A better way to create WordPress themes.


Runway Framework for WordPress

Visit the Runway website: RunwayWP.com

A better way to create WordPress themes.

Runway was built for creating WordPress themes and it encompasses both of the classic meanings of "theme framework" as defined by the WordPress developers:

  • A drop-in code library that is used to facilitate development of a theme.
  • A stand-alone base/starter theme that is intended either to be forked into another theme, or else to be used as a parent theme template.

But Runway is much more than just a theme framework, Runway is a Theme Development Environment.

Integrated child theme management

Create a working environment - a Theme Development Environment - which contains many different Runway child themes and then use Runway to update any or all child themes with the very latest features ready to be exported as stand-alone themes and pushed to your clients as theme updates.

Runway - Themes

Create your own theme options

Runway features an Options Builder that makes it easy to build custom option pages for your theme. Instead of hand-coding a pile of complicated arrays, you can do it all with drag-and-drop and click-and-pick.

The Options Builder generates admin pages directly in your theme's admin menu. The new admin pages can be populated with inputs selected by you from the Options Builder interface. Group the content of admin pages with containers, or split the fields across tabs. There is even the ability to add custom fields so if you need something we didn't already think of you can add it yourself.

Options Builder Edit Screen

Manage the WordPress admin

No more hacking theme code, Runway will enable you to add, edit and organise theme menus without any coding. If a theme is built with Runway it makes it easy to customise the permissions and theme options for any custom admin structures. Quickly modify admin options specific to a client's needs using a nice admin interface.

Theme Options Menu

Extended and enhanced functionality

Runway is modular and much of its functionality comes from what we call extensions. In many ways Runway extensions are just like the WordPress plugins you will have become accustomed to using to extend and enhance theme functionality. The big difference is that when you export your finished theme Runway extensions become an integrated part of that theme as default features.

Just think. No more installing plugins on client sites or writing documentation for how to install them. No more worrying about building features that require a plugin only to have the client turn it off or delete it, breaking the theme. And because all child themes are underpinned by the same Runway framework, features that have been developed for one specific theme can easily be added to other themes. This enables you to push out advances in technology, even changes in design trends, to all your clients who use themes built with Runway.

Code Screenshot

To give you an idea of the power and the potential of Runway extensions, here are some that we are already developing:

Sync Tool

Synchronise as many sites as you need. You can keep sites synchronised in both directions, one-way or on demand as you choose. For easy control and faster development specify the exact parts you do and don't want to keep up to date. Using this extension tool you can also easily migrate a site from development server to production server. No more messing with database tables, changing URLs or other repetitive, laborious tasks. Push your local or live development to the production server with one click.

Content Types

Build custom post types, taxonomies and meta fields for your themes using a simple user interface. This enables you to turn your theme from being "just another WordPress blog" into a customised content management tool that directly addresses the needs of your client.

Custom Branding

Add your logos, branding and UI elements to the WordPress admin interface to custom brand it for your customers.

Admin Menu Editor

Create, edit and remove items from the WordPress admin menus. Edit the WordPress admin, organize existing menus, create custom theme menus.

Contact Fields

A contact form builder with custom input management. Forms can be added to any content with a shortcode.

Plugin Installer

Integrate required plugins into your theme, to install when the theme is activated.

Help Tabs

Make your sites easier to use and reduce support by making information easily available to clients directly from the admin area of their site. Add your own help details to any options page.

Custom Sidebars

Generate sidebars for adding widget content; include sidebars directly in your PHP templates or with shortcodes in site content.

Layout Manager

Integrate a custom layout builder directly into your theme. Apply layouts to pages, posts, custom post types and other uses for simple, granular control of your site's layouts. Manage the layouts with an easy drag-and-drop interface.

And that's just the beginning, merely the tip of the tip of a very big iceberg. You can expect much more not just from Parallelus but also from independent developers. And, of course, you can develop your own Runway extensions which you can distribute freely if you like, or even sell.

Designed for re-branding

Develop your themes with yourself and your clients in mind.

Just because your theme is using the Runway framework this doesn't mean you have to end up with a theme that is broadcasting that information. You can brand your theme any which way you like, we are not interested in taking credit for your creativity. It's 100% your theme.

Custom Branding

Export stand-alone themes

During the development stage you will most likely work with a parent/child relationship, where Runway is the parent and your custom, unique theme is the child. If you like you can distribute it this way when you are finished, but more likely you'll want to "package" the whole parent/child structure into a single, independent theme. This helps you to build individual brand recognition for your themes.

So when you have finished developing your theme it can be exported as a totally stand-alone theme, independent of the Runway framework.

