard integration Download
EconomyAPI Bank system Download


  • @Se7en-dev
  • @max-xoo


  • English - @Ayzrix, Se7en-dev & UnEnanoMas.
  • French - @Ayzrix.
  • Spanish - @Santi.


#     _____ _                 _      ______         _   _
#    / ____(_)               | |    |  ____|       | | (_)
#   | (___  _ _ __ ___  _ __ | | ___| |__ __ _  ___| |_ _  ___  _ __
#    \___ \| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \  __/ _` |/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
#    ____) | | | | | | | |_) | |  __/ | | (_| | (__| |_| | (_) | | | |
#   |_____/|_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|_|  \__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
#                      | |
#                      |_|

# Database provider (SQLITE | MYSQL)

# Edit this only if 'PROVIDER' is on MYSQL
mysql_address: "SERVER ADDRESS"
mysql_user: "USER"
mysql_password: "YOUR PASSWORD"
mysql_db: "YOUR DB"

# Broadcast a message on faction creation / deletion
broadcast_message_created: true
broadcast_message_disband: true

# Activate or deactivate entering and leaving messages.
entering_leaving: true

# Activate or deactivate the bank system (/f bank)
economy_system: false

# Activate or deactivate the war system (/f war)
war_system: true

# War duration in seconds
war_timer: 300

# Faction name limit.
min_faction_name_lenght: 3
max_faction_name_lenght: 16

# Power gained per kill and lost per death.
power_gain_per_kill: 1
power_lost_per_death: 1

# Worlds where the players can claim.
faction_worlds: ["world"]

faction_pvp: false
alliance_pvp: false

# Time in seconds before invitations expire
invitation_expire_time: 30
allies_invitation_expire_time: 60

# Max members in a faction.
faction_max_members: 20

# Max allies in a faction.
faction_max_allies: 2

# Default power of factions
default_power: 0

# Select the claim mode you want (CUSTOM | MULTIPLICATIVE | ADDITIVE)
claim-mode: "CUSTOM"

# CUSTOM : Define the power needed for each individual claim.
# Maximum claim number is defined by the amount of lines you add in the list below.
# (1 line = 1 claim)

# Edit this part ONLY if you select CUSTOM as the claim mode.
  - 100
  - 500
  - 800
  - 1000
  - 2500
  - 5000

# MULTIPLICATIVE : Define the power needed for each claim with a multiplicative factor.
# Claim cost = starting claim price*(multiplicative factor**claim count)
# EXAMPLE with starting claim price = 100, multiplicative factor = 2 :
# 1st claim costs 100*(2**0) = 100, 2nd claim costs 100*(2**1) = 200, 3rd claim 100*(2**2) = 400 etc...

# ADDITIVE : Define the power needed for each claim with an additive factor.
# Claim cost = starting claim price+(additive factor*claim count)
# EXAMPLE with starting claim price = 100, additive factor = 500 :
# 1st claim costs 100+(500*0) = 100, 2nd claim costs 100+(500*1) = 600, 3rd claim 100+(500*2) = 1100 etc...

# Edit this part ONLY if you select MULTIPLICATIVE or ADDITIVE as the claim mode.
starting_claim_price: 100
factor: 2 # multiplicative or additive factor (depending on the claim mode you chose)
max_claims: 5

# Claims of the same faction have to be next to each other (first claim can be anywhere) (true|false)
adjacent_claims: false

# Prefix usable in languages. {prefix}
PREFIX: "§6[§fSimpleFaction§6]§f"
PLAYER_ONLY: "{prefix} §cThis command can't be used in the console !"
MAP_HEADER: "§6--------------------(§f{X}§6, §f{Z}§6)--------------------"

# Banned faction names
banned_names: ["op", "staff", "admin", "fuck", "shit"]

  "Wilderness": "§d"
  "Own-Faction": "§a"
  "Allies": "§e"
  "Enemies": "§c"

# RGB Colors
  "Wilderness": "255, 0, 180"
  "Own-Faction": "0, 255, 0"
  "Allies": "255, 255, 0"
  "Enemies": "255, 0, 0"

# Top floating text
# true | false
floating_text: true
floating_text_coordinates: "0:100:0:world"
floating_text_title: "§6- §fTop 10 factions with the most power §6-"
# TAGS: {number} {faction} {power} {members} {bank}
# Sort by power.
floating_text_line: "§6#{number} §f- §6{faction} §fwith §6{power} §fpower(s) and §6{bank} §fmoney"
# Line limit
floating_text_limit: 10
  • Unknown errors while inviting to faction.

    Unknown errors while inviting to faction.

