951 Repositories
PHP css-framework-bootstrap Libraries
Bootstrap 4 & 5 replacement for jGrowl notification
XoopsGrowl module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.11+ XoopsGrowl is a module for XOOPS CMS to configure an alternative to the jGrowl notification using Bootstrap Al
ReikoFramework - The PHP Web Framework for simplicity
Reiko Framework - The PHP Web Framework for simplicity. What is Reiko? Reiko Framework is PHP Web framework for simplicity, if you need built web appl
Wraps your Pest suite in a Laravel application instance, allowing global use of the framework in tests.
Pest Larastrap Plugin This is currently a highly experimental project and is subject to large pre-release changes. Pest PHP is an awesome PHP testing
Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable and jQuery Upvote with email and database notifications.
About Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable, jQuery Upvote and email/database notifications. Register
Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework.
laravel-stapler Laravel-Stapler is a Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework. It provides a full set of Laravel commands, a migrat
SoyCMS Trivial - Lightweight and easy-to-use CMS. ( the custom version based on soycms. )
SoyCMS Trivial Author arbk (https://aruo.net/) Licensed under the GPLv2 license Version 3.1.3-t0 DESCRIPTION SoyCMS Trivial is an open source web cont
REST APIs using Slim framework. Implemented all CRUD operations on the MySql database
PHP REST API using slim framework and CRUD operations 🖐 Hi there, this is a simple REST API built using the Slim framework. And this is for the folks
PHP REST API using CodeIgniter 3 framework and CRUD operations
PHP REST API using CodeIgniter 3 framework and CRUD operations 🖐 Hi there, this is a simple REST API built using the Codeigniter 3 framework. And thi
Custom CSS for Elementor
This plugin will provide an option to write CSS in any Elementor native widgets. You will get an option to write CSS for multiple screen devices. The option is placed on ADVANCED_TAB on any Elementor native widgets even third-party widgets.
The simplest way to create a dynamic sitemap for your self-coded website which you have made by using PHP/HTML/CSS/Js etc... Scripts.
Sitemap_index.xml The simplest way to create a dynamic sitemap for your self-coded website which you have made by using PHP/HTML/CSS/Js etc... Scripts
Helper for countries laravel package
Countries helper Helper for countries laravel package Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require eliseekn/countries-helpe
Hotel Management System using MySQL, Php, Ajax, Jquery and HTML
Hotel-Management-System-Ajax-PHP-Mysql A hotel management system in which clients can perform operations such as booking a room and event. It is possi
Authentication REST-API built with Lumen PHP Framework
Authentication REST-API built with Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expre
A lightweight REST API framework
php-microframework A minimal PHP 8 REST API built onto php-microframework. Features Automatic routing based on URL path, e.g. https://domain/controlle
Web Application using MVC PHP Framework (LavaLust)
LavaLust Version 2 This is an early release of LavaLust Version 2. You may check the changelog.txt file to see the changes. Overview of Changes in Ve
PHP Framework Benchmark
PHP Framework Benchmark This project attempts to measure minimum overhead (minimum bootstrap cost) of PHP frameworks in the real world. So I think the
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets.
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets. 🔥 Getting started Since mix introduced in laravel 5.4 it is recommended to use this pack
Reactive Form Builder for Vue.js with Laravel Support
Dynamic Form Builder for Laravel with Vue.js Create even the most complex forms with ease, using two-sided validation, eloquent, nested elements, cond
Offer an online version of your Laravel emails to users.
This is was a collaborative project with Ryan Chandler. Please consider supporting him for the hard work he put into this package! Help support the ma
A collection of helper methods for testing and debugging API endpoints.
Laravel API Test Helpers This is a collection of helper methods for testing and debugging API endpoints. Installation You can install the package via
Open Source Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. You can create and manage your voucher. Voucher Management System is used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Dynamic Framework :: A PHP starter kit for Noobs
A PHP starter kit for Noobs Author : Abdulbasit Rubeiyya The dynamic framework is not exactly a framework, but more of a starter kit for you, the thin
Stash view is a composer package for Laravel which caches views using Russian Doll Caching methodology.
Stash View Stash view is a composer package for Laravel which caches views using Russian Doll Caching methodology. What is Russian Doll Caching ? It i
Integration of Adminator into Laravel 6.x/7.x/8.x with RTL support
Laradminator Laravel PHP Framework with Adminator as admin dash Setup: All you need is to run these commands: git clone https://github.com/kossa/larad
Laravel Blog Package. Easiest way to add a blog to your Laravel website. A package which adds wordpress functionality to your website and is compatible with laravel 8.