Export Themes
  • code-editor-type field not displaying on standalone version of theme

    code-editor-type field not displaying on standalone version of theme

    Noticing an issue where a code-editor-type field works properly on a child theme of Runway, but fails to display on a standalone version of that theme. The data from that field is in the database, the field just isn't displaying.

    Let me know if you need any more info from me.

    child-theme From the child theme

    standalone From the stand alone theme

    bug Priority 1: High 
    opened by brettshumaker 17
  • problems with wordpress 4.3rc1

    problems with wordpress 4.3rc1

    Hi, I was trying out runway with my development copy of wordpress (4.3rc1). I noticed a few things:

    1. The extensions manager just shows the checkboxes (which still work) to select the extensions, nothing about them or an activate link or anything.
    2. The layout manager does not show the list of layouts to edit or delete once one is created, it only shows the places to assign layouts to different types of pages.
    3. The problem with the layout manager is possibly a problem with the sidebars manager as well, I'm unsure on that one. Anyway, I just figured I'd post here and give you a link to the wordpress.org forum topic I opened to see if it was wordpress's fault or runway's (I'm thinking it could be wordpress's, as it works fine in 4.2.3). https://wordpress.org/support/topic/tables-with-options-similar-to-the-plugin-manager-are-not-working-in-latest-43 Thanks, -Michael.
    opened by lilmike 13
  • Errors installing extensions

    Errors installing extensions

    When trying to install an extension from the admin, we're getting errors but aren't sure the cause. The first way attempted was through the Runway > Add-ons page, clicking the Install button which gave the error: The error upon an attempt to install Content Types extension

    One note here. That error message is not particularly well worded. Let's work in making it clearer and more descriptive. Maybe for an unknown error it could say, "There was an error while attempting to install the Content Types extension."

    Here's what we're seeing:


    Next, we tried uploading a ZIP file for an extension through the Runway > Extensions page. This gave a much more detailed response. It printed the following error message on the screen.

    Warning: ZipArchive::open() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in runway/wp-content/themes/runway-framework/framework/includes/extensions-manager/settings-object.php on line 505 Warning: file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in runway/wp-content/themes/runway-framework/framework/includes/extensions-manager/settings-object.php on line 507 Warning: ZipArchive::open() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in runway/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 585 Warning: is_file() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in runway/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php on line 1384 Warning: ZipArchive::getStatusString(): Invalid or unitialized Zip object in runway/wp-content/themes/runway-framework/framework/includes/extensions-manager/settings-object.php on line 510


    I'm thinking we're seeing a problem with the ZipArchive PHP extension on this server failing. I'm not entirely sure why the problem doesn't happen with the default WP uploader since we're now using default WP functions to extract archives. It should perform the same. I'm doing further testing now and if I have any more details I will post them here.

    Let me know if we need server access for the site where this is occurring to do any advanced testing.

    bug Priority 1: High fixed 
    opened by parallelus 11
  • font-select-type.php


    hi All

    i had download the framework, and generate the child theme liftoff.

    after that i download this theme as standalone, then i upload to my website.

    there is a fatal error shown when chose to customize the theme

    fatal error call to undefined function runway_admin_themes_list_prepare in font-select-type.php line 64. and the customize panel freeze and shown white page

    bug Priority 3: Low 
    opened by MrAhmad 8
  • Error on Dashboard

    Error on Dashboard

    We've received a report of an error from the Dashboard, specific to the credits page. Details of the error message:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /wp-content/themes/runway-framework/framework/includes/dashboard/settings-object.php on line 66

    I didn't find any specific cause for this but I'm going to suggest removing the dashboard folder as a temporary fix. I'm not seeing a lot of error checking around the code where this error is reporting and that may be all we need.

    There have been cases in previous areas where an array was created using [1,2,3] format and caused errors for some users. This may be similar.

    Details from the user reported here: http://runwaywp.com/support/topic/doesnt-install/

    bug Priority 1: High fixed 
    opened by parallelus 8
  • Translation strings updates for variables.

    Translation strings updates for variables.

    We need to convert these instances of the translation strings to use sprintf() or a similar function which plugs variables into a string:

    1. https://github.com/parallelus/Runway-Framework/blob/master/runway-framework/framework/includes/report-manager/settings-object.php#L73
    2. https://github.com/parallelus/Runway-Framework/blob/master/runway-framework/framework/includes/report-manager/settings-object.php#L78
    enhancement Priority 3: Low fixed 
    opened by parallelus 6
  • $wp_filesystem->get_contents() not working on some set-ups

    $wp_filesystem->get_contents() not working on some set-ups

    We've had a handful of Vellum users tell us that after updating to Vellum v1.4+ they can no longer see an Appearance > Theme Options menu item, and if they try to manually go to the URL for that admin page they get a "you do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" error message.

