Easy handle APlayer on WordPress. A shortcode for WordPress to using APlayer.



Easy handle APlayer on WordPress. A shortcode for WordPress to using APlayer.

Support [audio] tag, compatible with AMP.


  • WordPress
  • APlayer

How To Using

Put class.aplayer.php into your theme folder, then put this following code to your theme functions.php:

class_exists('APlayerHandle') or require(get_template_directory() . '/class.aplayer.php');
$aplayer = new APlayerHandle;

Shortcode example:

[aplayer mutex="true" autoplay="true" theme="#b7daff" preload="auto" mode="circulation" maxheight="500"]
[aplayer_trac title="あっちゅ~ま青春!" author="七森中☆ごらく部" src="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/あっちゅ~ま青春!.mp3" pic="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/あっちゅ~ま青春!.jpg"]
[aplayer_trac title="回レ!雪月花" author="小倉唯" src="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/回レ!雪月花.mp3" pic="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/回レ!雪月花.jpg"]

Audio tag shortcode example:

[audio src="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/あっちゅ~ま青春!.mp3" title="あっちゅ~ま青春!" author="七森中☆ごらく部"]

More information: https://kn007.net/topics/wordpress-blog-use-new-html5-player-aplayer/

Thank you list

DIYgod, the author of APlayer. Github repo


kn007's blog





  • WordPress
  • APlayer



class_exists('APlayerHandle') or require(get_template_directory() . '/class.aplayer.php');
$aplayer = new APlayerHandle;


[aplayer mutex="true" autoplay="true" theme="#b7daff" preload="auto" mode="circulation" maxheight="500"]
[aplayer_trac title="あっちゅ~ま青春!" author="七森中☆ごらく部" src="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/あっちゅ~ま青春!.mp3" pic="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/あっちゅ~ま青春!.jpg"]
[aplayer_trac title="回レ!雪月花" author="小倉唯" src="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/回レ!雪月花.mp3" pic="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/回レ!雪月花.jpg"]


[audio src="http://devtest.qiniudn.com/あっちゅ~ま青春!.mp3" title="あっちゅ~ま青春!" author="七森中☆ごらく部"]






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