A PerkSystem for PocketMine-MP!


Perks System v4.5-BETA

This is a Perk System for Pocketmine-MP. You can all funktion edit in config.yml


Here you can install the new .phar file.


Command Description
/perks Open the Perks
/perks reload Reload all Perks files


  • Message and Command edit in config
  • Ui support
  • Price for a Perk
  • Enable/Disable perks
  • Switch Perks Strength
  • Giving perks to friends
  • Language support
  • Perk enable time, certain time until deactivate
  • Perks categories
  • Per world support

Perks list [17]

  • Auto smelting
  • Double XP
  • Double Jump
  • Fast Regeneration
  • Fly
  • Haste
  • Invisibility
  • Jump boost
  • Keep Inventory
  • Keep XP
  • Night vision
  • No Falldamage
  • No Firedamage
  • No Hunger
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Water breathing

Todo to next Update

  • PM4 Support

cooming soon...

  • Fix Bugs
  • And more...

Bugs or Idea?

If you have a bug or an idea, please feel free to report this to: Issues

  • Time


    Wenn ich die config ändere und das economy-api auf true setzte müsste ich doch die dauert der Effekte ändern können? Habe es jetzt auf "0:0:0:0:15:0" gesetzt und ingame wird immer noch über 9000 Minuten angezeigt.

    opened by djmaisen 22
  • Bug


    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/Perks_dev-19.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/event/EventListener" at line 60

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #0 plugins/Perks_dev-19.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/event/EventListener(60): pocketmine\utils\Utils::errorExceptionHandler(integer 2, string[39] Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), string[90] phar:///home/minecraft/plugins/Perks_dev-19.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/event/EventLi, integer 60, array[6])

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #1 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/plugin/MethodEventExecutor(42): flxiboy\Perks\event\EventListener->onJoin(object pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/plugin/RegisteredListener(80): pocketmine\plugin\MethodEventExecutor->execute(object flxiboy\Perks\event\EventListener, object pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #3 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/event/Event(88): pocketmine\plugin\RegisteredListener->callEvent(object pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #4 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Player(1099): pocketmine\event\Event->call()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #5 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(310): pocketmine\Player->doFirstSpawn()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #6 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/protocol/SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket(45): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleSetLocalPlayerAsInitialized(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #7 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(109): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #8 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/protocol/BatchPacket(130): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #9 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(109): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #10 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Player(3325): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #11 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(169): pocketmine\Player->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #12 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/raklib/src/server/ServerHandler(95): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->handleEncapsulated(string[19] 36910, object raklib\protocol\EncapsulatedPacket, integer 0)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #13 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(109): raklib\server\ServerHandler->handlePacket()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #14 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(99): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->process()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #15 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(113): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->pocketmine\network\mcpe{closure}()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #16 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(75): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->processNotifications()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #17 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(2155): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->sleepUntil(double 1626449592.7229)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #18 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1992): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #19 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1586): pocketmine\Server->start()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #20 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(291): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger, string[16] /home/minecraft/, string[24] /home/minecraft/plugins/)

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #21 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(321): pocketmine\server()

    [17:33:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #22 pmsrc(11): require(string[71] phar:///home/minecraft/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php)

    opened by GamerMJay 19
  • Big Crash

    Big Crash

    Using Dev 87, when i buy a perk for myself (speed), this happens:

    TypeError: "str_replace(): Argument #2 ($replace) must be of type array|string, int given" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/Perks_dev-87.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/form/PerkForm" at line 149

    Help please :(

    bug fixed 
    opened by Tuvqlu 13
  • Bug


    I changed the time in one of the perks default time "10080" I changed it to "100" and it says 1 minute 40 seconds. after i changed the time of the perks, then i bought it, the message successfully bought the perks and the money also decreased. but the perks don't appear enable/disable, I bought many times still not working

    however if the time is not changed/default. it worked thanks

    opened by chisi21 12
  • Bug


    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Call to a member function getEffectLevel() on null" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/Perks_dev-11.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/form/PerkForm" at line 140