    I was able to look into this on one customer's server and I found that reverting to the file_get_contents() function in 'framework/includes/options-page-render/load.php' fixed the issue on their server.

    See here → http://para.llel.us/support/groups/vellum/forum/topic/cannot-access-theme-options-not-sufficient-access-rights-error/?topic_page=2&num=15#post-70010

    Help Center topics: → http://para.llel.us/support/groups/vellum/forum/topic/no-theme-option-in-vellum-1-4-1-after-update/ → http://para.llel.us/support/groups/vellum/forum/topic/cannot-access-theme-options-not-sufficient-access-rights-error/ → http://para.llel.us/support/groups/vellum/forum/topic/problem-with-last-updates-cant-see-theme-options-menu/ → http://para.llel.us/support/groups/vellum/forum/topic/problem-with-last-updates-cant-see-theme-options-menu/#post-69029

    Priority 3: Low fixed 
    opened by jeffwalker99 6
  • Download Directory: Redesign and updates

    Download Directory: Redesign and updates

    Runway > Add-ons

    Following the design and functionality of the default WordPress "Add New" themes interface, we will be implementing a more visual style to the Download Directory. The update includes several changes to the existing structure beyond just the new look.

    Menu name and location

    The "Downloads" main menu item should to be removed and instead a new item under the main "Runway" menu will be added. The new menu name, "Add-ons", will load the downloads directory. The new menu item should be the 3rd item in the "Runway" menu, showing immediately after "Extensions".


    Design Update

    The new design follows the structure of the WP themes page. When you click the "Add New" button on the "Appearance > Themes" page it loads a layout showing thumbnails for each item. The display is responsive and changes the size and number of items on each row automatically. I would like to duplicate the HTML and CSS of this WP area as much as possible to reuse existing native WP code and functionality. We will write in overrides to the functionality and display as needed to modify the page.

    The page will have a categories sub-menu with tabs for "Themes", "Extensions", "Plugins" and "Fields". The "Fields" category link will be hidden initially until some other new features are added.



    Hover Display

    Looking at the mock-up above, the "Content Types" item (2nd row, 1st item) shows the desired hover effect. The screenshot will overlay with a solid color and the excerpt text description.

    Button Actions


    Free Items

    Free items will be displayed with an "Install" button visible on the lower right of the item.


    Paid Items

    Paid items will be displayed with a "Details" button. The button will link to the item page on the RunwayWP.com site (opens in new window).

    Paid items that have already been purchased (with an active license) by the user should also get the "Install" button. This requires a user to be logged in through the "Accounts" area of the Runway admin.

    Auto Loading Infinite Scroll

    Just like the default WP area, new items should be loaded automatically as the page scrolls to reveal more items in the current category.

    Long Titles


    Long titles should not wrap to a second line. The text should extend to the right inside an overflow hidden container. The right side of the container should have a gradient effect to fade the title to the edge for a smoother appearance.

    Other Stuff

    There are a few details still being worked out related to integration with the Runway > Themes and Runway > Extensions areas. Since these will not impact this issue directly but still have a relationship with this area we will update this issue as needed to account for this integration.

    enhancement Priority 2: Medium fixed 
    opened by parallelus 6
  • New data-type for font select and Google fonts.

    New data-type for font select and Google fonts.

    We need to create a new data-type for allowing a font select. From the Options Builder you would essentially have a series of options such as checking a box to choose to include Google Fonts and a custom input (array builder) like you have in other select options to specify custom system fonts or web safe fonts that you would like to include. We might have to build that section as a checkbox array to allow you to choose the which fonts you want to include.

    The most difficult part of the process is that we need to figure out how to output the values selected by the user into the theme, which is not as straight forward as a typical select where you can grab the value and apply it as you like. In this case we’ll have to figure out a way to make it easy for you to output the Google font selection into the theme as well as apply the font face as a CSS value. We’ve done it before in our themes, however we always applied each of the values with a conditional test and I feel like it’s easier if we can make a function call that would allow the framework to apply the settings as needed. It’s just a bit more complicated than a standard select because it takes advantage of these external font libraries. We’ll figure it out and get something simple and easy to use for whatever we end up building.