    [Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "SQLite3::query(): no such table: faction" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/QueryTask" at line 45§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #0 (): pocketmine\utils\Utils::errorExceptionHandler(integer 2, string[40] SQLite3::query(): no such table: faction, string[88] /home/ew/plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/Query, integer 45, array[2])§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #1 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/QueryTask(45): SQLite3->query(string[39] DELETE FROM faction WHERE faction='CCC')§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/scheduler/AsyncTask(85): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Tasks\Async\QueryTask->onRun()§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #3 (): pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncTask->run()§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #1 thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "SQLite3::query(): no such table: home" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/QueryTask" at line 45§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #1 thread/CRITICAL]: #0 (): pocketmine\utils\Utils::errorExceptionHandler(integer 2, string[37] SQLite3::query(): no such table: home, string[88] /home/ew/plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/Query, integer 45, array[2])§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #1 thread/CRITICAL]: #1 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/QueryTask(45): SQLite3->query(string[36] DELETE FROM home WHERE faction='CCC')§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #1 thread/CRITICAL]: #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/scheduler/AsyncTask(85): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Tasks\Async\QueryTask->onRun()§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #1 thread/CRITICAL]: #3 (): pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncTask->run()§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "SQLite3::query(): no such table: player" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/QueryTask" at line 45§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #0 (): pocketmine\utils\Utils::errorExceptionHandler(integer 2, string[39] SQLite3::query(): no such table: player, string[88] /home/ew/plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/Query, integer 45, array[2])§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #1 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Tasks/Async/QueryTask(45): SQLite3->query(string[55] DELETE FROM player WHERE lower(player)='imaginedchalk1')§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/scheduler/AsyncTask(85): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Tasks\Async\QueryTask->onRun()§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/CRITICAL]: #3 (): pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncTask->run()§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute asynchronous task QueryTask: Task crashed§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute asynchronous task QueryTask: Task crashed§r 2021-08-04 §b[19:48:24] §r§c[Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute asynchronous task QueryTask: Task crashed§r

    bug fixed 
    opened by zpwrd 7
  • Problem with factions

    Problem with factions

    Many of my players can not delete, invite and do many things with the factions, and even I try to delete the factions with / f admin delete name does not let me do it, it says that they do not exist.

    Please look at the plugin code because I already have several complaining

    Even a player every time I restart the server his faction changes from "LakeCountry" to "Mar" out of nowhere, he always puts Mar

    bug need details invalid 
    opened by MrBlasyMSK 7
  • UI preview :

    UI preview :

    [SimpleFaction] (Limite mettre le prefix en titre d'ui) Bienvenue dans l'interface du plugin faction.


    • Sous Bouton [Nom] - Ouvre une ui ou on set le nom [Description] - Ouvre une ui ou on set la desc


    • Sous bouton (quand on clique dans la description il y a Banque : {argent}) [Ajouter] - on comprend [Retirer] - aussi [Logs] - qui a retiré etc


    • Sous bouton [Promote] [Demote] [Invite] [Transfer] [Relation] - Ally enemy

    [Téléportation] - tp au fhome [Top Faction] - ouvre le f top dans le chat [Quitter la faction] - pour les membres

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by Steelfri 5
  • Crash


    [17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL TypeError: "Argument 2 passed to pocketmine\entity\Entity::createEntity() must be an instance of pocketmine\level\Level, null given, called in /plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Main.php on line 118" (EXCEPTION) in "pmsrc/src/pocketmine/entity/Entity" at line 377
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #0 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Main(118): pocketmine\entity\Entity::createEntity(string[18] FloatingTextEntity, NULL , object pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #1 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Main(70): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Main->initFloatingText()
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/plugin/PluginBase(116): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Main->onEnable()
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #3 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/plugin/PluginManager(552): pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase->setEnabled(boolean 1)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #4 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1785): pocketmine\plugin\PluginManager->enablePlugin(object Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Main)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #5 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1771): pocketmine\Server->enablePlugin(object Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Main)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #6 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1584): pocketmine\Server->enablePlugins(integer 1)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #7 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(291): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger, string[48] /, string[56] /plugins/)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #8 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(321): pocketmine\server()
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL #9 pmsrc(11): require(string[103] phar:///custom-php7.4.phar/src/po)
    17.04 16:57:25 [Server] Server thread/INFO Disabling SimpleFaction v1.5.0

