A simple php (lumen) app for sharing sensitive text (basically like onetimesecret), but with full end-to-end AES-256-GCM encryption so even the server has no access to the data, and developed with very simple deployment in mind.
WebVulScan is a web application vulnerability scanner. It is a web application itself written in PHP and can be used to test remote, or local, web applications for security vulnerabilities.
JObfuscator is a source code obfuscator for the Java programming language. It can protect your Java source code and algorithms from hacking, cracking, reverse engineering, decompilation, and technology theft.
SyCaptchaBundle is a form protection bundle made for Symfony, including a set of CAPTCHA challenges that should stop any malicious requests from submitting your forms.
php for SSL/TLS ja3 fingerprint. This project has two ideas, one is to cooperate with the web server (wkm_ja3.php), and the other is to monitor the tcpdump standard output (ja3_tcpdump.php)