    If a Google font is used, we need to also have the front end output generate the necessary request to include the font. For example, a font select using Google fonts should output some type of output like this:

    $font_options = get_options_data('options-page', 'default-font');
    if ($font_options['google']) {
        $googleFont = $font_options['google'];
        $query_args = array( 'family' => $googleFont['family'], 'subset' => $googleFont['subset'] );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'google-font', add_query_arg( $query_args, "//fonts.googleapis.com/css" ), array(), null );

    There will be more to it than this, but as a start this should give us a basic structure we can build on.

    enhancement Priority 2: Medium 
    opened by parallelus 6
  • PHP translation file for Options Builder, Layout Manager and other dynamic Extensions.

    PHP translation file for Options Builder, Layout Manager and other dynamic Extensions.

    To achieve full admin translation of dynamic pages and content, we need to incorporate a PHP file with all the strings coming from JSON files. Currently we have JSON files produced by the Options Builder, Layout Manager and a number of other extensions like Sidebars, etc. The text strings in the JSON files cannot be parsed for translation the way a normal PHP file would. To achieve the translation, I believe we need to write a PHP file for each of these JSON files that contains a list of all the text strings that would normally be wrapped in a translation function.

    I believe the easiest way to achieve this is to create a new sub-folder inside the "data/" directory, "data/translation/", where we can save a PHP file for each of the JSON files needing translation strings.

    If we have an options page such as "data/pages/1364922574.json" there would also be a translation file, "data/translation/pages/1364922574.php", and inside this file we would have a list of translation strings such as:

    // Translation strings
    __('The Option Title', 'framework');
    __('Option description for this field.', 'framework');
    __('Another Title', 'framework');
    __('Yet another description for a field', 'framework');
    __('One More Title', 'framework');
    __('And just one more field description.', 'framework');

    We must remember to update these strings each time we save a page in the Options Builder, the same way we update the JSON file. I think it would be best to simply rewrite the file the same as we rewrite the JSON file, it keeps things simple. We also need to ensure that if an Options Builder page is deleted, we delete the PHP translation file also.

    There would be one more step required to achieve the full translation, during the output of the options pages or any extensions making use of the translations, we must invoke the translation function during the text output. I think this will require the use of call_user_func() to force the translation to be processed. It might not work this way, but I am thinking we can output the text by passing a variable with the current string is a method such as:

    $the_string_from_json = 'An Option Title';
    echo call_user_func( '__', $the_string_from_json, 'framework' );

    If this method works, we can process the translation by passing a string stored in a variable to the __() function using the text domain 'framework'. I have not tested this, but I believe this is the basic structure that will make backend translation of dynamic strings from data files possible. You may have to experiment with this and if you need my feedback please let me know.

    enhancement Priority 1: High 
    opened by parallelus 6
  • Theme options pages not working with altered WP admin folder permissions.

    Theme options pages not working with altered WP admin folder permissions.

    We have a report of a problem with theme admin menus not appearing, missing menu icons and other theme options specific weirdness on installs where the wp-admin directory has modified permissions.

    The report spcifies the issue happenes when following the instructions for hardening the directory permsssions of the wp-admin directory as described here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress#File_Permissions

    The framework makes no specific call to write to the admin directory. It's not needed but it's possible we're seeing a side effect of another feature. Possibly there is a check for this permission or another feature is calling upon a file located in the wp-admin directory to perform a task and as a result it's a cascading permission issue? It will require some exploring to figure out.

    The details from the user are posted here: http://runwaywp.com/support/topic/fresh-install/

    bug Priority 3: Low 
    opened by parallelus 5
  • Calling home security issue

    Calling home security issue

    The request to http://para.llel.us/accounts/api/index.php in every single admin page leaks data to the internet and blocks page load.


    opened by netAction 0
  • PHP notices in admin with fresh install when theme activated

    PHP notices in admin with fresh install when theme activated

    With a fresh install, when I first activate theme seeing these notices in admin...

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_false in /xxx/xxx/xxx/parallelus-frontrunner/wp-content/themes/parallelus-frontrunner/framework/includes/load-functions.php on line 759

    bug fixed 
    opened by b-shtybin 1
  • get_options_data() returns an empty string instead of the passed default when the option isn't set

    get_options_data() returns an empty string instead of the passed default when the option isn't set

    From this point on:

    $value[ $option ] = isset( $value[ $option ] ) ? $value[ $option ] : '';

    doing an isset( $value[ $option ] ) check will always succeed, thus get_options_data() will just return an empty string instead of whatever is passed as $default when the option isn't set.

    opened by TonyBogdanov 0
  • Customizer: avoid showing tab title when there is only one tab and one container

    Customizer: avoid showing tab title when there is only one tab and one container

    I want to show one level menu for my options in the customizer as WordPress does with Site identity.

    image One tab

    image One container

    This is bad for user experience. Is there any hack that would allow me to do this?

    opened by delmicio 0
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