Laravel Blog Have you worked with Wordpress? Developers call this package wordpress-like laravel blog. Contact us for any customization: contact@binsh
Schedule and unschedule eloquent models elegantly without cron jobs
Laravel Schedulable Schedule and Unschedule any eloquent model elegantly without cron job. Salient Features: Turn any Eloquent Model into a schedulabl
LaraLTE2, Laravel PHP Framework with AdminLTE2
LaraLTE2 Laravel PHP Framework with AdminLTE2 Whenever I start a new Laravel project, I do the same thing; Install packages, download Javascript plugi
A modified version of the Laravel Framework
Hexavel Framework Hexavel is a restructured version of Laravel, with the purpose of providing better work flows which will simplify the development pr
A modular multilingual CMS built with Laravel 5.
AsgardCMS Platform View the documentation at AsgardCMS.com/docs. Join the conversation on Slack License The AsgardCMS is open-sourced software license
The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management
Stock-Management The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management Items / purchases, Sales Stock Client Provider Sales Management Purchas
Commenting program developed with Html & Css & Php JavaScript Languages and MySql
CommentSystem [BETA] Commenting program developed with Html & Css & Php JavaScript Languages and MySql How does it work ? After you set up your Databa
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL
✨ Notes-CRUD ✨ A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL 📑 Table of Contents Usage Contribute Screenshots 🤖 Usage Add the project to your envi
JSON-RPC 2.0 API server for @Laravel framework
Sajya is an open-source project aiming to implement the JSON-RPC 2.0 server specification for the Laravel quickly.
Base Laravel framework with a simple admin site/dashboard
Base Laravel Admin Just a basic Laravel 4.1 install with a admin site/dashboard using Bootstrap 3.0.3 For those (like me) who set up lots of small sys
An intelligent code generator for Laravel framework that will save you time
An intelligent code generator for Laravel framework that will save you time! This awesome tool will help you generate resources like views, controllers, routes, migrations, languages and/or form-requests! It is extremely flexible and customizable to cover many of the use cases. It is shipped with cross-browsers compatible template, along with a client-side validation to modernize your application.
This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5 installed for you.
Laravel8-Vue3-Bootstrap5 This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5. Instalation Guide: As always you need to: composer install Th
This is an attempt at making my own personal PHP framework purely for learning purposes.
PHP-MVC-FRAMEWORK This is an attempt at making my own personal PHP framework purely for learning purposes. Installation Download the archive or clone
TidyPHP is a micro php framework to build web applications
TidyPHP is a micro MVC PHP Framework made to understand how PHP Frameworks work behind the scense and build fast and tidy php web applications.
Larawiz is a easy project scaffolder for Laravel
The Laravel 8 scaffolder you wanted but never got, until now!
This is the source code to my website built with the Laravel framework.
About This is the source code to my website built with the Laravel framework. Set-up Simply clone this repository, install composer and node dependenc
Jetstrap is a lightweight laravel 8 package that focuses on the VIEW side of Jetstream / Breeze package installed in your Laravel application
A Laravel 8 package to easily switch TailwindCSS resources generated by Laravel Jetstream and Breeze to Bootstrap 4.
The Hive is a simple php mvc framework
Hive framework The Hive is a simple php mvc framework . Information Features : -MVC design -PDO connection -OOP system -Twig template -Very Fast, simp
Payu payment gateway for bagisto laravel ecommerce open source platform
Bagisto Payu Payment Gateway Payu is a popular payment gateway in india. This package provides a additional strong help for the user to use the payu p
Project of Simple Blog using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, and BOOTSTRAP
Project-Stormwind Project of Simple Blog using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, and BOOTSTRAP Functions : A personal blog about Blizzard and their work Main Th
Real Estate Management System
Real-Estate-Management-System I found part of this website on the net. I modified the websites functionality a bit more and added an Admin module to i
A PHP Command Line tool that makes it easy to compile, concat, and minify front-end Javascript and CSS/SCSS dependencies.
Front End Compiler A PHP Command Line tool that makes it easy to compile, concat, and minify front-end Javascript and CSS/SCSS dependencies. The minif
Simple PASETO Auth support for Laravel PHP Framework
Laravel PASETO Simple PASETO Auth for Laravel PHP Framework using paragonie/paseto under the hood. Installation Standard Composer package installation
SDK for latest version of Telegram bots API
SDK for latest version of Telegram bots API (from April 24, 2020) Using Examples Installing composer require "DiyorbekUz/Telelib: dev-master" Init bot
A hacky PHP script to download posts, images, videos and framework grading from Parent Zone
ParentZoneDownloader A hacky PHP script to download posts, images, videos and framework grading from Parent Zone Pre-Requisites Tested on PHP 7.4, but
A complete, simple and powerful database framework written in PHP
BaseSQL BaseSQL is a complete database framework written in PHP. It was built to accelerate projects development by handle database connections and qu
Pengembangan website OSIS SMAN 17 Kabupaten Tangerang, dimulai dari tanggal 14 februari 2021
CodeIgniter 4 Application Starter What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, flexible and secure. More in
Um modelo de loja virtual utilizando HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap e PHP, utilizando ferramentas de edição de texto (VS Code), Edição de imagens (Adobe photoshop) e de vetorização (Adobe Illustrator).