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #0 plugins/Perks_dev-11.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/api/API(110): flxiboy\Perks\form\PerkForm->getPerkSwitch(object pocketmine\Player, string[4] jump, string[1] 8)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #1 plugins/Perks_dev-11.phar/src/flxiboy/Perks/form/PerkForm(52): flxiboy\Perks\api\API->getCheckPerk(object pocketmine\Player, string[4] jump)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #2 plugins/FormAPI1.phar/src/jojoe77777/FormAPI/Form(46): flxiboy\Perks\form\PerkForm->flxiboy\Perks\form{closure}(object pocketmine\Player, string[4] jump)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #3 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Player(3678): jojoe77777\FormAPI\Form->handleResponse(object pocketmine\Player, string[4] jump)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #4 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(259): pocketmine\Player->onFormSubmit(integer 1, integer 1)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #5 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/protocol/ModalFormResponsePacket(49): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleModalFormResponse(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\ModalFormResponsePacket)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #6 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(109): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\ModalFormResponsePacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #7 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/protocol/BatchPacket(130): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\ModalFormResponsePacket)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #8 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter(109): pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket->handle(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #9 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Player(3325): pocketmine\network\mcpe\PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #10 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(169): pocketmine\Player->handleDataPacket(object pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #11 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/raklib/src/server/ServerHandler(95): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->handleEncapsulated(string[19] 63827, object raklib\protocol\EncapsulatedPacket, integer 0)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #12 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(109): raklib\server\ServerHandler->handlePacket()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #13 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/network/mcpe/RakLibInterface(99): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->process()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #14 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(113): pocketmine\network\mcpe\RakLibInterface->pocketmine\network\mcpe{closure}()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #15 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/snooze/src/SleeperHandler(75): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->processNotifications()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #16 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(2155): pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler->sleepUntil(double 1626279732.3673)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #17 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1992): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #18 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/Server(1586): pocketmine\Server->start()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #19 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(291): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger, string[16] /home/minecraft/, string[24] /home/minecraft/plugins/)

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #20 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/PocketMine(321): pocketmine\server()

    [18:22:12] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #21 pmsrc(11): require(string[71] phar:///home/minecraft/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php)

    opened by GamerMJay 10
  • das UI / GUI stürzt ab

    das UI / GUI stürzt ab

    das UI / GUI stürzt ab ich habe alle anforderungen gemacht seit dem neusten update stürzt das Plugin ab und mein server auch.

    nach vor den update v4.3 hatt alles Geklappt.

    Meldung: BUG

    bitte: BUGFIX

    opened by Unaskedcorn 6
  •  die timer / zeit angabe funkzoniert nicht

    die timer / zeit angabe funkzoniert nicht

    ich habe auf mein server die timer auf True gesetzt und habe alles eingestellt aber tut sich nichts was timmer / wan das perk ablaufen soll. das klappt einfach nicht. oder verstehe ich was falsch am system 0:0:7:0:0:0 sind das jetzt 7 tage oder ? ich hab echt fast alles rum prubiert aber es klappt nicht.

    opened by Unaskedcorn 5
  • Frage


    Hallo, ich hätte eine Frage könnte man für das PerkSystem das so machen das das Speed Perk jetzt als Beispiel 50000$ Kostet ingame also pro Perk immer Geld ausgeben muss

    opened by TheFixDev 3
  • Vorschlag


    Guten Abend/Tag Ich hätte ein Vorschlag für das Plugin 😅 Nämlich das man Perks in bestimmten welten deaktivieren kann

    • Mit freundlichen Grüßen GamerMJay2008 😀
    opened by GamerMJay 2
  • Vorschlag für ein plugin

    Vorschlag für ein plugin

    Hey, ich hab ein Vorschlag für ein plugin wie wäre es den mit einem RangShop? wo man vllt auch anderen spielern über einen button auch einen rang schenken/kaufen kann

    opened by GamerMJay 2
  • Idea


    please add


    •Expired Time true/false configuration expired time (if you buy one perk, there is a validity period of several days, hours or minutes. If the validity period expires, the perk cannot be used and must buy again) Example: Keep Inventory: Perm: keep.inven Price: 10000 Img: "textures" Expired time: true/false (true with expired time, false unlimited time) Time: 60 minutes (for days, hours, minutes, seconds using the minutes format)

    New Perk •Keep XP

    opened by chisi21 2
  • Not an issue, just some suggestions!

    Not an issue, just some suggestions!

    Suggestion List

    • Fly is too op, maybe make it have a 30s cooldown and you can fly for 10 seconds (Can be changed in config.yml)
    • A instant health boost, makes your health instantly reach to full, again, has a customizable cooldown.
    opened by thunderfurry 3
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