A fully customizable CPS plugin for PocketMine-MP servers.
CPS Limiter
CPS Popup
CPS Alerts
Discord Webhook
Fully Configurable
If you have any feature requests, please open an issue and ask there.
A fully customizable CPS plugin for PocketMine-MP servers.
CPS Limiter
CPS Popup
CPS Alerts
Discord Webhook
Fully Configurable
If you have any feature requests, please open an issue and ask there.
why my server crash :
Error: Undefined array key "OnTheTop6226" File: plugins/CPS_dev-43.phar/src/iRainDrop/CPS/EventListener Line: 84 Type: ErrorException
Code: [75] } [76] } [77] } [78] } [79] } [80] } [81] if($packet instanceof InventoryTransactionPacket){ [82] if($packet->trData instanceof UseItemOnEntityTransactionData){ [83] $this->addCPS($event->getOrigin()->getPlayer()); [84] if(Main::$cpsEnabled[$event->getOrigin()->getPlayer()->getName()] === true){ [85] $popup = str_replace("{cps}", $this->getCPS($event->getOrigin()->getPlayer()), Main::$config->getNested("CPS.Popup")); [86] $event->getOrigin()->getPlayer()->sendPopup($popup); [87] } [88] if($this->getCPS($event->getOrigin()->getPlayer()) >= Main::$config->getNested("CPS.Trigger Amount")){ [89] $players = server::getInstance()->getOnlinePlayers(); [90] [91] if(!$this->hasCooldown($event->getOrigin()->getPlayer())){ [92] if(Main::$config->getNested("Discord Webhook.Enabled") === true){ [93] $webhook = new Webhook(Main::$config->getNested("Discord Webhook.Webhook URL")); [94] $msg = new Message();
Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between iRainDrop\CPS\Commands\CPSCommand::getOwningPlugin(): iRainDrop\CPS\Commands\Plugin and pocketmine\plugin\PluginOwned::getOwningPlugin(): pocketmine\plugin\Plugin, because class iRainDrop\CPS\Commands\Plugin is not available in phar:///home/container/plugins/CPS (2).phar/src/iRainDrop/CPS/Commands/CPSCommand.php on line 18
Great plugin! Looks nice!
One request I have is maybe adding a webhook system for Discord, to send alerts on Discord as well, just incase staff are not online at the time!
Feature RequestMaybe some players do not want to have it activated, I was wondering if perhaps an option could be added so that when you enter the server, it will not be activated
for example:
#Load to start "CPS" enable: true
Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between iRainDrop\CPS\Commands\CPSCommand::getOwningPlugin(): iRainDrop\CPS\Commands\Plugin and pocketmine\plugin\PluginOwned::getOwningPlugin(): pocketmine\plugin\Plugin, because class iRainDrop\CPS\Commands\Plugin is not available in phar:///home/container/plugins/CPS.phar/src/iRainDrop/CPS/Commands/CPSCommand.php on line 18
I'm using 2.0 and the latest pmmp versions
A Fully configurable CPS plugin for PocketMine-MP servers.
Features | CPS Popup -- Can be disabled/enabled with /cps <on/off> CPS Limiter -- Max CPS can be edited through the config. CPS Alerts -- Alerts all players with the "cps.alerts" permission of people clicking more CPS than the set amount in the config. Fully configurable
Source code(tar.gz)A Fully configurable CPS plugin for PocketMine-MP servers.
Features | CPS Popup -- Can be disabled/enabled with /cps <on/off> CPS Limiter -- Max CPS can be edited through the config. CPS Alerts -- Alerts all players with the "cps.alerts" permission of people clicking more CPS than the set amount in the config. Fully configurable
Source code(tar.gz)Notice This add-on is under development, if you want to test the add-on it is at you disposal see crashes, instabilities, addictions malfunction, etc.
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