Loja virtual fictícia Um modelo de loja virtual utilizando HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap e PHP, utilizando ferramentas de edição de texto (VS Code), Edição
🍃Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API
Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API. In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.
🍃 In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.
Termwind Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API. In short, it's like Tailwind CSS
A simple package allowing for consistent API responses throughout your Laravel application
Laravel API Response Helpers A simple package allowing for consistent API responses throughout your Laravel application. Requirements PHP ^7.4 | ^8.0
⚡ Micro API using Phalcon Framework
Micro App (Rest API) ⚡ Micro API using Phalcon PHP Framework. PHPDocs I. Requirements A Laptop 😉 Docker (docker-compose*) Makefile (cli) II. Installa
Yii Framework Symfony Mailer Integration
Yii Mailer Library - Symfony Mailer Extension This package is an adapter for yiisoft/mailer relying on symfony/mailer. Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher.
It's like Tailwind CSS, but for the console.
Tailcli allows building unique, beautiful command-line applications, using tailwind classes. It's like Tailwind CSS, but for the console. Installation
lara setups is a new star kit for installing latest and greetest version of vue js and bootstrap
Lara setups Introduction lara setups helps you to install latest bootstrap and vue.js version on your laravel project laravel team no longer supports
Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application
Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This app
Laravel Package for the ArCaptcha
Laravel ArCaptcha Package Laravel Package for the ArCaptcha This package supports PHP 7.3+. For PHP integration you can use mohammadv184/arcaptcha pac
模块化内容管理系统 modstart.com
一个模块式的快速开发框架 ModStart 是一个基于 Laravel 模块化的后台系统框架,很少的代码即可快速构建出一个功能完善的后台系统。其中模块市场包含了丰富则模块,开箱即用,让开发者能够从冗长的代码中提效,对后端开发者非常友好。 官方网站 Demo / 在线演示 模块市场 源码地址 / 码云
Simple JWT Auth support for Laravel PHP Framework
Laravel JWT Simple JWT Auth for Laravel PHP Framework using Firebase JWT under the hood. Installation Standard Composer package installation: composer
A super simple package allowing for use MySQL 'USE INDEX' and 'FORCE INDEX' statements.
Laravel MySQL Use Index Scope A super simple package allowing for use MySQL USE INDEX and FORCE INDEX statements. Requirements PHP ^7.4 | ^8.0 Laravel
A lightweight framework-agnostic library in pure PHP for part-of-speech tagging
N-ai php pos tagger A lightweight framework-agnostic library in pure PHP for part-of-speech tagging. Can be used for chatbots, personal assistants, ke
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS!
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS! Some information before we start This repo is only code related, to a
Tarantool connector for yii2 framework. Allow to use activerecord, schemas, widgets and more.
Tarantool connector for yii2 framework Tarantool connector for yii2 framework. Allow to use framework abstractions such as ActiveRecord, Schema, Table
Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony, using the ProcessWire CMS as DBAL and Service Provider.
Symprowire - PHP MVC Framework for ProcessWire 3.x Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony using ProcessWire 3.x as DBAL and Serv
a micro mvc framework for php
micro-mvc-php a micro mvc framework for php Config your Web url in .env . lifecycle All request proccess by index.php Autoload files include in bootst
Simple custom chat bot developing framework for telegram, qq and more in PHP (the best language)
RinoBot RinoBot 是一个为统一聊天机器人扩展开发的框架,编写一份插件用于多种机器人协议。 简体中文 | English 🚧 开发中 🚧 暂不适用于生产环境 特性 插件扩展机制 一份代码运行于多平台多协议机器人 并减小开发难度 插件提供 Yaml 配置 供使用者修改 基于机器人 We
Source control integration plugin framework for MantisBT, including support for Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Gitweb, Cgit, Subversion, Mercurial and more
Source control integration plugin framework for MantisBT, including support for Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Gitweb, Cgit, Subversion, Mercurial and more
A URL shortener with various other utilities, backed by a custom lightweight framework.
da.gd What is da.gd? da.gd is both a URL shortener and a collection of quick-info tools written in PHP. It allows you to use curl (or any http client)
PhpBoot is an easy and powerful PHP framework for building RESTful/Microservices APIs.
🚀 tiny & fast PHP framework for building Microservices/RESTful APIs, with useful features: IOC, Hook, ORM, RPC, Swagger, Annotation, Parameters binding, Validation, etc.