    Lats vers of all

    opened by UnEnanoMas 4
  • Crash


    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Undefined index: Tempest" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/API/FactionsAPI" at line 498
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #0 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/API/FactionsAPI(498): pocketmine\utils\Utils::errorExceptionHandler(integer 8, string[24] Undefined index: Tempest, string[89] /home/container/plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/API/Factio, integer 498, array[3])
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #1 plugins/SimpleFaction-master/src/Ayzrix/SimpleFaction/Commands/Faction(447): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\API\FactionsAPI::acceptInvitation(object pocketmine\Player)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/command/SimpleCommandMap(248): Ayzrix\SimpleFaction\Commands\Faction->execute(object pocketmine\Player, string[1] f, array[1])
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #3 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1809): pocketmine\command\SimpleCommandMap->dispatch(object pocketmine\Player, string[9] f accept )
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #4 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Player(2353): pocketmine\Server->dispatchCommand(object pocketmine\Player, string[9] f accept )
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #5 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(239): pocketmine\Player->chat(string[10] /f accept )
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #6 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/protocol/CommandRequestPacket(54): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleCommandRequest(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\CommandRequestPacket)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #7 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(109): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\CommandRequestPacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #8 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/protocol/BatchPacket(130): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\CommandRequestPacket)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #9 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(109): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #10 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Player(3325): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #11 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(169): pocketmine\Player->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #12 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/raklib/src/server/ServerHandler(95): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->handleEncapsulated(string[21] 46744, object raklib\protocol\EncapsulatedPacket, integer 0)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #13 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(109): raklib\server\ServerHandler->handlePacket()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #14 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(99): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->process()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #15 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(113): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->pocketmine\network\mcpe\{closure}()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #16 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(75): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->processNotifications()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #17 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(2155): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->sleepUntil(double 1626650363.2661)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #18 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1992): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #19 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1586): pocketmine\Server->start()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #20 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(291): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger, string[16] /home/container/, string[24] /home/container/plugins/)
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #21 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(321): pocketmine\server()
    [23:19:23] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #22 pmsrc(11): require(string[71] phar:///home/container/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php)

    Version 1.6.3

    bug fixed 
    opened by MrBlasyMSK 3
  • Server Restart/Reload Kicked every Player out of their Faction

    Server Restart/Reload Kicked every Player out of their Faction

    Plugin worked fine for about 2-3 weeks until i changed the power_gain_per_kill to 50 for a DOUBLE PVP REWARD WEEKEND. When it changed it back to 25 power per kill and did a server restart, every player was removed from their faction.

    Only the 'faction' table in the SimpleFaction.db remained, but the 'players', 'home', and 'lang' tables were all deleted. My players worked a long time for their power, only to have it reset and kick them out losing their home warps. No errors or anything, just empty factions upon a server restart.

    I don't know what it is, but there is something critically wrong with this plugin for it to reset the entire player factions database. Very disappointing.

    bug need help 
    opened by Yandura 3
  • Modif claim

    Modif claim

    Ajoute dans la config une option: power-pour-tous-les-claims: true power : 100

    Sa veut dire que si c'est ton premier claim ou ton 100e sa te couteras quand même 100 de powers car là tu es obligé de noté 100 fois. Si c'est sur false alors c'est encore le système actuel (ducoup le power sert à rien).

    Rajoute aussi, si possible, un système qui fait que les claim doivent forcément être collé (configurable bien évidemment) Voilà !

    enhancement need details finished 
    opened by HugoLeBoss91 3
  • A very big problem that has not been fixed for 3 months.

    A very big problem that has not been fixed for 3 months.

    When you invite a player to a faction and he accepts the invitation, everything is fine. After restarting the server, all participants (except the leader) become phantom. Their clan tag becomes the player's nickname. They are phantom because if you hit them, the player (who tried to hit) kicks because of Internal Server error (undefined index: {player name}). This is corrected by deleting the fractions database.

    ErrorException: "Undefined index: Zipov" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/SimpleFaction/src/Ayzrix/Simple Faction/API/FactionsAPI" at line 653 

    bug finished 
    opened by zpwrd 2
  • Bug de update

    Bug de update

    Bonjour je voudrais vous dire que y’a un bug quand je crée ma faction sur purechat bah la faction s’affiche pas mais quand je déco reco bah il s’affiche 41CE7B97-1A46-4393-A100-0B0659145E68 0E2965C9-8AA6-41CD-9BE8-ACA050DE4D62 0F85C665-CEC1-42D6-9E8D-DFEBB95FC800

    opened by willtom6666 2
  • Factions keep renaming to player names Dev 76

    Factions keep renaming to player names Dev 76

    For some strange reason, some players get the faction name renamed to their name and then not let them leave or do anything. (Crash in version 76-> #46 )

    I deleted the database of the factions and I am using the last one generated with dev 76, that is, it is a code error of the plugin not from an old database

    Pls fix it

    opened by MrBlasyMSK 2
  • [Suggestion] Send information when entering a claimed faction

    [Suggestion] Send information when entering a claimed faction

    It is hard to keep up with /f border and /f map because we have to input command a lot. With this suggestion, new player and old player should aware of the faction they entered or even their own faction claimed land.

    enhancement need details finished 
    opened by Adam1609 2
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Magento sample data includes a sample store, complete with more than 250 products (about 200 of them are configurable products), categories, promotional price rules, CMS pages, banners, and so on. Sample data uses the Luma theme on the storefront.

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O-CONGO est un projet open source qui donne accès à la liste complète et officielle des toutes les provinces

O-CONGO est un projet open source qui donne accès à la liste complète et officielle des toutes les provinces, villes et communes de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), dans un premier temps.

SmirlTech 7 Aug 18, 2022
A plugin that creates a level system linked to chatting for PocketMine-MP!

ChatLevel A plugin that creates a level system linked to chatting for PocketMine-MP! Issues You can report bugs by simply clicking me! Support You can

Oğuzhan 2 Oct 28, 2021