Public append-only ledger microservice built with Slim Framework
Chronicle is a self-hostable microservice, built with Slim Framework, which enables authorized users to commit arbitrary data to an immutable, append-only public ledger.
A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities.
Awesome WordPress A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities. Inspired by bayand
A custom WordPress nav walker class to fully implement the Twitter Bootstrap 4.0+ navigation style (v3-branch available for Bootstrap 3) in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager.
WP Bootstrap Navwalker This code in the main repo branch is undergoing a big shakeup to bring it in line with recent standards and to merge and test t
The easiest to use WordPress option framework.
Titan Framework The easiest to use WordPress options framework. Titan Framework allows theme and plugin developers to create admin pages, options, met
Esse Tema foi desenvolvido para ser uma ferramenta rápida na mão do desenvolvedor, através dele o desenvolvedor já pode criar o tema sem se preocupar com a estrutura de arquivos que já está pronta e com loops pré-definidos sem influencia em html/css
WP Developer Theme - WordPress Version 2.0 - WITH GULP Descrição em Português Esse Tema foi desenvolvido para ser uma ferramenta rápida na mão do dese
A better way to create WordPress themes.
Runway Framework for WordPress Visit the Runway website: RunwayWP.com A better way to create WordPress themes. Runway was built for creating WordPress
:rocket: Next Generation Template / Theme Framework
Gantry Framework Ready to get started with Gantry 5? That's great! We are here to help. On this page, you will get some quick tips to help you hit the
WordPress Framework based on parent theme
Cherry Framework The most delicious WordPress framework Fully responsive design, easy install, steady updates, great number of shortcodes and widgets,
Framework for building extensible server-side progressive applications for modern PHP.
Chevere 🔔 Subscribe to the newsletter to don't miss any update regarding Chevere. Framework for building extensible server-side progressive applicati
Known: a social group platform
Known: a social group platform Installation One-click Known sites If you want to install on your own web space, we recommend Reclaim Hosting, which in
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework.
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.
Larawiz is a easy project scaffolder for Laravel
Larawiz The Laravel 8 scaffolder you wanted but never got, until now! Use a single YAML file to create models, migrations, factories, seeders, pivot t
Integrated online shop based on Laravel LTS and the Aimeos e-commerce framework
⭐ Star us on GitHub — it motivates us a lot! 😀 Aimeos Laravel ecommerce platform Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and high performance e-com
a framework for WebDevelop based on the mvc structure. The name of this project for Fun because everyone can use it. Completely simple and powerful structure for all your projects
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Uma loja virtual de teclados feita nas aulas de PW-II na ETEC com PHP e bootstrap
etec-tectok-teclados Uma loja virtual de teclados feita nas aulas de PW-II na ETEC com PHP e bootstrap Translations: 🇺🇸 English tectok.herokuapp.com
Assets Manager for "Vitewind" Theme, will inject CSS and JS assets for "Vitewind" theme to work properly with viteJS in development and production
Vitewind Manager plugin 💨 Windi CSS and ⚡️ Vite, for 🍂 OctoberCMS & ❄️ WinterCMS Introduction This is a helper plugin for 💨 Vitewind theme, don't i
Mapa Faculdade Unicesumar
Doçaria Site para vitrine de produtos de uma loja ficticia. Tabela de conteúdos Sobre Tabela de Conteudo Status do Projeto Imagens Como usar Pre Requi
A library that improve your WordPress development experience. 🚀
UYCore WordPress The main idea of the UYCore WordPress library is to decrease development time and have enjoyed the development process. The UYCore li
A small CMS for SaaS - A tiny content management system
Fervoare CMS A tiny content management system Project created in 2012 and ported to GitHub in 2021. Getting started Assuming you have installed a LAMP
Fast PHP framework made with very loose optional components.
Nimble is a super fast mini-framework for PHP built on top of optional loose components. Installation Clone the repository $ git clone git@github.com:
A simple, extensible REST API framework for PHP
Note: This framework is not stable yet. Introduction Aphiria is a suite of small, decoupled PHP libraries that make up a REST API framework. It simpli
Open source ERP software. Built on modern PHP and bootstrap 4. Easy and powerful.
FacturaScripts Open source ERP software. Built on modern PHP and bootstrap 4. Easy and powerful. Install Clone and deploy with composer and npm (compo
Origin CMS for Laravel to kickstart your web applications
Installation git clone -b master https://github.com/akhileshdarjee/origin-cms.git Update new git project URL composer install cp .env.example .env php
Crater is an open-source web & mobile app that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates.
Introduction Crater is an open-source web & mobile app that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates. Web Applica
List of 77 languages for Laravel Framework 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova and Laravel Spark.
Laravel Lang In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier
This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application.
Slim 4 Skeleton This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application. Requirements PHP 7.4+ or 8.0+ MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB Recommended Apache